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The Impact of Moving to Opportunity Across Life Stages on College Graduates' Wage Performance (생애주기별 기회로의 이동이 대졸 청년 임금 소득에 미치는 영향)

  • Ho Kwon Choi;In Kwon Park
    • Journal of the Korean Regional Science Association
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    • v.40 no.3
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    • pp.75-93
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    • 2024
  • This study examines the impact of moving to an opportunity-rich area on an individual's wage income to identify the relationship between regional disparities in opportunities throughout a person's life cycle and life outcomes. Based on the Graduate Occupational Mobility Survey (GOMS) provided by the Korea Employment Information Service, individuals with similar life experience prior to regional mobility were selected and analyzed using the Propensity Score Matching (PSM) method. Specifically, the life cycle was classified into stages such as pre-high school, university entrance period, and employment period. Then, a path model was established to analyze regional mobility, education, employment, and wage income by life cycle stage. The analysis results indicate that the life cycle stage where regional mobility had the greatest impact on an individual's economic performance, that is, the stage where the impact of opportunity disparities was most unequal, was the university entrance period. Additionally, moving to an opportunity-rich area was a critical factor that cumulatively affected subsequent life. Hence, pre-high school mobility was also noteworthy as it induced life in the central area later on. Lastly, while parental income itself was influential, but when combined with regional mobility, it could act as a means of transferring wealth to the next generation. These results suggest that the state should strive to alleviate the regional imbalance around universities by fostering universities outside the capital region and reduce the possibility of the influence of parents' socio-economic background on regional mobility.

Experience in Creating a Music Intervention Environment for Adolescents with Severe Developmental Disabilities: Focusing on the Preventing and Mitigation of Aggressive Behavior for Task Avoidance (중증 발달장애 청소년을 위한 음악 중재 환경 조성: 과제 회피를 위한 공격행동 예방 및 완화를 중심으로)

  • Jeong Yi Hwang;So young Moon
    • Journal of Naturopathy
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    • v.13 no.2
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    • pp.85-96
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    • 2024
  • Background: The need to study music intervention for adolescents with severe developmental disabilities who engage in aggressive behavior. Purpose: This study aims to examine the researcher's experience in creating a music intervention environment when adolescents with severe developmental disabilities engage in aggressive behavior to avoid tasks. Method: Among the qualitative research methods, the researcher's experiences were explored through autoethnography. Collect a variety of empirical data on the research topic, the experience was analyzed according to the thematic analysis method of Braun and Clarke(2006). Results: As a result of data analysis, 31 codes, 9 sub-topics, and 3 super-topics were derived. Three superordinate themes were derived according to the nature of the environment: "Musical environment to reduce task resistance," "Physical environment that provides stability and comfort" and "Interpersonal environment with trust and warmth." Conclusion: In order to prevent and alleviate aggressive behavior in adolescents with severe developmental disabilities, it is important to create an environment tailored to them, so an ecological approach is necessary in music intervention. Although this is only a partial study, it provides information to therapists preparing for music intervention for adolescents with severe developmental disabilities and is meaningful as basic data on future intervention plans and coping strategies.

Understanding Cardiovascular Disease Risk Factors among Older Women in a Medically Underserved Region: Insights from a Focus Group Study

  • Jeehye Lee;Dong-Hee Ryu
    • Health Policy and Management
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    • v.34 no.4
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    • pp.361-370
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    • 2024
  • Background: In regions with healthcare disparities and unique demographics, understanding cardiovascular disease (CVD) risk factors and implementing preventive measures are crucial. This study explores the awareness and perceptions of CVD risk factors among older women in the Icheon region of Korea, a medically underserved area. Methods: A 120-minute focus group discussion was conducted on November 8, 2023, involving six older women residing in the Icheon region. The discussion was guided by the health belief model. Results: Participants, influenced by health-related television programs, expressed heightened concerns about dementia and diabetes. While emphasizing individual-level CVD prevention measures such as dietary control, they also expressed concerns about the practical challenges of maintaining dietary control. This underscores the need for tailored interventions in medically underserved areas like the Icheon region. Community-level interventions were perceived as directives to be followed, indicating a need for enhanced understanding of community-based primary healthcare. Future studies could investigate the effectiveness of community-based interventions and social support among older population in regions with limited medical resources. Conclusion: The study underscores the significance of providing practical information on lifestyle modifications and improving community-based preventive measures to enhance CVD prevention among the older women in medically underserved regions.

Development of GIS based Water Quality Simulation System for Han River and Kyeonggi Bay Area (한강과 경기만 지역 GIS 기반 통합수질모의 시스템 개발)

  • Lee, Chol-Young;Kim, Kye-Hyun
    • Journal of Korea Spatial Information System Society
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    • v.10 no.4
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    • pp.77-88
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    • 2008
  • There has been growing demands to manage the water quality of west coastal region due to the large scale urbanization along the coastal zone, the possibility of application of TMDL(Total Maximum Daily Loadings) to Han river, and the natural disaster such as oil spill incident in Taean, Chungnam. However, no system has been developed for such purposes. In this background, the demand of GIS based effective water quality management has been increased to monitor water quality environment and propose best management alternatives for Han river and Kyeonggi bay. This study mainly focused on the development of integrated water quality management system for Han river bas in and its estuary are a connected to Kyeonggi bay to support integrated water quality management and its plan. Integration was made based on GIS by spatial linking between water quality attributes and location information. A GIS DB was built to estimate the amount of generated and discharged water pollutants according to TMDL technical guide and it included input data to use two different water quality models--W ASP7 for Han river and EFDC for coastal area--to forecast water quality and to suggest BMP(Best management Practices). The results of BOD, TN, and TP from WASP7 were used as the input to run EFDC. Based on the study results, some critical areas which have relatively higher pollutant loadings were identified, and it was also identified that the locations discharging water pollutant loadings to river and seasonal factor affected water quality. And the relationship of water quality between river and its estuary area was quantitatively verified. The results showed that GIS based integrated system could be used as a tool for estimating status-quo of water quality and proposing economically effective BMPs to mitigate water pollution. Further studies need to be made for improving system's capabilities such as adding decision making function as well as cost-benefit analysis, etc. Also, the concrete methodology for water quality management using the system need to be developed.

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A Study on Fast Iris Detection for Iris Recognition in Mobile Phone (휴대폰에서의 홍채인식을 위한 고속 홍채검출에 관한 연구)

  • Park Hyun-Ae;Park Kang-Ryoung
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics Engineers of Korea SP
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    • v.43 no.2 s.308
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    • pp.19-29
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    • 2006
  • As the security of personal information is becoming more important in mobile phones, we are starting to apply iris recognition technology to these devices. In conventional iris recognition, magnified iris images are required. For that, it has been necessary to use large magnified zoom & focus lens camera to capture images, but due to the requirement about low size and cost of mobile phones, the zoom & focus lens are difficult to be used. However, with rapid developments and multimedia convergence trends in mobile phones, more and more companies have built mega-pixel cameras into their mobile phones. These devices make it possible to capture a magnified iris image without zoom & focus lens. Although facial images are captured far away from the user using a mega-pixel camera, the captured iris region possesses sufficient pixel information for iris recognition. However, in this case, the eye region should be detected for accurate iris recognition in facial images. So, we propose a new fast iris detection method, which is appropriate for mobile phones based on corneal specular reflection. To detect specular reflection robustly, we propose the theoretical background of estimating the size and brightness of specular reflection based on eye, camera and illuminator models. In addition, we use the successive On/Off scheme of the illuminator to detect the optical/motion blurring and sunlight effect on input image. Experimental results show that total processing time(detecting iris region) is on average 65ms on a Samsung SCH-S2300 (with 150MHz ARM 9 CPU) mobile phone. The rate of correct iris detection is 99% (about indoor images) and 98.5% (about outdoor images).

An Intelligent Intrusion Detection Model Based on Support Vector Machines and the Classification Threshold Optimization for Considering the Asymmetric Error Cost (비대칭 오류비용을 고려한 분류기준값 최적화와 SVM에 기반한 지능형 침입탐지모형)

  • Lee, Hyeon-Uk;Ahn, Hyun-Chul
    • Journal of Intelligence and Information Systems
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    • v.17 no.4
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    • pp.157-173
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    • 2011
  • As the Internet use explodes recently, the malicious attacks and hacking for a system connected to network occur frequently. This means the fatal damage can be caused by these intrusions in the government agency, public office, and company operating various systems. For such reasons, there are growing interests and demand about the intrusion detection systems (IDS)-the security systems for detecting, identifying and responding to unauthorized or abnormal activities appropriately. The intrusion detection models that have been applied in conventional IDS are generally designed by modeling the experts' implicit knowledge on the network intrusions or the hackers' abnormal behaviors. These kinds of intrusion detection models perform well under the normal situations. However, they show poor performance when they meet a new or unknown pattern of the network attacks. For this reason, several recent studies try to adopt various artificial intelligence techniques, which can proactively respond to the unknown threats. Especially, artificial neural networks (ANNs) have popularly been applied in the prior studies because of its superior prediction accuracy. However, ANNs have some intrinsic limitations such as the risk of overfitting, the requirement of the large sample size, and the lack of understanding the prediction process (i.e. black box theory). As a result, the most recent studies on IDS have started to adopt support vector machine (SVM), the classification technique that is more stable and powerful compared to ANNs. SVM is known as a relatively high predictive power and generalization capability. Under this background, this study proposes a novel intelligent intrusion detection model that uses SVM as the classification model in order to improve the predictive ability of IDS. Also, our model is designed to consider the asymmetric error cost by optimizing the classification threshold. Generally, there are two common forms of errors in intrusion detection. The first error type is the False-Positive Error (FPE). In the case of FPE, the wrong judgment on it may result in the unnecessary fixation. The second error type is the False-Negative Error (FNE) that mainly misjudges the malware of the program as normal. Compared to FPE, FNE is more fatal. Thus, when considering total cost of misclassification in IDS, it is more reasonable to assign heavier weights on FNE rather than FPE. Therefore, we designed our proposed intrusion detection model to optimize the classification threshold in order to minimize the total misclassification cost. In this case, conventional SVM cannot be applied because it is designed to generate discrete output (i.e. a class). To resolve this problem, we used the revised SVM technique proposed by Platt(2000), which is able to generate the probability estimate. To validate the practical applicability of our model, we applied it to the real-world dataset for network intrusion detection. The experimental dataset was collected from the IDS sensor of an official institution in Korea from January to June 2010. We collected 15,000 log data in total, and selected 1,000 samples from them by using random sampling method. In addition, the SVM model was compared with the logistic regression (LOGIT), decision trees (DT), and ANN to confirm the superiority of the proposed model. LOGIT and DT was experimented using PASW Statistics v18.0, and ANN was experimented using Neuroshell 4.0. For SVM, LIBSVM v2.90-a freeware for training SVM classifier-was used. Empirical results showed that our proposed model based on SVM outperformed all the other comparative models in detecting network intrusions from the accuracy perspective. They also showed that our model reduced the total misclassification cost compared to the ANN-based intrusion detection model. As a result, it is expected that the intrusion detection model proposed in this paper would not only enhance the performance of IDS, but also lead to better management of FNE.

The Study on the Medical and Nursing Service Needs of the Terminal Cancer Patients and Their Caregivers (말기암 환자와 가족의 의료 및 간호 서비스 요구)

  • 이소우;이은옥;허대석;노국희;김현숙;김선례;김성자;김정희;이경옥
    • Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing
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    • v.28 no.4
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    • pp.958-969
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    • 1998
  • In this study, we attempted to investigate the needs and problems of the terminal cancer patients and their family caregivers to provide them with nursing information to improve their quality of life and prepare for a peaceful death. Data was collected from August 1, 1995 to July 31, 1996 at the internal medicine unit of S hospital in Seoul area with the two groups of participants who were family members of terminal cancer patients seventy four of them were in-patients and 34 were out-patients who were discharged from the same hospital for home care. The research tool used in this study has been developed by selecting the questionnaires from various references, modifying them for our purpose and refining them based on the results of preliminary study. While general background information about the patients was obtained by reviewing their medical records, all other information was collected by interviewing the primary family caregivers of the patients using the questionnaire. The data collected were analyzed with the SPSS PC/sup +/ program. The results of this study are summarized as follows ; 1) Most frequently complained symptoms of the terminal cancer patients were in the order of pain(87%), weakness(86.1%), anorexia(83.3%) and fatigue (80.6%). 2) Main therapies for the terminal cancer patients were pain control (58.3%), hyperalimentation(47.2%) and antibiotics(21.3%). 3) Special medical devices that terminal cancer patients used most were oxygen device (11.1%), and feeding tube(5.6%). Other devices were used by less than 5% of the patients. 4) The mobility of 70.4% of the patients was worse than ECOG 3 level, they had to stay in bed more than 50% of a day. 5) Patients wanted their medical staffs to help relieve pain(45.4%), various physical symptoms(29.6%), and problems associated with their emotion(11.1%). 6) 16.7% of the family caregivers hoped for full recovery of the patients, refusing to admit the status of the patients. Also, 37% wished for the extension of the patient's life at least for 6 months. 7) Only 38.9% of the family members was preparing for the patient's funeral. 8) 45.4% of family caregivers prefer hospital as the place for the patient's death, 39.8% their own home, and 14.8% undetermined. 9) Caregivers of the patients were mostly close family members, i.e., spouse(62%), and sons and daughters or daughter-in-laws(21.3%). 10) 43.5% of the family caregivers were aware of hospice care. 46.8% of them learned about the hospice care from the mass media, 27.7% from health professionals, and the rest from books and other sources. 11) Caregivers were asked about the most difficult problems they encounter in home care, 41 of them pointed out the lack of health professionals they can contact, counsel and get help from in case of emergency, 17 identified the difficulty of finding appropriate transportation to hospital, and 13 stated the difficulty of admission in hospital as needed. 12) 93.6% of family caregivers demanded 24-hour hot line, 80% the visiting nurses and doctors, and 69.4% the volunteer's help. The above results indicate that terminal patients and their family caregivers demand help from qualified health professionals whenever necessary. Hospice care system led by well-trained medical and nursing staffs is one of the viable answers for such demands.

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Registration and Description of Public Records in Korea : A Comparative Analysis of Korean Recordskeeping System with the International Standards (한국의 기록물 둥록 및 기술에 대한 기록관리적 접근)

  • Si, Kwi-Sun
    • Journal of Korean Society of Archives and Records Management
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    • v.3 no.1
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    • pp.69-92
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    • 2003
  • Registration and description of records are important elements of processing which provide with the background information of production of records and business-related information. They also enable to search and use the records. In this paper, I examined the Korean registration and description system defined in the Public Records Management Act which directs the records creating agency to register records in creating offices and directs the "professional archives" to make "basic registrations" and "detailed registrations" of the records. In the analysis and comparison of two different registration and description systems with the known international standards of records and archives management, such as ISO15489 and ISAD(G), I intended to evaluate the Korean records and archives management system and suggested recommendations for the renovation of the Korean recordskeeping system. Despite we have unique office business procedures and the culture of officialdom, and despite we have developed our system based on the established business procedures and office culture, it would be preferable to adopt or follow the international standards and established best practices. After the comparative analysis, I recommended some innovations in the filed of registration and description. For instance, in the basic registration. we would better to install an item of "simple contents summary." We may also need the multiple-level description. The fonds level description and the series level description should be introduced to our archival automated management system. We need to establish a Korean standard of description adopting the rules of the ISAD(G) and ISAAR(CPF). Essential requirements for electronic records management, such as contextual and structural information, should be incorporated in the new standard. Documentation of records disposition also should be reinforced to guarantee the authenticity of records and to ensure control of the records. To implement the recommendations for the standard, we need to amend the Public Records Management Act and its Regulations and Rules. Also it is imperative to redesign the GARS integrated archival automated management system.

A Study on Case for Localization of Korean Enterprise in Indonesia (인도네시아 진출 한국기업의 현지화에 관한 사례 연구)

  • Swo, Min-Kyo;Kim, Hee-Jun
    • International Commerce and Information Review
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    • v.15 no.4
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    • pp.481-508
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    • 2013
  • The purpose of this study is to research the specific ways of successful localization by analyzing the success and failures case for localization through the theoretical background and the strategic models of localization. The strategic models of localization are divided by management aspects such as the localization of production and sourcing, the localization of human resources, the localization of marketing, the localization of R&D, harmonious relationship with the local community and authority transfer between headquarters and local subsidiaries. And the specific measures of the successful localization are proposed within the framework of the strategic models by comparing and analyzing the success and failures case for localization of individual companies operating in Indonesia. The results indicate that there are successful companies which develop a suitable products for the local climate and failed automobile company which is weak for assembly of complete vehicle in terms of localization of production and sourcing. In case of localization of human resources, most companies recognize the importance of this part and endeavor to secure superior human resource through a related education. It is found that most of the companies perform R & D in their native country. In part of a harmonious relationship with the local community, Korean companies should contribute to the community and be friendly with local residents and make a good image of the company focusing on the cultural environment. In aspect of authority transfer between headquarters and local subsidiaries, there is a tendency to be determined by the head office rather than the joint participation. In the future, in order for Korean enterprise to be successful one in Indonesia market, a highly interdependent and complex forms between headquarters and local subsidiaries shall be performed and an active exchange of information and the selection of best talent regardless of nationality shall be promoted.

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