• 제목/요약/키워드: Cage rearing system

검색결과 20건 처리시간 0.023초

Effect of rearing system (free-range vs cage) on gut and muscle histomorphology and microbial loads of Italian White breed rabbits

  • Caterina Losacco;Antonella Tinelli;Angela Dambrosio;Nicoletta C. Quaglia;Letizia Passantino;Michele Schiavitto;Giuseppe Passantino;Vito Laudadio;Nicola Zizzo;Vincenzo Tufarelli
    • Animal Bioscience
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    • 제37권1호
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    • pp.151-160
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    • 2024
  • Objective: The growing consumers' interest on animal welfare has raised the request of products obtained by alternative rearing systems. The present study was conducted to assess the influence of housing system on gut and muscle morphology and on microbial load in rabbits reared under free-range (FR) and cage system (CS). Methods: A total of forty weaned (35 days of age) male Italian White breed rabbits were allotted according to the rearing system, and at 91 days of age were randomly selected and slaughtered for the morphological evaluation of tissue from duodenum and longissimus lumborum. Morphometric analysis of the villus height, villus width, crypt depth, villus height/crypt depth ratio, and villus surface was performed. The microbial loads on hind muscle was determined by total mesophilic aerobic count (TMAC), Escherichia coli and Enterobacteriaceae; whereas, total anaerobic bacteria count (TABC) and TMAC, E. coli and Enterobacteriaceae was determined on caecal content. Results: Rearing system did not interfere with the duodenum and muscle histomorphology in both rabbit groups. Similarly, microbial load of caecal content showed no significant differences on the TABC and TMAC. Conversely, significant difference was found for E. coli strains in caecal content, with the lower counts in FR compared to CS rabbits (p<0.01). Microbiological assay of muscle revealed significant lower TMAC in FR vs CS rabbits (p< 0.05). All rabbit meat samples were negative for E. Coli and Enterobacteriaceae. Conclusion: Free-range could be considered a possible alternative and sustainable rearing system in rabbits to preserve gut environment and muscle quality.

기계시각을 이용한 고단 직립식 산란계 케이지의 유선 감시시스템 개발 (Development of Wired Monitoring System for Layers Rearing in Muti-tier Layers Battery by Machine Vision)

  • 정쌍양;장동일;이승주;소재광
    • Journal of Biosystems Engineering
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    • 제31권5호
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    • pp.436-442
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    • 2006
  • This research was conducted to design and develop a wired monitoring system for judging if sick or dead layers (SDL) exist in multi-tier layers battery (MLB) by machine vision, and to analyze its performance. In this study, 20 Brown Leghorn (Hi-Brown) layers aged 37 weeks old, were used as the experimental animals. The intensity of concern paid by layers on feed was over 90% during 5 minutes and 30 seconds after providing feed, and normal layers (NL) had been standing to take feed for that period. Therefore, in this study, the optimal judging time was set by this test result. The wired monitoring system developed was consisted of a driving device for carrying machine vision systems, a control program, a RS232 to RS485 convertor, an automatic positioning system, and an image capture system. An image processing algorithm was developed to find SDL in MLB by the processes of binary processing, erosion, expansion, labeling, and reckoning central coordinate of the captured images. The optimal velocity for driving unit was set up as 0.13 m/s by the test results for wired monitoring system, and the proximity switch was controlled not to be operated for 1.0 second after first image captured. The wired monitoring system developed was tested to evaluate the remote monitoring performance at lab-scale laying hen house. Results showed that its judgement success.ate on normal cage (without SDL) was 87% and that on abnormal cage (with SDL) was 90%, respectively. Therefore, it would be concluded that the wired monitoring system developed in this study was well suited to the purpose of this study.

Sweet BV 시술이 Rat의 중추신경계에 미치는 영향 - 기능관찰 종합평가를 이용하여- (Effects of Sweet Bee Venom on the Central Nervous System in Rats -using the Functional Observational Battery-)

  • 안중철;권기록
    • 대한약침학회지
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    • 제14권3호
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    • pp.19-45
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    • 2011
  • Objectives: This study was performed to analyse the effects of Sweet Bee Venom(Sweet BV-pure melittin, the major component of honey bee venom) on the central nervous system in rats. Methods: All experiments were conducted at Biotoxtech Company, a non-clinical studies authorized institution, under the regulations of Good Laboratory Practice (GLP). Male rats of 5 weeks old were chosen for this study and after confirming condition of rats was stable, Sweet BV was administered in thigh muscle of rats. And checked the effects of Sweet BV on the central nervous system using the functional observational battery (FOB), which is a neuro-toxicity screening assay composed of 30 descriptive, scalar, binary, and continuous endpoints. And home cage observations, home cage removal and handling, open field activity, sensorimotor reflex test/physiological measurements were conducted. Results: 1. In the home cage observation, there was not observed any abnormal signs in rats. 2. In the observation of open field activity, the reduction of number of unit areas crossed and rearing count was observed caused by Sweet BV treatment. 3. In the observation of handling reactivity, there was not observed any abnormal signs in rats. 4. In the observation of sensorimotor reflex tests/physiological measurements, there was not observed any neurotoxic signs in rats. 5. In the measurement of rectal temperature, treatment of Sweet BV did not showed great influences in the body temperature of rats. Conclusions: Above findings suggest that Sweet BV is relatively safe treatment in the central nervous system. But in the using of over dose, Sweet BV may the cause of local pain and disturbance of movement. Further studies on the subject should be conducted to yield more concrete evidences.

동해안 참가리비, Patinopecten yessoensis의 성장 (Growth of the Scallop, Patinopecten yessoensis in Suspended Culture in the East Coast of Korea)

  • 박영제;노섬;이채성
    • 한국양식학회지
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    • 제14권3호
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    • pp.181-195
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    • 2001
  • 동해안의 주문진 연안에서 1991년 1월부터 1998년 12월까지 한해성 패류인 참가리비, Patinopecten yessoensis(Jay) 양식산업의 안정화와 지속적 생산을 위한 채롱식 본양성의 적정 서식환경조건, 이식시기 및 양성기간, 적정수용밀도와 성장, 양성 적수층, 상품출하시기 등에 관한 연구를 수행하였다. 북한한류의 영향을 받는 본 연구해역에서 참가리비의 주 양식수층인 15~30m 층의 수온은 4.7~21.4$^{\circ}C$로 참가리비의 서식에 적합한 5~23$^{\circ}C$ 범위였으나 표층은 4.9~25.7$^{\circ}C$로 서식수온을 벗어났다. 양식 적정수온을 보인 해는 1993년과 1996년이었고, 고수온을 보인 해는 1994년, 1997년, 1998년이었다 특히 고수온과 함께 일교차가 크고 불규칙한 변동이 지속되는 시기에 나타나는 성장저하 및 폐사 현상은 수온과도 일부 관련이 있는 것으로 추정된다. 수심 15m층에서 염분은 32.0~34.4$\textperthousand$, 용존산소는 4.14~8.11 ml/L로 생육에 비교적 적합하였다. Chlorophyll a의 농도는 0.06~2.73$\mu\textrm{g}$/L로 빈영양 해역의 특성을 보이고 있으며, 해에 따른 변동이 크고 특히, 현저히 감소하는 여름시기에 참가리비의 폐사가 일부 나타나는 것으로 보아 수온과 함께 참가리비의 성장을 지배하는 하나의 제한 요인임을 시사한다. 채롱식 수하양성에 의한 성장은 봄, 가을 연중 2회의 주 성장시기가 있었다. 봄 성장기는 3~5월로 이때의 수온은 8~13$^{\circ}C$였고, 가을 성장기는 10~12월로 11~17$^{\circ}C$였다. 반면, 저성장 시기도 연간 2회로 나타났는데, 성장이 늦은 겨울시기는 1~2월로 수온 7$^{\circ}C$ 이하였고, 여름철은 7~9월로 수온 18$^{\circ}C$ 이상일 때 느렸다. 일간 각고 성장량은 수용믹도 12개체에서 0.02~0.24mm/day였고, 전중량은 -0.07~0.90g/day였다. 전중량의 주된 증가 시기는 역시 연중 2회로, 봄 성장은 2월부터 증가되기 시작하여 산란 직전인 4월에 최고에 이르고, 가을 성장은 10~12월이었으며, 고수온기인 8~9월은 중량증가가 매우 낮았다. 채롱(lantern cages ø50x20cm)에 의한 적정 양성수용밀도는 각고 5~6cm 크기의 경우 10~15개체가 적합하였다. 수증별 성장은 15~20 m 수층에서 빨랐으며, 성장촉진과 폐사를 줄이기 위해서는 고수온이 지속되는 7~10월에는 20~30m수층으로 채롱을 내려 양성하고 그 외 시기에는 15 m층 내외가 좋은 것으로 나타났다. 상품으로 출하 가능한 크기 인 각고 10 cm이상, 전중량 140 g 내외로 성장시 키기까지는 채묘후 22개월이 소요되었고, 출하시기는 전중량 증가가 최대에 이르는 3월에서 4월 중순이 경제적일 것으로 판단된다.

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천적의 대체먹이로서 줄알락명나방(Cadra cauteiia)의 생물적 특성과 대량사육 (Biological Characteristics and Mass Rearing System for Cadra cautella (Walker) as a Substitute Diet for Natural Enemies)

  • 김정환;김용헌;고현관;한만위;이관석
    • 한국응용곤충학회지
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    • 제42권3호
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    • pp.203-209
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    • 2003
  • 애꽃노린재류(Orius spp.)나 알기생봉류(Trichogramma spp.)와 같은 천적곤충의 대량사육을 위한 대체먹이로서, 국내에서 채집이 가능한 저장곡물해충인 줄알락명나방(Cadra cauteila)의 생물적 특성을 조사하고 대량사육 방법을 개발하였다. $25^{\circ}C$에서 줄알락명나방의 발육기간은 알, 유충, 번데기가 각각 4.2일, 29.8일, 8.3일이었으며, 성충의 수명은 암컷이 5.8일, 수컷이 4.8일이었다. 총산란수는 20, 25, 3$0^{\circ}C$에서 각각 128.9개, 207.9개, 139.9개였다. 실험에 사용된 줄알락명나방의 사육사료 모두 발육기간, 우화율, 성충무게 면에서 큰 차이가 없었으나, 대량사육을 위해서는 쌀겨 50%와 병아리사료 50%를 혼합한 사육사료가 비용 면에서 보다 경제적이었다. 줄알락명나방알의 저장조건으로 9$^{\circ}C$에서 7일간 저장이 부화율 82.0%로 4$^{\circ}C$보다 우수하였다. 유충사육케이지 (16${\times}$24${\times}$9cm)에서 알의 초기접종밀도를 1,000개, 3,000개, 5.000개로 할 때, 우화율은 각각 62.1, 42.4, 29.4%, 성충무게는 각각 9.1, 77, 6.8 mg이었다. 줄알락명나방의 대량사육체계를 \circled1 사료 배합 \circled2알접종 및 유충사육 \circled3번데기 이동 \circled4성충 우화 \circled5알 수확 단계로 구성하고 각각의 과정을 상세히 설명하였다.

Orius strigicollis의 증식 최적화 조건 탐색 (Determination of Optimum Conditions for Mass Rearing of Minute Pirate Bug, Orius strigicollis)

  • 송정흡;강상훈;강애숙;이광석;한원탁
    • 한국응용곤충학회지
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    • 제40권2호
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    • pp.111-115
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    • 2001
  • 총채벌레류의 토착천적인 Orius strigicollis Poppius의 사육에 영향을 주는 부화율, 산란수 및 산란시기, 사육용기 당 암컷 성충의 밀도와 내적자연증가율을 광주기 16L:8D, 상대습도 $55\pm$10%, 온도 $25\pm$$2^{\circ}C$의 사육조건에서 조사하였다. 부화율과 알기간은 각각 88.5%, 5.7일이었다. 사육용기 당 산란수는 50-100개일 때에 우화율이 50.8%로 가장 좋았고, 새로 얻은 성충의 회수시기는 산란 후 17일이 적당하였다. 사육용기 당 암컷 성충의 밀도와 새로 얻은 성충의 수와의 관계는 Y= -10.7971n(X)+44.659($R^2$=0.7619)와 같았다. 사육실에서 대량으로 사육하는 경우 일세대 평균기간(T), 순번식율($R_{0}$ )과 내적자연증가율($r_{m}$ )은 각각 26.5일, 6.18과 0.0687이었다.

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초어 및 백련의 종묘 생산에 관한 연구, 1971 (PROPAGATION OF GRASS CARP AND SILVIR CARP, 1971)

  • 김인배;백의인
    • 한국수산과학회지
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    • 제4권3_4호
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    • pp.113-120
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    • 1971
  • 1963년에 일본으로부터 도입한 치어 (금, 1963; 등삼, 1963)로부터 자란 초어와 백련을 이용하여, 1970년도에 이어 1971년도에 인공 채란 부화에 의한 종묘 생산을 시도하여 $2\~3cm$되는 종묘 약 15만 마리를 생산하였으며, 종묘 생산 과정에 있어서 문제된 점을 요약하면 다음과 같다. 1. 채란 부화에 사용하는 친어는 사전 관리의 충실, 외관상 충실한 친어를 선택하여 hormone을 주사할 것 등은 물론이고, 주사 또는 채란시 상처가 나지 않도록 하여 알이 성숙 배란할 때까지 친어의 몸이 쇠약하지 않아야 성숙 배란이 가능하다고 인정되었다. 그리고, 사용하는 뇌하수체의 양은 피주사어의 $2\~3$배 체중량의 어체로부터 뽑은 정도로 조금 많이 사용하는 것이 좋았다. 2. 성숙한 알은 성숙치 완료한 후 지체 없이 배란 수정시켜야 한다. 만약 배란 수정이 늦어지면 알의 부화운치 심하게 낮아진다고 인정된다. 3. 한번 부화시킨 물을 갈지 않고 즉시 계속하여 새로운 알을 수용, 부화를 시키니 부화전에 알이 모두 용해하는 현상이 일어났다. 4. 가두리에서 치어 사육을 하면, 생산된 종묘의 포획과 분양에 대단히 편리하지만, 가두리 속의 수질 관리를 철저히 해야 한다. 특히, 용수는 호오스 또는 파이프를 통하여 가두리 속으로 계속 주입시켜야 한다. 5. 자어 또는 치어 사육용 가두리 속에 Spirogyra 사상 조류가 발생하기 시작하면 그 피해가 심하다. 이 때는 광선을 차단하고, 플랑크톤 조류가 적당히 발생한 못의 물을 주입함으로써 그 피해를 막을 수 있었다. 맑은 샘물을 주입하니 사상 조류의 발생이 대단히 심하였다. 6. 백련 종묘는 수온이 높은 여름철에는 포획 운반을 하면 대부분 죽는데, 가두리에서 육성시킨 $1.5\~2cm$ 정도 소형 종묘는 여름철에도 포획 운반이 가능하므로 가을 운반을 위한 성장 억제를 할 필요가 없어진다.

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저오염 사료의 급여에 의한 잉어의 성장과 질소 및 인 배설량 (Growth and Excretion of Nitrogen and Phosphorus of Israeli Strain of Carp(Cyprinus carpio) Fed a Low Pollution Diets)

  • 김정대;이종윤;김광석;이승복;최낙중;김응오
    • 한국양식학회지
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    • 제11권1호
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    • pp.39-48
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    • 1998
  • Growth performance and excretions of nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) were investigated with carp (Cyprinus carpio) with carp (Cyprinus carpio) grower fed a low pollution diets (A and B) and commercial ones (Com-1 and Com-2). A recirculated rearing system (Exp. I) and a floating net cage system (Exp. II) were employed for two feeding trials in which fish having an initial body weight of 152g and 193g were fed for 41 an 39 days, respectively. The highest weight gain, daily growth rate and protein efficiency ratio were found (P<0.05) in fish fed diet A containing 10% fish meal and 2% monocalcium phosphate (MCP) for both experiments. They also showed the lowest feed conversion ratio and daily feeding ration among treatments. Fish fed diet B containing 10% fish meal, 5% fish protein concentrate and 1% MCP showed weight gain and FCR more improved (P<0.05) than those fed commercial diets. In all groups, whole body cmpositions were not greatly different among treatment, and protein and P contents in final fish ranged from 14.3 to 15.6% and from 0.39 to 0.48%, respectively. Fish fed diet A excreted the least N which were 38.3 in Exp. I and 39.6g/kg gain in Exp. II. However, the values found in fish fed two commercial diets amounted to 59.1 and 58.9g, respectively. A significant decrease in P excretion was also found in fish groups fed diets A and B. In Exp. I, a reduction of 53.4% was shown in fish fed diet A, compared to the averaged value (18.5g P/kg gain) of two commercial groups. In Exp. II conducted using the floating net cages, fish fed diet B excreted the least P (8.6g/kg gain) among the treatment, which was followed by fish fed diet A, showing 48.6% reduction compared to the average value (18.5g/kg gain) for fish fed two commercial diets. The present results clearly showed that N and P excretions from fish culture could be significantly reduced by using the low pollution diet.

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Comparison of Aviary, Barn and Conventional Cage Raising of Chickens on Laying Performance and Egg Quality

  • Ahammed, M.;Chae, B.J.;Lohakare, J.;Keohavong, B.;Lee, M.H.;Lee, S.J.;Kim, D.M.;Lee, J.Y.;Ohh, S.J.
    • Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences
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    • 제27권8호
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    • pp.1196-1203
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    • 2014
  • This study intended to compare the productive performance of three different layer raising systems; conventional cage (CC), barn (BR) and aviary (AV). The AV is welfare bestowed housing that allows free locomotion for birds within the BR. The BR allows bird's free locomotion inside BR but without multilevel structures. Both pullets and cockerels were housed together in both AV and BR, but only pullets in CC. Seventeen weeks old Lohmann Brown Lite (n = 800) pullets were housed in AV during this study. The same age layer pullets were simultaneously assigned to either at CC or BR to compare egg production performance with AV. The duration of experiment was 40 weeks (from 21st to 60th week). There were no remarkable differences in egg production, hen day egg production (HDEP) and average egg weight among three rearing systems. First 20 weeks (phase-1) average HDEP (%) of AV, CC, and BR were 85.9, 88.8, 87.1 and average egg weights (g) were 57.5, 59.9, and 56.9 respectively. Those of the remaining 20 weeks (phase-2) were 87.1, 87.9, 85.5 and 64.2, 63.0 62.1, respectively. Daily feed intakes (122 g, 110 g, 125 g); feed conversion ratio (2.4, 2.1, 2.5) and daily egg mass (53.9 g, 54.4 g, 52.8 g) data from AV, CC, and BR were not influenced significantly by the respective raising systems. Daily feed intake of layers in both AV (124 g) and BR (127 g) tended to be higher than that in CC (113 g) during phase-2. Overall, exterior egg quality (dirty and cracked eggs) in both phases was superior in BR compared with AV and CC, whereas CC generated intermediate results. This study indicated that the HDEP per se in AV and BR were not significantly different from that in CC. The study implied that the facility depreciation cost for AV and cost for increased feed intake in AV compared to CC are believed to be critical to evaluate the cost effectiveness of egg production in AV.

The effect of different colored light emitting diode illumination on egg laying performance, egg qualities, blood hormone levels and behavior patterns in Brown Tsaiya duck

  • Su, Chin-Hui;Cheng, Chih-Hsiang;Lin, Jung-Hsin;Liu, Hsiu-Chou;Yu, Yen-Ting;Lin, Chai-Ching;Chen, Wei-Jung
    • Animal Bioscience
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    • 제34권11호
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    • pp.1870-1878
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    • 2021
  • Objective: The objective of this experiment was to investigate the effects of different colors produced by light emitting diode (LED) on Brown Tsaiya ducks. Methods: A total of 144 female Brown Tsaiya ducks were randomly allocated into three individual cage rearing chambers with different LED illumination colors as treatments. Three different treatments were: i) white color, ii) blue color, and iii) red color. The experiment periods were from ducks 21 to 49 weeks of age, determined traits included i) egg laying performance, ii) feed intake, iii) egg shell breaking strength, iv) egg shell thickness, v) egg Haugh unit, vi) egg weight, vii) serum Estradiol and Progesterone concentration, and viii) behavior pattern. Results: The results indicated that when compared with white and blue color, red color could stimulate ducks sexual maturation and raised the egg laying performance. The red light group was also observed to have the highest feed intake among three treatments. The blue treatment had the lowest egg shell breaking strength and the highest egg weight among three treatments, nevertheless, no significant difference was observed among three treatments on egg shell thickness and egg Haugh unit. The red light group had higher serum estradiol concentration than the white and blue groups, but no significant difference among treatments on the serum Progesterone concentration was found. The results of behavior pattern indicated that red light group showed more feeding and less resting behavior compared to the blue light group. Conclusion: We found a potential of applying red light illumination in the indoor laying duck raising system with positive results on egg laying performance and acceptable egg weight, equivalent egg qualities compared to white and blue light.