• Title/Summary/Keyword: CW

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The Relationships Between Mycoplasmic Pneumonia and Production Traits in Pigs (돼지의 마이코플라즈마성 폐렴과 경제형질간의 상관관계 연구)

  • Yoo, Im-Jong;Oh, Hyung-Gil;Park, Byung-Suk;Lee, Ha-Bok;Lee, Jong-Gwan;Jeon, Byung-Kook;Kim, Na-Rae;Lee, Jun-Heon
    • Journal of Animal Science and Technology
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    • v.50 no.4
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    • pp.437-444
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    • 2008
  • Pneumonia is one of the important diseases in commercial pig. In order to delineate the relationships with pneumonia and productions traits, five different economic traits including carcass weight(CW), backfat thickness(BF), meat quality(MQ), carcass characteristics(CC) and pork belly thickness(PB) were measured in 6,362 commercial pigs. Significant differences were observed in all the traits with pneumonia(P<0.01). Carcass weight and backfat thickness decreased significantly as the symptom of pneumonia was severed (P<0.01). Also, when the pneumonia was severed, the carcass characteristics and meat quality became worse compared with normal unaffected animals(P<0.01). In case of pork belly thickness, the significant decrease was observed in pneumonia infected animals compared with normal animals(P<0.01). Based on this study, the pneumonia infection affects most of the important economic traits in pigs and it is ultimately needed to pay more attention to prevent this disease.

Comparison of Flavor Compounds in Steamed- and Nonsteamed-Roasted Polygonatum odoratum Roots by Solid-Phase Microextraction (Solid-Phase Microextraction(SPME)을 이용한 둥굴레차의 증자 여부에 따른 향기성분 특성 비교)

  • Park, Nan-Young;Seo, Ji-Hyung;Kim, Young-Hoi;Kwon, Joong-Ho
    • Korean Journal of Food Science and Technology
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    • v.32 no.3
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    • pp.507-512
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    • 2000
  • The headspace flavors of roasted tea, prepared with steamed and nonsteamed polygonatum roots, were absorbed in solid-phase microextraction(SPME) fiber coated with $65\;{\mu}m$ of carbowax/divinylbenzene(CW/DVB) and analysed by GC-MS. The absorption conditions of SPME fiber for equilibrated headspace were selected as $60^{\circ}C$ and 30 min. In a comparison for both samples roasted at $130^{\circ}C$ for 15 min, gas chromatograms showed a similar pattern in overall profiles between steamed and nonsteamed samples before roasting, but some differences were observed in peak characteristics. From 40 separated peaks, 25 compounds were identified with both GC-MS and retention time comparison. The pyrazines including 2,3-dihydro-3,5-dihydroxy-6-methyl-4H-pyran-4-one, 2,5-dimethyl-4-hydroxy-3(2H)-furanone, 2-acetyl-1-pyrroline, etc. were higher in their contents in nonsteamed-roasted sample than steamed-roasted one. In particular, steamed-roasted polygonatum showed higher contents of acetic acid(8.17%) and hexanoic acid(5.43%) than the corresponding compounds of nonsteamed-roasted one, 2.40% and 2.00%.

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Design and Fabrication of butt-coupled(BT) sampled grating(SG) distributed bragg reflector(DBR) laser diode(LD) using planar buried heterosture(PBH) (저 전류 및 고 효율로 동작하는 양자 우물 매립형 butt-coupled sampled grating distributed bragg reflector laser diode 설계 및 제작)

  • Oh Su Hwan;Lee Chul-Wook;Kim Ki Soo;Ko Hyunsung;Park Sahnggi;Park Moon-Ho;Lee Ji-Myon
    • Korean Journal of Optics and Photonics
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    • v.15 no.5
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    • pp.469-474
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    • 2004
  • We have fabricated and designed wavelength-tunable sampled grating distributed Bragg reflector laser diodes(SGDBR-LD) by using, for the first time, planar buried heterostructures(PBH). The diodes have low threshold current values and high-performance of laser operation. Growth condition using metal organic chemical vapor deposition(MOCVD) was optimized for the formation of a good butt-coupling at the interface. A maximum output power of the fabricated device was 20 mW under 200 mA continuous wave(CW) operation at $25^{\circ}C$. Average threshold current and voltage were 12 mA and 0.8 V, approximately. This output power is higher than those of ridge waveguide(RWG) and buried ridge stripe(BRS) structures by amounts of 9 mW and 13 mW, respectively. We obtained a tuning range of 44.4nm which is well matched with the target value of our design. The side mode suppression ratio of more than 35 dB was obtained for the whole tuning range. Optical output power variation was less than 5 dB, which is 4 dB smaller than that of RWG structures.

Change in quality attributes of fresh-cut potatoes with heat and browning inhibitor treatment during storage (열처리 및 갈변저해제 병용처리에 의한 신선편이 감자제품의 저장 중 품질특성 변화)

  • Song, Hye Jin;Kwon, Oh Yeoun;Kang, Bok-Hee;Hur, Sang-Sun;Lee, Dong-Sun;Lee, Sang-Han;Kang, In-Kyu;Lee, Jin-Man
    • Food Science and Preservation
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    • v.20 no.3
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    • pp.386-393
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    • 2013
  • This study was conducted to investigate the change in quality attributes of fresh-cut potatoes with heat and browning inhibitor treatment (CW: dip in the cold water for 30 sec at $4^{\circ}C$, HW: dip in the water for 60 sec at $55^{\circ}C$, AA: dip in the 0.1% solution of ascorbic acid for 60 sec at $4^{\circ}C$, HA: dip in the 0.1% solution of ascorbic acid for 60 sec at $55^{\circ}C$) during storage at $5^{\circ}C$. During storage, fresh-cut potatoes treated with HA showed the lowest value in surface color. PPO and PAL activities of fresh-cut potatoes treated with HA were gradually increased during storage. Hardness, weight loss, soluble solids content and moisture content had no significant difference between the treatments. In sensory acceptance, fresh-cut potatoes treated for HA marked the best quality. Conclusively, heat and browning inhibitor treatment showed the positive effect on browning inhibition while maintaining the quality of fresh-cut potatoes.

Diagnostic Coincidence of Radiologic Measurement Methods of the Proximal Femur Anterior-posterior Projection for Assessment of Osteoporosis (근위대퇴부 정면 영상을 이용한 골다공증 평가 시 방사선적 계측의 진단일치도)

  • Kang, Yeong-Han;Cho, Kwang-Ho
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.12 no.6
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    • pp.353-360
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    • 2012
  • The purpose of this study was to determine whether there are relationships between radiologic parameters for osteoporosis by the proximal femur radiograhps and bone mineral density, as assessed by Dual Energy X-ray Absorptiometry(DEXA). Proximal femur anterior-posterior projection were taken from 112 individuals who undergoing DEXA. Radiographic parameters including canal-to-calcar ratio(CCR) and cortical thickness indices(CTI) were measured and compared with bone mineral density($g/cm^2$), T-score. The intramedullary femoral canal width(FW) and calcar width(CW) at osteoporosis group was significantly larger than that of control group. The CCR were correlated negatively with bone mineral density($g/cm^2$)(r=-0.340, p<0.01), and the CTI were correlated positively(r=0.624). The diagnostic accuracy of CCR for osteoporosis was 63.4%, and kappa value was 0.271. And the accuracy of CTI was 67.0%, and kappa value was the level of fair agreement(${\kappa}$=0.258). The proximal femur with large CCR and small CTI had lower T-scores. When evaluating proximal femur anterior-posterior radiographs, those patients with the thinnest femur diaphyseal cortices should be referred for further osteoporosis investigation.

Individual Order Intermodulation Distortion Generator Using Series Feedback of Diode and Its Application (다이오드 직렬 궤환을 이용한 개별 차수 혼변조 발생기 및 응용)

  • Son, Kang-Ho;Kim, Seung-Hwan;Kim, Ell-Kou;Kim, Young;Yoon, Young-Chul
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Electromagnetic Engineering and Science
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    • v.19 no.10
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    • pp.1096-1103
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    • 2008
  • This paper proposes an individual order predistortion linearizer using intermodulation distortion(IMD) generator for cancellation the third and the fifth IMD of power amplifier. The IMD generator for controlling the third and the fifth IMD consist of common Emitter amplifier and Schottky diode. These signals are generated by series feedback of Schottky diode to obtain the inverse AM/AM and AM/PM characteristics of power amplifier. The individual order predistorters are consisted of individual IMD generator, power splitter and combiner. The test results show that the third and the fifth IMD can be improved by a maximum 13.5 dB and 0.9 dB in case of CW 2-tone signals. Also, the Adjacent Channel Leakage Ratio(ACLR) can be improved 2.3 dB, 2.5 dB at ${\pm}0.885$ MHz, ${\pm}1.23$ MHz offset frequency for CD-MA IS-95 2FA signals.

A Photoreduction of Phenanthrenequinone by ESR and TRESR Spectroscopy(I)-Solvent Effect on Hyperfine-Splitting Constant of Radicals (ESR 및 TRESR 分光法에 의한 Phenanthrenequinone의 光環元反應(I). Radical의 超微細分離常數에 미치는 溶媒效果)

  • Daeil Hong;Chang Jin Kim
    • Journal of the Korean Chemical Society
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    • v.37 no.3
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    • pp.271-278
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    • 1993
  • The hyperfine splitting constants of phenanthrenequinone anion radical have been determined for the solution of triethylamine with 2-propanol, 2-pentanol or benzene by cwESR and time-resolved ESR methods. The radical anion was produced by photolysis using a pulsed excimer laser. The resulting hyperfine splitting constant A$_{H1}$ and A$_{H2}$ are 1.662, 0.378 in 2-propanol, 1.602, 0.361 in 2-pentanol and 1.518 in benzene respectively. The hyperfine coupling constants decrease with the decreasing of polarity of the mixed solvent. The tendency of the variation depends on the polarity of the solvents, thus, making it in impossible to observe the magnetic equivalent proton in a mixed solvent of nonpolar benzene. Particularly, time-resolved ESR spectrum of triethylamine radical (TEA${\cdot}$) has been observed in 0.15∼0.30 ${\mu}s$ from the solvent of 3 : 1 with 2-pentanol and triethylamine. Thus from the results of solvent effect, we can suggest that the identification of the unstable short-lived spin polarized phenanthrenequinone anion radical(*PQ${\cdot}^-$) proceed through photochemistry.

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Effect of Microwave Treatment on the Physicochemical and Microbiological Characteristics Changes of Pork Loin Meat during Storage at 4℃ (마이크로파 조사처리 돈육등심의 4℃ 저장 중 이화학적 및 미생물학적 변화)

  • Kang, Ho Jin;Park, Jong-Dae;Lee, Hyun-Yu;Kum, Jun-Seok
    • Food Science and Preservation
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    • v.20 no.2
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    • pp.215-221
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    • 2013
  • The objective of this study was to evaluate the changes in the physicochemical and microbiological characteristics of pork loin meat through microwave treatment. The microwave treatment was divided into two groups: continuing microwave treatment (CW) and holding microwave treatment (HW). The microwave treatment resulted in a whiter color (L value) and affected the a, b value. The initial pH was 5.51~5.74, but it increased to 6.32~6.51 when the pork loin samples were stored for three days. During storage for 14 days, the pH changes were not significantly different (p>0.05). The thiobarbituric-acid values of all the pork loin samples increased along with the storage period, and decreased with increasing microwave dose. The volatile basic nitrogen (VBN) content of the control was higher than those of the other samples, and the VBN content decreased along with the microwave dose. The total plate counts of the pork loin samples decreased with increasing microwave dose. The study results indicated that T2 (100 W, HW) is most effective for the safety of pork loin meat without decreasing the meat's physicochemical and microbiological characteristics.

The Design of Predistortion Linearizer with Polar Function Generator for Cellular Band Using Even Order Harmonic Signals (2차 고조파 신호를 이용한 극 함수 발생기를 갖는 셀룰라 밴드용 전치 왜곡 선형화기 설계)

  • Kim, Ell-Kou;Jeon, Ki-Kyoung;Kim, Young;Kwon, Sang-Keun;Yoon, Young-Chul
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Electromagnetic Engineering and Science
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    • v.17 no.11 s.114
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    • pp.1050-1057
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    • 2006
  • This paper proposes a new predistortion linearizer with amplitude modulator and PFG(Polar Function Generator) using second order harmonic signals. This linearizer consists of PFG that combine with in-phase and quadrature-phase of second harmonic signals and amplitude modulator in main path. The predistorted third order intermodulation distortion(IMD3) signals that are generated by amplitude modulator with fundamental and PFG signals, improve a amplifier nonlinear characteristics. The proposed linearizer and amplifier have been manufactured and tested to operate in cellular base-station transmitting band$(869\sim894MHz)$. The test results show that IMD3 can be removed by more than 22.5 dB in case of CW 2-tone signals ${\Delta}f=1$ MHz, and the adjacent channel power ratio(ACPR) also can be improved by more than 8.4 dB for CDMA IS-95 1FA signals.

Part I Advantages re Applications of Slab type YAG Laser PartII R&D status of All Solid-State Laser in JAPAN

  • Iehisa, Nobuaki
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Laser Processing Conference
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    • 1998.11a
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    • pp.0-0
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    • 1998
  • -Part I- As market needs become more various, the production of smaller quantities of a wider variety of products becomes increasingly important. In addition, in order to meet demands for more efficient production, long-term unmanned factory operation is prevailing at a remarkable pace. Within this context, laser machines are gaining increasing popularity for use in applications such as cutting and welding metallic and ceramic materials. FANUC supplies four models of $CO_2$ laser oscillators with laser power ranging from 1.5㎾ to 6㎾ on an OEM basis to machine tool builders. However, FANUC has been requested to produce laser oscillators that allow more compact and lower-cost laser machines to be built. To meet such demands, FANUC has developed six models of Slab type YAG laser oscillators with output power ranging from 150W to 2㎾. These oscillators are designed mainly fur cutting and welding sheet metals. The oscillator has an exceptionally superior laser beam quality compared to conventional YAG laser oscillators, thus providing significantly improved machining capability. In addition, the laser beam of the oscillator can be efficiently transmitted through quartz optical fibers, enabling laser machines to be simplified and made more compact. This paper introduces the features of FANUC’s developed Slab type YAG laser oscillators and their applications. - Part II - All-solid-state lasers employing laser diodes (LD) as a source of pumping solid-state laser feature high efficiency, compactness, and high reliability. Thus, they are expected to provide a new generation of processing tools in various fields, especially in automobile and aircraft industries where great hopes are being placed on laser welding technology for steel plates and aluminum materials for which a significant growth in demand is expected. Also, in power plants, it is hoped that reliability and safety will be improved by using the laser welding technology. As in the above, the advent of high-power all-solid-state lasers may not only bring a great technological innovation to existing industry, but also create new industry. This is the background for this project, which has set its sights on the development of high-power, all-solid-state lasers with an average output of over 10㎾, an oscillation efficiency of over 20%, and a laser head volume of below 0.05㎥. FANUC Ltd. is responsible for the research and development of slab type lasers, and TOSHIBA Corp. far rod type lasers. By pumping slab type Nd: YAG crystal and by using quasi-continuous wave (QCW) type LD stacks, FANUC has already obtained an average output power of 1.7㎾, an optical conversion efficiency of 42%, and an electro-optical conversion efficiency of 16%. These conversion efficiencies are the best results the world has ever seen in the field of high-power all-solid-state lasers. TOSHIBA Corp. has also obtained an output power of 1.2㎾, an optical conversion efficiency of 30%, and an electro-optical conversion efficiency of 12%, by pumping the rod type Nd: YAG crystal by continuous wave (CW) type LD stacks. The laser power achieved by TOSHIBA Corp. is also a new world record in the field of rod type all-solid-state lasers. This report provides details of the above results and some information on future development plans.

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