• Title/Summary/Keyword: BASIN AREA

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An approximate study on flood reduction effect depending upon weir or gate type of lateral overflow structure of washland (강변저류지 월류부에서 월류제 또는 수문 형식에 따른 홍수저감효과에 관한 개략적 연구)

  • Ahn, Tae Jin
    • Journal of Wetlands Research
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    • v.15 no.4
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    • pp.573-583
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    • 2013
  • Construction of large-scale structures such as dams would be suggested actively to cope with change of flood characteristics caused by climate change. However, due to environmental, economic and political issues, dams are not ideally constructed. Thus flood damage reduction planning projects would get started including washland or detention pond for sharing the flood in basin. The washland made artificially by human being is an area of floodplain surrounded by bank to be intentionally inundated by overflowing through overflow structure adjacent to main channel during flood season. Flood reduction capacity at just downstream of each washland could be affected by type, length, and crest elevation of overflow structure in addition to shape of design hydrograph, storage volume of washland, etc.. In this study flood reduction effects of washland are estimated for overflow weir type and gate type to compare the results of flood reduction respectively subjected to given hydrograph in sample site, the Cheongmicheon stream. It has been shown that even if gate type at overflow structure could yield more flood reduction than overflow weir type, economic aspect such as initial cost, operation cost and maintenance cost should be considered to select the type of overflow structure because flood reduction rate by gate type could not be significant value from engineering point of view.

Removal of Suspended Solids from Stormwater Runoff Using a Fabric Filter System (섬유필터를 사용한 강우유출수의 부유물질 제거 방법의 개발)

  • Koo, Young Min;Kim, Jaeyoung;Kim, Byung Ro;Seo, Dongil
    • Journal of Korean Society of Environmental Engineers
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    • v.37 no.3
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    • pp.165-174
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    • 2015
  • Non-point source pollution associated with suspended solids in stormwater has been known to often adversely affect surface water ecosystems. Various methods of treating stormwater in the basin area before the stormwater reaches the receiving body of water have been developed. However, these treatment methods tend to be costly to install and also to maintain. In this study, an economical way of removing TSS (total suspended solids) from stormwater runoff with a fabric filter system was developed. Polyester was chosen as a fabric-filter material, because it was found to be economical in cost and relatively resistant to various chemicals. An experimental device was developed and used to determine filtration rates through polyester fabric samples of a series of several pore-opening sizes ($20{\mu}m$ to $94{\mu}m$) under a series of water-heads (0.25 to 1 m). It was found that the filtration rate increased as the size of water head increased. It was also found that the smaller the pore size of the fiber filter was, the higher the TSS removal efficiency was. However, the TSS removal efficiency was not found to be much different among the filters with different sizes of pore opening due to the fact that most mass of TSS was associated with large particles.

Rainfall Partitioning in a Small Catchment of a Monogenetic Volcano in Jeju Island: Case Study on Eoseungsaeng-oreum of Mount Halla (제주도 단성화산 소유역에서의 강우의 분배 - 한라산 어승생오름을 사례로 -)

  • An, Jung-Gi;Kim, Tae-Ho
    • Journal of the Korean association of regional geographers
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    • v.14 no.3
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    • pp.212-223
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    • 2008
  • The rainfall partitioning in a monogenetic volcano has been analysed using the hydrological data of a small catchment on Eoseungsaeng-oreum of Mount Halla and the meterological data of Eorimok Automated Weather System. The experimental catchment extends from 965 m to 1,169 m in altitude, and has an catchment area of $51,000\;m^2$ Eoseungsaeng-oreum is the scoria cone predominantly covered with Carpinus laxiflora and Quercus serrata. The analyzed periods are April 30 to September 12 and October 7 to November 19, 2007. The experimental catchment exhibits the total precipitation of 2,296.5 mm. Surface runoff amounts to 465 mm that is equivalent to 20.2% of the precipitation. By contrast, evapotranspiration accounts for 25.9% of the precipitation, and the remnant of 1,236.5 mm deep1y percolates underground through a basement. The rainy summer season, in particular, shows the highest deep percolation ratio of 62.2%. The deep percolation ratio of the experimental catchment is at 1east more two times than the ratio of a gneiss basin in Korea Peninsular. It has suggested that the experimental catchment is characterized by the higher portion of deep percolation in rainfall partitioning which reflects the highly permeable lithology in Jeju Island.

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The study on Installation Areas of Permeable Pavement for Stormwater Control (우수유출 저감을 위한 투수성 포장의 설치 면적에 관한 연구)

  • Jang, Young-su;Shin, Hyun-suk
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.18 no.11
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    • pp.104-109
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    • 2017
  • The flooding and deterioration of water quality caused by urbanization and climate change are becoming more serious. In order to respond to this, studies on low impact development (LID) technology, which is designed to restore the hydrological system of the urban basin to its natural state, have been actively pursued all over the world, The announcement of the low carbon green growth law, hydrophilic area special law, etc., highlights the importance of technology such as the LID method. However, whereas various developments have been made in relation to the current LID element technology, there has been little research designed to verify its effectiveness. In this study, we analyzed the optimum spatial distribution of pitcher fire pitcher packing in parking lots using the K - LIDM model to verify the effectiveness of the low impact development (LID) method in the early stages. Using the eight package scenario and the three rain intensity scenarios, it was found that the lower 40% pitcher packaging results in an approximately 90% spill reduction effect, as in the case of the whole pitcher's package. The confirmation of these analyses and experimental verification is expected to ensure that the actual pitcher packaging will be used as a basis for arranging LID facilities such as urban planning and housing development in the future.

Observation of behavior of the Ahlat Gravestones (TURKEY) at seismic risk and their recognition by QR code

  • Isik, Ercan;Antep, Baris;Buyuksarac, Aydin;Isik, Mehmet Fatih
    • Structural Engineering and Mechanics
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    • v.72 no.5
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    • pp.643-652
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    • 2019
  • Protection of cultural heritage and carrying it to the future are at the top of the significant topics of research and implementation in engineering in the 21st century. There are several historical structures in the district of Ahlat located in the east of Turkey on the Lake Van Basin that has harbored many civilizations. Some of such works are the gravestones that are found in the Ahlat Seljuk Cemetery, which is the oldest and largest cemetery in the district. This study firstly provides information about the Ahlat Seljuk Cemetery and the gravestones found in it. Observation-based structural analyses were carried out on these gravestones that are found in this area that are known to have belonged to different civilizations based on their physical and constructional characteristics. These stones were built out of Ahlat stone as single pieces. Information is provided on the damages that have occurred on the gravestones in time and their causes. In general, losses of mass, abrasions, separations, collapses and calcifications due to natural conditions, as well as vegetative formations, were observed in the gravestones. To provide an example of other gravestones within the context of the study, the gravestone that is known to belong to the person named Nureddin Ebu Hasan was selected. As a result of the modeling that was carried out for this gravestone by using the finite elements method, modal analyses were carried out. With these analyses, for the gravestone, period, effective mass participation rates and stress values were calculated. The stress values that were obtained in this study were compared to the material safety stress values that were obtained in previous studies. Additionally, QR code application was created for the gravestone that was selected as an example in the study, and information on this gravestone was transferred to an electronic environment. The QR code application includes different language options, visuals of the gravestone and information on the gravestone. The QR application was also supported with a video of the cemetery where the gravestone is located. With this application, access to information about gravestones will be possible by using tablets and smartphones. With a QR code to be created for each gravestone, these gravestones will obtain identity cards.

Determination of Parameters for the Clark Model based on Observed Hydrological Data (실측수문자료에 의한 Clark 모형의 매개변수 결정)

  • Ahn, Tae Jin;Jeon, Hyun Chul;Kim, Min Hyeok
    • Journal of Wetlands Research
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    • v.18 no.2
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    • pp.121-131
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    • 2016
  • The determination of feasible design flood is the most important to control flood damage in river management. Concentration time and storage constant in the Clark unit hydrograph method mainly affects magnitude of peak flood and shape of hydrograph. Model parameters should be calibrated using observed discharge but due to deficiency of observed data the parameters have been adopted by empirical formula. This study is to suggest concentration time and storage constant based on the observed rainfall-runoff data at GongDo stage station in the Ansung river basin. To do this, five criteria have been suggested to compute root mean square error(RMSE) and residual of oserved value and computed one. Once concentration time and storage constant have been determined from three rainfall-runoff event selected at the station, the five criteria based on observed hydrograph and computed hydrograph by the Clark model have been computed to determine the value of concentration time and storage constant. A criteria has been proposed to determine concentration time and storage constant based on the results of the observed hydrograph and the Clark model. It has also been shown that an exponent value of concentration time-cumulative area curve should be determined based on the shape of watershed.

Assessment on Flood Characteristics Changes Using Multi-GCMs Climate Scenario (Multi-GCMs의 기후시나리오를 이용한 홍수특성변화 평가)

  • Son, Kyung-Hwan;Lee, Byong-Ju;Bae, Deg-Hyo
    • Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
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    • v.43 no.9
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    • pp.789-799
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    • 2010
  • The objective of this study is to suggest an approach for estimating probability rainfall using climate scenario data based GCM and to analyze changes of flood characteristics like probability rainfall, flood quantile and flood water level under climate change. The study area is Namhan river basin. Probability rainfalls which is taken 1440 minutes duration and 100-year frequency are estimated by using IPCC SRES A2 climate change scenario for each time period (S0: 1971~2000; S1: 2011~2040; S2: 2041~2070; S3: 2071~2100). Flood quantiles are estimated for 17 subbasins and flood water level is analyzed in the main channel from the downstream of Chungju dam to the upstream of Paldang dam. Probability rainfalls, peak flow from flood quantile and water depth from flood water level have increase rate in the range of 13.0~15.1 % based S0 (142.1 mm), 29.1~33.5% based S0 ($20,708\;m^3/s$), 12.6~13.6% in each S1, S2 and S3 period, respectively.

Summer Precipitation Variability in the Han River Basin within the Context of Global Temperature Gradients (전지구 온도지표를 이용한 한강유역의 여름철 강우특성 변화 분석)

  • Jeong, Min-Su;Kim, Jong-Suk;Moon, Young-Il;Hwang, Sung-Hwan
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.34 no.4
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    • pp.1151-1159
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    • 2014
  • In this study, two global simple indices are used to investigate climate variability and change in observations. Land-Ocean Contrast (LOC) is an index of area-averaged surface temperature contrast between land and ocean. Meridional Temperature Gradient (MTG) is defined as the mean meridional temperature gradient in the Northern Hemisphere from mid to high latitude and sub-tropical zonal bands. These indices have direct or indirect effects on changing in atmospheric circulations and atmospheric moisture transport from north-south or east-west into East Asia (EA). In addition, warm season hydrometeorology in EA is highly associated with water supplies for coupled human and natural systems including drinking water, irrigation, hydropower generation as well as fisheries. Therefore, in this study, we developed an empirical separation approach for summer rainfall from typhoon and monsoon. An exploratory analysis was also conducted to identify the regional patterns of summer monsoon precipitation over the Korean peninsula within the context of changes in different types of temperature gradients. The results show significant and consistent changes in summer monsoon rainfall during the summer season (June-September) in South Korea.

Effect of major pollution sources on algal blooms in the Seungchon weir and Juksan weir in the Yeongsan River using EFDC (EFDC를 이용한 영산강 주요 오염 부하 저감에 따른 승촌보 및 죽산보 녹조 현상 개선 효과 분석)

  • Kim, Jinsoo;Kim, Jaeyoung;Seo, Dongil
    • Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
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    • v.53 no.5
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    • pp.369-381
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    • 2020
  • In this paper, observed water quality, algal blooms and flow rates in the Yeongsan River and its boundaries including 8 tributaries and 2 wastewater treatment plants for two years of 2018-2019 were analyzed. It seems effects of non-point source load inputs from basin areas to the river may be significant though the field data availability was limited. The EFDC model was calibrated against data collected from 6 water level monitoring stations and 6 water quality monitoring stations, respectively, in the study area. Water quality improvement scenarios were developed assuming 50% and 75% reductions of major pollution sources including treatment plants and tributaries. The developed scenarios were applied to the EFDC model to estimate effects on algal bloom occurrences in the Seungchon weir and Juksan weir. Improvement of the effluent of Gwangju 1 WWTP by 75% did not show any effect on algal blooms for two weir locations. The major tributary affecting algal blooms in the Seungchon weir was the Hwangryong River. The Jisuk stream was found as the most important tributary for the Juksan weir followed by the effect of the Hwangryong River. Though it seems other scattered small nonpoint source load input to the Yeongsan river also seem to be important, it was not possible to reflect their effects appropriately due to field data availability.

Enhancement of Classification Accuracy and Environmental Information Extraction Ability for KOMPSAT-1 EOC using Image Fusion (영상합성을 통한 KOMPSAT-1 EOC의 분류정확도 및 환경정보 추출능력 향상)

  • Ha, Sung Ryong;Park, Dae Hee;Park, Sang Young
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.5 no.2
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    • pp.16-24
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    • 2002
  • Classification of the land cover characteristics is a major application of remote sensing. The goal of this study is to propose an optimal classification process for electro-optical camera(EOC) of Korea Multi-Purpose Satellite(KOMPSAT). The study was carried out on Landsat TM, high spectral resolution image and KOMPSAT EOC, high spatial resolution image of Miho river basin, Korea. The study was conducted in two stages: one was image fusion of TM and EOC to gain high spectral and spatial resolution image, the other was land cover classification on fused image. Four fusion techniques were applied and compared for its topographic interpretation such as IHS, HPF, CN and wavelet transform. The fused images were classified by radial basis function neural network(RBF-NN) and artificial neural network(ANN) classification model. The proposed RBF-NN was validated for the study area and the optimal model structure and parameter were respectively identified for different input band combinations. The results of the study propose an optimal classification process of KOMPSAT EOC to improve the thematic mapping and extraction of environmental information.

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