• Title/Summary/Keyword: Carbon nanofiber

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Enhanced Fiber Structure of Carbonized Cellulose by Purification (정제 과정에 의한 탄화 셀룰로오스 섬유 구조의 증가)

  • Kim, Bong Gyun;Sohng, Jae Kyung;Liou, KwnagKyoung;Lee, Hei Chan
    • Applied Chemistry for Engineering
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    • v.16 no.2
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    • pp.257-261
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    • 2005
  • The microbial cellulose is in a form of three dimensional net structures that consists of 20~50 nm fibrils. It possesses high crystallinity and orientation. It is difficult to synthesize large amount of fibrous carbon nanomaterials by the carbonization process using raw materials such as polyacrylonitrile (PAN), regenerated cellulose (Rayon) and pitch. However, it seems possible thru the application of microbial cellulose as raw material. The application of such cellulose can be further extended to the synthesis of highly oriented graphite fiber. Out of three different cellulose-producing strains, G. xylinus ATCC11142 was chosen as it has the highest productivity (0.066 g dried cellulose/15 mL medium). Tar is often produced during the carbonization of cellulose that limits the formation fibrous structure of the carbonized sample. In order to solve such a problem, pre-studied purification methods of carbon nanotube such as liquid phase oxidation, gas phase oxidation and filtration associated with ultrasonication were applied at the carbonized cellulose. In that case. only by filtration associated with ultrasonication, improved the formation of fiber structure of the carbonized cellulose.

Preparation and characterization of Environmental Functional Nanofibers by electrospun nanofibers-Dry sorption material for indoor CO2 capture (정전방사를 통한 환경기능성 미세섬유 제조 및 특성분석 - 실내환경 CO2 포집용 건식흡착소재)

  • Kim, Eun Joo;Park, Kyung-Ryul
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.19 no.12
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    • pp.938-943
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    • 2018
  • Thin nano-sized fibres were prepared by an electrospinning method. The spinning appratus consisted of pump for polymer injection, nozzle and nozzle rotus, and an aluminum plate collected the polymer fibers. Its surface was chemically modified for selective improved adsorption of carbon monoxide at indoor level. The chemical activation enabled to form the fibres 250-350 nm in thickness with pore sizes distributed between 0.6 and 0.7 nm and an average specific surface area of $569m^2/g$. The adsorption capacities of pure (100%) and indoor (0.3%) $CO_2$, of which level frequently appears, at the ambient condition were improved from 1.08 and 0.013 to 2.2 and 0.144 mmol/g, respectively. It was found that the adsorption amount of $CO_2$ adsorbed by the chemically activated carbon nanofiber prepared through chemical activation would vary depending on the ratio of specific surface area and micropores. In particular, chemical interaction between adsorbent surface and gas molecules could enhance the selective capture of weak acidic $CO_2$.

Synthesis of Nitrogen-Doped Porous Carbon Fibers Derived from Coffee Waste and Their Electrochemical Application (커피 폐기물 기반의 질소가 포함된 다공성 탄소 섬유의 제조 및 전기화학적 응용)

  • Dong Hyun Kim;Min Sang Kim;Suk Jekal;Jiwon Kim;Ha-Yeong Kim;Yeon-Ryong Chu;Chan-Gyo Kim;Hyung Sub Sim;Chang-Min Yoon
    • Journal of the Korea Organic Resources Recycling Association
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    • v.31 no.1
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    • pp.57-68
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    • 2023
  • In this study, coffee waste was recycled into nitrogen-doped porous carbon fibers as an active material for high-energy EDLC (Electric Double Layer Capacitors). The coffee waste was mixed with polyvinylpyrrolidone and dissolved into dimethylformamide. The mixture was then electrospun to fabricate coffee waste-derived nanofibers (Bare-CWNF), and carbonization process was followed under a nitrogen atmosphere at 900℃. Similar to Bare-CWNF, the as-synthesized carbonized coffee waste-derived nanofibers (Carbonized-CWNF) maintained its fibrous form while preserving the composition of nitrogen. The electrochemical performance was analyzed for carbonized coffee waste (Carbonized-CW)-, carbonized PAN-derived nanofibers (Carbonized-PNF)-, and Carbonized-CWNF-based electrodes in the operating voltage window of -1.0-0.0V, Among the electrodes, Carbonized-CWNF-based electrodes exhibited the highest specific capacitance of 123.8F g-1 at 1A g-1 owing to presence of nitrogen and porous structure. As a result, nitrogen-contained porous carbon fibers synthesized from coffee waste showed excellent electrochemical performance as electrodes for high-energy EDLC. The experimental designed in this study successfully demonstrated the recycling of the coffee waste, one of the plant-based biomass that causes the environmental pollution into high-energy materials, also, attaining the ecofriendliness.

Photoluminescence and Fabrication of Zirconia Nanofibers from Electrospinning an Alkoxide Sol Templated on a Polyvinyl Butyral (폴리비닐 부티랄에 붙힌 지르코늄 알콕시드 졸을 사용한 전기방사에서 지르코니아 나노섬유 제조와 광발광)

  • Ko, Tae-Gyung;Han, Kyu-Suk;Rim, Tae-Kyun;Oh, Seoung-Gyu;Han, Sang-Whan
    • Journal of the Korean Ceramic Society
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    • v.47 no.4
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    • pp.343-352
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    • 2010
  • A zirconia gel/polymer hybrid nanofiber was produced in a nonwoven fabric mode by electrospinning a sol derived from hydrolysis of zirconium butoxide with a polyvinyl butyral. Results indicated that the hydroxyl groups on the vinyl alcohol units in the backbone of the polymer were involved in the hydrolysis as well as grafting the hydrolyzed zirconium butoxide. In addition, use of acetic acid as a catalyst resulted in further hydrolysis and condensation in the sol, which led to the growth of -Zr-O-Zr- networks among the polymer chains. These networks gradually transformed into a crystalline zirconia structure upon heating. The as-spun fiber was smooth but partially wrinkled on the surface. The average fiber diameter was $690{\pm}110\;nm$. The fiber exhibited a strong but broad blue photoluminescence with its maximum intensity at a wavelength of ~410 nm at room temperature. When the fiber was heat-treated at $400^{\circ}C$, the fiber diameter shrunk to $250{\pm}60\;nm$. Nanocrystals which belonged to a tetragonal zirconia phase and were ~5 nm in size appeared. A strong white photoluminescence was observed in this fiber. This suggests that oxygen or carbon defects associated with the formation of the nanocrystals play a role in generating the photoluminescence. Further heating to $800^{\circ}C$ resulted in a monoclinic phase beginning to form In the heat-treated fibers, coloring occurred but varied depending on the heating temperature. Crystallization, coloring, and phase transition to the monoclinic structure influenced the photoluminescence. At $600^{\circ}C$, the fiber appeared to be fully crystallized to a tetragonal zirconia phase.

Preparation of Poly(vinyl alcohol)/polypropylene Nano-filter by High Speed Centrifugal Solution Spinning (초고속 용액 원심방사를 이용한 폴리비닐알코올/폴리프로필렌 나노필터 제조)

  • Yang, Seong Baek;Lee, Jungeon;Park, Jae Min;Jung, Jae Hoon;Kim, Tae Young;Kim, Ki Young;Lee, Sang Jun;Yeum, Jeong Hyun
    • Textile Coloration and Finishing
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    • v.34 no.1
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    • pp.20-26
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    • 2022
  • Centrifugal spinning is an emerging technique for fabricating micro-to-nano-fibers in recent years. To obtain fibers with the desired size and morphology, it is necessary to configure and optimize the parameters used in centrifugal spinning. In this study, it was controlled by changing the solution's concentration (7.5, 10, and 12.5 wt.%) and disk's rotational velocity (6,000, 8,000, and 10,000 rpm) to prepare centrifugal spun nano-filter. The morphological property, air permeability, and dust collection efficiency of the PVA/PP bi-layer nanoweb prepared by centrifugal spun PVA on the PP micron nonwoven substrate are studied using a field emission scanning electron microscope, an air permeability tester, and a filter tester equipment, and the analysis results indicate that it is suitable as a nano-filter when the concentration of PVA solution is 10 wt.% and the rotational velocity of the disk is 8,000 rpm. The resultant reduced diameter and uniform fibers also proved that an excellent dust collection efficiency filter could be made.

Electrochemical Properties of Flexible Anode with SnO2 Nanopowder for Sodium-Ion Batteries

  • Huihun Kim;Milan K. Sadan;Changhyeon Kim;Ga-In Choi;Minjun Seong;Kwon-Koo Cho;Ki-Won Kim;Jou-Hyeon Ahn;Hyo-Jun Ahn
    • Archives of Metallurgy and Materials
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    • v.66 no.4
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    • pp.931-934
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    • 2021
  • Sodium-ion batteries (SIBs) have attracted substantial interest as an alternative to lithium-ion batteries because of the low cost. There have been many studies on the development of new anode materials that could react with sodium by conversion mechanism. SnO2 is a promising candidate due to its low cost and high theoretical capacity. However, SnO2 has the same problem as other anodes during the conversion reaction, i.e., the volume of the anode repeatedly expands and contracts by cycling. Herein, anode is composed of carbon nanofiber embedded with SnO2 nanopowder. The resultant electrode showed improvement of cyclability. The optimized SnO2 electrode showed high capacity of 1275 mAh g-1 at a current density of 50 mA g-1. The high conductivity of the optimized electrode resulted in superior electrochemical performance.

Research Trend of Biomass-Derived Engineering Plastics (바이오매스 기반 엔지니어링 플라스틱 연구 동향)

  • Jeon, Hyeonyeol;Koo, Jun Mo;Park, Seul-A;Kim, Seon-Mi;Jegal, Jonggeon;Cha, Hyun Gil;Oh, Dongyeop X.;Hwang, Sung Yeon;Park, Jeyoung
    • Applied Chemistry for Engineering
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    • v.31 no.2
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    • pp.115-124
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    • 2020
  • Sustainable plastics can be mainly categorized into (1) biodegradable plastics decomposed into water and carbon dioxide after use, and (2) biomass-derived plastics possessing the carbon neutrality by utilizing raw materials converted from atmospheric carbon dioxide to biomass. Recently, biomass-derived engineering plastics (EP) and natural nanofiber-reinforced nanocomposites are emerging as a new direction of the industry. In addition to the eco-friendliness of natural resources, these materials are competitive over petroleum-based plastics in the high value-added plastics market. Polyesters and polycarbonates synthesized from isosorbide and 2,5-furandicarboxylic acid, which are representative biomass-derived monomers, are at the forefront of industrialization due to their higher transparency, mechanical properties, thermal stability, and gas barrier properties. Moreover, isosorbide has potential to be applied to super EP material with continuous service temperature over 150 ℃. In situ polymerization utilizing surface hydrophilicity and multi-functionality of natural nanofibers such as nanocellulose and nanochitin achieves remarkable improvements of mechanical properties with the minimal dose of nanofillers. Biomass-derived tough-plastics covered in this review are expected to replace petroleum-based plastics by satisfying the carbon neutrality required by the environment, the high functionality by the consumer, and the accessibility by the industry.

Aqueous Boron Adsorption on Carbonized Nanofibers Prepared from Electrospun Polyacrylonitrile(PAN) Mats (전기방사 후 탄소화된 폴리아크릴로니트릴(PAN) 나노섬유의 수용액 중 붕소 흡착)

  • Hong, So Hee;Han, Sun-Gie;Kim, Su Young;Won, Yong Sun
    • Clean Technology
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    • v.28 no.3
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    • pp.210-217
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    • 2022
  • Boron(B) is a rare resource used for various purposes such as glass, semiconductor materials, gunpowder, rocket fuel, etc. However, Korea depends entirely on imports for boron. Considering the global boron reserves and its current production rate, boron will be depleted on earth in 50 years. Thus, a process including proper adsorbent materials recovering boron from seawater is demanded. This research proposed carbonized nanofibers prepared from electrospun PAN(polyacrylonitrile) mats as promising materials to adsorb boron in aqueous solution. First, the mechanism of boron adsorption on carbonized nanofibers was investigated by DFT(density functional method)-based molecular modeling and the calculated energetics demonstrated that the boron chemisorption on the nitrogen-doped graphene surface by a two-step dehydration is possible with viable activation energies. Then, the electrospun PAN mats were stabilized in air and then carbonized in an argon atmosphere before being immersed in the boric acid aqueous solution. Analytically, SEM(scanning electron microscopy) and Raman measurements were employed to confirm whether the electrospinning and carbonization of PAN mats proceeded successfully. Then, XPS(X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy) peak analysis showed whether the intended nitrogen-doped carbon nanofiber surface was formed and boron was properly adsorbed on nanofibers. Those results demonstrated that the carbonized nanofibers prepared from electrospun PAN mats could be feasible adsorbents for boron recovery in seawater.