• 제목/요약/키워드: Buying trends

검색결과 42건 처리시간 0.027초

의복소비에 있어서의 양면적 태도와 강박구매 (Consumers' ambivalent attitudes toward various aspects of clothing shopping on compulsive buying tendencies)

  • 박정권;이현정;이규혜
    • 복식문화연구
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    • 제21권4호
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    • pp.467-477
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    • 2013
  • Retailers deploy new shopping value-additions to induce customers to shop more, thus driving compulsive buying tendencies, which lead to increased profits for them. Customers display their ambivalence in purchasing a product either through instantaneous consumption, such as when following the latest fashion trends, or methodical decision making. The aim of this study is to investigate the influence of consumers' ambivalent attitudes toward various aspects (brand, store, price, trends, and product types) of clothing shopping on compulsive behavior tendencies. Compulsive buying tendencies were analyzed in terms of the shopping value group and demographic characteristics. For the empirical research, a questionnaire was used. Data from male and female clothing shoppers were analyzed. Consumers were segmented into ambivalent consumption group, emotional value consumption group, rationality consumption group, and indifference consumption group. Results indicate that ambivalent consumption groups showed significantly higher levels of compulsive behavior tendencies in terms of brand, store, price, trends, and product types than other groups. Females showed more compulsive buying tendencies than males. Single people showed more compulsive buying tendencies than married.

모피의류의 구매 및 착용실태 I (A Study of Buying and Wearing Fur Clothes)

  • 오선숙
    • 복식문화연구
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    • 제3권1호
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    • pp.109-124
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    • 1995
  • This study is purposed to analyze the degree of content and wearing style of fur cloths in order for women to buy them effectively and to wear them contentedly. So scrutinized buying style and wearing condition of fur clothes. To show whether women's buying fur clothes are suitable for their body or not, this study was examined characteristics, sorts, method of fabrication and manufacture, buying pattern and trends of fur clothes. The conclusion from this study examining the degree of possession, decision making of buying and recognition of fur clothes are as followings: 1. When women wears fur clothes, style of fur clothes have nothing to do with their body and height, and women who are 150∼160cm tall content to fur clothes commonly. 2. Condition of buying fur clothes, many 40's women whose only husband earns family's bread belong to fur clothes, and buy them, talking with a husband. Also, according to income a month, and to the ind of a job, in case of a couple's earning family's bread together, women whose whose income is 800,000 to 1,000,000₩ level. 3. Condition of wearing fur clothes, the cause that women feel like wearing fur clothes is as following: economic stability their own pride, and contentment to wear them. Women want to wear those different from fur clothes that they possess, and half coat, because of working conveniently. As the above mention, purchasers recognite the conception of fur clothes for themselves, and buy economically them, and must wear those of which design and style are suitable for body.

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상호의존세계중적조직구매행위(相互依存世界中的组织购买行为) (Organizational Buying Behavior in an Interdependent World)

  • Wind, Yoram;Thomas, Robert J.
    • 마케팅과학연구
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    • 제20권2호
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    • pp.110-122
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    • 2010
  • 20世纪60年代中期, 随着1967年 ${\ll}$产业购买和创造营销${\gg}$的出版, 组织购买行为这一领域的兴起为企业如何在市场中运作提供了新的思维方式, 而不只是为最终用户服务. 无论是 "工业营销" 或 "企业营销"(B-to-B),组织的购买行为仍然是这个领域的核心. 本文探讨了动态因素的影响,影响了几个组织彼此相关的迅速增长的相互依存,反过来会影响组织的购买行为. 文章还提出了一个问题,组织购买行为的概念模型,在一个相互依存的世界是否仍然会在这个充满活力的经营环境中引导研究和管理的思想,. 本文提出并探索三个关于组织相互依存的问题: 1.哪些因素和趋势驱动了组织的相互依存的兴起? 2.在过去半个世纪中发展起来的组织购买行为的主要概念模型仍然适用于今天这个相互依存的组织的世界吗? 3.研究中组织的相互依存的启示是什么? 组织购买行为的实践活动是什么? 考虑到组织关系中驱动组织的相互依存的因素和趋势和5个关键驱动因素有关并影响他们的购买行为:加速全球化, 平整的网络组织, 破坏价值链, 强化政府的介入, 不断细分客户需求. 这五个相通的相互依存和潜在的技术上的优势可以改变组织购买产品和服务的市场中保持竞争力的关系. 在一个客户驱动的营销策略背景下, 这些力量影响三个层次的战略发展: (1)进化的客户需求, (2)产生的产品/服务和解决方案以满足这些需求, 和(3)的组织能力和工艺制定和实施了以满足需求. 组织中相互依存的五个驱动因素在他们影响组织如何购买时不需要独立的操作. 他们可以相互作用和更加有效的影响组织购买行为. 例如,加速了全球化的影响,出现了新的网络进一步破坏传统价值链之间的关系, 从而改变机构购买的产品和服务. 提高政府参与可能会增加成本,因此在其它国家的新兴市场开公司做生意寻求低成本的来源. 这可以减少一国的就业机会增加另一个国家的就业机会, 在另一方面, 从而进一步加速全球化. 第二个主要的问题是相互依存的五个驱动因素对组织购买行为的核心概念模型有什么影响. 考虑三个在 ${\ll}$产业购买和创造营销${\gg}$${\ll}$组织购买行为${\gg}$ 书籍中发展的概念模型:组织购买过程, 购买中心,以及购买的情况. 回顾这些核心模型, 作为最初的概念,他们仍然是有效的, 而且不可能改变. 在买家和卖家相互依赖的情况下, 什么会改变买卖双方相互作用的方式. 例如,增加了相互依赖的机会可能导致增加协作以及组织之间的冲突的买卖,从而改变购买过程. 此外,组织中的沟通过程的重要性作为一个成功的购买关系的判断依据将增加. 第三个问题对这些组织购买行为的关系的影响和意义进行了探讨. 以下是本文所考虑到的: 为了增进对网络对组织购买行为的影响的理解,需要增加了解所扮演的角色之间的信任, 增强在网络环境中如何管理组织购买的理解的需要, 需要增加了解在价值网络中的客户需要,并且需要增加了解新兴的商业模式对组织购买行为的影响. 在许多方面,这些从增加的组织的相互依存派生出来的需要是组织购买行为传统概念的扩展. 在1977年,Nicosia 和Wind建议把焦点集中在组织间而不是组织内部观点,自1990年以来, 这个趋势的势头很强. 对于管理者来说,也想在越来越相互依存的世界中生存,他们将需要更好地了解组织如何与另一组织相关的复杂性. 从组织的相互依存的观点已经开始,必须不断地发展提出一种对这些重要的关系改进的理解. 互相依赖的网络观点的转变需要很多学术界人士和实践者从根本上挑战和改变他们商业中的心智模型和组织购买行为模型. 不再只关注购买组织和销售组织之间的关系而应该是网络中所有的相关成员, 包括消费者, 发展者, 供应商和中间者. 我们来看这个例子. 由SAP创造的有众多合作伙伴的网络包含了超过9000个公司和超过一百万的参与者. 互相依赖的进展, 复杂性和不确定的现实和多变的网络需要重新考虑如何做出购买决定. 结果是他们应该关注学术中下一阶段的研究和理论建设并关注有实践者构建的实践模型和实验. 我们希望这样的研究能够展开, 不是孤立在象牙塔里, 也不是限制在商业世界中, 而是学术和实践的结合. 总而言之, 组织之间相互依赖的提高的考虑揭示了组织购买行为的基础模型的持续关联性. 然而在相互依存的世界中来提高这些模型的价值, 学术界和实践者应该提高他们对一下内容的理解 (1)网络的影响; (2)如何更好地管理这些影响的作用; (3)组织之间信任和价值的作用, (4)价值网络中客户需求的演变; (5)组织购买行为的新兴的新商业模型的影响. 为了实现这一目标, 我们需要产业界和学习界更好的合作从而提高我们对在相互依赖的世界中的组织购买行为的理解.

소셜 커머스에서 20대 여대생의 패션제품 구매 시 충동구매에 영향을 미치는 요인 (A Study on the Influential Factors of Impulsive Purchases by Female University Students in their 20's when Purchasing Fashion Products in Social Commerce)

  • 이수진;신수연
    • 한국의류산업학회지
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    • 제15권5호
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    • pp.743-752
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    • 2013
  • Consumers can share their diverse opinions about products due to the increased popularity of smartphones and the internet that enables increased access to the websites and encourages the use of 'SNS' (Social Network Services). Social commerce has expanded rapidly as a mainstream online shopping channel over the past year, compelling consumers to spend more money vis-$\grave{a}$-vis social commerce websites. This allows individuals to see different lists of prices for specific products; however, it is also likely to lead to serious compulsive buying. Despite these changing trends, earlier studies have been limited to factors that affect impulse purchases vis-$\grave{a}$-vis Internet shopping malls; therefore, in is salient to conduct research on consumer spending habits related to social commerce websites. This study describes the characteristics of consumers and utilizes social commerce websites as parameters for the impact of impulsive shopping based on a survey of 300 women in their 20's who have experienced impulse buying vis-$\grave{a}$-vis social commerce websites. This study shows that: First, discounts, product scarcity and social commerce site's reputation affect impulse buying when consumers buy products from the social commerce websites. Second, variables on the characteristics of the personal experiences, interests, and self-control also stimulate impulsive purchases.

거주평형에 따른 소비자 홈 패션 구매 행동 및 선호도 연구 (A Study on Consumers Home Fashion Buying Behavior and Preferences Based on Housing Size)

  • 김칠순;박수연
    • 복식문화연구
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    • 제13권1호
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    • pp.34-46
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    • 2005
  • The purpose of this study was to research buying behavior and home fashion preferences based on housing size. The target consumers were Korean women, aged 20~40s who reside in the Seoul & Kyunggido areas. We distributed questionnaires to 650 women. However, only 600 questionnaires were used for the statistical analysis. Data analyses were conducted with SPSS program on the frequency, Chi-square test, cluster analysis, t-test and ANOVA. The results of this study are as follows: 1. The considering factors for purchasing such as brand, trends coordinating existing furnishings with new products and functionality were significantly associated with housing size. The buyers who reside in bigger size homes. over 40 pyung place higher value on brand name, trends. or coordinating existing furnishing with new products than residents in smaller units. However, women who live in smaller units place higher value on functionality when purchasing home fashion products. Considering factors such as brand, trend, and materials were also significantly associated with segmented age group; 40~49 age group considered brand, trend, and materials more than 20~29 age group. The group who are highly interested in home fashion considered design/color, rand, coordination, and functionality than the group who are low interested in home fashion. 2. Residents in over 40 pyung homes buy home fashion products at department stores, while residents in less than 39 pyung homes buy them at discounted store. 3. Respondents preferred solid colors more than patterns. However, they favored character pattern for textile bedding products for their children. 4. there is also a statistical difference in preferences for types of window treatments between large ad small housing sizes. Residents living in over 40 pyung preferred tie-back/cottage curtain, while residents living in less than 29 pyung preferred Roman shade style.

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남자 대학생의 외모관리태도에 따른 니트웨어 구매행동 (The Buying Behavior of Knitwear according to Appearance Management Attitude of the Male College Students)

  • 이진경;한솔비;권민정;김재환;이지연
    • 복식문화연구
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    • 제18권2호
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    • pp.322-336
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    • 2010
  • This study examines the appearance management attitude factor of male college students and groups them according to their characteristics. Then this research analyzes their interest in knitwear, buying behavior, and characteristics to see what kind of differences exist. The results of the research are as follows: First, after conducting a factor analysis to identify the appearance management attitude of male college students, 3 factors emerged(sought personality, pursued trends, and appearance interest). Second, as a result grouping the students according to their attitude. It is created 3 groups(fashionista group, personality group, and appearance interest group). Third, for the interest in knitwear, the fashionista group had the highest interest in knitwear, with a preferred brand when purchasing. Fourth, the fashionista group that values personality and latest trends was more likely to purchase knitwear than the personality group or the appearance interest group. Finally, the majority preferred solid colors. Over 50% of the students preferred knits without any patterns. Also, the most preferred 100% cotton. As this survey was only surveyed in Seoul and Gyounggi areas. The next research requires to be surveyed in a more comprehensive area. Additionally, male college students must more effectively be segmented and surveyed to get accurate results.

패션 아울렛 소비자의 쇼핑성향이 브랜드 충성도 및 쇼핑만족도에 미치는 영향 (Effects of Shopping Orientation on Brand Loyalty and Shopping Satisfaction of Fashion Outlet Consumers)

  • 이아람;유태순
    • 복식
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    • 제60권2호
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    • pp.114-129
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    • 2010
  • The purpose of this study were to identify shopping orientation for fashion outlet consumers and its significance in influencing brand loyalty and shopping satisfaction. This study will propose results which help to better understand shopping orientation of fashion outlet consumers. A questionnaire was administered to 326 20s male and female living in Daegu Gyeongbuk during October of 2008. Data were analyzed by using Factor analysis, Reliability analysis, t-test and Regression analysis. The results of the research are as follows: First, The shopping orientation could be into 5 dimensions: pleasure tendency, fashion tendency, name brand tendency, prudence buying tendency, economic tendency. Brand loyalty were factor analyzed resulting three factors such as brand loyalty, brand care and brand knowledge. Brand loyalty factors of brand loyalty and brand knowledge had a positive effect on fashion tendency, name brand tendency. Brand care has a positive effect on name brand tendency and economic tendency. Second, Shopping satisfaction were factor analyzed resulting five factors such as product, store atmosphere, service store reputation, location convenience and price. Outlet product had a positive effect on fashion tendency, name brand tendency, prudence buying tendency and while all other factors showed a positive effect on preferences to follow trends. However, outlet price had a positive effect on only those consumers possessing a economic tendency.

인공지능에 의한 개인 맞춤 패션 스타일 추천 서비스 사례 연구 (A Case Study on the Recommendation Services for Customized Fashion Styles based on Artificial Intelligence)

  • 안효선;권수희;박민정
    • 한국의류학회지
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    • 제43권3호
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    • pp.349-360
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    • 2019
  • This study analyzes the trends of recommendation services for customized fashion styles in relation to artificial intelligence. To achieve this goal, the study examined filtering technologies of collaborative, content based, and deep-learning as well as analyzed the characteristics of recommendation services in the users' purchasing process. The results of this study showed that the most universal recommendation technology is collaborative filtering. Collaborative filtering was shown to allow intuitive searching of similar fashion styles in the cognition of need stage, and appeared to be useful in comparing prices but not suitable for innovative customers who pursue early trends. Second, content based filtering was shown to utilize body shape as a key personal profile item in order to reduce the possibility of failure when selecting sizes online, which has limits to being able to wear the product beforehand. Third, fashion style recommendations applied with deep-learning intervene with all user processes of buying products online that was also confirmed to penetrate into the creative area of image tag services, virtual reality services, clothes wearing fit evaluation services, and individually customized design services.

백화점의 통합적 마케팅커뮤니케이션을 위한 VMD전략 계획에 관한 연구-VMD구성요소 분석을 중심으로- (A Study on VMD Strategy Plan for Integrated Marketing Communication in Department Store -An Analysis of VMD Organization Elements-)

  • 김연아
    • 한국실내디자인학회논문집
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    • 제17호
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    • pp.12-21
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    • 1998
  • Due to rise in a more sophisticated consumer and free distribution of foreign goods domestic department stores have been confronted with the need to change marketing strategy. The VMD strategy has become increasingly important as the means in reaching the contemporary consumer who has been sensitized to a visual style of marketing strategy. The use of VMD organizational elements have enabled us to create basic planning data that more accurately reflect our current marketplace trends,. The positive influence and supporting role of visual merchandiser is needed more than ever and will be an important part of future profit and customer satisfaction regardless of whether the customer is driven from image buying values and product-quality issues.

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Bitcoin and Its Energy Usage: Existing Approaches, Important Opinions, Current Trends, and Future Challenges

  • Mir, Usama
    • KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems (TIIS)
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    • 제14권8호
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    • pp.3243-3256
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    • 2020
  • Recent years have shown a great interest of public in buying and selling of crypto/digital currency. With hundreds of digital currencies in financial market, bitcoin remains the most widely used, adapted, and accepted currency around the world. However, the critics of bitcoin still consider it a threat to modern day power usage. This paper discusses the important pitfalls, pros, and cons related to bitcoin's energy consumption. The paper begins by highlighting the flexibilities cryptocurrency can bring to online money transfers compared to traditional 'fiat' architecture. Then, the focus of the paper entirely remains on listing various facts related to bitcoin's energy utilization including a brief description of several emerging approaches for energy optimization. This paper is concluded by revealing key current challenges associated to bitcoin's energy usage.