• Title/Summary/Keyword: CD7

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T 임파구와 세포성면역

  • 최철순
    • Journal of the korean veterinary medical association
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    • v.25 no.10
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    • pp.595-606
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    • 1989
  • 항원제시세포(APC)와 보조T세포 간의 협력작용에 의하여 활성화된 작동세포(NK세포, CTL, K세포, 대식세포, 과립구 등)의 종양세포, 이식장기 및 세포내기생세균에 감염된 각종 세포에 대한 세포독성작용은 생체방어를 위한 중요한 세포성면역기전이다. 지난 몇 년간 세포성면역기전에 관한 많은 연구에도 불구하고 T림파구매개성 세포독성작용의 면역생물학적기전은 확실히 밝혀있지 않다. 지금까지 알려진 중요한 연구내용을 요약하면 다음과 같다. 1. 세포독성작용을 나타내는 작동세포로는 NK세포, CTL, K세포, 대식세포/단핵구 및 과립구가 있다. 2. T세포의 세포표면항원분자군(CD)으로는 $CD_{2},\;CD_{3},\;CD_{4}[Ly_{3}T_{4}],\;CD_{5}[=Ly_{1}],\;CD_{7},\;CD_{8}[Ly_{2,3}]$가 있으며 $CD_{4}$는 보조Ttpvhdml 특이마커이고 $CD_{8}$는 세포독성 T세포 및 억압T세포의 특이마커이다. 주요 T세포수용체(TCR)는 $CD_{4}$ 또는 $CD_{8}$ 분자와 가까이 연합된 이향체($TCR-{\alpha}{\beta}/TCR-{\gamma}{\delta}$이며 보조 T세포 $CD_{4}$(마우스 $L_{3}T_{4}$)는 수용체와 연합되어 있는반면 억압 T세포 $CD_{8}(Ly+_{2,3})$는 항원수용체와 연합되어 있다. 3. T세포는 Ti-$CD_{3}$(항원/MHC) 복합체를 통한 '항원가교'에 의한 자극(항원인식)과 $CD_{2}$를 통한 비특이경로에 의하여 활성화(분화증식)된다. 비특이경로를 통한 활성경로에서 T세포($CD_{4}$$CD_{8}$)가 활성화되기 위하여는 보조T세포가 생산하는 IL-2을 요구하며 IL-2의 자극으로 분화증식된 $CD_{8}$는 세포독성능을 나타내지만 $CD_{4}^{+}$는 여전히 세포독성능을 나타내지 못한다. 4. 보조T세포는 class II MHC분자와 연합된 항원을 식별하는 반면 세포독성T세포는 class I MHC 분자와 연합된 항원을 식별한다. 5. 림파구 매개성 세포독성은 접촉(conjugati-on), 탈분극(depolarization), 용해계획(progra-mming), 용해(lysis) 및 재순환(recycling)의 단계를 거쳐 진행된다. 6. 표적세포살해매체로는 perforin / PFP / cy-tolysin, lymphopores, lymphotoxins, protone, cytolytic enzymes가 알려졌으며 세포독성작용은 이들 이외에도 여러 가지 매체를 통한 복합작용으로 추정된다. 7. CTL 매개성 표적세포의 주요 대사변화는 actomyocin ATPase의 증가, phosphocreatine과 ATPase의 소모, ATP 의존성 $Na^{+}/K^{+}$ 펌프작용의 중지, ATP 의존성 $Ca^{2+}$ 유출감소 및 세포내 축적이 관찰된다. 8. $Ca^{2+}$의 축적으로 세포막 교질 침투손상을 주어 수분의 유입을 증가시킴으로써 수포형성, 핵붕괴, 사립체팽화 및 정상세포 구조상실(Zeiosis)이 있다. 결론적으로 CTL 매개성 세포독성작용은 PFP, LT, TNF, 유사 TNF / LT 및 기타 매체를 통한 복합작용이며 세포살해기전은 지속적 대사소모와 정형적 세포구조(핵 및 세포질)의 파괴에 의한 것이다.

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Microarray Analysis of CD/cytokine Gene Expression in Human Mast Cell treated with Bee Venom (봉독약침액(蜂毒藥鍼液)이 비만세포주의 CD/cytokine 유전자(遺傳子) 발현(發現)에 미치는 영향(影響))

  • Lee, Woong-kyung;Kang, Sung-keel;Koh, Hyung-kyun
    • Journal of Acupuncture Research
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    • v.20 no.5
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    • pp.50-62
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    • 2003
  • Objective: Bee Venom(BV) has been used for various kinds of inflammatory or painful conditions in Oriental Medicine clinics, and there publishes reports on its therapeutic effects and the probable mechanism of those therapeutic effects, where CDs and cytokines plays important role. This study investigated the influences of bee venom on the expressions of CDs and cytokines of HMC cell line Methods: In this study we analysed the expression profile of HMC cell line treated with BV of 10-2ug/ml in relation to that of HMC cell line treated with vehicle by way of CD/cytokine microarray hybridization with 342 genes on it. Results: There were no upregulated genes by more than 3 fold, while there showed some downregulated genes by less than 1/3 fold as follows: colony stimulating factor 2, CD122, IL-7, CD112, TNF-alpha, CD138, CD166, TGFbetaR2, CD42b, CD62L, CD111, interleukin 10 receptor alpha, colony stimulating factor 1(macrophage), CD38 antigen(p45), CD121a, CD33 antigen(gp67), colony stimulating factor 1 receptor, B cell linker protein (SLP65) mRNA, CD94, alanyl(membrane) aminopeptidase, immunoglobulin(CD79A) binding protein 1, CD205, CD241, CD207, CDw121b, integrin alpha L(CD11a), integrin beta 1(CD29), CD91, CD42b. Conclusions: Bee venom treatment induced downregulation of some CDs or cytokines including $TNF-{\alpha}$. IL-1R with its possible implication in an antiinflammatory action of BV. Further research on expression profile changes induced by BV treatment is expected.

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Physiological Profile of Growing Rats: Effects of Cage Type and Cage Density

  • Yildiz, A.;Hayirli, A.;Okumus, Z.;Kaynar, O.;Kisa, F.
    • Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences
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    • v.20 no.2
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    • pp.263-272
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    • 2007
  • This experiment was conducted to examine the effects of cage type (CT) and cage density (CD) on physiological variables in growing rats. Sprague Dawley rats (n=108) weighing an average of 46 g were housed in metallic cage with woodchip bedding (MCWB), metallic cage with wire mesh (MCWM), and plastic shoebox with woodchip bedding (PCWB) separately by sex at normal ($160-cm^2/rat$, ND) and high ($80-cm^2/rat$, HD) CD from 3 to 10 wks of age. All cages were in dimension of $24{\times}40{\times}20$ cm ($W{\times}D{\times}H$). At the end of the experiment, blood samples were collected and 6 rats from each cage were sacrificed. No death was observed among rats at ND, whereas mortality rate at HD was 22.3% for males and 13.9% for females. Heart weight was affected by CT. Doubling CD caused 23, 11.8, 17.9, 8.6, 6.9, and 16.4% decreases in BW and weights of heart, liver, kidney, testis, and ovary, respectively. Except for adrenal gland, other organs for males were heavier than for females. Liver weight of males and females responded differently to CT and CD. Comparing with females, males had 7.3 and 5.2% heavier and 9.9% lighter liver weights in MCWB, MCWM, and PCWB, respectively. As CD doubled, liver weight for males and females decreased by 22.4 and 13.1%, respectively. Mean adrenal gland weight increased by 8.4% and decreased by 9.7% for males and females, respectively, with doubling CD. CT affected glucose, TG, Ca, and ALP levels. However, CD did not alter blood chemistry. Rats housed in metallic cages had greater neutrophil count and neutrophil:lymphocyte ratio than rats housed in plastic cages. Doubling CD caused a 24.2% increase in lymphocyte count. There were CT by CD, CT by sex, and CD by sex interaction effects on lymphocyte count. Doubling CD caused 0.1% decrease and 49.8 and 26.7% increases in lymphocyte count for rats housed in MCWB, MCWM, and PCWB, respectively. Comparing with females, lymphocyte count for males housed in MCWB, MCWM, and PCWB had 8.9 and 12.9% greater and 30.3% less lymphocyte counts, respectively. Lymphocyte count decreased by 4.12% for males, whereas it increased by 61.0% for females as CD doubled. Doubling CD resulted in 2.5 and 2.3% increases in erythrocyte count and hematocrit value. These data suggest that animals perform better in metallic cages than in plastic cages and that cage density had pronounceable effects on physiological parameters in a cage type and sex dependent-manner.

Inhibitory Effects of Changchuldoin-tanggamibang on Collagen Induced Arthritis in DBA/1J Mouse (창출도인탕가미방(蒼朮桃仁湯加味方)이 DBA/1J 생쥐의 collagen 유발 관절염 억제에 미치는 영향)

  • Park, Jang-Woo;Oh, Min-Seok
    • The Journal of Korean Medicine
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    • v.31 no.2
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    • pp.19-35
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    • 2010
  • Objectives: This study was carried out to find the effects of Changchuldoin-tanggamibang (hereinafter referred to CDIT) on the inhibition of arthritis induced by collagen on DBA/1J mouse. Methods: The experimental mice were divided into four groups: normal group (Nr), control group (CIA-CT), methotrexate group (CIA-MTX), and Changchuldoin-tanggamibang group (CIA-CDIT). Cytotoxicity, hepatotoxicity, arthritis index, value of immunocytes in draining lymph node and paw joint, and rheumatoid factor (IgG, IgM) in serum were measured in vivo. Results: 1. Cytotoxicity against hFCs was not shown in any concentration. 2. Hepatotoxicity was low in the CDIT-treated group compared with the MTX group. 3. The arthritis index decreased significantly. 4. In total cell counts of DLN and paw joint, the cells in DLN increased significantly while there was a significant decrease in paw joint. 5. In lymph nodes, CD19+, CD3+, CD4+, CD8+, CD3+/CD8+, CD3+/CD69+, CD4+/CD25+, CD3+/CD49b+, and CD4+/CD44+ cells increased significantly, while B220+/CD23+, and CD11c+/MHCII+ cells decreased significantly. 6. In joints, CD3+, CD4+, CD4+/CD25+, and CD11b+/Gr-1+ cells decreased significantly. 7. The level of IgG decreased and the level of IgM significantly decreased compared with the control. 8. Anti-collagen II in serum decreased compared with the control. 9. Around the joint of the CDIT group, infiltration of inflammation, synovial hyperplasia, invasion of cytokine, of cartilage, deposition of collagen and synovial injury decreased compared with the control in histopathologic observation (HE, MT staining). Conclusions: Comparison of the results for this study showed that CDIT had immunomodulatory effects. We expect that CDIT could be used as a effective drug for not only rheumatoid arthritis but also another auto-immune diseases. Therefore, we have to survey continuously, looking for effective substances and mechanisms in the future.

A Study on the Characteristics of High Energy Nitrogen ion Implanted CdS Thin Films (고에너지 질소 이온 주입된 CdS 박막 특성에 관한 연구)

  • 이재형;홍석주;양계준
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering
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    • v.7 no.4
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    • pp.712-718
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    • 2003
  • The effects of nitrogen ion implantation on vacuum evaporated cadmium sulphide (CdS) thin films were investigated by X-ray diffraction, optical transmittance spectra, and Raman scattering studies. The as-deposited CdS films have a hexagonal structure with preferential (0 0 2) orientation. Formation of Cd metallic clusters was observed in ion implanted films from the XRD patterns. The band gap of N+ implanted films decreased, whereas the optical absorption coefficient values increased with the increase of implantation dose. The Raman peak position appeared at 299 cm-1 and the FWHM increased with the ion dose. A decrease in the area of Raman peak of CdS Al(LO) mode is seen on implantation.

TiO2 Nanotube Arrays Sensitized with CdS and CdSe for Solar Hydrogen Production (태양광 수소 생산용 CdS와 CdSe 흡착 TiO2 나노튜브 어레이)

  • Shaislamov, Ulugbek;Kim, Hyun;Yang, Bee-Lyong
    • Journal of the Korean Ceramic Society
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    • v.49 no.1
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    • pp.130-133
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    • 2012
  • In this work we report investigation results of enhanced visible light photocatalytic properties of CdS and CdSe sensitized $TiO_2$ nanotube heterostructures. Anodically grown ordered $TiO_2$ nanotube arrays were sensitized with CdS and CdSe by using successive ionic layer adsorption and reaction method. Photocatalytic measurements revealed that heterostructured samples show enhanced photocurrent density under the visible light illumination. Improved visible light performance of the heterostuctures was explained by lower band gap of the CdS and CdSe and their favorable conduction band positions relative to $TiO_2$. Moreover, due to the lower band gap of the CdSe (1.7 eV) compared to CdS (2.4 eV), both photocurrent density and photoconversion efficiency results showed superior activity.

Effects of the ectomycorrhizal fungus Pisolithus tinctorius and Cd on physiological properties and Cd uptake by hybrid poplar Populus alba × glandulosa

  • Han, Sim-Hee;Kim, Du-Hyun;Lee, Jae-Cheon
    • Journal of Ecology and Environment
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    • v.34 no.4
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    • pp.393-400
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    • 2011
  • The effects of the ectomycorrhizal fungus Pisolithus tinctorius and cadmium (Cd) on physiological properties and Cd uptake by Populus alba ${\times}$ glandulosa was investigated under greenhouse conditions. Cd treatment decreased the photosynthetic rate ($P_N$) of both non-mycorrhizal (NM) plants (16.3%) and ectomycorrhizal (ECM) plants (11.5%). In addition, the reduction in total dry weight by Cd treatment was greater in ECM plants (24.3%) than that in NM plants (17.6%). Mycorrhizal infection increased the $P_N$ and transpiration rate in both control and Cd-treated plants. Cd treatment increased superoxide dismutase (SOD) activity and decreased glutathione reductase activity, and the increase of SOD activity by Cd treatment was greater in NM plants (40.3%) than that in ECM plants (3.7%). Thiol content increased in both NM and ECM plants treated with Cd solution, and the increase in thiol content in NM plants (43.9%) was greater than that of ECM plants (15.6%). Cd uptake in the leaves, stems, and roots of ECM plants was 69.9%, 167.2% and 72.8%, respectively, higher than in the NM plants. However, the increase in Cd uptake ability of ECM plants resulted in a reduction in dry weight.

Fabrication of CdTe thin films by sputtering and its application on CdTe/CdS solar cells (Sputtering에 의한 CdTe박막제조 및 CdTe/CdS태양전지에의 응용)

  • Jung, H.W.;Lee, C.;Kim, S.;Shin, S.H.;Park, K.J.
    • Proceedings of the KIEE Conference
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    • 1996.07c
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    • pp.1645-1647
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    • 1996
  • Polycrystalline CdTe thin films -have been studied for photovoltaic application because of their high absorption coefficient and optimal band gap energy (1.54 eV) for solar energy conversion. In this study, we prepared CdTe films using RF-magnetron sputtering method and investigated structural, optical and electrical properties with spectrophotometer, XRD, EDX, and resistivity meter. CdTe films at $200\;^{\circ}C$ showed a mixture of zinc blend (Cubic) and wurtzite (hexagonal) phase. On the other hand, the films at $400\;^{\circ}C$ showed highly oriented structure having hexagonal structure. The resistivity of CdTe films deposited on $SiO_2$ substrates was about $10_7\;{\Omega}cm$. The value of resistivity decreased with the increase of the substrate temperature. CdTe were sputtered on CdS thin films prepared by chemical bath deposition for the formation of the heterojunction. I-V characteristics of these cells were measured at a light density of $100mw/cm^2$, AM. 1.0. The present thin film solar cells showed a conversion efficiency of about 5%.

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T- Lymphocyte Subset (CD4 /CD8) Ratios of Breast Cancer Patients in Basra-Iraq and Baku-Azerbaijan

  • Ghalib, Noori Nasr;Nasrullayeva, GM;Qaziyev, AY;Al-Ali Jawad, KH
    • Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention
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    • v.17 no.sup3
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    • pp.175-177
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    • 2016
  • Breast cancer is the most common cancer among the population as a whole and among females, yet it is highly curable if diagnosed at an early stage. Different methods are used to diagnose breast cancer. One of these methods features immunological tests using flow cytometry to determine T-lymphocyte (CD4/CD8) ratios in peripheral blood. One hundred patients with breast cancer (50 from Basra, Iraq, and 50 from Baku, Azerbaijan) confirmed to have breast cancer by histopathology were studied. Blood samples were collected from all patients before initiation of treatment and were used for analysis. The mean age of women from Basra was $51.2{\pm}10.7years$ and that of women from Baku was slightly higher at $54.8{\pm}12.2$. The mean CD4/CD8 ratio in Basra was 1.4 and in Baku was 1.8 with P value < 0.05. The percentage of Basra patients who have CD4/CD8 value less than 1 was 50%, while the percentage for Baku patients was 24 % (p < 0.05). While the CD4/CD8 T-lymphocyte ratio might be useful for early diagnosis in patients with breast cancer parallel with other confirmed tests factors involved in explaining variation between countries such as that observed here need to be taken into account.

Structural and Optical Characteristics of ZnS/CdS Powders and Thin Films (ZnS/CdS 분말과 박막의 구조 및 광학적 특성)

  • Chang, Ki-Seog
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Military Science and Technology
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    • v.13 no.4
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    • pp.659-664
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    • 2010
  • The ZnS/CdS thin films were made using 99.99% ZnS and CdS(Aldrich) powders in $7{\times}10^{-6}torr$. The ZnS layer was coated over the CdS layer on an AlOx membrane within a vacuum, at the average speed of $1{\AA}/sec$. After studying the ZnS/CdS and CdS thin films(both with the dimensions of 2.52nm), using fluorescence spectroscopy and comparing the respective results together, we found that although both of the resulting spectra peaked at 390nm, the ZnS/CdS thin films showed a narrower peak, and a higher intensity of photoluminescence than the CdS thin films. The particles of ZnS/CdS thin films also proved to be more homogeneous in size. In addition, the ZnS layer acted as a protective layer. Also, after studying the spectra of ZnS/CdS thin films taken 30 days after their preparation, we found no signs of aging. These results were verified through the scanning electron microscopy(SEM), EDX analysis, thin film X-ray diffraction, and luminescence spectroscopy.