• Title/Summary/Keyword: Business Process Automation

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The Study of Establishing Records and Archives Management System of The Jogye Order of Korean Buddhism (조계종 기록관리시스템 구축에 관한 연구)

  • Kwag, Jeong
    • The Korean Journal of Archival Studies
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    • no.11
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    • pp.144-180
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    • 2005
  • Automation can help organisations implement authentic and reliable record management practices, through the improved tracking of records through their life cycle as well as the consistent application of records schedules and descriptive standards. Maintaining evidence through authentic and reliable records is a cornerstone of good business practice and helps ensure a valuable record for society. This paper provided understanding of establishing records and archives management system(ARMS) with the case of the Jogye order of Korean buddhism. This system was designed to control records in the whole step from creation to preservation so that it automatized process to organize and control current records and to preserve archives. This system covers a wide range of archival functions including appraisal, arrangement and description, transfers, access, location and space management, microfilm management and destruction. This system will be applied records management of similar organization because of designing from the archival scientific point of view. Also, development process of this system will help archivist to build ARMS based on archival needs of institution.

A Study on the Korean CALS Conception and Introduction Policy Trend (한국적CALS의 개념 정립과 도입정책방향에 대한 연구)

  • 김철환;김부국;임영석
    • The Journal of Society for e-Business Studies
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    • v.1 no.1
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    • pp.5-26
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    • 1996
  • This paper aims to present a prospective trend to establish a proper CALS conception and an efficient CALS environment in Korea.. It is crucial at this point for Korea to develop a comprehensive CALS conception which considers our present economic and social situation, national security, and our national emotion. Korean CALS has been developed and led mainly by the government and private industry. It is now necessary to improve CALS conception in Korea by making CALS standard more interchangeable among international as well as domestic business fields through EDI and the automation of the industries along with the government. In this regard, this paper proposes three potential methods to accomplish this goal and discuss each of them in detail. First, we suggest to establish a proper CALS introduction policy on the government level. We propose an introduction policy with three phases such as introduction, spreading and target which will cover through the year 1996 to 2007. Second. we suggest to establish a proper CALS standardization policy by improving the acquisition of digital data and process, and modernizing infrastructure. Third, we suggest that the government should amend and enforce the necessary laws and acts for more efficient CALS implementation in Korea. Government should arrange for these acts to be applied not optionally but obligatorily to Korean enterprises so that they survive the harsh and competitive world market in the upcoming 21th century.

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Design and Implementation of A Real-time Collaborative Group ICN Editor (실시간 협업지원 그룹 ICN 에디터의 설계 및 구현)

  • 류재광;김광훈
    • Journal of Internet Computing and Services
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    • v.2 no.5
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    • pp.1-7
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    • 2001
  • Recently, there are two important research trends in the literature the red-time collaborative computing end electronic business process automation. This paper is one of those efforts that would establish an effective business office working and computing environment hough the integration of those two cutting-edge technologies. That is, we try to develop a workflow modeling tool that is semantically based upon the information control net(ICN), which is a typical workflow model for specifying office work procedures(business processes), and that is systemically based upon the real-time collaborative operations by a set of actors, which is called group, We name it "group ICN editor". This paper describes the design and implementation of the group ICN editor that is operable under the real-time collaborative computing environment. We use the Flexible rJAMM toolkit that enables the ICN editor to operate among multiple actors(group) through the event-driven collaboration platform, Consequently, a set of workflow and business processes defined through this editor is not only stored onto database but also transformed into the format of the workflow process definition language(WPDL) that is a standardized workflow description and specification language proposed by the workflow management coalition(WfMC).ion(WfMC).

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A Study on the Quality Improvement of Mechanical Drawing Notes Using Lean 6 Sigma Analysis (린 6시그마 분석을 통한 도면 주기 품질 향상 방안 연구)

  • Jeon, Yong Gu;Huh, Hyoung Jo;Lee, Seong Bae;Park, Hun Hyuk;An, Byung Guk
    • Journal of Korean Society for Quality Management
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    • v.48 no.3
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    • pp.381-393
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    • 2020
  • Purpose: The purpose of this study was to find useful solutions by analyzing causes and results about defects on mechanical drawing notes and provide an automated tool with solutions to mechanical engineers. Methods: The collected data for defects on mechanical drawing notes were from ongoing development and mass production projects. Various measurement methods were used based on the Lean 6 Sigma analysis such as Process analysis, C&E diagram and some statistical analysis. Results: The results of this study are as follows; The results of the Lean 6 Sigma analysis, the validity of the selected indicators for improving drawing notes quality was verified through the verification of cause variables. The strategy established to improve the mechanical drawing notes was reflected as an automated program, and the defects were within a manageable range and achieved target Sigma level. Conclusion: Through the application of the "Mechanical drawing notes automation tool", it is expected to resolve the "Voice of Customer, VOC" and "Voice of Business, VOB".

A Real-Time Scheduling System Architecture in Next Generation Wafer Production System (차세대 웨이퍼 생산시스템에서의 실시간 스케줄링 시스템 아키텍처)

  • Lee, Hyun;Hur, Sun;Park, You-Jin;Lee, Gun-Woo;Cho, Yong-Ju
    • Journal of Korean Society of Industrial and Systems Engineering
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    • v.33 no.3
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    • pp.184-191
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    • 2010
  • In the environment of 450mm wafers production known as the next-generation semiconductor production process, one of the most significant features is the full automation over the whole manufacturing processes involved. The full automation system for 450mm wafer production will minimize the human workers' involvement in the manufacturing process as much as possible. In addition, since the importance of an individual wafer processing increases noticeably, it is necessary to develop more robust scheduling systems in the whole manufacturing process than so ever. The scheduling systems for the next-generation semiconductor production processes also should be capable of monitoring individual wafers and collecting useful data on them in real time. Based on the information gathered from these processes, the system should finally have a real-time scheduling functions controlling whole the semiconductor manufacturing processes. In this study, preliminary investigations on the requirements and needed functions for constructing the real time scheduling system and transforming manufacturing environments for 300mm wafers to those of 400mm are conducted and through which the next generation semiconductor processes for efficient scheduling in a clustered production system architecture of the scheduler is proposed. Our scheduling architecture is composed of the modules for real-time scheduling, the clustered production type supporting, the optimal scheduling and so on. The specifications of modules to define the major required functions, capabilities, and the relationship between them are presented.

Essential Logical Model Approach in Analysis and Design for Patient Management and Accounting System : A Case Study (본질적 논리모형에 근거한 원무관리시스템의 분석과 설계)

  • 김명기
    • Health Policy and Management
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    • v.4 no.2
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    • pp.111-125
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    • 1994
  • In developing total hospital information system, large amount of time and expense are to be spent while its results are likely to lead itself to end-users' dissatisfaction. Some of the main complaints on the part of end-users come from insufficient consideration of end-users environment as well as inappropriate representation of their requirement in the system alalysis and design. This papre addresses some advantages of Essential Logical Modeling Process for better analysis and design, explaining by example the developmental process of the Patent Management and Accounting System for a tertiary care hospital. In the case, the Essential Model, suggested by McMenamin and Palmer, proved to be an effective tool for clear separation of analysis and design phase and for better communication among system developers and with end-users. The modeling process itself contributed to better program modularity as well, shown in a Structured Chart. Difficulties in learning how to identify' essential activities' for the modeling practice were experienced in the beginnins stage, which were, however, overcome by elaborating some heuristic guideling and by rdferring to necessary tools including State Transition Diagram, Control Flow Diagram, and so many. While full evaluation of the Essential Model usag remains to wait till the completion of the case project, its strengt in making clear distinction between analysis and design phase was enough to be attractive to system analysts. The model concepts are open to many further application fields, particularly such areas as business re engineering, process remodeling, office automation, and organizational restructuring.

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A Study on System Requirements for Integrated Electronic Document Management System (IEDMS) (통합전자문서체계구현을 위한 요구기능 분석 연구 -A사의 전자문서관리 사례를 중심으로-)

  • 권택문
    • Journal of Information Technology Application
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    • v.2 no.1
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    • pp.55-81
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    • 2000
  • An Electronic Document Management System(EDMS) is an electronic system solution that is used to create, capture, distribute, edit, store and manage documents and related structured data repositories throughout an organization. Recently, documents of any type, such as text, images, and video files, and structured databases can be controlled and managed by an office automation system and an EDMS. Thus, many organizations are already using these information technologies to reduce process cycle-times. But what the organizations are missing is a integrated system the current workflow or office automation system and provides immediate access to and automatic routing of the organization's mission-critical information. This study tried to find out the user's requirements for integrating current information system and relatively new technology, electronic document management system in order to improve business operations, productivity and quality, and reduces waste. integration of electronic document management system(EDMS) and office automation system and proper use of these technological will improve organization's processes, and compress the process cycle-times. For this study a case study was done by a project team in cooperation with a government organization(say A company). Through this case study valuable electronic document management and office automation system requirement have been identified and reported for providing a system model in order to design an Integrated EDMS(IMDMS).

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An Analysis of the Effect of Government Support on Automation and Smart Factory (자동화 및 스마트 공장 구축에 대한 정부 지원사업의 효과 분석)

  • Kang, Jung-Seok;Cho, Keun-Tae
    • Journal of Korea Technology Innovation Society
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    • v.21 no.2
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    • pp.738-766
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    • 2018
  • The purpose of this paper is to figures out the impact on the business performance based on the case studies about the establishment of automated smart factories supported by the government. In this study, the effectiveness of supporting business is verified by comparing supported company with non-supported ones using methods such as T-test and ANOVA. The PSM method was used to solve the selection bias issue between the experimental group and the controlled group. The research results have shown that the effect of the supporting business to the automated system was tenuous, and the amount of sales and research and development costs was increased after a certain schedule passed in case of the supporting project to the smart factory. There is some time lag to appear the effect of the government supporting businesses and the supporting business to the automated system leads to long term sales increase by increasing parameters like research and development costs rather than direct influence. Therefore, this research will be useful information for the process of establishing useful basic data and policies which helps to secure new budget Government Supporting Businesses and find ways improve the business.

A methodology for selecting workflow software products: AHP approach (워크플로우 소프트웨어 제품 선정 방법 : AHP 접근)

  • 변대호
    • The Journal of Information Systems
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    • v.12 no.1
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    • pp.145-158
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    • 2003
  • Workflow is the automation of a business process, in whole or part, during which documents, information or tasks are passed from one participant to another for action, according to a set of procedural rules. The software selection problem is made difficult by the multiplicity of competing products and the lack of expertise and experience of users in the methods of software evaluation. Although the selection process for workflow is similar to that proposed for the acquisition of any software packages, differences arise in their evaluation criteria and choice methods. In this paper, we suggest the Analytic Hierarchy Process(AHP) method for selecting workflow software. The AHP is an intuitively easy method for formulating and analyzing decisions. It was developed to solve a specific class of problems that involves prioritization of potential alternate solutions. We showed how to evaluate 9 commercial workflow products by deciding the relative importance of the main criteria in the AHP model. We utilized the evaluation data for criteria ready suggested by specialist groups. Our methodology will be helpful to those who are going to adopt a best workflow product in their organizations. Although the criteria and their evaluation scores regarding workflow products are suggested, it is not easy to apply them to a real case and get solutions without a model.

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BIM-based Lift Planning Workflow for On-site Assembly in Modular Construction Projects

  • Hu, Songbo;Fang, Yihai;Moehler, Robert
    • International conference on construction engineering and project management
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    • 2020.12a
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    • pp.63-74
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    • 2020
  • The assembly of modular construction requires a series of thoroughly-considered decisions for crane lifting including the crane model selection, crane location planning, and lift path planning. Traditionally, this decision-making process is empirical and time-consuming, requiring significant human inputs. Recently, research efforts have been dedicated to improving lift planning practices by leveraging cutting-edge technologies such as automated data acquisition, Building Information Modelling (BIM) and computational algorithms. It has been demonstrated that these technologies have advanced lift planning to some degree. However, the advancements tend to be fragmented and isolated. There are two hurdles prevented a systematic improvement of lift planning practices. First, the lack of formalized lift planning workflow, outlining the procedure and necessary information. Secondly, there is also an absence of a shared information environment, enabling storages, updates and the distribution of information to stakeholders in a timely manner. Thus, this paper aims to overcome the hurdles. The study starts with a literature review in combination with document analysis, enabling the initial workflow and information flow. These were contextualised through a series of interviews with Australian practitioners in the crane-related industry, and systematically analysed and schematically validated through an expert panel. Findings included formalized workflow and corresponding information exchanges in a traditional lift planning practice via a Business Process Model and Notation (BPMN). The traditional practice is thus reviewed to identify opportunities for further enhancements. Finally, a BIM-based lift planning workflow is proposed, which integrates the scattered technologies (e.g. BIM and computational algorithms) with the aim of supporting lift planning automation. The resulting framework is setting out procedures that need to be developed and the potential obstacles towards automated lift planning are identified.

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