• Title/Summary/Keyword: Bulb development

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A Case Study on the Role of LED Lighting at the Residential Space

  • Kim, Hye Young
    • International Journal of Advanced Culture Technology
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    • v.4 no.4
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    • pp.6-12
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    • 2016
  • Due to the development of technology, the modern people became to require not only more convenient life but also more comfortable and emotional environment, and individually suitable living environment is applied to residents in a residential space. Recently, while the LED lighting was variously attempted in every sector in society, it is needed to express differentiated lighting according to the resident's individual lifestyle in a residential space. In this paper, we analyze the role of LED lighting suitable for the digitalized lifestyle of the modern people through the relevant literature survey and case studies. The following results are obtained in summary of the rapidly changed recent trends of LED lighting. First, LED light replace existing light sources due to the advanced new technology in LED industry, and take the spotlight as a new lighting solution with the development of variable color LED bulb and the control technology by the wired and wireless communications. Second, LED lighting can be structurally applicable to every lighting device because of its compact and lightweight units, can produce abundant light environment by expression of variable colors and moods with the easy coloring and dimming control, can be reborn as emotional lighting design. Third, as recently practices are constantly appeared that integrate LED lights in the interior elements, such as object and furniture, and combine advanced LED lighting technology to new materials, the portion of illumination on the indoor environment is further increased after integrating the LED lighting and interior elements make boundaries of lighting and product architecture become blurred. LED lighting is confirmed that is being changed from the external functionality including material, shape, color, and etc. into the contextual emotion design including the lights expression, variable color, brightness control, making image, and etc. as the light source in current smart lighting era.

Effect of Nitrogen Fertilization Level and Time of Supplementary Nitrogen Fertilization on Growth and Development of Shallot (Allium cepa var. ascalonicum Backer) (질소 시비량과 추비 시기가 shallot(Allium cepa var. ascalonicum Backer)의 생육에 미치는 영향)

  • Cho, Yong-Cho;Lee, Jong-Tae;Park, Yoo-Gyeong;Jeong, Byoung-Ryong
    • Korean Journal of Plant Resources
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    • v.24 no.1
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    • pp.89-97
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    • 2011
  • Shallot is a foreign crop introduced from France in 1995 as a new overwintering field crop with an aim to develop as an export crop. This study was conducted to investigate the effect of nitrogen fertilization level and time of supplementary nitrogen fertilization on growth and development of shallot, and to suggest to several problems raised during introductory trial cultivations. Optimum amount of nitrogen fertilization for bulb yield was 24 kg per 10 a. The best time of supplementary fertilization was February and March, with an equal amount in each month. The inorganic element composition of the harvested bulbs was not significantly affected by N fertilization level or by time of supplementary nitrogen fertilization.

Development of Functional Markers for Detection of Inactive DFR-A Alleles Responsible for Failure of Anthocyanin Production in Onions (Allium cepa L.)

  • Park, Jaehyuk;Cho, Dong Youn;Moon, Jin Seong;Yoon, Moo-Kyoung;Kim, Sunggil
    • Horticultural Science & Technology
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    • v.31 no.1
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    • pp.72-79
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    • 2013
  • Inactivation of the gene coding for dihydroflavonol 4-reductase (DFR) is responsible for the color difference between red and yellow onions (Allium cepa L.). Two inactive DFR-A alleles, DFR-$A^{PS}$ and DFR-$A^{DEL}$, were identified in our previous study. A functional marker was developed on the basis of the premature stop codon that inactivated the DFR-$A^{PS}$ allele. A derived cleaved amplified polymorphic sequences (dCAPS) primer was designed to detect the single nucleotide polymorphism, an A/T transition, which produced the premature stop codon. Digested PCR products clearly distinguished the homozygous and heterozygous red $F_2$ individuals. Meanwhile, to develop a molecular marker for detection of the DFR-$A^{DEL}$ allele in which entire DFR-A gene was deleted, genome walking was performed and approximately 3 kb 5' and 3' flanking sequences of the DFR-$A^R$ coding region were obtained. PCR amplification using multiple primers binding to the extended flanking regions showed that more of the extended region of the DFR-A gene was deleted in the DFR-$A^{DEL}$ allele. A dominant simple PCR marker was developed to identify the DFR-$A^{DEL}$ allele using the dissimilar 3' flanking sequences of the DFR-A gene and homologous DFR-B pseudogene. Distribution of the DFR-$A^{PS}$ and DFR-$A^{DEL}$ alleles in yellow onion cultivars bred in Korea and Japan was surveyed using molecular makers developed in this study. Results showed predominant existence of the DFR-$A^{PS}$ allele in yellow onion cultivars.

Electron Microscopic Studies on Olfactory Bulbs in the Vertebrates by Phylogenetics (계통발생에 따른 척추동물의 뇌후구에 대한 전자현미경적 연구)

  • Choi, W.B.;Chung, Y.H.;Seo, J.E.
    • Applied Microscopy
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    • v.15 no.2
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    • pp.31-68
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    • 1985
  • Authors are trying to unveil the ultrastructural organization of olfactory bulb, which has been summerized under light microscopic level or communicated only in some detail in different view point until now. For the critical point of view, since the phylogenetical approach will give the ultimate value in the correlative study between structural and functional bases (Brodal, 1969), the present study was carried out light and electron microscopic analyses of the structures of the neurons and synaptic organizations in olfactory bulbs from different animals in phylogenetical scale. We selected each one species from five animal classes: the house rabbit(Oryctolagus cuniculus var. domesticus [Gmelin]) from Mammalia, the domestic fowl (Gallus gallus domesticus Brisson) from Aves, the viper (Agkistrodon hylys [G.P. Pallas]) from Reptilia, a frog (Bombiana orientalis Boulenger) from Amphibia and the crussian carp (Carassius carassius [Linne]) from Pisces. For light microscopic study, samples were fixed in 10% formalin and paraffin sections were stained with hematoxylin-eosin. For the electron microscopic study, the tissues were fixed by perfusion through the heart or immersion with 1% paraform-aldehyde-glutaraldehyde mixture (phosphate buffer, pH 7.4), and final tissue block trimmed under dissecting microscope were osmicated (1% OsO4), they were embedded in Araldite or Epon 812, and ultrathin sections were made by LKB-V ultratome following the inspection of semi-thin sections stained with toluidine blue-borax solution. Ultra-thin sections contrasted with uranyl acetate and lead citrate were observed with JEM 100CX electron microscope. We have summerized our morphological analyses as follows: 1. The olfactory bulb of rabbit, viper and frog shows the eight layers of fila olfactoria, glomerular, external granular, external plexiform, mitral cell, internal plexiform, internal granular, medullary but domestic fowl shows the five layers of glomerular, fibrillar, mitral, granular and medullary and the three layers of fibrilla, glomerular and medullary in crussian carp. The sharpness of demarcation between the layers shows deferential tendency according to phylogenetical order. 2. Mitral cells of vertebrate have large triangular or oval shape with spherical nuclei which contain not so much chromatin. The cytoplasm contains numerous cell organelles, of which Nissl's bodies or granular endoplasmic reticula arranged as parallel strands. Development of granular endoplasmic reticula were declined as the phylogentical grade is going lower. 3. Tufted cells of all animal are mostly spindle or polygonal contour and contain oval nuclei which located in periphery of cytoplasm. The nuclei of rabbit, fowl, viper and frog has relatively space chromatin, but a nucleus of crussian carp contain irregularly aggregated chromatin in karyoplasm. Their cytoplasmic volume and cell organelle contents are in between those of mitral cell and granular cell. They contain moderate amount of mitochondria, granular endoplasmic reticula, a few Golgi complex, polysomes, lysosome, etc. 4. Granule of cells of all the vertebrate amimals studied exhibit similar features; cells and their dense nuclei show spherical or oval contour, and they have the thin rim of cytoplasm which contain only a few cell organelles. 5. In rabbit, the soma of mitral cells were in contact with boutons with two types of synaptic vesicles, that is, round and flat vesicles, especially flat vesicles in boutons were showing reciprocal synapses. However, in domestic fowls, vipers, frogs and crussian carps, there were found boutons showing only spherical synaptic vesicles. 6. The boutons containing round synaptic vesicles were made contact with the some of tufted cell of olfactory bulb in the rabbits, fowls, vipers and frogs, but no synaptic boutons were observed in soma of tufted cells in crussian carps. In the frogs, there were observed dendrites were contact with the soma of tufted cells. 7. In the neuropils of plexiform, granular and glomerular layers olfactory bulbs in the vertebrate, the synapses were axo-large dendrites, axo-median and small dendrites, dendrodendritic, and axo-axonal contacts. However, in the neuropil of crussian carps, synapses were observed only in glomerular layer.

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Appropriate Working Period and Storage Characteristics Based on Residual Leaf Length of Onion (Allium cepa L.) Harvested with a Blower-type Stem Cutter (송풍식 줄기절단기에 의한 적정 양파 잎 절단 시기 및 잔여 엽장에 따른 양파 저장 특성)

  • Byeonggyu Min;Jiyoung Son;Mijin Lee;Jinseong Moon;Juhee Baek;Jaecheol Seo;Jungho Shin;Seunggwi Kwon;Soonjung Hong;Sanghee Lee
    • Journal of Bio-Environment Control
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    • v.33 no.1
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    • pp.30-36
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    • 2024
  • This study was conducted to determine the optimal working conditions when a recently developed blower-type onion stem cutter is utilized for cutting onion leaves at harvest time. The June 20 leaf cutting treatment group had the highest leaf dryness among the treatment groups (leaf dryness: 66.3%; leaf moisture content: 50.5%); the residual leaf length was 6.7 ± 3.5 cm. It is considered to have the best mechanical leaf cutting performance among the treatment groups because it is included in the optimal range of 4-10 cm. The average working speed of mechanical onion leaf cutting using the stem cutter was 0.17 m·s-1, which is approximately 3.4 times faster than the average working speed of 0.05 m·s-1 in the human leaf cutting treatment group. This is expected to save approximately 2.6 hours compared to human labor (based on one person) when working on a 10a area using this machine. In addition, the incidence of damaged bulbs in the machine leaf cutting treatment group was 1.3%, compared to 0.0% in the manual leaf cutting treatment group. This suggests that the mechanical leaf cutting treatment group had a higher average onion bulb decay rate during storage than the manual leaf cutting treatment group. When the storage characteristics of each treatment group were examined, the decay rate by bulb part (leaf connected or root connected) after 8 months of storage was higher in the treatment group with a residual leaf length of less than 5.0 cm after mechanical leaf cutting than in the treatment with a residual leaf length of more than 5.0 cm. This is thought to be due to the fact that treatments with a residual leaf length of less than 5.0 cm are more susceptible to infection by pathogens that cause decay during storage than treatments with a residual leaf length of 5.0 cm or more. Based on the results of this experiment, performance target of the experimental machine (residual leaf length after operation: 5 cm), and existing research on the optimal residual leaf length for onion harvesting, it is recommended to cut onion leaves so that the residual leaf length is 5-10 cm when using the stem cutter.

Teratological Evaluation of Azinphos-Methyl in Rat Fetuses (Azinphos-methyl이 랫트 태아에 미치는 기형학적 연구)

  • Cho, Myung-Haing;Lee, Chang-Eop;Lee, Yong-Soon
    • Toxicological Research
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    • v.4 no.1
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    • pp.55-84
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    • 1988
  • This study was carried out to investigate the teratological potential of azinphos-methyl in the rat fetuses and to establish the nature of the effects on organogenesis and intrauterine development. The Sprague-Dawley female rats (180-210g) without previous litter were used in this study. Azinphos-methyl dosages of 0.094mg/kg, 0.4mg/kg, 1.5mg/kg were selected based on the acute intragastric $LD_{50}$ of 15mg/kg in the rat. Azinphos-methyl in water (Treatment Group), non-treatment control (Negative Control), water control (Sham Control), were administered by oral route and aqueous solution of acetyl salicylic acid (Positive Control) was administered by gavage at rate of 10 ml/kg of body weight from day 6 through 15. The results obtained were summarized as follows. 1. Decreased body weight of dams was observed in animals treated with aspirin and azinphos-methyl 1.5 mg/kg from day 7 through 14. (P<0.01) 2. There was an apparent decrement in the absolute liver weight in the azinphos-methyl 1.5 mg/kg treated group (P<0.05). However, the absolute and relative kidney weight in aspirin group (P<0.05, P<0.01) and the absolute and relative ovary weight in aspirin, azinphos-methyl treatment groups (P<0.01, P<0.05) were increased. 3. Decreased protein contents of dam's liver was observed in the aspirin and high dose azinphos-methyl treated group of animals (P<0.01). 4. The number of male-female ratio per dam increased in azinphos-methyl 1.5 mg/kg group but there was an apparent decrement in the body weight of fetuses in aspirin and high dose azinphos-methyl group (P<0.01, P<0.05). Total immature and resorbed fetuses were increased in aspirin group and the number of dead fetuses were also increased in azinphos-methyl 1.5mg/kg treated group of animals. (P<0.01, P<0.05). 5. In soft tissue defects, diaphragmatic hernia in diaphragm, anophthalmia, enlarged olfactory bulb, hydrocephalus, absence of third and lateral ventricle in skull, hydronephrosis in kidney, atrophy of left ventricle wall, enlarged apex in heart were observed. Especially, defects of diaphragm, heart and eye ball showed peak incidences in the high dose azinphosmethyl and aspirin group. (P<0.01). 6. Variations in the ossification patterns of skull, sternebrae, tail, forelimbs and hindlimbs showed peak incidences in the aspirin and high dose azinphos-methyl group. (P<0.01). 7. In the developmental indices of offspring, the mortality of aspirin and azinphos-methyl 1.5mg/kg treated group was higher than that of negative control. And, there was an apparent decrement in the body weight of fetuses (P<0.01) and considerable differences were obtained in pivoting, development of fur, auditory function, vision, quadrupled muscle development and testes descent in aspirin and azinphos-methyl 1.5mg/kg group. (P<0.01).

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Neuronal differentiation and developmental characteristics in the dentate gyrus of staggerer mutant mice

  • Yi, Sun-Shin;Hwang, In-Koo;Shin, Jae-Hoon;Baek, Sung-Hee;Yoon, Yeo-Sung;Seong, Je-Kyung
    • BMB Reports
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    • v.43 no.2
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    • pp.122-126
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    • 2010
  • Homozygous staggerer ($RORa^{sg/sg}$) mice showed a severe ataxia caused by cerebellum degeneration. Decreased and dysfunctional Rora is a main cause of this neurologic phenotype. The phenotype of staggerer mice has been well known in cerebellum. However, there has been rarely reported about cerebrum even though of staggerer is expressed in merely cerebellum but hippocampus, thalamus, cortex, and olfactory bulb. The expressions of Ki67, doublecortin (DCX), and NeuN, which are cell proliferation, neuronal differentiation and mature neuron markers, respectively, were measured with immunohistechemistry in dentate gyrus in staggerer mice in order to uncover whether staggerer can affect the change in dentate gyrus. The immunoreactivities of DCX and NeuN were significantly reduced in the dentate gyrus of staggerer mice than normal control, while Ki67 were rarely unchanged in staggerer mice. These results suggest that staggerer mutation has an influence on the neuronal differentiation and development not only in cerebellum but also in dentate gyrus.

A Study on the Aesthetic Characteristics of Contemporary Fashion that Uses Artificial Light (인공적인 빛을 활용한 현대 패션의 미적 특성 연구)

  • Jung, Hyun;Geum, Key-Sook
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Costume
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    • v.58 no.4
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    • pp.113-127
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    • 2008
  • Artificial lights have effected the changes of art and fashion concepts as well as human life since the invention of electric light bulb in late 19th century. Artist and designer have had more interested in these artificial lights as the development of digital technology and the change of millennium and they have tried to apply the lights into their works. The purpose of this study is to analyze the aesthetic characteristics of contemporary fashion design using artificial light as a medium. Artificial light for fashion design means the light using luminescent material like phosphorescent and fluorescent materials or in combination with electroluminescent digital technology or the light that can be perceived as images when light projects from media using a light projector or other digital equipment. Fashion design using this light type can change colors or form temporarily and it can playa role as a gadget for hm or as equipment to provide information much as a computer monitor does. And designer can create virtual patterns on the surface of clothes, or virtual fashion like a 3-dimensional holography in empty space. In these fashion designs, the virtual image of light is substituted for physical formative elements in fashion, and the viewer can experience an ambiguity between reality and virtuality. The results of the study were as follow; The formative characteristics of those fashion designs were identified as visibility, indeterminacy, integration and virtuality. And they reflected the internal meanings; the persue of protection and safety, the search for experiment and innovation, the will for interaction and communication and the desire for the deviation and fun.

The design of Smart flowerpot management system (스마트 화분관리 시스템 설계)

  • Jeon, Pil-kyeong;Park, Suhyun
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Information and Commucation Sciences Conference
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    • 2015.05a
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    • pp.133-135
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    • 2015
  • This paper is about the design of flowerpot management system which allows you to manage the flowerpot more efficiently and conveniently using Internet of Things when you start to grow plants. IoT connects all things to the network to provide various services to users, it has recently been focused on the center of the IT convergence techniques. So by using the realization sensor based IoT technology the need for research and development of IoT technologies were designed for the system. Basically, Device is using soil humidity sensor and Arduino, Android smart phone and smart light bulb. Transmit the humidity value of the flowerpot that measured by the sensor in a wireless communication, by controlling the state according to the value of the humidity, users can be provided a visual information and set up a flowerpot management and plan.

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A Study on Flow Characteristics due to Dimension Variations of the Vertical Plate for Controlling the Ship Stern Flow (선미유동 제어용 수직판 제원 변화에 따른 유동특성 연구)

  • Kim, Do-Jung;Oh, Woo-Jun;Park, Je-Woong;Jeong, Se-Min
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Marine Environment & Safety
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    • v.22 no.5
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    • pp.576-582
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    • 2016
  • To cope with international regulations, such as Energy Efficiency Design Index (EEDI), Ship Energy Efficiency Management Plan (SEEMP) and so forth, and to enforce limitations on $CO_2$ emissions, green-ship technology to lower fuel consumption has been actively researched, and the development of an energy-saving device (ESD) is being pursued. In order to design an ESD for small and medium-sized domestic vessels, an analysis on flow characteristics has been performed in the present study. Through a model test and numerical analyses, the characteristics of flow around the stern bilge and bulb have been compared to improve wake quality and resistance performance. As a result of these comparisons and analyses, a vertical plate has been adopted,, as a new ESD. Design criteria for the proposed ESD are also suggested. By applying this new ESD, it is expected that the total resistance and average nominal wake can be reduced by 3.04 % and 18.8 %, respectively.