• Title/Summary/Keyword: Building energy load

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A Study on Standard Heating and Cooling Load according to Design Factors using Prototypical Load Model (표준부하모델을 이용한 설계 변수에 따른 표준부하량 분석)

  • Kim, Kwonye;Bae, Sangmu;Nam, Yujin
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Geothermal and Hydrothermal Energy
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    • v.17 no.1
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    • pp.1-13
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    • 2021
  • Before newly-built building and building remodeling, it is important to predict and analyze building energy performance through energy simulation programs. Nevertheless, simulation results widely vary depending on individual user experience and input values. Therefore, this study uses prototypical building model, a versatile tool in building energy modeling, simulation and research for researchers and policy-makers, and ASHRAE standards. Then, it analyzed the changes in design type (roof type, number of floors) for the base case. As the result, it was found that the gap of annual energy demand per between them is maximally 9.1%.

Analysis of the Part Load Ratio Characteristics and Gas Energy Consumption of a Hot Water Boiler in a Residential Building under Korean Climatic Conditions (국내 기상조건하 주거용 건물 가스 보일러의 부분부하 특성과 에너지 사용량 분석)

  • Yu, Byeong Ho;Seo, Byeong-Mo;Moon, Jin-Woo;Lee, Kwang Ho
    • Korean Journal of Air-Conditioning and Refrigeration Engineering
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    • v.27 no.9
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    • pp.455-462
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    • 2015
  • Residential buildings account for a significant portion of the total building-energy usage in Korea, and a variety of research studies on the domestic boiler have therefore been carried out; however, most of these studies examined the boiler itself, whereby the part-load ratio characteristics and the corresponding gas-energy consumption patterns were not analyzed. In this study, the part-load ratio and operating characteristics of a domestic gas boiler were analyzed within a residential building equipped with a radiant floor-heating system; in addition, the energy consumption between condensing and conventional boilers was comparatively analyzed. Our results show that significant portions of the total operating hours, heating load, and energy consumption are in the part-load ratio range of 0 through 40%, whereby the energy consumption was significantly affected by the boiler efficiency under low part-load conditions. These results indicate that the part-load operation of a boiler is an important factor in residential buildings; furthermore, replacing a conventional boiler with a condensing boiler can reduce annual gas-energy usage by more than 20%.

Time Dependent Thermal Load Analysis of the Building with an Airflow Window System (공기식 집열창 시스템이 설치된 건물의 동적부하 해석)

  • Cho, S.H.;Park, S.D.
    • Korean Journal of Air-Conditioning and Refrigeration Engineering
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    • v.4 no.2
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    • pp.82-95
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    • 1992
  • It has been known that the application of an airflow window system reduces the energy consumption compared with conventional double pane window in a building. But how to analyze thermal load in a building with an airflow window system has not been well known. so two kinds of method (Mode 1 and Mode 2) to analyze time dependent thermal load of the building with an airflow window system are presented in this study. The results of load analysis about the model building(total area : $4521m^2$, 3 floors) by Mode 2 show that the maximum cooling and heating load in a building with an airflow window system are decreased about 12-17% and about 19.5% than with double pane glass window, and yearly energy consumption with an airflow window system is saved about about 20% than with double pane glass window.

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A study on the efficiency of sloped type Double-skin System for the Curtailment of Heating/Cooling Load (냉난방부하 절감을 위한 경사형 이중외피시스템의 성능연구)

  • An, Hyung-Jun;Kim, Young-Tag;Choi, Chang-Ho;Lee, Hyn-Woo
    • Journal of the Korean Solar Energy Society
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    • v.24 no.4
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    • pp.77-87
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    • 2004
  • BIPV or double skin applied to the surface of the building, power and thermal load cannot both be increased. In the case of BIPV, because it is applied to the facade, incident solar energy decreases and efficiency drops off. The system in this paper complements these disadvantages and aims to decrease the heating & cooling load by transforming solar energy to electronic and thermal energy. The research in this paper is about the applicability of the clear PV attached double-skin system. And the PV electronic generation and the factors that affect the heating & cooling load such as the daily radiation, sun shading ratio, heating & cooling load, daylight luminance and glare distributions in the building are simulated.

Building AHU Load Control Algorithm based on Demand Response (DR 기반의 건물 공조 부하관리 알고리즘)

  • Kim, Jeong-Uk
    • The Transactions of The Korean Institute of Electrical Engineers
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    • v.60 no.6
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    • pp.1225-1228
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    • 2011
  • This paper presents an advanced energy saving algorithm in building. It is important to aggregate a various demand side resource which is controllable on demand response environment. Previous demand side algorithm for building is restricted on peak power. In this paper, we suggest duty cycle algorithm for AHU on demand response to reduce the quantity of building power consumption. The test results show that the proposed algorithm is very effective.

A Comparative Analysis of the Energy Load due to Window Area Ratio of Domestic Public Buildings

  • An, Kwang-Ho;Hyun, Eun-Mi;Kim, Yong-Sik
    • KIEAE Journal
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    • v.15 no.1
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    • pp.21-27
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    • 2015
  • In the case of public buildings, fast communication and transparency in the administration and the public, as well as ensuring visibility and lighting performance using a glass curtain wall is symbolically expressed through the transparent glass skin. This study is a simulation in order to derive the basic data for the establishment of the improvement of the heating and cooling load analysis according to the window area ratio changes with respect to the high effectiveness of the government's large public building energy consumption analysis and green building certification system of guidelines was analyzed by a change in the energy load. Glass curtain wall is light and visibility, the symbolic meaning of communication, etc., but is widely used in a variety of characteristics, in terms of energy consumption being disadvantaged sheath plan should have been. Design, including the Atrium, is much less energy than energy consumption by the window area ratio. Thus, while compliance with design guide lines, the atrium and I like the burden of a large space ratio and energy load consists of only glass suggest that require more research on that given in the guidelines.

Characteristics of Energy Consumption in an Office Building located in Seoul (사무소건물의 용도 및 측정기간에 따른 에너지 소비 특성)

  • Park Byung-Yoon;Chung Kwang-Seop
    • Korean Journal of Air-Conditioning and Refrigeration Engineering
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    • v.17 no.1
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    • pp.82-87
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    • 2005
  • The purpose of this study is to suggest the characteristics and actual state of energy consumption by the analysis of energy consumption data in an office building. This study examines and analyzes daily and monthly energy consumption of an office building located in Seoul, Korea regarding type of load and business classification within a building. The results are as follows. 1) Energy consumption of office building for each type of load show similar consumption patterns, regardless of seasons such as cooling period and heating period. 2) Out of all annual energy consumption, consumption for lighting took about $43\;\%,$ general electric Power about $23\;\%,$ emergency power $25\;\%,$ computer center $5\;\%$ and cooling power $4\;\%,$ showing that the consumption for lighting was highest, and the percentage of energy consumption for cooling power for operation of cooling facilities took the lowest percentage. 3) Annual gas consumption used for heating and hot water supply were $38,\;36\;\%$ for officetel and office respectively, and $26\;\%$ for arcade. 4) Electricity consumptions used for cooling power for each use of building, office and officetel recorded in July and August of cooling seasons. Even though it shows different patterns for each month, energy consumption showed unique pattern throughout the cooling seasons.

A Fundamental Study On the Self-Sufficient Heating Energy for Residential Building (주거용 건물의 난방 에너지 자립을 위한 기초 연구)

  • Son, Sun-Woo;Baek, Nam-Choon;Suh, Seung-Jik
    • 한국신재생에너지학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2009.06a
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    • pp.255-258
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    • 2009
  • Leading developed countries have studied energy self-sufficient houses such as zero or low energy buildings to reduce energy consumption for buildings since the early 1990s. Moreover, some developed countries have actually constructed self-sufficient houses and operated them for demonstration, expanding use of such houses. Korea has also established Zero Energy Solar House(ZeSH) and studied energy independence. Therefore, this study analyzed research result regarding ZeSH, self-sufficient energy house hold of Korea, found out technologies used for heating energy independence, used building interpretation program(ESP_r) to evaluate performance of each factors and analyzed energy reduction quantitatively. Results from the research are as follows: Reduction rate of actual detached house's heating load was also analyzed quantitatively depending on application of each technology. When each factor was applied step-by-step, annual reduction rate of heating load depending on increase in insulation thickness reached 6.6~22.2 %. Annual reduction rate of heating load depending on increase insulation thickness, and change in window heating performance and area ratio reached 31.5 %. Annual reduction rate of heating load through high-sealing and high-insulation depending on change in leakage rate reached 40.0~88.9 %. Annual reduction of heating load, when Mass Wall and attached sun space was applied were applied reached 28.5~39.2 %, respectively.

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The Study on the Zero-Energy House Prototype of Country House (농촌주택에 적합한 제로에너지 하우스의 프로토타입 연구)

  • Im, Kyung-Up;Kim, Bich-Na;Lee, Chul-Sung;Yoon, Jong-Ho;Jin, Kyeong-Il
    • 한국태양에너지학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2009.11a
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    • pp.185-190
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    • 2009
  • Due to the building energy consumption of total energy consumption of Korea takes over 24%, economizing building energy and using renewable energy resources is being required. To suggest the prototype of zero energy house of country house, the passive systems and active systems are applicated and simulated. In case of wall insulation system is applicated, the heating load of building is reduced. Also, clear triple pair glazing system reduced 2.1% of heating load of building. The amount of reducing heating load by infiltration is depending on the Heating system. In this model, the 0.3ACH made 14.6% saving on heating load from base infiltration 0.82ACH. The solar thermal system of active system could save 80% of DHW and PV system supplies electric power more than average consumption of year. Through the optimum process, the end use of zero energy house of country house is 36kWh/m2.yr and total energy consumption is reduced about 74.2%.

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Dynamic Simulation of Annual Energy Consumption in an Office Building by Thermal Resistance-Capacitance Method

  • Lee, Chang-Sun;Choi, Young-Don
    • International Journal of Air-Conditioning and Refrigeration
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    • v.6
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    • pp.1-13
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    • 1998
  • The basic heat transfer process that occurs in a building can best be illustrated by an electrical circuit network. Present paper reports the dynamic simulation of annual energy consumption in an office building by the thermal resistance capacitance network method. Unsteady thermal behaviors and annual energy consumption in an office building were examined in detail by solving the simultaneous circuit equations of thermal network. The results are used to evaluate the accuracy of the modified BIN method for the energy consumption analysis of a large building. Present thermal resistance-capacitance method predicts annual energy consumption of an office building with the same accuracy as that of response factor method. However, the modified BIN method gives 15% lower annual heating load and 25% lower cooling load than those from the present method. Equipment annual energy consumptions for fan, boiler and chiller in the HVAC system are also calculated for various control systems as CAV, VAV, FCU+VAV and FCU+CAV. FCU+CAV system appears to consume minimum annual energy among them.

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