• Title/Summary/Keyword: Bottom-up method

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Efficient Design Methodology based on Hybrid Logic Synthesis for SoC (효율적인 SoC 논리합성을 위한 혼합방식의 설계 방법론)

  • Seo, Young-Ho;Kim, Dong-Wook
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering
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    • v.16 no.3
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    • pp.571-578
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    • 2012
  • In this paper, we propose two main points. The first is the constraint for logic synthesis, and the second is an efficient logic synthesis method. Logic synthesis is a process to obtain the gate-level netlist from RTL (register transfer level) codes using logic mapping and optimization with the specified constraints. The result of logic synthesis is tightly dependent on constraint and logic synthesis method. Since the size and timing can be dramatically changed by these, we should precisely consider them. In this paper, we present the considering items in the process of logic synthesis by using our experience and experimental results. The proposed techniques was applied to a circuit with the hardware resource of about 650K gates. The synthesis time for the hybrid method was reduced by 47% comparing the bottom-up method and It has better timing property about slack than top-down method.

Growth of Creeping Bentgrass on Bottom Ash and Dredged up Sand with Four Organic Matter Amendment Rates Under Saline Irrigation Condition (염해 조건에서 유기물이 첨가된 준설모래와 석탄회 토양이 크리핑 벤트그래스의 생육에 미치는 영향)

  • Rahayu, Rahayu;Yang, Geun-Mo;Choi, Joon-Soo
    • Asian Journal of Turfgrass Science
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    • v.23 no.2
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    • pp.241-252
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    • 2009
  • This study was carried out to check the possibility of substituting bottom ash from the Seosan power plant for sand as growing media for creeping bentgrass (Agrostis stolonifera L.) under saline irrigation condition. Characteristics of growing media were evaluated by using column and leaching method. Creeping bentgrass cv. Pen-A1 was grown in pots with dredged up sand (DS) and bottom ash (BA) media those were amended using 1%, 2%, and 3 % OM rates in a green house. The plants were irrigated with 1.5 $dSm^{-1}$ saline water. Results showed that visual quality, plant height and shoot dry weight from DS treatment were higher than those of BA treatment. Even though BA contained more salts, repeated leaching could decrease ECe efficiently. In case of no OM amendment, the visual quality, plant height and shoot dry weight were similar between in BA and DS. Amendment of 2% OM increased the height of creeping bentgrass in DS, while decreased the plant growth in BA.

A Study on Improvement of the Human Posture Estimation Method for Performing Robots (공연로봇을 위한 인간자세 추정방법 개선에 관한 연구)

  • Park, Cheonyu;Park, Jaehun;Han, Jeakweon
    • Journal of Broadcast Engineering
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    • v.25 no.5
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    • pp.750-757
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    • 2020
  • One of the basic tasks for robots to interact with humans is to quickly and accurately grasp human behavior. Therefore, it is necessary to increase the accuracy of human pose recognition when the robot is estimating the human pose and to recognize it as quickly as possible. However, when the human pose is estimated using deep learning, which is a representative method of artificial intelligence technology, recognition accuracy and speed are not satisfied at the same time. Therefore, it is common to select one of a top-down method that has high inference accuracy or a bottom-up method that has high processing speed. In this paper, we propose two methods that complement the disadvantages while including both the advantages of the two methods mentioned above. The first is to perform parallel inference on the server using multi GPU, and the second is to mix bottom-up and One-class Classification. As a result of the experiment, both of the methods presented in this paper showed improvement in speed. If these two methods are applied to the entertainment robot, it is expected that a highly reliable interaction with the audience can be performed.

Investigation on the Applicability for Method of Setting Time Difference by Super Retarding Agent for Reducing Hydration Heat of Transfer Girder Mass Concrete (전이보 매스콘크리트의 수화열저감을 위한 초지연제 응결시간차 공법의 적용가능성에 대한 검토)

  • Yoon Seob;Hwang Yin Seong;Baik Byung Hoon;Han Cheon Goo
    • Proceedings of the Korea Concrete Institute Conference
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    • 2004.05a
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    • pp.128-131
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    • 2004
  • This paper is to investigate the mock up test results of mass concrete for transfer girder using setting time difference with super retarding agent(SRA) to reduce hydration heat. According to test results, the temperature history of plain concrete without placing lift had a steep rising curvature, and plain concrete had a big temperature difference between surface and middle section of mass concrete, which may result in occurrence of temperature crack. However, considering placing method B, because setting time of middle section concrete was retarded with an increase in SRA contents, higher hydration heat temperature was observed at surface section concrete compared with that at middle section concrete at early age, which can lower the possibility of hydration heat crack. In case of placing method C, although peak temperature of hydration heat was much lower, at early age, high crack occurrence possibility of the hydration heat attributable to the big temperature difference between middle section and bottom section of concrete was expected at bottom section concrete. Therefore, the structure above the ground like transfer girder is not applicable to consider the placing method C.

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Mock-up Test on the Reduction of Hydration Heat of Mass Concrete for Transfer Girder (전이보 매스콘크리트의 수화열 저감에 관한 Mock-up 실험)

  • Yoon Seob;Hwang Yin Seong;Baik Byung Hoon;Han Cheon Goo
    • Proceedings of the Korea Concrete Institute Conference
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    • 2004.11a
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    • pp.707-710
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    • 2004
  • This paper reported the results of mock-up test on mass concrete for transfer girder using setting time difference of super retarding agent(SRA). According to test results, two mock-up structures were made. Plain concrete without placing layer reached maximum temperature after 24hours since placement and caused surface hydration cracks at top section. However, concrete with placing layer reached maximum temperature after 72hours and surface temperature was higher than center temperature, which did not cause surface crack. After form removing, no crack was observed at side surface of plain concrete, while concrete using SRA at mid section had surface scaling and settling crack. According to coring results, concrete with placing layer had a penetration crack from top section to bottom section. Therefore, the setting time difference method to reduce hydration heat will have difficulty in applying the mass concrete for transfer girder.

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A Search-Result Clustering Method based on Word Clustering for Effective Browsing of the Paper Retrieval Results (논문 검색 결과의 효과적인 브라우징을 위한 단어 군집화 기반의 결과 내 군집화 기법)

  • Bae, Kyoung-Man;Hwang, Jae-Won;Ko, Young-Joong;Kim, Jong-Hoon
    • Journal of KIISE:Software and Applications
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    • v.37 no.3
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    • pp.214-221
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    • 2010
  • The search-results clustering problem is defined as the automatic and on-line grouping of similar documents in search results returned from a search engine. In this paper, we propose a new search-results clustering algorithm specialized for a paper search service. Our system consists of two algorithmic phases: Category Hierarchy Generation System (CHGS) and Paper Clustering System (PCS). In CHGS, we first build up the category hierarchy, called the Field Thesaurus, for each research field using an existing research category hierarchy (KOSEF's research category hierarchy) and the keyword expansion of the field thesaurus by a word clustering method using the K-means algorithm. Then, in PCS, the proposed algorithm determines the category of each paper using top-down and bottom-up methods. The proposed system can be used in the application areas for retrieval services in a specialized field such as a paper search service.

Numerical Analysis Based on Continuum Hypothesis in Nano-imprining process (연속체 개념에 기반한 나노 임프린트 공정해석 연구)

  • 김현칠;이우일
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society for Technology of Plasticity Conference
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    • 2003.10a
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    • pp.333-338
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    • 2003
  • Nano-imprint lithography(NIL) is a polymer embossing technique, capable of transferring nano-scale patterns onto a thin film of thermoplastics such as polymethyl methacrylate(PMMA) using this parallel process. Feature size down 10 nm have been demonstrated. In NIL, the pattern is formed by displacing polymer material, which can be squeeze flow of a viscous liquid. Due to the size of the pattern, a thorough understood of the process through experiments may be very different. Therefore we nead to resort to numerical simulation on the embossing process. Generally, there are two ways of numerical simulation on nano-scale flow, namely top-down and bottom-up approach. Top-down approach is a way to simulate the flow assuming that polymer is a continuum. On the contrary, in the bottom-up approach, simulation is peformed using molecular dynamics(MD). However, as latter method is not feasible yet. we chose the top-down approach. For the numerical analysis, two dimensional moving grid was used since the moving grid can predict the flow front. Effects of surface tension as well as the slip at the boundary were also considered.

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Temporal hierarchical forecasting with an application to traffic accident counts (시간적 계층을 이용한 교통사고 발생건수 예측)

  • Jun, Gwanyoung;Seong, Byeongchan
    • The Korean Journal of Applied Statistics
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    • v.31 no.2
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    • pp.229-239
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    • 2018
  • This paper introduces how to adopt the concept of temporal hierarchies to forecast time series data. Similarly as in hierarchical cross-sectional data, temporal hierarchies can be constructed for any time series data by means of non-overlapping temporal aggregation. Reconciliation forecasts with temporal hierarchies result in more accurate and robust forecasts when compared with the independent base and bottom-up forecasts. As an empirical example, we forecast traffic accident counts with temporal hierarchies and observe that reconciliation forecasts are superior to the base and bottom-up forecasts in terms of forecast accuracy.

The Identity and Some Practical Suggestions of The Demolishing Walls Campaign in Daegu City (대구광역시 담장허물기운동의 정체성과 나아갈 방향)

  • Kim Soo-Bong;Jung Eung-Ho;Lee Seung-Ji
    • Journal of the Korean housing association
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    • v.17 no.3
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    • pp.51-60
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    • 2006
  • Ten years have passed since the Demolishing Walls Campaign has started in Daegu. Recently, the campaign influenced to the other cities in Korea, such as Seoul, Incheon and Busan with various names regarding cities' circumstances. In these context, the study aims to highlight the identity of the Demolishing Walls Campaign compare Daegu with other cities where similar movement has started. In addition, the study evaluates the campaign in terms of physical, psychological and economical aspects to suggest some practical suggestion for the development of the campaign based on questionnaire survey. The research findings are as follows. The research shows that the identity of the Daegu Campaign is started by bottom-up approach based on citizens' participation compare with others cities' campaigns which are mainly started by the local government so called top-down method. The Daegu campaign influences the local people aware of their potential abilities in positively improving urban environment. The results of survey also highlights the advantages of green spaces which by the campaign in terms of environmental and economical aspects. Newly generating urban greens accept and store heat which Influences urban microclimate conditions and it possibly affects energy savings of the city. Most of survey participants eager to continue this campaign which shows positive results in various aspects by the local people. Therefore, the city government building a coalition of local people, NGOs, and interest group to keep the identity of the campaign in Daegu.

Night-time Vehicle Detection Based On Multi-class SVM (다중-클래스 SVM 기반 야간 차량 검출)

  • Lim, Hyojin;Lee, Heeyong;Park, Ju H.;Jung, Ho-Youl
    • IEMEK Journal of Embedded Systems and Applications
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    • v.10 no.5
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    • pp.325-333
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    • 2015
  • Vision based night-time vehicle detection has been an emerging research field in various advanced driver assistance systems(ADAS) and automotive vehicle as well as automatic head-lamp control. In this paper, we propose night-time vehicle detection method based on multi-class support vector machine(SVM) that consists of thresholding, labeling, feature extraction, and multi-class SVM. Vehicle light candidate blobs are extracted by local mean based thresholding following by labeling process. Seven geometric and stochastic features are extracted from each candidate through the feature extraction step. Each candidate blob is classified into vehicle light or not by multi-class SVM. Four different multi-class SVM including one-against-all(OAA), one-against-one(OAO), top-down tree structured and bottom-up tree structured SVM classifiers are implemented and evaluated in terms of vehicle detection performances. Through the simulations tested on road video sequences, we prove that top-down tree structured and bottom-up tree structured SVM have relatively better performances than the others.