• Title/Summary/Keyword: Boarding survey

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Risk awareness survey of fisher on stow net fishing vessel using a questionnaire (설문을 통한 안강망어선에 승선하는 선원의 위험인식 조사)

  • HYUN, Yun-Ki;KIM, Hyung-seok;LEE, Yoo-Won
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Fisheries and Ocean Technology
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    • v.56 no.2
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    • pp.147-154
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    • 2020
  • The questionnaire survey was carried out to collect basic data to identify the cause of the risk that did not appear in the current data provided by the fishermen's occupational accidents of the National Federation of Fisheries Cooperative (NFFC) to the onsite specialist, such as a fishing master, chief engineer and fisher in stow net fishing vessel from June to July 2018. The results are as follows. A total of 134 cases were surveyed, including 53 cases in Yeosu, 44 cases in Mokpo, 30 cases in Boryeong and 7 cases in Gunsan. Approximately 60% of the respondents on board the stow net fishing vessel were more than 20 years old, and the boarding experience was seasoned and suitable for the respondents. In the 4M analysis by safety accident factor during fishing work, the mechanical factors included 51 cases (25.0%) of decrepit equipment or poor maintenance and 49 cases (24.0%) of systemic error of fishing equipment. The environmental factors exhibited 71 cases (33.5%) of poor communication by mixed manning of foreign fishermen and 63 cases (29.7%) of poor environment such as heavy weather etc. The human factors showed 78 cases (37.3%) of personnel's carelessness and 45 cases (21.5%) of unskillfulness of operating net and haulers. The management factors exhibited 59 cases (32.1%) of work practice of poor safety precautions and 56 cases (30.4%) of inadequacy of education on hazard factor. The results are expected to contribute to the creation of a safe operating environment for stow net fishery, such as a fisher boarding a stow net fishing vessel, enabling the analysis of major causes of working safety accidents by cause.

A Study on Dietary Patterns and Behaviors of Self-boarding College Students in Wonju Areas (자취 대학생의 식생활 실태에 대한 조사연구 -원주지역 중심으로-)

  • Noh, Jeang-Mi
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Culture
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    • v.12 no.5
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    • pp.495-508
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    • 1997
  • The purpose of this study is to investigate the dietary patterns and behaviors of self-boarding college students in Wonju. This survey was carried out through questionnaries and the subjects were 118 man and 145 woman students of five colleges in Wonju. The results of this study were summarized as follows: 1. The students who live in Kangwon Province, reaching 49.0% of the subjects, are the most prevalent. In the frequency of homecoming, 'twice a month' is the greatest. One-room system is the most prevalent in the self-boarding patterns. 2. 90.8% of the students have the electric rice cooking pot. Portable gas range, gas range, electric stove, in this order, are more general as cooking appliances. Specially, more than half of students, either male or female, have refrigerators. 3. 80.4% of students cook their own meal. 'once a day' in cooking frequency is the most prevalent. 4. The students, either male or female, prepare breakfast and dinner for themselves at home, and have lunch at the school cafeteria. They choose boiled rice mostly at any mealtime. 5.In the frequency of drinking, 'three times a week' in man students and 'two or three times a month' in woman students are the most prevalent. The drink shop and their own self-boarding room are most preferred as the place for drinking in the both case of male and female. 6. In the quantity of drinking of male students, 'more than three bottles of Soju', 'two bottles of Soju', and 'one bottle of Soju', in this order, are recorded more frequently and in the case of female students, comes 'one bottle of Soju' and 'one bottle of beer' in that order. 7. Male students drink to have a dim consciousness and female students to feel good. In this case there are differences. 8. After drinking in the previous night, more female students have a breakfast than male. While more female students have any kind of food, most of male students have a broth to relieve hangover or ramyun. 9. The causes for no breafast after drinking were 'rising late', 'stomachache', 'habits' in this cider. 10. After students self-examine their own health, they express their health state as 'usual', 'very healthy' 'not healthy' in this order. Most of male and female students point out the stomach as a painful part.

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A Study on the Problems and Improvements of the Management System for Foreign Seafarers Boarding Korean Ocean-Going Vessels (우리나라 외항상선에 승선하는 외국인 선원 관리제도의 문제점 및 개선방안에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Kun-Jin;Shin, Sang-hoon;Shin, Yong-John
    • Journal of Navigation and Port Research
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    • v.43 no.6
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    • pp.384-394
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    • 2019
  • This study investigated the current status of the management system for foreign seafarers boarding Korean ocean-going vessels and analyzed the problems and suggested measures for improvement through the survey of shipping companies, ship management companies, crew manning companies and related associations. The conclusion is summarized as follow. First, it is necessary to reorganize and apply the collective agreements or the laws applicable to the foreign seafarer separately in regard to the foreign seafarer related laws and collective agreements applied in the same way as the Korean seafarer. Second, it is necessary to change the decision-making to shipowner in deciding on the number of foreign seafarers employed by the Korean ocean-going vessels or if the decision-maker remains the same, the relevant laws must be clearly defined pertinent to the decision-maker. Additionally, the number of foreign seafarers should be applied for each position and ship's type. The third is to expand the recognition arrangement for certificate of ships' officers to Eastern Europe and Asian countries to expand the range of options for hiring foreign seafarers. The fourth is to prevent the waste of administrative manpower by simplifying complicated and unnecessary administrative procedures from hiring and boarding of foreign seafarers. The fifth is to establish a systematic training and education system for foreign seafarers in cooperation with related shipping companies and government authorities, associations and so on. This study will contribute to providing a more efficient and systematic management of foreign seafarers boarding Korean ocean-going vessels.

Differences in Characteristics and Dietary Habits between Volunteers and Selected Subjects in Nutrition Survey (영양조사 참여 자원자와 임의 선정자의 일반적 특성 및 식습관의 차이)

  • 김완수;김미정;현태선
    • Korean Journal of Community Nutrition
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    • v.9 no.4
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    • pp.511-518
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    • 2004
  • This study was designed to compare general characteristics and dietary habits between volunteers for a nutrition survey and non-volunteers using a questionnaire. Volunteers were recruited by advertising on the homepage of a university to assess nutritional status by examining dietary intake for three days and blood analysis. Non-volunteers were selected from some classes not related to nutrition. There were no significant differences in sex, monthly allowances, eating-out cost, drinking and exercise between the two groups, while the proportion of self-boarding was higher in the volunteer group than in the non-volunteer group, and smoking rate of volunteers was approximately 2.4 times lower than that of non-volunteers. Volunteers were less concerned about their diet than non-volunteers. No significant differences in concern about health, considering factors in their diet, self-evaluation of their diet, learning experience about nutrition, and vitamin/mineral supplement use were observed. The frequency and the place of eating-out for dinner were significantly different between the two groups. More proportions of volunteers tended to eat regularly and eat breakfast. Volunteers consumed seaweeds more frequently, and milk, fruits and fast foods less frequently than non-volunteers. Our results indicate that some characteristics and dietary habits of volunteers are different from those of non-volunteers. However, we could not show that volunteers were more interested in their diet and had desirable dietary habits than non-volunteers. Further research on the characteristics of volunteers who participate in nutrition survey may be helpful to interpret and generalize the survey results.

A Research on User Preference Factor of DRT in Small and Medium-sized Cities Using Stated Preference Survey (SP조사를 활용한 중소도시의 수요응답형 대중교통 이용자 선호 요인 분석)

  • Jiyoon Kim;Byeongsup Moon;Jungah Ha;Jiyong Jang
    • The Journal of The Korea Institute of Intelligent Transport Systems
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    • v.23 no.5
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    • pp.117-136
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    • 2024
  • Demand-Response Transit (DRT) is public transportation that operates on flexible routes according to user requests via smartphone apps and vehicle terminals. In DRT, user preference factors are generated based on the operational method, such as wait time after calling, approach time to the boarding point, in-vehicle time, detour time (if any), and egress time after arrival. Through an SP survey, this study investigated which of these factors citizens are most sensitive to. The survey presented two DRT alternatives consisting of five attribute variables, and asked respondents to choose the preferred mode, examining two situations: commuting and leisure travel. The analysis showed that wait time after calling was the strongest factor for both commuting and leisure travel, whereas boarding point access time had the weakest influence. However, sensitivity to detours was found to be more than twice as important in leisure travel compared to commuting. The results of this study are expected to contribute to improving user satisfaction and system efficiency by differentiating optimization targets according to the time of day in DRT operations.

Propensity Analysis for Oral Exam Candidates of Sixth Class Deck Officer's License using Questionnaire (설문에 의한 6급 항해사 면허 면접시험 응시자의 성향 분석)

  • Kim, Yong-Bok;Lee, Yoo-Won
    • Journal of Fisheries and Marine Sciences Education
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    • v.26 no.5
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    • pp.1158-1164
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    • 2014
  • The propensity analysis for oral exam candidates of sixth class deck officer's license was conducted to serve as a basic data for improving the ability of seamanship and a stable workforce supply using a questionnaire. A general information of them was identified as 64.4% of offshore fishing, 56.8% of over 50, 56.6% of less middle school education, 55.6% of under 100 gross tonnage, 81.2% of over 10 years experience, 85.6% of deck department, which means they are from mainly less than 100 gross tonnage of offshore fishing vessel, less educated, and long term experienced in the deck job. The reason why they took the test was mainly due to their will (71.1%). And 52.7% of them took the test for the first time, 52.7% of answers responded they are lack of knowledge about a written exam and text of KIMFT in preparation data for an oral exam 23.3%. Given the fact that 83.3% of respondents experienced marine accidents on board, the need for marine casualty reduction education was verified. Even after obtaining a license, they showed a higher preference of boarding that they embarked before the examination. Also, 61.7% of them have a plan for long-term boarding at least three years, thus leading to supply of workforce in coastal and offshore areas.

Propensity Analysis for Oral Exam Candidates of Sixth Class Engineer Officer's License using Questionnaire (설문에 의한 6급 기관사 면허 면접시험 응시자의 성향 분석)

  • Park, Tae-Geon;Lee, Yoo-Won;Kim, Yong-Bok
    • Journal of Fisheries and Marine Sciences Education
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    • v.26 no.5
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    • pp.1151-1157
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    • 2014
  • The propensity analysis for oral exam candidates of sixth class engineer officer's license was conducted to serve as a basic data for improving the ability of seamanship and a stable workforce supply using a questionnaire. A general information of them was identified as 62.1% of offshore fishing, 59.3% of over 50, 59.4% of less middle school education, 52.4% of under 100 gross tonnage, 75.2% of under 1,500kW engine output, 72.5% of over 10 years experience, 72.4% of engine department, which means they are from mainly less than 100 gross tonnage of offshore fishing vessel, less educated, and long term experienced in the engine job. The reason why they took the test was mainly due to their will (51.7%). And 45.5% of them took the test for the first time, 45.5% of answers responded they are lack of knowledge about a written exam and text of KIMFT in preparation data for an oral exam 35.9%. Given the fact that 74.5% of respondents experienced marine accidents with engine damage on board, the need for marine casualty reduction education was verified. Even after obtaining a license, they showed a higher preference of boarding that they embarked before the examination. Also, 61.4% of them have a plan for long-term boarding at least three years, thus leading to supply of workforce in coastal and offshore areas.

A Proposal of Design Guidelines for Subway Guide Board -Focusing on Seoul Metro- (지하철 안내전광판의 디자인 가이드라인 제안 -서울 메트로를 중심으로-)

  • Jeong, Su-Hyun;Kim, Seung-In
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.18 no.10
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    • pp.437-442
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    • 2020
  • Information boards installed in Seoul subway stations are currently in four languages: Korean, English, Chinese, and Japanese. Informational announcements are provided to inform the main information or operation information through the LCD monitor installed in the train and in Korean. However, users are confused because the subway guide board screen displays advertisements more heavily than driving information As a research method, we grasped the current status and problems of the subway guide board installed on the Seoul subway, and presented an improved new subway guide board drafts. An online survey was conducted on 67 people, ranging from teens to 60s who mainly use the Seoul Metro. As a result of the study, the screen design is different for each boarding route, so it is necessary to unify the subway guide board that provides only necessary information. In particular, since the user transfers the subway several times in order to move from place to place, the subway guide board design should function as an emergency disaster guide or boarding information, not an advertising signboard.

The Influence of Personality Traits on Airline Untact Check-in: Focusing on Mobile Check-in User

  • YANG, Jae-Pil;PARK, Sang-Beom
    • The Journal of Industrial Distribution & Business
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    • v.12 no.1
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    • pp.15-30
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    • 2021
  • Purpose: Year of 2020, COVID-19 has been changing the people's everyday life to ways never been thought of before all over the world. The IT and electronic industry, the methods of supplying goods and services have been changed from contact to un-tact environments based on un-tact systems very rapidly. COVID-19 has been striking the tourism and the travel industry, especially the airline and hotel industry of which services are provided by human. For the passenger service of airliner, automation has been propelled and un-tact style of service has become mainstreams except cabin service since 2000's. For passenger transportation, due to traffic regulations and exclusions etc., switching to new ways is not easy. However, under the new environment made by COVID-19, kiosk check-in, web check-in and mobile check-in has become more important. In this study, the characteristics of airline customers using mobile goods are investigated to find ways to raise the rate of utilizing mobile check-in and to increase the efficiency of boarding process. Research design, data, and methodology: Considering the COVID-19 environment, survey was done by online research company. The research model is designed to integrate the user characteristics and usage/purchase motive and technology acceptance theory. Especially considering infectious diseases prevention, concern of safety is adopted as one of the usage motive variable. Results: Extraversion or conscientiousness characteristics prefers counter check-in(contact service), while openness characteristics prefers mobile check-in(un-tact service). Concern of safety for infectious disease shows strong non-preference on counter check-in. Conclusions: Regarding service type regardless of type of the industry, automation and un-tact have been mainstreams due to high costs of labor, efficiency and standardization issue, etc., and COVID-19 has given impetus to them. For airliner, un-tact service including boarding process service has been more and more important. To raise the rate of un-tact service use, the characteristics of the user should be analyzed first. The study results indicate that for extraversion or conscientiousness, some kinds of methods to induce them to use un-tact service more are needed.

The Effects of Service Characteristics of Maritime Telemedicine on Seafarer's Satisfaction and Loyalty (해양원격의료의 서비스 특성이 선원만족도 및 충성도에 미치는 영향)

  • Lee, Chang-Min;Choi, Byung-Kwan
    • Journal of Navigation and Port Research
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    • v.42 no.6
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    • pp.406-414
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    • 2018
  • The objective of this study was to analyze the effect of characteristics of maritime telemedicine (service quality, recognition or not of service, health counselling service experience or not) on seafarer's satisfaction, and also analyze the effect of seafarer's satisfaction on loyalty. This study's data was collected from the Research Report of Survey of telemedicine service subjects in 2017 conducted in the maritime telemedicine pilot project. However, only 103 seafarers who received maritime telemedicine (Tele-Monitering) services were analyzed statistically. The main results of this study were as follows. ⅰ) Better service quality led to higher levels of satisfaction, ii) High levels of seafarer's satisfaction led to high levels of loyalty, iii) Seafarers whose age is under 50 than 30 years old are less satisfied, ⅳ) In total boarding career, Seafarers with more than 5 years but less than 10 years were more satisfied than seafarers with less than 5 years, ⅴ) Seafarers with more than 10 years but less than 15 years were more satisfied than seafarers with less than 5 years, ⅵ) Seafarers with more than 15 years but less than 20 years were more satisfied than seafarers with less than 5 years, ⅶ) Also, Seafarers in excess of 20 years were more satisfied than seafarers with less than 5 years, In conclusion, ⅰ) Better service quality led to higher levels of satisfaction and loyalty. Accordingly, the improvement of service quality is not only an important factor in improving satisfaction and loyalty, but also plays an important role in forming a positive image of maritime telemedicine. ⅱ) Seafarers with younger age and lower overall total boarding career were more satisfied. It is believed that the seafarer who are willing to use telemedicine and who are willing to refer to others are young.