• Title/Summary/Keyword: Business hierarchy

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A Decision Support System for Supplier Selection in B2B E-procurement (전자조달을 위한 공급자 선택 지원 시스템의 개발)

  • 하성호;남미성
    • Korean Management Science Review
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    • v.21 no.1
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    • pp.113-129
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    • 2004
  • Nowadays many enterprises build e-procurement systems. An e-procurement is a Web-based procurement process and its functionalities are considered important in the B2B e-commerce. Buyers should select competent suppliers for a successful e-procurement. Therefore, this study proposes a method using the analytic hierarchy process(AHP) for building a Web-based supplier selection system. In detail, the purpose of this study is (1) to review methods previously used when buyers selecting suppliers and to extract important selection criteria: (2) to explain extended AHP method adopted by this study among supplier selection methods: (3) to describe the supplier selection steps using extended AHP : and (4) to propose a decision support system embedding the methodology described above. The proposed system comprises of three phase: first phase is to evaluate suppliers on enterprise level: second phase to evaluate them on each transaction level: third phase to post-evaluate them.

Fuzzy AHP Approach to TQM Strategy Evaluation

  • Tseng, Ming-Lang;Lin, Yuan-Hsu;Chiu, Anthony SF;Chen, Chia Yi
    • Industrial Engineering and Management Systems
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    • v.7 no.1
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    • pp.34-43
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    • 2008
  • In recent years, many electronics producing firms have looked upon total quality management (TQM) strategy as a means by which they could maintain competitive advantage. This empirical research evaluates TQM strategic factors in order to determine the critical success factors in environmental uncertainty. Fuzzy analytic hierarchy process (FAHP) is the proposed research methodology to discuss and tackle the different decision criteria like effective leadership, people management, customer focus, strategic plan and process management, being involved in identifying the TQM strategic critical success factors with uncertainty. The result shows that effective leadership is the most critical success factor in TQM strategy.

A Study on the Relative Importance of Underlying Competencies of Business Analysts

  • Park, Joon;Jeong, Seung Ryul
    • KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems (TIIS)
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    • v.10 no.8
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    • pp.3986-4007
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    • 2016
  • Business analysis is a key factor of project success or failure in information systems. However, there are few studies on business analysis competencies. The objective of this paper is to identify which competencies a business analyst (BA) needs, and analyze the importance weights and priorities of business analysis competencies. Literature review yielded 6 competency dimensions and 30 competencies. Based on interviews with 12 experts and analytic hierarchy process analysis, the relative importance weight and priority of each business analysis competency were analyzed. Moreover, an importance-perception gap between stakeholders in different positions was identified. This result can be used as selection and development criteria for superior BAs that are responsible for solving business problems using information systems solutions.

A Study on the Development of Performance Indicators in the Community Business (커뮤니티 비즈니스 성과지표 개발연구)

  • Kim, Myung-Jin
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.17 no.6
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    • pp.22-31
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    • 2017
  • This study has begun with the perception that proper measuring system is required to grow community business in equilibrium and to grope for some developmental directions of it. First, for effective performance evaluation of community business, the study developed a performance evaluation model based on balanced score cards, and to apply validity analysis and analytic hierarchy process (AHP) by classifying. Second, the relative importance of the second indicator for each of the first aspects shows that participation of local residents and in the aspect of person interested, satisfaction of inner education in the aspect of learning and growth, shortening of work process in the aspect of inner process, and sales per head in the aspect of substantiality were high in relative importance. Third, in the result of calculation of overall weight for each aspect, participation of local residents, a business connection to the community, sales per head were ranked in the upper group. Thus, it's now necessary to have management support through fostering intermediate support organizations in community business which has been bureaucratic, and improvement of product and service through connection with outside consulting agencies and strategic alliance with the leading businesses is required.

A Study on Contents Model for Business Records by the Application of the PREMIS Data Model (PREMIS 데이터모델 적용을 위한 사무문서 컨텐츠모형 설계 연구)

  • Moon, Ju-Young;Kim, Tae-Soo
    • Journal of the Korean Society for information Management
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    • v.28 no.1
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    • pp.43-68
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    • 2011
  • This study presents a contents model designed for business records that require long-term preservation. The contents model is based on the PREMIS(Preservation Metadata: Implementation Strategies) data model and the ISAD(G)(General International Standard Archival Description). The study selected the record collection of "the records of the overseas petroleum business and oil field development of A company located in B country." This collection requires permanent preservations by the nation and even beyond. It was attempted to establish the concepts of intellectual objects in the PREMIS data model to apply the PREMIS data model to the business records specifically. In other words, the study established the principles for differentiation of the classes in the record contents and the hierarchy structure, and the hierarchy model was developed for business records contents to derive the business records model based on those principles.

A Study on the Relationship between Class Similarity and the Performance of Hierarchical Classification Method in a Text Document Classification Problem (텍스트 문서 분류에서 범주간 유사도와 계층적 분류 방법의 성과 관계 연구)

  • Jang, Soojung;Min, Daiki
    • The Journal of Society for e-Business Studies
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    • v.25 no.3
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    • pp.77-93
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    • 2020
  • The literature has reported that hierarchical classification methods generally outperform the flat classification methods for a multi-class document classification problem. Unlike the literature that has constructed a class hierarchy, this paper evaluates the performance of hierarchical and flat classification methods under a situation where the class hierarchy is predefined. We conducted numerical evaluations for two data sets; research papers on climate change adaptation technologies in water sector and 20NewsGroup open data set. The evaluation results show that the hierarchical classification method outperforms the flat classification methods under a certain condition, which differs from the literature. The performance of hierarchical classification method over flat classification method depends on class similarities at levels in the class structure. More importantly, the hierarchical classification method works better when the upper level similarity is less that the lower level similarity.

A Study on Influence of Corporate Factor and ITO Range Factor on Outsourcing Performance -Moderating Effect of Supplier Suitability

  • YI, Seon-Gyu
    • Journal of the Korea Society of Computer and Information
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    • v.22 no.2
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    • pp.111-117
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    • 2017
  • This study analyzes the relative importance of the introducing factors for the critical success factors in the implementation stage of the lifecycle of ERP system using Delphi technique and Analytic Hierarchy Process(AHP). In the 1st layer of the hierarchy, technical factor is evaluated as the most important factor among organizational, technical, and supplier factors. In the 2nd layer, choosing a proper ERP package is evaluated as the most important factor within 15 factors followed by process-oriented approach, technical suitability, minimized customization, integration and association of system with trading parter, association with legacy systems, and support and involvement of top management. As a result of this analysis enterprise should choose an ERP package that is suitable to its business environment, and make the best use of(take full advantage of) best practice that ERP package provides to optimize the existing business procedure or process(to approach the existing business procedure or process). This study also shows the range of customization of the features provided by the ERP package should be minimized.

An evaluation structure and criteria of Workflow Management Systems for Business Process Reengineering (경영혁신을 위한 일류시스템 평가구조 및 기준에 대한 연구)

  • 김용우;김진우;문재윤;정철범;한정필
    • Korean Management Science Review
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    • v.12 no.3
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    • pp.17-44
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    • 1995
  • The changing business environment requires that firms reengineer their fundamental processes in order to retain their competitive advantage. Most Business Proess Reengineering (BPR) projects, however, have failed partly because the essential enabler, ie. information technology, was unable to perpetuate the original vision. The information systems were unable to support the collaboration among the workers participating in the process. Workflow Management Systems (WfMS) have the potential to enhance not only individual performance as did traditional information systems, but also the group performance essential to the success of BPR by providing an effective means of communications through connectivity. It also enhances productivitiy through proceduralization of the fundamental processes, thus making it possible to empower the employee even while it controls the flow, and ultimately the delaly that originally made the BPR effort necessary. Therefore, though it is not a panacea, WfMS's can improve chances for the success of BPR projects. Managers who have realized this are faced with another obstacle - that of selecting the WfMS that best meets the particular organization's needs. This paper provids an evaluation structure of WfMS functions with emphasis on those functions that are essential for BPR, classifying the functions into an attribute hierarchy according to the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) approach. It also suggests specific evaluation criteria for the main workflow functions provided by most vendors today, thus providing managers with a comprehensive guideline to facilitate the decision process.

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An Analysis of the Importance of the Success Factors in Implementation Stage of ERP System

  • YI, Seon-Gyu;Kim, Jong-Ju
    • Journal of the Korea Society of Computer and Information
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    • v.21 no.12
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    • pp.165-171
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    • 2016
  • This study analyzes the relative importance of the introducing factors for the critical success factors in the implementation stage of the lifecycle of ERP system using Delphi technique and Analytic Hierarchy Process(AHP). In the 1st layer of the hierarchy, technical factor is evaluated as the most important factor among organizational, technical, and supplier factors. In the 2nd layer, choosing a proper ERP package is evaluated as the most important factor within 15 factors followed by process-oriented approach, technical suitability, minimized customization, integration and association of system with trading parter, association with legacy systems, and support and involvement of top management. As a result of this analysis enterprise should choose an ERP package that is suitable to its business environment, and make the best use of(take full advantage of) best practice that ERP package provides to optimize the existing business procedure or process(to approach the existing business procedure or process). This study also shows the range of customization of the features provided by the ERP package should be minimized.

A Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process (FAHP) Based on SERVQUAL for Hotel Service Quality Management: Evidence from Vietnam

  • NGUYEN, Phi-Hung
    • The Journal of Asian Finance, Economics and Business
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    • v.8 no.2
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    • pp.1101-1109
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    • 2021
  • Nowadays, quality affects product or service performance and customer loyalty in the competitive business' environment. This is truly important when it comes to how the customer interprets the service's satisfaction and the judgment of the purchase process as a whole, in view of the fact that service quality is an abstract and elusive construction due to the three characteristics of services: intangibility, heterogeneity, and inseparability of output and consumption. The main purpose of this paper is to determine the hotel service quality using the Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process (FAHP) and SERVQUAL method. In this study, a five-star hotel's real case is considered in evaluating the service quality criteria. The results revealed that Tangibles and Assurance are the most critical service quality criteria in the hotel industry. Accurate records, service consistency, Necessary arrangements for disabled people, Service flexibility to guests' demands, and Providing the services at the time it promises are the most influencing sub-criteria of service quality. These findings indicate that hotels should concentrate on sequentially and organized priority factors to enhance service quality. This method of service quality assessment may also aid in distinguishing between hotels. Finally, as a future direction, more additional parameters can be used as a potential guide in our proposed model for the dynamic decision-making approach.