• 제목/요약/키워드: Basic surveying

검색결과 372건 처리시간 0.025초

농촌마을단위의 정주환경진단지표 개발 (Development of Settlement Environment Diagnostic Indices for Rural Village Unit)

  • 김대식;전택기;배승종
    • 농촌계획
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    • 제16권3호
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    • pp.27-41
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    • 2010
  • This study developed a settlement environment diagnostic indices (SEDI) of rural villages which can apply to analyze variable conditions of villages having development projects. The index consists of 5 diagnostic areas (first level) with 13 items (second level), including detail indices of 40 criteria (third level) defined by specialists' brainstorming process. In order to develop the index system, object-oriented approach was used to extract the 5 diagnostic areas (infra-basic settlement facility, life condition & environmental resources, industry & economic infrastructure, community, and residents) from rural villages. For the 40 criteria, it was introduced a quantification method that all villages have absolute values in national level, not relative value between villages within an unit area. The diagnostic diagram and table were developed to evaluate the villages compositively. The developed SEDI was applied to study areas, 56 villages in 2 subdivision areas of county, located on county of Keumsan. Applicability of the index system, database system should be developed with the surveying method of data in village level.

한북정맥에 분포하는 관속식물상 - 광덕산, 청계산, 죽엽산을 중심으로 - (Vascular Plants Distributed in the Hanbuk-Jeongmaek - Focused on Mt. Gwangdeok, Mt. Cheonggye and Mt. Jukyeop -)

  • 오현경;김동필;유주한
    • 한국환경복원기술학회지
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    • 제19권6호
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    • pp.41-61
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    • 2016
  • This study was carried out to offer the basic data for establishing the management plan and constructing the ecological data by surveying and analysing the flora distributed in main survey sites(Mt. Gwangdeok, Mt. Cheonggye and Mt. Jukyeop), Hanbuk-Jeongmaek. The flora were summarized, numbering 659 taxa including 99 families, 341 genera, 575 species, 4 subspecies, 69 varieties and 11 forms. The rare plants were 16 taxa including Tylophora floribunda, Hanabusaya asiatica, Lilium cernuum, Belamcanda chinensis and so forth. The Korean endemic plants were 24 taxa including Salix koriyanagi, Aconitum pseudolaeve, Clematis trichotoma, Hosta minor and so forth. The specific plants by floristic region were 95 taxa including 32 taxa of grade I, 31 taxa of grade II, 25 taxa of grade III, 5 taxa of grade IV and 2 taxa of grade V. The naturalized plants were 38 taxa including Fallopia dumetorum, Silene armeria, Cosmos bipinnatus, Poa pratensis and so forth. The invasive alien plants were 4 taxa including Ambrosia artemisiifolia, Ambrosia trifida, Aster pilosus and Eupatorium rugosum.

충북지역 학교급식 조리종사원의 직무만족도 (Job Satisfaction of School Foodservice Employees in Chungbuk Province)

  • 임혜진;이영은
    • 한국생활과학회지
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    • 제20권3호
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    • pp.651-663
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    • 2011
  • The purpose of this study was to provide basic data and information for the improvement of school foodservice and efficient management of cooks by surveying the working conditions and the job satisfaction of cooks at schools located in Chungbuk province. The questionnaires of 311 cooks were available for this study. 26.3% of respondents worked at elementary schools, 34.2% of respondents worked at middle schools, and 39.5% of respondents worked at high schools. 72.3% of them were in their forties, 24.4% worked during five to seven years, and 63.0% had qualification certificates. Their job satisfaction was examined from ten dimensions. Respondents were not satisfied with the wage system and working environment which scored 2 points out of 5 points(not satisfied). They gave 1 point out of 5 points to the promotion dimension(not satisfied at all) while organizational committment area received relatively high points. The overall job satisfaction level was 3.06 points. The evaluation of the factors that made their job unsatisfactory were evaluated and the bonus system, treatment system and the wage system were 3.80 points, 3.69 points, and 3.62 points, respectively. In order to improve the job satisfaction of school foodservice employees, a change of the wage system and welfare system are needed.

자가정미기(自家精米機)의 이용비용(利用費用) 분석(分析) (Cost Analysis of Small Capacity Farm-house Rice Whitener)

  • 박판규;윤홍선;박경규
    • Journal of Biosystems Engineering
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    • 제14권1호
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    • pp.41-48
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    • 1989
  • In order to provide a basic information for the government policy in the future, rice milling costs of Small Capacity Farm-house Rice Whiteners (SCFRW) were estimated by surveying and analyzing the major factors to affect their costs. Two types of SCFRW having one stage and two stage milling process and two rice varieties, Tong-il and Akibare, were considered for their cost estimation, respectively. Also, their costs were compared with those of Private Custom-work Mill in order to determine its economical feasibility. The results were concluded as follows; 1. Major factors to affect the costs were annual milling quantity, purchase price of SCFRW and grain milling loss. 2. Total milling costs of SCFRW were a function of annual milling quantity. These costs decreased rapidly as annual milling quantity increased. 3. In comparison of milling costs between single pass type and double pass type SCFRW, the former was more economical than the latter. 4. Also, in comparison of milling costs between two varieties by using SCFRW, Akibare was less expensive than Tong-il. 5. In comparison with private Custom-work Mill, both single pass and double pass type SCFRW were less economical than private Custom-work Mill. 6. In order to have an economical feasibility, SCFRW should be designed and developed to reduce its milling loss and purchase price.

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전통민가의 전기 및 설비시설 설치에 따른 실태분석과 개선방안 - 강원영동지역을 중심으로 - (The Analysis of Present State and Improvement Way according to the Installation of Electric or Plumbing Equipments of Traditional Folk Houses - Focused on Yongdong, Gangwon Province -)

  • 진재형;최장순
    • 한국농촌건축학회논문집
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    • 제14권3호
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    • pp.25-32
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    • 2012
  • Traditional folk houses in Yongdong, Gangwon province play important roles in figuring out natural, human, and social value in the past time including housing life. However, according to the introduction of electric or plumbing equipment in housing life styles, many conventional architectures have been changed by installations of new electric or plumbing equipment, convenience facilities, and etc. Therefore, this study aims to make basic data to prepare for standardized installations of the electric or plumbing equipment, and convenience facilities by surveying of the present installation status, such as electric lights, outlets, switches, wiring, pipe laying, or monitoring devices for crime, disaster prevention facilities, and home appliances etc. Additionally, this paper is related to the meaning and usage, which are connected with the electric or plumbing equipment installations of the traditional folk houses to be prepare for the proper solutions between preservations of the original form and convenient lives for residents.

학교(學校) 스포츠홀의 적정규모(適定規模) 범위설정(範圍設定)에 관한 연구(硏究) - 일본(日本), 영국(英國), 독일(獨逸), 미국(美國)의 체육시설(體育施設) 규정(規定)을 중심(中心)으로 - (A Study on Establishing the Range of Optimum Size for School Sports Hall - Focused on the regulations of sports facilities in Japan, England, Germany, U.S.A -)

  • 김효일
    • 교육시설
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    • 제7권3호
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    • pp.23-35
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    • 2000
  • Today the supply of school sports halls for multi-functional use is absolutely insufficient in school facilities of Korea. For economical reasons and efficiency of use, a joint utilization of these halls by schools, sports clubs and other users should be strived for. This will lead, as a result, to a minimization overall in the demand for halls. Above all to satisfy this demand, the regulations of sports facilities suitable to the students' standards of play and physical conditions must be preceded in Korea. And a study on the architectural planning of this hall size for primary, middle and high school is needed. This study aims at establishing the range of optimum size of school sports hall in Korea by surveying and analyzing the regulations of sports facilities about clear height of hall, obstacle-free zone and court area in Japan, England, Germany and U.S.A. Therefore, this study will offer valuable basic data in planning the school sports hall.

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주부의 주거지역 특성에 따른 라이프스타일 연구- 부산지역 주부들을 대상으로- (A Study on the Housewife's Life Style by Residential Areas - In Pusan Area-)

  • 정용선;최수행
    • 가정과삶의질연구
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    • 제8권2호
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    • pp.15-30
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    • 1990
  • The purpose of this study are 1) to offer the basic data for consumer education by examining and analyzing housewife's Life Style. 2) to make the housewife lead for Life Style better and more resonable. Questionnaires were sent to 623 housewives in Pusan who have elementary , middle and high school students. Frequence, Factor analysis, Cluster analysis, One-way Anova, X 2-test were used to take statistics. The results were as follows. 1) Housewife's Life Style in independent house area were ' the economical seeking pattern' which takes up th high proportions, next 'the practical reserved seeking pattern' ,'the tradition and reservational fashion seeking pattern', and 'the negative neverlessness pattern' On the other hand, the Life-Style in apartment area were' the rapid purpose seeking pattern', next ' the economical seeking pattern', the fashion and pleasure seeking pattern' and 'the tradition and reservational fashion seeking pattern'. 2) By surveying the relationships the housewife's Life Style and the demographics, first, there was a difference in housewife's Life Style of the independent house area by the level of education, monthly mean income and husbands occupation. 3) Finally, as I studied th characterization of which they possessed thing, it usually appeared the characteristic possession by types.

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농촌 다문화 가정의 특성 및 유형분석 (A Study on the Classification and Characteristics of Multi-cultural Families in Rural Areas)

  • 이남효;김은순;김정연
    • 한국지역사회생활과학회지
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    • 제27권1호
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    • pp.95-108
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    • 2016
  • The objectives of this study are to analyze the characteristics of multi-cultural families in rural areas and to classify their types by applying multi-variate techniques and cluster analyses. Data for the study were obtained by a surveying 120 married migrant females in rural areas of Chungchengnam-do, South Korea. By utilizing the factor analysis to analyze the characteristics of multi-cultural families, 16 basic variables related to these female subjects were categorized into 6 factors: 'marriage length and age', 'language skill of migrant female', 'language skill of husband', 'family satisfaction', 'income and education', and 'general living satisfaction in Korea with remittance'. By appling the cluster analysis, multi-cultural families in rural areas were divided into the following 5 types: 'stable settlement', 'average but stagnant', 'below average yet positive', 'high- income with little communication', and 'young low-income'. In all types, it is strongly recommended to develop various programs regarding vocational education for the migrant females in order to increase their economic opportunities as well as social status.

유유아 수영복의 치수체계 비교 연구 (A Comparative Study on the Sizing Systems of the Infants and Children's Swim-suit)

  • 이경화;정해선
    • 한국의류학회지
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    • 제29권1호
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    • pp.1-12
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    • 2005
  • This study was to suggest a feasible sizing system of infants and children's swim-suits. The basic body dimensions were selected after surveying the swimsuit manufacturers. The control dimensions and the secondary dimensions were taken from the 1997 National Anthropometric Survey data for the establishment of the sizing system. While in the current market swimsuit sizes were generally measured by the hip circumference for boys, and the bust and hip circumference for girls, the height was selected in this study as the control dimension because the height is well recognized by the customers and the KS standards specify the height to be the control dimension for infant's and children's wear. In the new sizing system of this study, the height was a control dimension, and hip was selected as a secondary dimension for boys. and bust and hip were selected as secondary dimensions for girls. Conclusively, in this study we suggest 12 sizes in case of 5cm height interval by the KS sizing system and 7 sizes in case of loom height interval by the current market sizing system, based on the height as a control dimension, for a standard swim-suit sizing system for infants and children.

GPS L1-CA/Galileo 겸용 수신기의 설계 (Design of GPS L1-CA/Galileo Dual Mode Receiver)

  • 김찬모;임성혁;지규인;조용범
    • 제어로봇시스템학회논문지
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    • 제14권1호
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    • pp.7-12
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    • 2008
  • A GNSS(Global Navigation Satellite System) using GPS provides us with very useful information concerning the positioning of users in many sectors such as transportation, social services, the justice system and customs services, public works, search and rescue systems and leisure. A GNSS using the Galileo satellite is due to work in 2008 and expected to be used in various fields such as aviation, marine transportation, land surveying, resources development precise agriculture, telemetics, and so on. In this paper, we discuss the implementation and testing of a combined GPS/Galileo receiver which we named KSTAR V1.0. Each tracking module of GPS/Galileo dual mode correlator has the five track arms which consist of Very Early code, Early code, Prompt code, late code, and Very late code. Each of 24 tracking modules can be assigned to GPS and/or Galileo signal by changing mode selection register. The basic correlator integration dump period is set to 1ms for GPS C/A code and fast Galileo signal tracking. The performance of the developed combined GPS/Galileo receiver was tested and evaluated using the IF (Intermediated Frequency)-level GPS/Galileo signal generator.