• 제목/요약/키워드: Challenges

검색결과 5,818건 처리시간 0.029초

Oral food challenges in children

  • Yum, Hye-Yung;Yang, Hyeon-Jong;Kim, Kyung-Won;Song, Tae-Won;Kim, Woo-Kyung;Kim, Jung-Hee;Ahn, Kang-Mo;Kim, Hyun-Hee;Lee, Soo-Young;Pyun, Bok-Yang
    • Clinical and Experimental Pediatrics
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    • 제54권1호
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    • pp.6-10
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    • 2011
  • Many patients assume that allergic reactions against foods are responsible for triggering or worsening their allergic symptoms. Therefore, it is important to identify patients who would benefit from an elimination diet, while avoiding unnecessary dietary restrictions. The diagnosis of food allergy depends on the thorough review of the patients's medical history, results of supplemented trials of dietary elimination, and in vivo and in vitro tests for measuring specific IgE levels. However, in some cases the reliability of such procedures is suboptimal. Oral food challenges are procedures employed for making an accurate diagnosis of immediate and occasionally delayed adverse reactions to foods. The timing and type of the challenge, preparation of patients, foods to be tested, and dosing schedule should be determined on the basis of the patient's history, age, and experience. Although double-blind, placebo-controlled food challenges(DBPCFC) are used to establish definitively if a food is the cause of adverse reactions, they are time-consuming, expensive and troublesome for physician and patients. In practice, An open challenge controlled by trained personnel is sufficient especially in infants and young children. The interpretation of the results and follow-up after a challenge are also important. Since theses challenges are relatively safe and informative, controlled oral food challenges could become the measure of choice in children.

한국의학교육의 새로운 과제: 불확실성이 큰 문제상황에 대처하는 능력의 강화 (New Challenges for Korean Medical Education: Enhancing Students' Abilities to Deal with Uncertain Ill-Defined Problems)

  • 최익선;윤보영
    • 의학교육논단
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    • 제16권3호
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    • pp.111-118
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    • 2014
  • Over the last century, medical education in North America has evolved by identifying educational challenges within its own socio-cultural context and by appropriately responding to these challenges. A discipline-based curriculum, organ-system or integrated curriculum, problem-based curriculum, and competency-based curriculum are historical examples of the educational solutions that have been developed and refined to address specific educational challenges, such as students' lack of basic scientific knowledge, lack of integration between scientific knowledge and clinical practice, and lack of clinical practice. In contrast, Korean medical education has evolved with the influence of two forces: (1) the adoption of educational solutions developed in North America by pioneers who have identified urgent needs for medical education reform in Korea over the last three decades, and (2) the revitalization of Korean medical schools' curricula through medical education accreditation and national medical licensing examination. Despite this progressive evolution in Korean medical education, we contend that it faces two major challenges in order to advance to the next level. First, Korean medical education should identify its own problems in medical education and iteratively develop educational solutions within its own socio-cultural context. Secondly, to raise reflective doctors who have scientific knowledge and professional commitment to deal with different types of medical problems within a continuum from well-defined to ill-defined, medical education should develop innovative ways to provide students with a balanced spectrum of clinical problems, including uncertain, ill-defined problems.

마이스터고 및 특성화고 교사와 산업체가 인식하는 직업기초능력평가 문제해결능력 영역의 성과와 과제 분석 (Analysis of Outcomes and Challenges on Problem Solving Ability Domain of Test for Enhanced Employ ability & Upgraded Proficiency by Meister and Specialized Vocational High School teachers and Industrial Workers)

  • 함승연
    • 수산해양교육연구
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    • 제27권4호
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    • pp.948-962
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    • 2015
  • The purpose of this study was to inquiry of outcomes and challenges of Meister high school' and specialized vocational high school' teachers and industrial workers on problem solving ability domain of test for enhanced employ ability & upgraded proficiency, and what were outcomes and challenges of main factor by Meister high school and specialized vocational high school' teachers and industrial workers. Research subjects and region were teachers of Meister high schools and specialized vocational high schools in Gyeongsangnamdo and industrial workers in Gyeonggido. The sample(N=147) was drawn from Meister high school' teachers(N=90), specialized vocational high school' teachers(N=25) and industrial workers(N=32), and collected data were analyzed with SPSS using average, standard deviation, cross analysis, verification F. The results are as follows: The biggest outcomes of problem solving ability domain of test for enhanced employ ability & upgraded proficiency was change of educational direction for promoting core competency on specialized high school & Meister High School's students. The biggest positive ripple effects of the outcomes was also change of educational direction for promoting core competency on specialized high school & Meister High School's students. The biggest challenges of problem solving ability domain of test for enhanced employ ability & upgraded proficiency was importance of challenges was expansion of teacher training and lecture on the Test for Enhanced Employ ability & Upgraded Proficiency.

Monitoring Compliance and Examining Challenges of a Smoke-free Policy in Jayapura, Indonesia

  • Wahyuti, Wahyuti;Hasairin, Suci K.;Mamoribo, Sherly N.;Ahsan, Abdillah;Kusuma, Dian
    • Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health
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    • 제52권6호
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    • pp.427-432
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    • 2019
  • Objectives: In Indonesia, 61 million adults smoked in 2018, and 59 million were exposed to secondhand smoke at offices or restaurants in 2011. The Presidential Decree 109/2012 encouraged local governments to implement a smoke-free policy (SFP), and the city of Jayapura enacted a local bill (1/2015) to that effect in 2015. This study aimed to evaluate compliance with this bill and to explore challenges in implementing it. Methods: We conducted a mixed-methods study. Quantitatively, we assessed compliance of facilities with 6 criteria (per the bill): the presence of signage, the lack of smoking activity, the lack of sale of tobacco, the lack of tobacco advertisements, the lack of cigarette smoke, and the lack of ashtrays. We surveyed 192 facilities, including health facilities, educational facilities, places of worship, government offices, and indoor and outdoor public facilities. Qualitatively, we explored challenges in implementation by interviewing 19 informants (government officers, students, and community members). Results: The rate of compliance with all 6 criteria was 17% overall, ranging from 0% at outdoor public facilities to 50% at health facilities. Spatial patterning was absent, as shown by similar compliance rates for SFP facilities within a 1-km boundary around the provincial and city health offices compared to those outside the boundary. Implementation challenges included (1) a limited budget for enforcement, (2) a lack of support from local non-governmental organizations and universities, (3) a lack of public awareness at the facilities themselves, and (4) a lack of examples set by local leaders. Conclusions: Overall compliance was low in Jayapura due to many challenges. This information provides lessons regarding tobacco control policy in underdeveloped areas far from the central government.

Thematic Analysis for Classifying the E-Learning Challenges and the Suggested Solutions: The Unusual Era of the COVID-19

  • Nazari, Behzad;Hussin, AB Razak Bin Che;Niknejad, Naghmeh
    • International Journal of Internet, Broadcasting and Communication
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    • 제13권4호
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    • pp.79-89
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    • 2021
  • Electronic learning (e-learning) empowers the higher education in providing sustainable instruction during the infrequent circumstance when the wide-spreading disastrous challenge of the COVID-19 results in the closure of various sectors in the society. During this time, e-learning serves the levels of the education sector such as higher education well by delivering and receiving materials from distance with respect to movement restrictions imposed by the government, for example the Movement Control Order (MCO) in Malaysia. In this qualitative survey, the existing e-learning challenges and the recommended solutions to the problems from the senior lecturers' perspectives were collected through an online open-ended questionnaire. A number of five senior lecturers out of eight at the Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM) answered the questionnaire. The UTM has been capable of providing e-learning courses for all of its lecturers and students during the closure of higher education institutions owing to the pernicious health conditions stemmed from the crisis of the COVID-19. The major existing challenges found in the e-learning program at the UTM and the suggested solutions to address them are listed and the main themes are illustrated in the word cloud format using the NVivo software. In the end, the conclusion is paragraphed and the future work is proposed. Overall, the purpose of this study is to address the e-learning challenges and to prepare a list of recommendations that can serve as solutions from the standpoint of the UTM senior lecturers during the MCO in Malaysia.

Issues and Challenges in the Extraction and Mapping of Linked Open Data Resources with Recommender Systems Datasets

  • Nawi, Rosmamalmi Mat;Noah, Shahrul Azman Mohd;Zakaria, Lailatul Qadri
    • Journal of Information Science Theory and Practice
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    • 제9권2호
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    • pp.66-82
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    • 2021
  • Recommender Systems have gained immense popularity due to their capability of dealing with a massive amount of information in various domains. They are considered information filtering systems that make predictions or recommendations to users based on their interests and preferences. The more recent technology, Linked Open Data (LOD), has been introduced, and a vast amount of Resource Description Framework data have been published in freely accessible datasets. These datasets are connected to form the so-called LOD cloud. The need for semantic data representation has been identified as one of the next challenges in Recommender Systems. In a LOD-enabled recommendation framework where domain awareness plays a key role, the semantic information provided in the LOD can be exploited. However, dealing with a big chunk of the data from the LOD cloud and its integration with any domain datasets remains a challenge due to various issues, such as resource constraints and broken links. This paper presents the challenges of interconnecting and extracting the DBpedia data with the MovieLens 1 Million dataset. This study demonstrates how LOD can be a vital yet rich source of content knowledge that helps recommender systems address the issues of data sparsity and insufficient content analysis. Based on the challenges, we proposed a few alternatives and solutions to some of the challenges.

The Opportunities and Challenges of Implementing BEAM Plus in Hong Kong from the Perspectives of Government and Developers

  • Lau, Ka-ho;Fu, Man-man;Yim, Yik-fung;Zayed, Tarek;Sun, Yi
    • 국제학술발표논문집
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    • The 8th International Conference on Construction Engineering and Project Management
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    • pp.333-342
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    • 2020
  • Due to the enhancing environmental concerns worldwide with the need of increasing demand for sustainability of building design, maintenance and operation, key stakeholders including the government and developers in many countries strike for the benefits in implementing the green design and building concepts in constructing, infrastructure as well as the buildings. Different countries have their standards or certifications for green buildings while the adoption rate of BEAM-Plus in HK is relatively less compared with other developed countries such as Europe, USA and Japan. Therefore, in the present research, BEAM-Plus, the beginning assessment method of green standard implemented in HK, will be mainly discussed. Current situation of BEAM-Plus implementation in HK will be reviewed and then adopt a systematic approach via literature review and research paper, questionnaire with Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) method to depict the opportunities and challenges from the perspective of government and developers regarding implementing BEAM-Plus in HK and thus investigate the implementation gaps. It is found that for both the macro level of opportunity and challenge, the most important criterion is political, in which the weighting value are 0.3114 and 0.2321 respectively. It is obvious that government plays a critical and significant role in affecting the development of BEAM plus. Technological difficulty is also an important factor that challenging and hindering the implementation of BEAM plus, the weighting value is 0.2194 under challenge hierarchy. More experts and professionals should be imported to Hong Kong to enhance the technique is building green buildings. At the end of this paper, solutions and actions will also be suggested and concluded in alleviating the challenges. Finally, solutions and actions are suggested and concluded in alleviating the challenges. Findings from this research can guide developers to consider adopting green elements, government and Green Building Council in HK to review green buildings' policy.

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챌린지에 나타난 Z세대의 협업 정보 활동 - 국내 대학생을 중심으로 - (Analysis of Z Generation's Collaborative Information Activities through Challenges: Focusing on Korean College Students)

  • 강지혜
    • 한국도서관정보학회지
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    • 제55권1호
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    • pp.173-192
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    • 2024
  • 본 연구는 대학생 설문을 통해 Z세대가 일상적으로 협업을 하면서 어떻게 정보와 상호작용하는지 그 과정과 양상을 설명하였다. 본 연구는 특별히 급진적 변화 이론(Radical Change Theory)을 적용하여 대학생은 챌린지를 어떤 플랫폼으로 진행하며 어떤 정보행동을 보이는지, 또한 어떤 변화하는 관점을 적용하는지 알아보았다. 대학생들은 인스타그램과 네이버 블로그 등의 플랫폼을 주로 활용하여 챌린지에 참여하였다. 이론의 정보탐색 유형 가운데 첫 번째 유형인 정보탐색의 변화 측면에서는, 정보를 탐색하는 방식이 10여 년 전 디지털 시대가 도래할 때와는 사뭇 다르게 폭넓고 다양한 정보 행동이 관찰되었다. 정보원은 디지털화된 정보원뿐만 아니라 전통적인 정보원인 단행본이나 인적 정보원도 활발하게 활용하였다. 복합 매체의 정보 종류를 가장 많이 활용하였으며, 챌린지를 위해서는 자발적으로 협업을 진행하였다. 정보 행동의 유형2인 변화하는 관점 측면에서 정보획득과 지식확보를 위한 주요 동기가 챌린지를 참여하게 하였으며, 상호영향의식, 사회적 참여의식과 정서적 연계 등의 공동체 의식을 느끼는 것으로 나타났다.

The Role of Logistics Management Information Systems in Sustaining Healthcare Infrastructure in Rural Kazakhstan

    • 유통과학연구
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    • 제22권10호
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    • pp.13-30
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    • 2024
  • Purpose: This study aims to investigate the role of Logistics Management Information Systems (LMIS) in supporting healthcare infrastructure in rural Kazakhstan, and to identify the benefits and challenges of implementing LMIS in these settings. Methodology: A mixed-methods approach was used, combining both qualitative and quantitative data. A survey of healthcare professionals was conducted to gather data on current practices and challenges, while interviews with stakeholders provided additional insights into the potential benefits and limitations of LMIS. A literature review on LMIS in healthcare was also conducted to inform the study. Results: The study found that Logistics Management Information Systems (LMIS) can improve rural healthcare by enhancing resource allocation, patient care, and decision-making. However, challenges include infrastructure limitations, training needs, data privacy concerns, and financial constraints. Addressing these challenges can unlock LMIS's potential to transform rural healthcare. Conclusion: This study demonstrates the potential of LMIS to improve healthcare access and quality in rural Kazakhstan. While there are implementation challenges, these can be addressed through targeted investments in infrastructure, training, and data security. The findings of this study have important implications for policymakers, healthcare professionals, and other stakeholders seeking to improve healthcare outcomes in rural areas.

Application of Permanent Magnet Synchronous Machines in Automotive Steering Systems

  • Sebastian Tomy;Islam Mohammad S.;Mir Sayeed
    • KIEE International Transaction on Electrical Machinery and Energy Conversion Systems
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    • 제5B권2호
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    • pp.111-117
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    • 2005
  • Several of the conventional hydraulic systems in an automobile are now being replaced by more reliable and energy efficient electromechanical systems. Developments in the brushless permanent magnet machine and in the power and control electronics are the key factors responsible for this transformation. These applications brought out some performance challenges associated with the brushless machines. This paper will focus on these challenges to be able to use these machines in such applications. In terms of replacing hydraulic systems with electromechanical systems, steering system is leading the way in automobiles. Currently, steering systems using Electro-hydraulically assisted systems and Electrically assisted (Electromechanical) systems are in the market. Though the Electrically assisted power steering has several advantages over other systems, certain performance and cost challenges delayed the penetration of such systems in to the market.