• Title/Summary/Keyword: Chain Management#1

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A study about the effects of online commerce on the local retail commercial area (온라인 거래의 증가가 지역 소매 상권에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Kangbae
    • Economic Analysis
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    • v.25 no.2
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    • pp.54-95
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    • 2019
  • The purpose of this study is to analyze quantitatively and qualitatively the effects of the increase in online shopping and its effects on real-world commercial outlets. The empirical analysis of this study is based on the results of "Census on Establishments" and "Online Shopping Survey" that cover 15 years, from 2002 to 2016. According to the results of this study, the increase in the number of online transactions affects the decrease in the number of stores in the real-world retail sector. However, non-specialized large stores and chain convenience stores showed an increase in the number of stores. In addition, the number of F&B stores increased the most in line with the increase in online transactions. This is because the increase in online transactions and in internet users led to the use of more delivery applications and the introduction of popular places on blogs or through social media. Street-level rents for medium and large-sized locations increased. In other words, it is seen that the demand for differentiated real-world stores that provide a good user experience increases, even though online transactions also increase. These results suggest that real-world stores should provide good user experiences in their physical locations with a certain size and assortment of goods.

A Case of Lymphoepithelial Cyst Mimicking Cervical Plexus Schwannoma (경부신경총에서 기인한 신경초종으로 오인된 림프상피성낭종 1예)

  • Jeong Hwan Kim;Byung Jae Kang;Min Suk Kim;Hong Jin Kim;Ye Hwan Lee;HwaEun Oh;Kyung Ho Oh;Soon Young Kwon
    • Korean Journal of Head & Neck Oncology
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    • v.39 no.2
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    • pp.49-54
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    • 2023
  • Neck masses can have various origins and diverse presentations, making accurate diagnosis challenging. Schwannomas and lymphoepithelial cysts are commonly encountered neck tumors, and it is hard to get differential diagnosis. A 50-year-old woman presented with a progressively enlarging right neck mass discovered five years ago. Upon examination, a 3 cm firm, non-tender, and mobile tumor was found in the right neck level II region. Imaging studies suggested a tumor originating from the cervical sympathetic chain. The patient underwent a resection of the tumor under general anesthesia. Postoperative follow-up showed no complications or signs of recurrence. However, contrary to the initial suspicion of a schwannoma, the final pathological examination revealed a lymphoepithelial cyst. In this paper, we present a case of a cervical lymphoepithelial cyst misdiagnosed as a schwannoma, aiming to compare the clinical and histological characteristics of these two tumors and provide insights into appropriate diagnosis and management.

The Influence of IoT Technological Characteristics on Expected Achievement and Adoption Intention of SCM: On the Perspectives of Chinese Physical Supply Chain and Distribution Industry (사물인터넷(IoT) 기술특성이 SCM 기대성과 및 도입의도에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구: 중국 물류공급망 및 유통업체를 대상으로)

  • Shang Meng;Yong Ho Shin;Chul Woo Lee;Jun Ho Mun
    • Information Systems Review
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    • v.19 no.3
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    • pp.1-21
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    • 2017
  • The Internet of Things (IoT) analysis aims to verify the technical characteristics, performance expectations, and adoption intentions of IoT. This work refers to IoT data from foreign and domestic publications and websites as well as aims to benefit related organizations by referring to reports from agencies. The literature review summarizes the relevant theories and background of the unified theory of acceptance and use of technology. The SPSS 22.0 software and structural equation models (smart PLS 2.0) are used in the data analysis. Technical statistics analysis, reliability analysis, validity analysis, structural equation models, and statistical methods are employed to test the research hypotheses, that is, the technical characteristics of IoT will have positive effects on its performance expectations. This study introduces the characteristics and expected performance of IoT to present relevant IoT guidelines for companies that aim to adopt such technology.

Real-time CRM Strategy of Big Data and Smart Offering System: KB Kookmin Card Case (KB국민카드의 빅데이터를 활용한 실시간 CRM 전략: 스마트 오퍼링 시스템)

  • Choi, Jaewon;Sohn, Bongjin;Lim, Hyuna
    • Journal of Intelligence and Information Systems
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    • v.25 no.2
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    • pp.1-23
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    • 2019
  • Big data refers to data that is difficult to store, manage, and analyze by existing software. As the lifestyle changes of consumers increase the size and types of needs that consumers desire, they are investing a lot of time and money to understand the needs of consumers. Companies in various industries utilize Big Data to improve their products and services to meet their needs, analyze unstructured data, and respond to real-time responses to products and services. The financial industry operates a decision support system that uses financial data to develop financial products and manage customer risks. The use of big data by financial institutions can effectively create added value of the value chain, and it is possible to develop a more advanced customer relationship management strategy. Financial institutions can utilize the purchase data and unstructured data generated by the credit card, and it becomes possible to confirm and satisfy the customer's desire. CRM has a granular process that can be measured in real time as it grows with information knowledge systems. With the development of information service and CRM, the platform has change and it has become possible to meet consumer needs in various environments. Recently, as the needs of consumers have diversified, more companies are providing systematic marketing services using data mining and advanced CRM (Customer Relationship Management) techniques. KB Kookmin Card, which started as a credit card business in 1980, introduced early stabilization of processes and computer systems, and actively participated in introducing new technologies and systems. In 2011, the bank and credit card companies separated, leading the 'Hye-dam Card' and 'One Card' markets, which were deviated from the existing concept. In 2017, the total use of domestic credit cards and check cards grew by 5.6% year-on-year to 886 trillion won. In 2018, we received a long-term rating of AA + as a result of our credit card evaluation. We confirmed that our credit rating was at the top of the list through effective marketing strategies and services. At present, Kookmin Card emphasizes strategies to meet the individual needs of customers and to maximize the lifetime value of consumers by utilizing payment data of customers. KB Kookmin Card combines internal and external big data and conducts marketing in real time or builds a system for monitoring. KB Kookmin Card has built a marketing system that detects realtime behavior using big data such as visiting the homepage and purchasing history by using the customer card information. It is designed to enable customers to capture action events in real time and execute marketing by utilizing the stores, locations, amounts, usage pattern, etc. of the card transactions. We have created more than 280 different scenarios based on the customer's life cycle and are conducting marketing plans to accommodate various customer groups in real time. We operate a smart offering system, which is a highly efficient marketing management system that detects customers' card usage, customer behavior, and location information in real time, and provides further refinement services by combining with various apps. This study aims to identify the traditional CRM to the current CRM strategy through the process of changing the CRM strategy. Finally, I will confirm the current CRM strategy through KB Kookmin card's big data utilization strategy and marketing activities and propose a marketing plan for KB Kookmin card's future CRM strategy. KB Kookmin Card should invest in securing ICT technology and human resources, which are becoming more sophisticated for the success and continuous growth of smart offering system. It is necessary to establish a strategy for securing profit from a long-term perspective and systematically proceed. Especially, in the current situation where privacy violation and personal information leakage issues are being addressed, efforts should be made to induce customers' recognition of marketing using customer information and to form corporate image emphasizing security.

Microcystins Concentration in Fishes Collected from the Weirs of Four Rivers in Korea and Risk Assessment (국내 4대강 보에서 채집된 어류 조직에서 microcystins 농도 분석 및 위해도 평가)

  • Do-Hwan Kim;Yuna Shin;Min Jeong Park;Young-Cheol Cho
    • Korean Journal of Ecology and Environment
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    • v.55 no.2
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    • pp.120-131
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    • 2022
  • Microcystins (MCs) are cyano-toxins mainly produced by cyanobacteria in the genera of Microcystis, Anabaena, and Oscillatoria. The concentrations of MCs in the water bodies and fish tissues taken from the four weirs (Ipo, Gangjeong-goryeong, Baekje, and Juksan) in the four main rivers in Korea, and the health risk of human due to consumption of toxin-detected fish was examined. The maximum values of MCs concentration in the water samples were as follows: Juksan (3.261 ㎍ L-1), Gangjeong-goryeong (1.014 ㎍ L-1), Baekje (0.759 ㎍ L-1), and Ipo (0.266 ㎍ L-1) weirs. The MC-RR concentration was the highest among the MCs, and MC-YR was not detected. MCs of 0.222~9.808 ㎍ g-1 dry weight were detected in the liver of 3 out of 215 fishes of 16 species, and below the detection limit in muscle. As a result of comparing the feeding characteristics of the collected fishes and toxin concentrations in water and fish tissue, it was concluded that the biomagnification of MCs through the food chain did not occur. It was judged that there was no health risk due to the consumption of the fish detected the toxin, based on the amount of the fish intake of the Korean people and the allowable daily intake of MCs. However, in order to reduce the health risk due to MCs, further studies should be conducted to analyze the concentration of MCs contained in fish tissues collected at various times in the area dominated by harmful cyanobacteria to obtain data on the exposure of MCs due to fish consumption. In addition, it is necessary to establish the management guidelines for MCs in fish tissues.

COVID-19 Rapid Antigen Test Results in Preschool and School (March 2 to May 1, 2022) (유치원·학교 구성원의 코로나19 신속항원검사 결과(2022년 3월 2일부터 5월 1일까지))

  • Gowoon Yun;Young-Joon Park;Eun Jung Jang;Sangeun Lee;Ryu Kyung Kim;Heegwon Jeong;Jin Gwack
    • Pediatric Infection and Vaccine
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    • v.31 no.1
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    • pp.113-121
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    • 2024
  • Purpose: In response to the surge in coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) omicron variant cases, we have implemented preemptive testing for preschool and school. The purpose is to quickly detect COVID-19 cases using a rapid antigen test (RAT) kit so that normal school activities can continue. Methods: The results entered in The Healthcare Self-Test App were merged with the information on the status of confirmed cases in the COVID-19 Information Management System by Korea Disease Control and Prevention Agency (KDCA) for preschool and school of students and staffs March 2 to May 1, 2022 to analyze the RAT positive rate and positive predictive value of RAT. Results: In preschool and school 19,458,575 people were tested, weekly RAT positive rate ranged from 1.10% to 5.90%, positive predictive value of RAT ranged from 86.42% to 93.18%. By status, RAT positive rate ranged from 1.13% to 6.16% for students, 0.99% to 3.93% for staffs, positive predictive value of RAT ranged from 87.19% to 94.03% for students, 77.55% to 83.10% for staffs. RAT positive rate by symptoms ranged from 76.32% to 88.02% for those with symptoms and 0.34% to 1.11% for those without symptoms. As a result of preschool and school RAT, 943,342 confirmed cases were preemptively detected, before infection spread in preschool and school. Conclusions: RAT was well utilized to detect confirmed cases at an early stage, reducing the risk of transmission to minimize the educational gap in preschool and school. To compensate for the limitations of RAT, further research should continue to reevaluate the performance of RAT as new strains of viruses continue to emerge. We will have to come up with various ways to utilize it, such as performing periodic and repeated RAT and parallel polymerase chain reaction.

Etiology and Clinical Manifestations of Fever in Infants Younger than 3 Months Old: A Single Institution Study, 2008-2010 (3개월 미만 영아의 발열에 대한 원인 및 임상양상에 대한 단일기관 연구; 2008-2010)

  • Seok, Joon Young;Kang, Ji Eun;Cho, Eun Young;Choi, Eun Hwa;Lee, Hoan Jong
    • Pediatric Infection and Vaccine
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    • v.19 no.3
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    • pp.121-130
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    • 2012
  • Purpose : The purpose of this study is to investigate clinical features and causative organisms in febrile infants younger than three months, to help identification of high risk patients for serious bacterial infection (SBI). Methods : A total of 313 febrile infants younger than three months, who had visited Seoul National University Children's Hospital from January 2008 to December 2010 were included. Clinical features, laboratory findings, causative organisms, and risk factors of SBI were analyzed by retrospective chart review. Causative bacterial or viral pathogens were identified by gram stain and cultures, rapid antigen tests, or the polymerase chain reaction from clinically reliable sources. Results : Among 313 infants, etiologic organisms were identified in 127 cases (40.6%). Among 39 cases of bacterial infections, Escherichia coli (66.7%) and Streptococcus agalactiae (12.8%) were common. Enterovirus (33.7%), respiratory syncytial virus (19.8%), and rhinovirus (18.8%) were frequently detected in 88 cases of viral infection. Patients with SBI (39 cases) showed significantly higher values of the white blood cell count ($14,473{\pm}6,824/mm^3$ vs. $11,254{\pm}5,775/mm^3$, P=0.002) and the C-reactive protein ($6.32{\pm}8.51mg/L$ vs. $1.28{\pm}2.35mg/L$, P<0.001) than those without SBI (274 cases). The clinical risk factors for SBI were the male (OR 3.7, 95% CI 1.5-8.9), the presence of neurologic symptoms (OR 4.8, 95% CI 1.4-16.8), and the absence of family members with respiratory symptoms (OR 3.6, 95% CI 1.2-11.3). Conclusion : This study identified common pathogens and risk factors for SBI in febrile infants younger than three months. These findings may be useful to guide management of febrile young infants.

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Efficient Treatment Methods for Reducing Escherichia coli Populations in Commercially-Available Red Pepper Powder in Korea (국내 유통 고춧가루의 병원성 대장균 오염 및 대장균 저감화 방법)

  • Song, Young-Jin;Park, Se-Won;Chun, Se-Chul;Choi, Mi-Jung;Chung, Koo-Chun;Lee, Si-Kyung
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition
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    • v.41 no.6
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    • pp.875-880
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    • 2012
  • This study was conducted to investigate the level of contamination of pathogenic Escherichia (E.) coli in 50 types of red pepper powders collected domestically. Pathogenic E. coli was confirmed using real-time PCR to confirm the 4 types of EAEC, EPEC, EHEC and ETEC. One sample out of 50 was contaminated with pathogenic E. coli. The type of pathogenic E. coli detected in the sample was EAEC. This study was also conducted to determine the effect of alcohol treatment on the reduction of E. coli populations in red pepper powder. The amount of E. coli in the control was $1.2{\times}10^6$ cfu/mL. The amount of E. coli in 10 minutes immersion treatment with 10% alcohol was $1.1{\times}10^6$ cfu/mL. In samples treated with over 20% alcohol, E. coli was not detected. This showed that 10 minutes of immersion in over 20% alcohol might be effective to reduce E. coli. This study was also conducted to determine the effect of UV irradiation on E. coli reduction. The number of E. coli in the control group was $5.0{\times}10^5$ cfu/mL. However, the number of E. coli in 45 min of the UV irradiated sample decreased to $1.0{\times}10^3$ cfu/mL, by $10^2$ cfu/mL. In contrast, E. coli was not detected in an over 60 min UV irradiated sample in $10^{-2}dilution$. This study showed that over 20% alcohol treatment and UV irradiation for 60 min was effective to control E. coli in red pepper powder.

Genotype and clinical features of Korean patients with methylmalonic aciduria and propionic aciduria (한국인 메틸말로닌산뇨증 및 프로피온산뇨증의 유전자형과 임상 양상)

  • Lee, Eun Hye;Ko, Jung Min;Kim, Jae-Min;Yoo, Han-Wook
    • Clinical and Experimental Pediatrics
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    • v.51 no.9
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    • pp.964-970
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    • 2008
  • Purpose : Methylmalonic aciduria (MMA) and propionic aciduria (PA) are inborn errors in the catabolism of branched-chain amino acids. The study was undertaken to investigate the genotypes and clinical features of Korean patients with MMA and PA. Methods : This study examined 12 patients with MMA and eight with PA. We analyzed various clinical features, laboratory findings, treatments, and neuro-developmental outcomes. Diagnoses were based on the presence of characteristic compounds detected by amino acid analysis in serum and organic acid analysis in urine. Mutation analysis was performed in the genes of MUT, MMAA, MMAB, and MMACHC for MMA and PCCA and PCCB for PA. Results : Among the 20 patients, six patients were diagnosed before one month of age and nine patients were diagnosed after the newborn period. Five patients were diagnosed via a neonatal screening test. Patients with early-onset forms had more severe illness at presentation and generally poor outcomes. A favorable outcome was obtained in 55% patients; most of them were of a late-onset type or diagnosed by neonatal mass screening test without symptoms. Genotypes were confirmed in all patients with MMA. We detected 11 different mutations by MUT gene analysis in 10 patients, and three different mutations in MMACHC genes in two patients. PCCA and PCCB gene mutations were identified in 14 of the 16 alleles, in eight patients with PA. Conclusion : Organic aciduria is a fatal disease; however, better outcomes are expected whenever early diagnosis and prompt management are made possible. Mutation analysis is useful for confirming diagnoses and planning management strategies.

Epidemics of Ascetic Meningitis in Kyoungsangnamdo from May to August, 1996 (96년도 상반기에 경상남도 중부지방에서 유행한 무균성 뇌막염에 대한 고찰)

  • Kwon, Oh Su;Lee, Kyoung Lim;Kim, Won Youb;Jung, Won Jo;Ma, Sang Hyouk;Lee, Kyu Man
    • Pediatric Infection and Vaccine
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    • v.4 no.1
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    • pp.97-105
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    • 1997
  • Purpose : Aseptic meningitis mainly caused by enterovirus is common in pediatric population especially during summer & fall. Most of pediatric patients restore their health without any complications with proper management. Between May to August of 1996, Masan and surrounding areas of the Kyoungsangnamdo were epidemic areas for the aseptic meningitis. The purpose of this study was to determine causative virus and describe correlation between disease and clinical symptoms in aseptic meningitis patients and those with fever and characteristic rashes without apparent meningitis symptoms. Methods : Between May to August, 1996, 57 patients with high fever and characteristic feature of rashes were reviewed. From 22 cerebrospinal fluid & 57 stool obtained specimens, viral culture and detection of enterovirus RNA were conducted. Collected specimens were kept in $-30^{\circ}C$ environment until sending of specimens to labortory. The virus identified through indirect immunofluorescence. RT-PCR method was used to identify enterovirus RNA in cerebralspinal fluid. Results : 1) One hundred fifty five pediatric patients with viral infection required hospitalization. Disease occurred higher rate in male than female with ratio of 1.94:1. Examined patients' age ranged from 15days old to 15years old. But most of patients(74.8%) were under age of 5years old. The time of occurrence was between May to August of 1996. 2) All patients had high fever and physical symptoms in those patients include headache, vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhea, and rashes. The rashes observed mainly in patients under age of 4 years and were predominantly commom patients under age of 18 months olds)<0.001). 3) Between sampled patients and non-sampled patients, clinical course was similar. Echovirus type 9 was cultivated in 41 out of 57 cases of collected stool specimens. RT-PCR that used on CSF showed positive results in 10 out of 22 cases. Three cases of positive cultivated of positive results in RT-PCR were echovirus type 9. Conclusions : Echovirus type 9 was thought to be the causative agent of aseptic meningitis that was prevalent throughout mid areas of Kyoungsangnamdo from May to August, 1996. Additionally causative agent that responsible for high fever with rashes without meningitis symptoms also thought to be the same echovirus type 9.

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