• Title/Summary/Keyword: Behavioral study

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Determinants of Mobile Application Use: A Study Focused on the Correlation between Application Categories (모바일 앱 사용에 영향을 미치는 요인에 관한 연구: 앱 카테고리 간 상관관계를 중심으로)

  • Park, Sangkyu;Lee, Dongwon
    • Journal of Intelligence and Information Systems
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    • v.22 no.4
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    • pp.157-176
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    • 2016
  • For a long time, mobile phone had a sole function of communication. Recently however, abrupt innovations in technology allowed extension of the sphere in mobile phone activities. Development of technology enabled realization of almost computer-like environment even on a very small device. Such advancement yielded several forms of new high-tech devices such as smartphone and tablet PC, which quickly proliferated. Simultaneously with the diffusion of the mobile devices, mobile applications for those devices also prospered and soon became deeply penetrated in consumers' daily lives. Numerous mobile applications have been released in app stores yielding trillions of cumulative downloads. However, a big majority of the applications are disregarded from consumers. Even after the applications are purchased, they do not survive long in consumers' mobile devices and are soon abandoned. Nevertheless, it is imperative for both app developers and app-store operators to understand consumer behaviors and to develop marketing strategies aiming to make sustainable business by first increasing sales of mobile applications and by also designing surviving strategy for applications. Therefore, this research analyzes consumers' mobile application usage behavior in a frame of substitution/supplementary of application categories and several explanatory variables. Considering that consumers of mobile devices use multiple apps simultaneously, this research adopts multivariate probit models to explain mobile application usage behavior and to derive correlation between categories of applications for observing substitution/supplementary of application use. The research adopts several explanatory variables including sociodemographic data, user experiences of purchased applications that reflect future purchasing behavior of paid applications as well as consumer attitudes toward marketing efforts, variables representing consumer attitudes toward rating of the app and those representing consumer attitudes toward app-store promotion efforts (i.e., top developer badge and editor's choice badge). Results of this study can be explained in hedonic and utilitarian framework. Consumers who use hedonic applications, such as those of game and entertainment-related, are of young age with low education level. However, consumers who are old and have received higher education level prefer utilitarian application category such as life, information etc. There are disputable arguments over whether the users of SNS are hedonic or utilitarian. In our results, consumers who are younger and those with higher education level prefer using SNS category applications, which is in a middle of utilitarian and hedonic results. Also, applications that are directly related to tangible assets, such as banking, stock and mobile shopping, are only negatively related to experience of purchasing of paid app, meaning that consumers who put weights on tangible assets do not prefer buying paid application. Regarding categories, most correlations among categories are significantly positive. This is because someone who spend more time on mobile devices tends to use more applications. Game and entertainment category shows significant and positive correlation; however, there exists significantly negative correlation between game and information, as well as game and e-commerce categories of applications. Meanwhile, categories of game and SNS as well as game and finance have shown no significant correlations. This result clearly shows that mobile application usage behavior is quite clearly distinguishable - that the purpose of using mobile devices are polarized into utilitarian and hedonic purpose. This research proves several arguments that can only be explained by second-hand real data, not by survey data, and offers behavioral explanations of mobile application usage in consumers' perspectives. This research also shows substitution/supplementary patterns of consumer application usage, which then explain consumers' mobile application usage behaviors. However, this research has limitations in some points. Classification of categories itself is disputable, for classification is diverged among several studies. Therefore, there is a possibility of change in results depending on the classification. Lastly, although the data are collected in an individual application level, we reduce its observation into an individual level. Further research will be done to resolve these limitations.

Tie Spatial Structure of Ch'ang-ts'ai-ts'un Village A Case Study on a Rural Village of Korean Immigrants in Yen-pien Area of China (중국(中國) 연변지구(延邊地區) 조선족(朝鮮族)마을의 구성(構成) 룡정시 지신향 장재촌을 대상으로)

  • Lee, Kyu Sung
    • Journal of architectural history
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    • v.3 no.1
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    • pp.83-99
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    • 1994
  • Ch'ang-Ts'al-Ts'un is a rural Village near Lung-jing City in Yen-pien Korean Autonomous Province of China. It was formed about 100 years ago by Korean Immigrants and has been developed maintaing the characteristics of traditional Korean architecture. Therefore investigating the spatial structure of this village is a meanigful work to confirm and explore one branch of Korean architecture. This study aims at analyzing the spatial structure of the village using direct data collected from the field work and indirect data from books and maps. The field work consists of on-the-site survey of the village layout, interviews of residents, observation notes and photography. Ch'ang-Ts'ai-Ts'un is located 360-370 m high above the sea level and at the side of a long valley. A river flows in the middle of the valley and relatively flat arable land exists at the both sides of the river. The location of the village related to the surrounding river and mountains suggests that the site of the village was chosen according to Feng-Shui, Chinese and Korean traditional architectural theory. The main direction of the house layouts is South-western. The village has been growing gradually until today. Therefore it is meaningful to make the village layout before Liberation(1946 A.D.) because the characteristics of Korean architecture prevailed more in that period. The area of the previous village is limited to the west side of the creek. New houses were later added to the east of the creek, forming a 'New Village'. Previously the village was composed of 3 small villages: Up, Middle and Down. Also the main access roads connecting the village with the neighboring villages were penetrating the village transversely. Presently the main access road comes to the village longitudinally from the main highway located in front of the village. The retrospective layout shows the existence of well-formed Territory, Places and Axes, thus suggesting a coherent Micro-cosmos. The boundary of imaginery territory perceived by present residents could be defined by linking conspicous outside places sorrounding the village such as Five-mountains, Front-mountain, Shin-dong village, Standing-rock, Rear-mountain and Myong-dong village. Inside the territory there are also the important places such as Bus-stop, Memorial tower of patriots, Road-maitenance building and the village itself. And inside it 5 transverse and 1 longitudinal axes exist in the form of river, roads and mountains. The perceived spatial structure of the village formed by Places, Axes and Territory is geometrical and well-balanced and suggests this village is fit for human settlement. The administrative area of the village is about 738 ha, 27 % of which is cultivated land and the rest is mountain area. Initially the village and surrounndings were covered with natural forest But the trees have been gradually cut down for building and warning houses, resulting in the present barren and artificial landscape with bare mountains and cultivated land. At present the area of the village occupied by houses is wedge-shaped, 600 m wide and 220 m deep in its maximum. The total area of the village is $122,175m^{2}$. The area and the rate of each sub-division arc as follow. 116 house-lots $91,465m^{2}$ (74.9 %) Land for public buildings and shops $2,980m^{2}$ (2.4 %) Roads $17,106m^{2}$ (14.0 %) Creek $1,356m^{2}$ (1.1 %) Vacant spaces and others $9,268m^{2}$ (7.6 %) TOTAL $122,175m^{2}$ (100.0 %) Each lot is fenced around with vertical wooden pannels 1.5-1.8 m high and each house is located to the backside of the lot. The open space of a lot is sub-divided into three areas using the same wooden fence: Front yard, Back yard and Access area. Front and back yards are generally used for crop-cultivation, the custom of which is rare in Korea. The number of lots is 116 and the average size of area is $694.7m^{2}$. Outdoor spaces in the village such as roads, vacant spaces, front yard of the cultural hall, front yard of shops and spacse around the creek are good 'behavioral settings' frequently used by residents for play, chatting, drinking and movie-watching. The road system of the village is net-shaped, having T-junctions in intersections. The road could be graded to 4 categories according to their functions: Access roads, Inner trunk roads, Connecting roads and Culs-de-sac. The total length of the road inside the village is 3,709 m and the average width is 4.6 m. The main direction of the road in the village is NNE-SSE and ESE-WNW, crossing with right angles. Conclusively, the spatial structure of Ch'ang-Ts'ai-Ts'un village consists of various components in different dimensions and these components form a coherent structure in each dimension. Therefore the village has a proper spatial structure meaningful and appropriate for human living.

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A Trend of Research in Community Health Nursing (지역사회간호학 관련 논문 연구동향 분석 -학회지 발표 논문을 중심으로-)

  • Lee, In-Sook;Kim, Yu-Na;Choi, Key-Won;Chin, Young-Ran
    • Research in Community and Public Health Nursing
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    • v.12 no.1
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    • pp.288-298
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    • 2001
  • This article makes an attempt to evaluate the extent of developing community health nursing knowledge and to suggest the direction of developing a body of knowledge henceforth through the results of analysis for contents and outcomes of all literatures. which have been published in the Journal related to community health nursing. Refer to the following for the result of this article. 1. The total number of literatures analyzed amounted to 100 pieces in Journal of community health nursing society. 78 in Journal of industrial nursing society, 134 in Journal of school health society. 40 in Journal of home care nursing society. 2. Journal of community health nursing society Health needs and educational-behavioral diagnoses, which are more concrete nursing assessments and diagnoses. formed the main current(54%) of articles published in Journal of community health nursing society since 1992. There was a quantitative growth as well as a qualitative advance. Through a classification by the type of a body of knowledge. It was found that the knowledge providing nursing practice with bases, commanded an overwhelming majority(71.8%). Also, Researches on systemic supports for nursing practice are showing a tendency to increase. 3. Journal of industrial nursing society 52.6% of research papers presented in Journal of industrial nursing society dealt with health problem of workers. assessment of risk factors, diagnosis of health behaviors. Because of the beginning of an industrial nursing, the domain of nursing management to establish the role and task, work condition, training. documentary system made up 23 percent of research, subjects. A knowledge providing nursing practice with bases have a majority, 69.2%. In addition. the subject concerning a systemic support and quality assurance was scarce but continuously presented. 4. Journal of school health society The major point of this journal is the identification of health problems and risk factors which belong to assessment and diagnosis domain(56.8%) regardless of year, Because of the interdisciplinary characteristic. The knowledge on quality assurance of nursing practice is relatively rare. But, articles related to a systemic support is plentiful. 5. Journal of home care nursing society In its infancy, there was a large number of papers concerning need assessment and diagnosis, Comparing others, this journal has introduced a good many of articles related to program management. delivery system. service fee, etc that belong to domain of systemic support for nursing practice. 6. It is showing definitely that quantity and extent of research have grown for a short period. See the analysis in terms of nursing process, studies related to the domain of assessment and diagnosis command an absolute majority regardless of kinds of journal. Although articles referring to program management and implementation is increasing in number, it is scarce to evaluate a nursing program and grope for an improvement. Also, program development based on a theoretical framework is little. Therefore much more scientific effort to ensure profession should be executed. 7. In the methodological aspect, longitudinal study needs to be carried out so that we could show the evidence based nursing theory. To develop a more general theory, we have to conduct a study of various subjects and improve a validity of tools through a repeat test. In addition, the effort for interdisciplinary cooperation is needed.

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The Prevalence and Associated Factors of Constipation in the School-aged Children (학동기 아동에서 변비의 실태와 관련요인에 대한 연구)

  • Cho, Sung-Jong;Ahn, Young-Jun;Kim, Eun-Young;Rho, Young-Ill;Yang, Eun-Suk;Park, Young-Bong;Moon, Kyung-Rye
    • Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology & Nutrition
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    • v.5 no.1
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    • pp.26-32
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    • 2002
  • Purpose: Constipation in childhood is a significant problem, however, understanding of its epidemiology has been limited in Korea. The aim of this study was to investigate the prevalence and risk factors of constipation in school-aged children, helping to manage and prevent it. Methods: This cross-sectional, descripsive observational prevalence study included children (2grade, 1st and 6th grade) who were attending two elementary schools in Gwangju. The prevalence of constipation, associated symptoms, and risk factors were evaluated by questionnaire. A child was considered to be constipated when he or she defecated two or less times per week. Results: The prevalence of constipation was 15.4%. There is no significant difference between both sexes and grades. Of the causes of constipation, there was statistically significant difference in exercise deficiency, frequent intake of convenience food, long-time watching TV, unbalanced diet and enuresis history between constipation and normal group. Especially, long-time watching TV, exercise deficiency, and enuresis history were risk factors for development of constipation. Only 27.1% of children with constipation were treated by laxative and enema. Conclusion: Even though the prevalence of constipation was high, more than half of them was not treated at all. We should endeavor to educate the children and their parents to prevent constipation by evaluating the feeding and behavioral habit completely, and treating them properly.

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Comparative Analysis of GNSS Precipitable Water Vapor and Meteorological Factors (GNSS 가강수량과 기상인자의 상호 연관성 분석)

  • Jae Sup, Kim;Tae-Suk, Bae
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.33 no.4
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    • pp.317-324
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    • 2015
  • GNSS was firstly proposed for application in weather forecasting in the mid-1980s. It has continued to demonstrate the practical uses in GNSS meteorology, and other relevant researches are currently being conducted. Precipitable Water Vapor (PWV), calculated based on the GNSS signal delays due to the troposphere of the Earth, represents the amount of the water vapor in the atmosphere, and it is therefore widely used in the analysis of various weather phenomena such as monitoring of weather conditions and climate change detection. In this study we calculated the PWV through the meteorological information from an Automatic Weather Station (AWS) as well as GNSS data processing of a Continuously Operating Reference Station (CORS) in order to analyze the heavy snowfall of the Ulsan area in early 2014. Song’s model was adopted for the weighted mean temperature model (Tm), which is the most important parameter in the calculation of PWV. The study period is a total of 56 days (February 2013 and 2014). The average PWV of February 2014 was determined to be 11.29 mm, which is 11.34% lower than that of the heavy snowfall period. The average PWV of February 2013 was determined to be 10.34 mm, which is 8.41% lower than that of not the heavy snowfall period. In addition, certain meteorological factors obtained from AWS were compared as well, resulting in a very low correlation of 0.29 with the saturated vapor pressure calculated using the empirical formula of Magnus. The behavioral pattern of PWV has a tendency to change depending on the precipitation type, specifically, snow or rain. It was identified that the PWV showed a sudden increase and a subsequent rapid drop about 6.5 hours before precipitation. It can be concluded that the pattern analysis of GNSS PWV is an effective method to analyze the precursor phenomenon of precipitation.

Home Range Analysis of a Pair of Gorals (Naemorhedus caudatus) Using GPS Collar According to the Elevation Change, in the North Gyeongbuk Province(Uljin) of Korea (경북북부지역(울진) 산양(Naemorhedus caudatus) 암·수 한 쌍의 행동권 및 고도변화에 따른 행동권 분석)

  • Cho, Chea-Un;Kim, Ki-Yoon;Kim, Kyu-Cheol;Kim, Hyun-Min;An, Jae-Yong;Lee, Bae-Keun;Park, Jong-Gil
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.18 no.1
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    • pp.135-146
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    • 2015
  • This study was carried out to understand ecological characteristics of Korean goral such as home range, seasonal home range and habitat use and used for Korean goral restoration and conservation, through a pair of gorals in the north Gyeongbuk province of Korea. With data from GPS collars, we analyzed the behavioral characteristics of the endangered Korean gorals(n=2) in Uljin area from June 2013 to July 2014. As a result, their home range was $1.38{\pm}0.24km^2$ in MCP 95%, $0.81{\pm}0.09km^2$ in FK 95% and $0.15{\pm}0.16km^2$ in FK 50% (t=8.118, p>0.05). Seasonal home range for MCP 95% was $0.74{\pm}0.31km^2$ > (winter) > $0.71{\pm}0.27km^2$ (spring) > $0.61{\pm}0.06km^2$ (autumn) > $0.27{\pm}0.04km^2$ (summer) (F=2.135 p>0.05). It showed that home range in winter was the largest and that in summer was the smallest. Mean elevation of male for seasonal habitat use was $440.18{\pm}71.32m$ in summer and that of female was $727.25{\pm}99.98m$ in spring. The lowest altitude for male was $372.72{\pm}70.79$ and female was $664.60{\pm}139.71m$. It meant that there were seasonal change and thus annual and seasonal behavior characteristics for both sexes had different correlation according to elevation change. Although in this study the correlation with prey in habitat and the changes of habitat disturbance were not clearly investigated, We could understand goral home range and habitat use through research data.

A Reliability and Validity Study of the Korean versions of the Eating Disorder Examination Questionnaire version 6.0 (EDE-Q version 6.0) and the Clinical Impairment Assessment Questionnaire (CIA) (한국판 섭식장애검사-자기보고형 6.0 (EDE-Q version 6.0) 및 한국판 임상손상평가(CIA)의 신뢰도와 타당도 연구)

  • Bang, Eun Byul;Han, Cho Long;Kim, Yu Ri;Kim, Mirihae;Lee, Young Ho;Heo, Si Young;Kim, Youl-Ri
    • Korean Journal of Psychosomatic Medicine
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    • v.26 no.2
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    • pp.152-163
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    • 2018
  • Objectives : The Eating Disorder Examination Questionnaire, version 6.0 (EDE-Q version 6.0) and the Clinical Impairment Assessment Questionnaire (CIA) measure attitudes and behavioral features of eating disorders and impairments secondary to eating disorders, respectively. The aims of this study were to examine the reliability and the validity of the Korean versions of the EDE-Q version 6.0 and the CIA. Methods : Four hundred nineteen participants (370 female university students and 49 women with eating disorders) completed the EDE-Q version 6.0, the CIA, the Body Shape Questionnaire (BSQ) and the Weight Concern Scale (WCS). Results : Excellent internal consistencies were obtained for the EDE-Q version 6.0 (Cronbach's ${\alpha}=0.92$) and the CIA (Cronbach's ${\alpha}=0.91$). Exploratory factor analysis of CIA extracted the 3 factors of personal, social, and cognitive impairments, as the original CIA had. The EDE-Q version 6.0 and the CIA were well correlated with the BSQ and the WCS, in respect to their contextually concordant variables. Patients with eating disorders had higher scores both in the EDE-Q 6.0 and the CIA than university women had, supporting good discriminant validity. Conclusions : The EDE-Q version 6.0 and the Korean versions of the CIA had adequate reliability and validity. These data will help clinicians and researchers to use the EDE-Q and the CIA in diagnosis, prevention and intervention of eating disorders in Korea.

Classification of behavior at the signs of parturition of sows by image information analysis (영상정보에 의한 모돈의 분만징후 행동특성 분류)

  • Yang, Ka-Young;Jeon, Jung-Hwan;Kwon, Kyeong-Seok;Choi, Hee-Chul;Ha, Jae-Jung;Kim, Jong-Bok;Lee, Jun-Yeob
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.19 no.12
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    • pp.607-613
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    • 2018
  • The aim of this study is to predict the exact time of parturition from analysis and classification of preliminary behavior based on parturition signals in sows. This study was conducted with 12 crossbred sows (with an average of 3.5 parities). Behavioral characteristics were analyzed for duration and the frequency of different behaviors on a checklist, which includes the duration of the basic behaviors (feeding, standing, lying down, and sitting). The frequency of specific behaviors (investigatory behavior, shame-chewing, scratching, and bar-biting) was also recorded. Image information was collected every two minutes for 24 hours before the first piglets were born. As a result, the basic behavior of a sows' standing time (22.6% of the time after 24 h, 24.9% after 12 h) and time lying down (55.9% after 24 h, 66.3% after 12 h) increased over the 12 h period before parturition, compared with the 24 h period before parturition (p<0.01). Feeding (13.42% after 24 h, 4.38% after 12 h) and sitting (8.2% after 24 h, 4.5% after 12 h) tended to decrease during the 12 h before parturition (p>0.05). The sows' investigatory behavior ($11.44{\pm}1.80$ after 24 h, $55.97{\pm}6.13$ after 12 h), scratching ($3.75{\pm}1.92$ after 24 h, $20.99{\pm}5.81$ after 12 h), and bar-biting ($0.69{\pm}0.15$ after 24 h, $3.71{\pm}1.53$ after 12 h) increased in the 12-hour period before parturition, compared with the 24-hour period before parturition (p<0.01). On the other hand, shame-chewing ($2.20{\pm}1.67$ after 24 h, $0.07{\pm}0.01$ after 12 h) decreased compared to the 12-hour period before parturition (p>0.05). Thus, standing, investigatory behavior, scratching, and bar-biting could be used as behaviors indicative of parturition in sows.

Demonstration of Disaster Information and Evacuation Support Model for the Safety Vulnerable Groups (안전취약계층을 위한 재난정보 및 대피지원 모델 실증)

  • Son, Min Ho;Kweon, Il Ryong;Jung, Tae Ho;Lee, Han Jun
    • Journal of the Society of Disaster Information
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    • v.17 no.3
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    • pp.465-486
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    • 2021
  • Purpose: Since most disaster information systems are centered on non-disabled people, the reality is that there is a lack of disaster information delivery systems for the vulnerable, such as the disabled, the elderly, and children, who are relatively vulnerable to disasters. The purpose of the service is to improve the safety of the disabled and the elderly by eliminating blind spots of informatization and establishing customized disaster information services to respond to disasters through IoT-based integrated control technology. Method: The model at the core of this study is the disaster alert propagation model and evacuation support model, and it shall be developed by reflecting the behavioral characteristics of the disabled and the elderly in the event of a disaster. The disaster alert propagation model spreads disaster situations collected using IoT technology, and the evacuation support model uses geomagnetic field-based measuring technology to identify the user's indoor location and help the disabled and the elderly evacuate safely. Results: Demonstration model demonstration resulted in an efficient qualitative evaluation of indoor location accuracy, such as the suitability of evacuation route guidance and satisfaction of services from the user's perspective. Conclusion: Disaster information and evacuation support services were established for the safety vulnerable groups of mobile app for model verification. The disaster situation was demonstrated through experts in the related fields and the disabled by limiting it to the fire situation. It was evaluated as "satisfaction" in the adequacy of disaster information delivery and evacuation support, and its functional satisfaction and user UI were evaluated as "normal" due to the nature of the pilot model. Through this, the disaster information and evacuation support services presented in this study were evaluated to support the safety vulnerable groups to a faster disaster evacuation without missing the golden time of disaster evacuation.

Developing a Practical Course Model for the Personality Education in a Theological University (신학대학교에서 성품 교육을 위한 실천적 코스 모델 개발)

  • Yi, Miah
    • Journal of Christian Education in Korea
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    • v.66
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    • pp.75-112
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    • 2021
  • This study is purposed to prepare students in theological universities so that they contribute to their faith community as well as the broader social community in future through developing a practical course model for education of character formation. Facing the challenge of a high-tech revolution being progressed globally in this period, theological seminaries as the Christian-affiliated institute of higher education see the necessity to nurture their learners' competency of holistic personality comprehending cognitive, affective, behavioral, and more spiritual maturity as well as specialty in each subject matter. The holistic character capability of seminarians is closely related not only to their own self-realization, but also social community's well-being. This research had the following content and results. Chapter 1 brought up a subject to educational needs of the holistic character formation in the theological seminaries to meet the rapidly changing times. Chapter 2 considered the importance of character formation in the curriculum of the universities and theological seminaries in the times of high-tech revolution through the literature reviews related to. Chapter 3 clarified the elements of character education to be placed emphasis on theological seminaries and established the way of course planning. Chapter 4, using a course of Christian social education for illustration, described in order the whole process of course planning comprehending the need of planning, description of course concept, establishment and definition of learning outcomes, organization of learning experience(course content), teaching-learning activities, evaluation of learning outcome, and course improvement, which was visualized with the chart of the process of course design. Also, it provided a practical illustration of the conceptual map, an outline of content and an organization of units, and scope-sequence chart. Finally, chapter 5 gave an syllabus example in an integrative and digestive form as the course plan to be distributed to the students, which is the final result produced through the whole process of course planning. This research is intended not to present a overall curriculum planning of the university-level in the theological seminaries, but to develop a course-level curriculum focused on the formation of character. The author hope that this study would be used as a guideline in developing a course model to nurture the capability of the learners' holistic character.