저오염 사료의 급여에 의한 잉어의 성장과 질소 및 인 배설량

Growth and Excretion of Nitrogen and Phosphorus of Israeli Strain of Carp(Cyprinus carpio) Fed a Low Pollution Diets

  • 발행 : 1998.02.01


Growth performance and excretions of nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) were investigated with carp (Cyprinus carpio) with carp (Cyprinus carpio) grower fed a low pollution diets (A and B) and commercial ones (Com-1 and Com-2). A recirculated rearing system (Exp. I) and a floating net cage system (Exp. II) were employed for two feeding trials in which fish having an initial body weight of 152g and 193g were fed for 41 an 39 days, respectively. The highest weight gain, daily growth rate and protein efficiency ratio were found (P<0.05) in fish fed diet A containing 10% fish meal and 2% monocalcium phosphate (MCP) for both experiments. They also showed the lowest feed conversion ratio and daily feeding ration among treatments. Fish fed diet B containing 10% fish meal, 5% fish protein concentrate and 1% MCP showed weight gain and FCR more improved (P<0.05) than those fed commercial diets. In all groups, whole body cmpositions were not greatly different among treatment, and protein and P contents in final fish ranged from 14.3 to 15.6% and from 0.39 to 0.48%, respectively. Fish fed diet A excreted the least N which were 38.3 in Exp. I and 39.6g/kg gain in Exp. II. However, the values found in fish fed two commercial diets amounted to 59.1 and 58.9g, respectively. A significant decrease in P excretion was also found in fish groups fed diets A and B. In Exp. I, a reduction of 53.4% was shown in fish fed diet A, compared to the averaged value (18.5g P/kg gain) of two commercial groups. In Exp. II conducted using the floating net cages, fish fed diet B excreted the least P (8.6g/kg gain) among the treatment, which was followed by fish fed diet A, showing 48.6% reduction compared to the average value (18.5g/kg gain) for fish fed two commercial diets. The present results clearly showed that N and P excretions from fish culture could be significantly reduced by using the low pollution diet.



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  20. 한축지 v.36 육성잉어에 의한 시판사료의 성장도 및 수중 영양소 배출량 비교 김정대;김광석
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  22. 한영사지 v.20 육성용 거울잉어의 인 소화율 측정을 위한 분채집 방법의 비교 김정대;김광석;송재성;정관식;우영배;최낙중;이종윤
  23. 동물자원연구 v.7 어체중 18g 이스라엘 잉어의 인 요구량에 관한 연구 김광석;김정대;송재성;정관식;우영배;이종윤
  24. 한영사지 v.20 관행사료를 이용한 34g 이스라엘 잉어의 인 요구량 김정대;김광식;송재성;강민원;이승복;윤구석;정관식
  25. 한국양식학회지 v.10 육성용 이스라엘 잉어에 의한 원료사료의 영양소 및 에너지 소화율 김정대;김광석;이승복;정관식
  26. 한영사지 v.21 사료내 단백질과 지방의 수준이 잉어의 성장, 체조성 및 질소 배설량에 미치는 영향 김정대;김광석;이승복;정관식
  27. 배합사료 종별 생산내역. 사료 v.14 no.1 한국사료협회