• Title/Summary/Keyword: Cavity Step Flow

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Flow and Heat Transfer Characteristics in a Separated Flow over Backward-facing Step and Cavity Controlled by Acoustic Excitation (음향여기에 의한 2차원 후방계단과 공동 내의 유동 및 열전달 특성 변화)

  • Jo, Hyeong-Hui;Gang, Seung-Gu;Lee, Dong-Ho
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers B
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    • v.25 no.9
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    • pp.1253-1262
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    • 2001
  • Experimental study is conducted to investigate the heat/mass transfer and flow characteristics for the flow over backward-facing step and cavities. A naphthalene sublimation method has been employed to measure the mass transfer coefficients on the duct wall and LDV system has been used to obtain mean velocity profiles and turbulence intensities. Reynolds number based on the step height and free stream velocity is 20,000 and St numbers of acoustic excitations given to separated flow are 0.2 to 0.4. The spectra of streamwise velocity fluctuation show a sharp peak forcing frequency for an acoustically excited flow. The results reveal that the vortex pairing and overall turbulence level are enhanced by the acoustic excitation and a significant decrease in the reattachment length and the increased turbulence intensity are observed with the excitation. A certain acoustic excitation increases considerably the heat/mass transfer coefficient at the reattachment point and in the recirculation region. For the cavities, heat/mass transfer is enhanced by the acoustic excitation due to the elevated turbulence intensity. For the 10H cavity, the flow pattern is significantly changed with the acoustic excitation. However, for the 5H cavity, the acoustic excitation has little effect on the flow pattern in the cavity.

PIV measurement of step cavity with driven flow (구동류를 갖는 계단 캐비티의 PIV계측)

  • 조대환;김진구;이영호
    • Journal of Ocean Engineering and Technology
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    • v.12 no.1
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    • pp.113-119
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    • 1998
  • An experimental study was carried out in a three-dimensional cubic cavity driven by 2-dimensional plane Poiseuille flow for three kinds of Reynolds number, $10^4$, 3 $\times$ $10^4$ and 5 $\times$ $10^4$ based on the cavity width and cavity inlet mean flow velcoity. Instant simultaneous velocity vectors at whole field were measured by 2-D PIV system. Laser based illumination and two-frame grey-level cross correlation algorithm are adopted. Severe unsteady flow fluctuation within the cavity are remarkable at above Re = 3 $\times$ $10^4$ Reynolds numbers and sheared mixing layer phenomena are also found at the region where inlet driving Poiseuille flow is collided with the clock-wise rotating main primary vortex at upper center area. Instant velocity profiles reveal that deformed forced vortex formation is observed throughout the separate two areas.

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Characteristics of Flame-holding in a Scramjet Combustor with a Cavity

  • Tanaka, Hideyasu;Takahashi, Shuhei;Uriuda, Yoshitaka;Wakai, Kazunori;Tsue, Mitsuhiro;Kono, Michitaka;Ujll, Yasushige
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Propulsion Engineers Conference
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    • 2004.03a
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    • pp.55-61
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    • 2004
  • Numerical simulations were conducted in a rectangular scramjet combustor with a cavity and/or a step in order to investigate their performances for flame-holding. Flow structures and OH radical profiles in the cavity and the step were calculated. The calculated results showed that the cavity generated a larger recirculation zone than the step that had the same depth. Additionally, the combustor with a cavity could make a large low-velocity area than the combustor with a step. The cavity performance was determined by its depth and length. The cavities with too large or too short length did not work effectively, and a certain aspect ratio showed high performance for flame-holding. There was a minimal depth under which the cavity did not work as flame-holder. The fuel injections upstream the cavity and inside the cavity were also tested to investigate the effects on the cavity performance. The result showed that the fuel injection inside the cavity reduced reaction areas and residence time. Therefore, the upstream injection was preferable to the inside injection.

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A Study on the Characteristics of an Air Cavity Attached Under a Flat Plate (평판에 형성된 공기공동 특성에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Jong-Hyun;Oh, Jae-Young;Seo, Dae-Won;Lee, Seung-Hee
    • Journal of the Society of Naval Architects of Korea
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    • v.48 no.5
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    • pp.396-403
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    • 2011
  • The concept of an air lubrication has long been an object of attention since it can be utilized to reduce the frictional resistance, and what is more, it is eco-friendly. The present study examines the basic characteristics of an air cavity with intention of applying the air lubrication technology to the reduction of the resistance of a ship without excessive power increment. For the purpose, an air cavity was created at the bottom of a flat plate by injecting air behind a backward step and the hydrodynamic properties of the air cavity and the surrounding flow has been investigated experimentally and numerically. The influence of the step height and the air flow rate have been more carefully studied since they are presumed to be the main parameters affecting the characteristics of an air cavity. The results indicates that the shapes of the air cavities attached on the flat plate become "U" or "V" type depending on the incoming flow velocity and air flow rate. The study also confirms that the length of the air cavity increases with increase in air flow rate but there is a certain critical limit in the flow rate above which increase in the air cavity length is no more evident.

Unsteady Wall Pressure Fluctuation Generated from the Impinging Vortex on the Chamfered Forward Step (모따기된 전향계단에 부딪치는 와류에 의한 비정상 벽면압력 변동)

  • Ryu, Ki-Wahn;Lee, Jun-Shin
    • Proceedings of the KSME Conference
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    • 2001.11b
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    • pp.312-317
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    • 2001
  • Modifying effects of the rectangular forward step for suppressing the unsteady pressure fluctuation during interaction between the upstream vortical flow with the edge are studied numerically. The vortical flow is modeled by a point vortex, and the unsteady pressure coefficient is obtained from the velocity and the potential field. To investigate the effects of the edge shape the rectangular forward step is chamfered with various angles. Calculation show that the pressure peaks become decreased by increasing the vortex height as well as the chamfering angle. The pressure amplitudes are very sensitive to the change of the initial vortex height. From this study we can find out that the chamfered edge has two effects; the one is that it suppresses the pressure amplitude generated from the edge, and the other is that it decreases the time variation of unsteady pressure fluctuation. These modifying concepts can be applied to attenuate the self-sustained oscillation mechanism at the open cavity flow.

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Numerical Analysis of the Unsteady Pressure fluctuation Generated from the Interaction between a Vortex Flow with a Forward Step (와류와 전향계단의 상호작용에 의한 비정상 벽면압력 변동의 수치해석)

  • 유기완;이준신
    • Transactions of the Korean Society for Noise and Vibration Engineering
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    • v.12 no.3
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    • pp.213-220
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    • 2002
  • Modifying effects of the rectangular forward step for suppressing the unsteady pressure fluctuation during interaction between the upstream vortical flow and the edge are studied numerically. The vertical flow is modeled by a point vortex, and the unsteady pressure coefficient is obtained from the velocity and the potential fields. To investigate the effects of the edge shape the rectangular forward step is chamfered wish various angles. Calculation shows that the pressure peaks become decreased by increasing the vortex height as well as the chamfering angle. The pressure amplitudes are very sensitive to the change of the initial vertex height and its strength. From this study we can find out that the chamfered edge has two effects; the one is that it suppresses the pressure amplitude generated from the edge, and the other is that it decreases the time variation of unsteady pressure fluctuation. These modifying concepts can be applied to attenuate the self-sustained oscillation mechanism at the open cavity flow.

An Analysis of Fluid Flow Using the Streamline Upwinding Finite Element Method (유선상류 유한요소법을 이용한 유동장의 해석)

  • 최형권;유정열
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers
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    • v.18 no.3
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    • pp.624-634
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    • 1994
  • A numerical method which combines equal-order velocity-pressure formulation originated from SIMPLE algorithm and streamline upwinding method has been developed. To verify the proposed numerical method, we considered the lid-driven cavity flow and backward facing step flow. The trend of convergence history is stable up to the error criterion beyond which the maximum value of error is oscillatory due4 to the round-off error. In the present study, all results were obtained with the single precision calculation up to the given error criterion and it was found to be sufficient for our purpose. The present results were then compared with existing experimental results using laser doppler velocimetry and numerical results using finite difference method and mixed interpolation finite element method. It has been shown that the present method gives accurate results with less memories and execution time than the coventional finite element method.

Resistance Reduction of a High Speed Small Boat by Air Lubrication

  • Jang Jin-Ho;Kim Hyo-Chul
    • Journal of Ship and Ocean Technology
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    • v.10 no.1
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    • pp.1-9
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    • 2006
  • The resistance reduction by an air lubrication effect of a large air cavity covering the hull bottom surface and the similarity relations involved have been investigated with a series of towing tank tests of three geometrically similar models. The test results of geometrically similar models have indicated that a large air cavity was formed beneath the bottom having a backward-facing step by artificially supplying air is effective for resistance reduction. The areas of air cavity and the required flow rates of air are directly related to the effective wetted surface area. The traditional extrapolation methods seem to be applicable to the estimation of the resistance in the tested range if corrections are made to account the changes in the frictional resistance caused by the changes in the effective wetted surface area. To investigate the effectiveness of air lubrication in improving the resistance performance of a practical ship, a small test boat having a backward-facing step under its bottom has been manufactured and speed trials in a river have been performed. Air has been supplied artificially into the downstream region of the bottom step to form a large air cavity covering the bottom surface. The results have confirmed the practical applicability of air lubrication for the resistance reduction of a small high-speed boat.

A Study on Unsteady Flow Characteristics of Closed Cavity with Obstacle (장애물을 갖는 밀폐공간의 비정상 유동특성에 관한연구)

  • 조대환
    • Journal of Advanced Marine Engineering and Technology
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    • v.23 no.2
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    • pp.176-183
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    • 1999
  • This paper is aimed to investigate behaviour of vortex in 2-D step cavity with high Reynolds numbers$(3.2{\times}10^{3},\;10^{4},\;3{\times}10^{4},\;5{\times}10^{4}\;and\;7{\times}10^{4})$. The SOLA algorithm which is MAC type was adopted to solution method computing the flow field on irregular grid. In case of $Re=7{\times}10^{4}$ flow behavior is steady bu periodic unsteady sinusoidal fluctuation of local velocity and kinetic energy is found for $Re=10^{4}$ Continuous movements of small eddies in the secondary flow regions are discov-ered for $3{\times}10^{4}$ Generation of eddies and their active migrating behavior are detected over $Re=5{\times}10^{4}$ resulting in complete unsteady and non-linear flow characteristics Furthermore a typhoon-like vortex(TLV) appears intermittently and rotates along the separation regions and boundary layers.

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Evaluation on Cavity Expansion under Pavement based on Groundwater Injection test (지하수 주입실험을 통한 도로노면 하부의 공동 확장 평가)

  • Park, Jeong-Jun;You, Seung-Kyong;Hong, Gigwon
    • Journal of the Korean Geosynthetics Society
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    • v.18 no.3
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    • pp.79-88
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    • 2019
  • This study described a results of groundwater injection test in cavity, in order to evaluate characteristics of cavity expansion under pavement. That is, groundwater amount proportional to the cavity volume was injected into the generated cavity step by step, and then the cavity with the changed size was monitored as the injected groundwater was drained. The test result showed that the cavity volume by groundwater injection increased, and then it converged or decreased. This means that some of the relaxation soil around the cavity collapsed, and the fine-grained soils in some soils filled the void in the surrounding soils when the cavity is expanded by groundwater injection. The volume change and expansion characteristics of the cavity according to the groundwater injection step were analyzed. The result showed that the cavity extended laterally. Therefore, it was found that the cavity expansion is caused by the repetition of the relaxation soil collapse due to the groundwater flow and the loss of the collapsed soil below the cavity.