• Title/Summary/Keyword: Basin scale

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Resampling for Roughness Coefficient of Surface Runoff Model Using Mosaic Scheme (모자이크기법을 이용한 지표유출모형의 조도계수 리샘플링)

  • Park, Sang-Sik;Kang, Boo-Sik
    • Journal of Environmental Science International
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    • v.20 no.1
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    • pp.93-106
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    • 2011
  • Physically-based resampling scheme for roughness coefficient of surface runoff considering the spatial landuse distribution was suggested for the purpose of effective operational application of recent grid-based distributed rainfall runoff model. Generally grid scale(mother scale) of hydrologic modeling can be greater than the scale (child scale) of original GIS thematic digital map when the objective basin is wide or topographically simple, so the modeler uses large grid scale. The resampled roughness coefficient was estimated and compared using 3 different schemes of Predominant, Composite and Mosaic approaches and total runoff volume and peak streamflow were computed through distributed rainfall-runoff model. For quantitative assessment of biases between computational simulation and observation, runoff responses for the roughness estimated using the 3 different schemes were evaluated using MAPE(Mean Areal Percentage Error), RMSE(Root-Mean Squared Error), and COE(Coefficient of Efficiency). As a result, in the case of 500m scale Mosaic resampling for the natural and urban basin, the distribution of surface runoff roughness coefficient shows biggest difference from that of original scale but surface runoff simulation shows smallest, especially in peakflow rather than total runoff volume.

Scaled Down Experiment of Retention Basin with a Rotatable Bucket Using 3D Printer (3D 프린터를 이용한 회전 버킷이 부착된 저류조의 모형 실험)

  • Park, Seong-Jik;Lee, Chang-Gu;Lee, Jemyung;Choi, Won
    • Journal of The Korean Society of Agricultural Engineers
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    • v.59 no.2
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    • pp.49-55
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    • 2017
  • Recently climate change and urbananization have been increased surface runoff, resulting in flooding. Retention basins have been constructed to control urban flooding by reducing peak flow rate. Recently, the retention basin plays a role in controlling combined sewer overflows (CSOs) as well as urban flooding. In this study, the retention basin with a rotatable bucket was suggested and scale down experiments was performed for the optimum design of the retention basin. Scaled down model was produced using a 3D printer after it was designed as law of similarity. Two times for operating a rotary bucket is required to sweep out the sediments deposited on the bottom of the basin. Optimized dimensions for the retention basin were width of 5 m, height of 5 m, bucket radius of 0.5 m, and bottom slope of 5.0 %. It can be concluded that the results obtained from this study can be used to design the retention basin with a rotatable bucket which does not require energy to operate.

Effect of Shantung Peninsula on the Development of Mean Upwind Flow in the Yellow Sea (황해의 역풍류 형성에 미치는 산동반도의 영향)

  • Seung, Young-Ho
    • 한국해양학회지
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    • v.30 no.6
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    • pp.537-542
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    • 1995
  • Effect of Shantung Peninsula on the development of mean upwind flow in the Yellow Sea in winter is analysed using a simple model. The results indicate that the disturbances generated by the Shantung Peninsula have a scale much larger than the basin scale whereas disturbances, if any, generated similarly on the other side of the trough has much smaller scale. The effect of Shantung Peninsula thus dominates over the whole basin and deflects westward the otherwise northward upwind flow.

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A study on stream morphological characteristics according to effect of Map Scale (지도축척의 영향에 따른 하천형태학적 특성연구)

  • 안상진;조용진
    • Magazine of the Korean Society of Agricultural Engineers
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    • v.23 no.1
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    • pp.64-74
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    • 1981
  • The stream morphological characteristics of watershed have important influence upon the analysis of runoff. In this study, the effect of the map scale on the stream morphological characteristics was used on the data taken from 15'(1:50, 000) and 7'30"(1 :25,000) topographic maps which could cover the whole Miho River basin This basin are the first tributary of the Geum. River. Otherwise, the longitudinal stream bed profile was calculated by Yang's theoretical stream bed profile, equilibrium profile and actual profile. In the result of this investigation the conclusion is that the resultant relationship obtained from different topographic maps in the scale on the same stream system has come upon the same result as the stream morphological characteristics. Therefore, the great amount of time and effort can be saved in studing the stream morphological charecteristics by using the 15' instead of the 7'30"map system excluding the first order streams.

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Basin modelling with a MATLAB-based program, BasinVis 2.0: A case study on the southern Vienna Basin, Austria (MATLAB 기반의 프로그램 BasinVis 2.0을 이용한 분지 모델링: 오스트리아 비엔나 분지의 남부 지역에 대한 사례 연구)

  • Lee, Eun Young;Wagreich, Michael
    • Journal of the Geological Society of Korea
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    • v.54 no.6
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    • pp.615-630
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    • 2018
  • Basin analysis is a research field to understand the formation and evolution of sedimentary basins. This task requires various geoscientific datasets as well as numerical and graphical modelling techniques to synthesize results dimensionally in time and space. For basin analysis and modelling in a comprehensive workflow, BasinVis 1.0 was released as a MATLAB-based program in 2016, and recently the software has been extended to BasinVis 2.0, with new functions and revised user-interface. As a case study, this work analyses the southern Vienna Basin and visualizes the sedimentation setting and subsidence evolution to introduce the basin modelling functions of BasinVis 2.0. This is a preliminary study for a basin-scale modelling of the Vienna Basin, together with our previous studies using BasinVis 1.0. In the study area, during the late Early Miocene, sedimentation and subsidence are significant along strike-slip and en-echelon listric normal faults. From the Middle Miocene onwards, however, subsidence decreases abruptly over the area and this situation continues until the Late Miocene. This is related to the development of the pull-apart system and corresponds to the episodic tectonic subsidence in strike-slip basins. The subsidence of the Middle Miocene is confined mainly to areas along the strike-slip faults, while, from the late Middle Miocene, the depocenter shifts to a depression along the N-S trending listric normal faults. This corresponds to the regional paleostress regime transitioning from NE-SW trending transtension to E-W trending extension. This study applies various functions and techniques to this case study, and the modelled results demonstrate that BasinVis 2.0 is effective and applicable to the basin modelling.

Geological analysis of the CarbonNet CCS project in the Gippsland Basin, Australia (호주 깁스랜드 분지 CarbonNet CCS 프로젝트의 지질학적 분석)

  • Hyun-Wook Jo;Ju-Won Oh;Young-Ju Lee;Ah-Reum Han;Jae-Young Lee
    • Geophysics and Geophysical Exploration
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    • v.26 no.4
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    • pp.157-170
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    • 2023
  • In South Korea, carbon capture and storage (CCS) techniques have attracted considerable attention as part of efforts to achieve the 2030 Korean Nationally Determined Contribution. However, owing to delays in large-scale CCS projects in South Korea, interest in cross-border CCS projects, wherein CO2 captured in South Korea is stored in overseas CCS facilities, has increased. In this study, we investigated the development status of the CarbonNet project in the Gippsland Basin, Australia. First, we provide a brief overview of sedimentary basins and CCS projects in Australia. Subsequently, we review the geological history of the Gippsland Basin, the site of the large-scale CCS project. Finally, we summarize the site selection process for the CarbonNet project and discuss the suitability of the Pelican site for large-scale CCS projects.

Case Study on Remodeling Outlet Structure within a Sedimentation Basin for Improving Performance (침전지 유출부 구조 Remodeling을 통한 개선사례 연구)

  • Kim, Seong-Su;Park, No-Suk;Moon, Yong-Taik;Lee, Sun-Ju
    • Journal of Korean Society of Water and Wastewater
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    • v.20 no.6
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    • pp.911-918
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    • 2006
  • This study was conducted to evaluate the effect of the launder type on settling performance and hydrodynamic behavior within the two certain full-scale sedimentation basins (each flow rate/one basin; $10,000m^3/d$); one is the transverse typed launder(existing basin) and the other is building the finger type launder in combination with the longitudinal baffle. Comparative experimental investigations have been carried out through residual turbidity and particle concentration measurements in each effluent from two basins with the transverse and the finger type launders, respectively. From the experimental results, we could observe that turbidity removal rate in the finger type launder basin (modified basin) is about 30% higher than that in the transverse type launder basin (existing basin). Also, from the measurement of total particle concentration in each effluent, the removal efficiency was improved about 27% within modified basin compared to the existing basin. In order to explain the comparative experimental results and investigate the hydridynamic behavior within each basin in more detail, we conducted computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulation and verified simulation results with acoustic Doppler velocimetry (ADV) technique. From the CFD simulation, it was investigated that extreme upward flow occurs underneath of the transverse launder. On the other hand, in the case of modified basin, the upward flow, which occurred in the beneath of launder, was much less than that in the existing basins.

Regional Drought Frequency Analysis with Estimated Monthly Runoff Series in the Nakdong River Basin (낙동강 유역의 유역 유출량 산정에 따른 지역별 가뭄 빈도분석)

  • 김성원
    • Magazine of the Korean Society of Agricultural Engineers
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    • v.41 no.5
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    • pp.53-67
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    • 1999
  • In this study, regional frequency analysis is used to determine each subbasin drought frequency with watershed runoff which is calculated with Tank Model in Nakdong river basin. L-Monments methd which is almost unbiased and nearly normal distribution is applied to estimate paramers of drought frequency analysis of monthly runoff time series. The duration of '76-77 was the most severe drought year than othe rwater years in this study. To decide drought frequency of each subbasin from the main basin, it is calculated by interpolaing runoff from the frequency-druoght runoff relationship. and the linear regression analysis is accomplished between drought frequency of main basin and that of each subbasin. With the results of linear regression analysis, the drought runoff of each subbasin is calculated corresponing to drought frequency 10,20 and 30 years of Nakdong river basin considering safety standards for the design of impounding facilities. As the results of this study, the proposed methodology and procedure of this study can be applied to water budget analysis considering safety standards for the design of impounding facilities in the large-scale river basin. For this purpose, above all, it is recommanded that expansion of reliable observed runoff data is necessary instead of calculated runoff by rainfall-runoff conceptual model.

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  • Kim, Young-Oh;Seo, Yong-Won;Lee, Seung-Hyun;Lee, Dong-Ryul
    • Water Engineering Research
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    • v.1 no.4
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    • pp.267-277
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    • 2000
  • This study reports an examination of the sensitivity of water resources in the Keum River basin to climate change. Assuming a doubling in $CO_2$ concentrations, a cooperative study provided four climate change scenarios for this study, which have been translated into temperature and precipitation scenarios on a basin scale. The study utilized these temperature and precipitation data for each climate change scenario as inputs to the NWS-PC model to generate the corresponding streamflow scenario over the Keum River basin. A reservoir simulation model for the Dae-Chung Dam in the Keum River basin has been developed with an object-oriented simulation environment, STELLA. For each streamflow scenario, the performance of the reservoir was assessed in terms of reliability, resiliency, and vulnerability. Although the simulation results are heavily dependent on the choice of the climate change scenarios, the following conclusions can be clearly concluded: (1) the future streamflow over the Dae-Chung Dam tends to decease during the dry period, which seriously increases competitive water use issues and (2) flood control issues predominate under the $2CO_2$-High case.

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Water, Energy, and Food Nexus Simulation Considering Inter-Basin Trade

  • Wicaksono, Albert;Jeong, Gimoon;Kang, Doosun
    • Proceedings of the Korea Water Resources Association Conference
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    • 2016.05a
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    • pp.190-190
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    • 2016
  • The Water, Energy, and Food (WEF) nexus is an emerging concept for sustainable resources planning and management. The three valuable resources are inevitably interconnected, that is, it takes water to produce energy; it takes energy to extract, treat, and distribute water; and both water and energy are required to produce food. Although it is challenging to fully understand the complicated interdependency, a few studies have been devoted to interpret the concept and develop the assessment tools. The tools were mainly developed for nation-wide simulations without considering inter-basin or inter-state resources trade. This study tries to present an idea to develop and implement the WEF nexus simulation model in regional scale by advancing the existing nation-wide model with additional capability to simulate the inter-basin trade. This simulation could help local planners and engineers to determine optimal policies and infrastructure solutions to reach and ensure local demand satisfaction. The simulation model is implemented in hypothetical areas with different conditions of WEF demands and supplies. Although the inter-basin trade scenarios are simulated manually, it shows that the inter-basin resources trade could enhance the resources security for a longer time period. In future, an optimization model might be developed to provide the automatic calculation to reach optimum amount of WEF for the trade, which can be a helpful tool in decision making process.

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