• Title/Summary/Keyword: Audience characteristics

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Sound Absorption Characteristics of Audience Seats (공연장 의자의 흡음성능 평가)

  • Jeong, Jeong-Ho;Seo, Chun-Gi;Jeon, Jin-Yong
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society for Noise and Vibration Engineering Conference
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    • 2008.11a
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    • pp.589-590
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    • 2008
  • Sound absorption characteristics of audience seating is very important when design and simulate room acoustics of concert halls or multi-purpose auditoriums. Sound absorption characteristics of audience seats were measured in reverberation chamber by varying the row to row spacing and number of audiences. By the increment of the row to row spacing, sound absorption characteristics in mid frequency band was increased. Also, sound absorption was proportionated to the number of audience.

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A Study on the Interactive Television Advertisement's Effect through the Involvement of and Interaction with Audience (수용자의 상호작용성과 제품관여도에 따른 양방향 TV광고 효과)

  • Yang, Young-Jong
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.6 no.4
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    • pp.63-71
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    • 2008
  • This study researches the effectiveness of interactive TV advertising focusing on the factors of audience involvement and interaction. The study began with the effective measurement of interactive television advertisements. Interactive television advertisements have different concepts than existing television advertisements. This study mainly focuses on the characteristics of audience interaction and experiments based on the data of 78 persons for measurement. In the experiments, the characteristics were categorized according to search time, specifically the number of searched pages about interactive television advertisement. Hypothesis 1 reveals that the interaction of the audience increases when the advertising attitude, brand attitude, and purchase intentions also increase. Hypothesis 2 finds that the involvement of the audience increases when the advertising attitude, brand attitude, and purchase intentions also increase. By studying these consumer characteristics and behavior, a new method of effective measurement for interactive television advertisement is uncovered. The new method includes not only existing measurement elements of television advertisement which include attitude about advertising and brand, and customer purpose, but also the features of interactive television advertisement like customer search time. According to this research on interactive television advertisement, the interaction with and involvement of the audience are highly influential variables.

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A Study on the Relationships among Audience Motivation, Viewing Flow, Satisfaction, and Loyalty in Watching Interactive Drama: Focused on Chinese Audience (인터랙티브 드라마의 시청동기, 몰입, 시청만족도, 시청충성도 간 관계에 관한 연구: 중국 시청자를 중심으로)

  • Du, Zhen;Kim, Sung-Kyung;Limb, Seong-Joon
    • Asia-Pacific Journal of Business
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    • v.13 no.3
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    • pp.157-170
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    • 2022
  • Purpose - The purpose of this study is to understand the motivating factors of Chinese audience who watch the interactive drama, and suggest the effects of audience' motivation on viewing flow, satisfaction, and loyalty. Design/methodology/approach - To achieve the purpose of the study, a questionnaire survey on the Internet was conducted from September 26, 2021 to October 14, 2021, and data from 332 Chinese respondents were collected. Findings - Findings of this study are 1) audience motivation of watching the interactive drama is composed of 6 factors including the pursuit of entertainment and information, curiosity, interaction, sense of control and indirect experience; 2) the pursuit of entertainment and information, interaction and indirect experience have positive effects on viewing flow; 3) all six factors of audience motivation have positive effects on audience satisfaction; 4) four motivating factors including the pursuit of entertainment, curiosity, interaction and indirect experience have positive effects on audience loyalty. 5) viewing flow and audience satisfaction respectively has some partial mediating effects on the relationship between audience motivation and audience loyalty. Research implications or Originality - Results of this study suggest that in order to increase audience loyalty to interactive dramas, in addition to fulfilling the pursuit of entertainment, which is the basic motive for watching any drama, it is important to fulfill motivating factors related to the unique characteristics of interactive dramas such as curiosity, interaction, and indirect experience. In order for these motivating factors to lead to audience loyalty, it is more effective when viewing flow and audience satisfaction are accompanied.

A Study on the Section Type Characteristic of the Audience's Space in Performing Facilities (공연시설 객석공간의 단면유형 특성에 관한 연구)

  • Ko, Jae-Min;Hwang, Mee-Young;Jung, Sung-Wook;Lee, Jong-Jin;Lim, Che-Zinn
    • Korean Institute of Interior Design Journal
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    • v.15 no.2 s.55
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    • pp.127-137
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    • 2006
  • In the viewing of public performance arts, it needs to make space construction appropriate for performance purposes, because the section type has an effect on audience's inspection. Therefore, this study researches the intentional characteristics and comprehends the relationship between correlation factors to influence on section type of audience space in performance facilities. In addition to, this study comes under fundamental research to propose the course of standard plan, accord with diverse requirement, in the special performance facilities which will be built up. The results as following; 1) The factors that influence the section type of the audience's space in performing facilities are divided as two elements. The first element is construction of space, viewing environment, and the second element is visual characteristic, and acoustic characteristic. 2) The section type are classified as six types, A-type(Flated type), B-type(Sloped type), C-type(Gabled type), D-type(Arched type), E-type(Reverse arched type), and F-type(Reverse sloped type). 3) Characteristics are deduced by the section type, construction of space and viewing environment are restricted by the characteristics of the section type.

Characteristic factors of Musical Actor affect the Audience's Loyalty to the Performance : Focus on the Mediating Effects of Audience's Sensory Presence (공연 충성도에 영향을 미치는 뮤지컬 배우의 특성 요인 : 감각적 현전의 매개효과를 중심으로)

  • Yoon, Hyeong-Yeol;Choi, Bae-Suk
    • Journal of Korea Entertainment Industry Association
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    • v.14 no.3
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    • pp.237-249
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    • 2020
  • This study analyzed the characteristic factors of musical actor that affect the audience's loyalty to the performance by inducing the audience's sensory presence which is the unique characteristic of the performing arts and analyzed the mediating effects of audience's sensory presence between the characteristics of musical actor and audience's loyalty to the performance. Actor's characteristics which are an independent variable were composed with the appearance of actor, acting skills, sing ability and actor's known degree. Audience's sensory presence which is mediating variable was divided into immersion and identification. Audience's loyalty to the performance which is a dependent variable was set as intention of recommendation and intention of revisit the performance. The result of analysis shows that identification have significant mediating effects in all independent variables except between actor's known degree and the audience loyalty to the performance. It shows immersion have also significant mediating effects among all independent variables and the audience loyalty to the performance. The multiple mediating effects of Immersion and Identification between Actor's characteristics and Loyalty to the performance have significant effects all parts. Especially, The result of this study shows that indirect effects that arrive to the loyalty through immersion or identification are larger than the direct effect that actor's characteristics affect to the loyalty to the performance. Actor's characteristics which affect Audience's loyalty to the performance by mediating Audience's sensory presence are shown in order of appearance of actor, acting skills, sing ability and actor's known degree. These results suggest key factors of musical actor's characteristics which lead loyalty to the performance by mediating Audience's sensory presence to musical producers and directors and actors.

Relationship characteristics of intermedia and fashion show in the Chanel collection (샤넬 컬렉션에 나타난 인터미디어와 패션쇼의 관계적 특성)

  • Lee, Seulah;Lee, Younhee
    • The Research Journal of the Costume Culture
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    • v.24 no.3
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    • pp.367-384
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    • 2016
  • The aim of this paper is to examine relationship characteristics and the relevance there of in the context of the Chanel collection, between the contemporary fashion show viewed from the artistic side and intermedia on interaction. This study analyzed the relationship characteristics between intermedia and fashion shows by focusing on Chanel fashion shows from 2010 S/S to 2016 F/W as actual case. The results are as follow: First, participational accessibility indicates the experience of a designer and audience in active participation changing into passive participation. Second, audience immersion is represented by the perception of being involved by the audience in the place and acting. Third, conceptual symbolism is sending of messages through the designer's concept manifesting in the specific features of the design. Finally, expandability of media explains trans-boundaries in experimental attempts. It concludes that fashion show is a space where the audience can have visual as well as new knowledge and experience through multi-sensory channels. The Chanel collection which is considered a huge art project at the fashion show, showed a relationship between philosophy and the direction through season concepts and brands. The Chanel collection has brought a new experience through the convergence of communications and cultural media, such as music and art according to traditional brand image.

An Analysis of the Post-viewing Emotion and Behavior on the Dance Audience (무용공연 관람객의 관람 후 감정과 행동 분석)

  • Choi, Chung-Ja;Kim, Hyung-Nam;Shim, Hyun-Hwa
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.12 no.7
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    • pp.147-155
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    • 2012
  • This study is to analyze the difference of the post-viewing emotion and behavior of the audience at a dance performance by general characteristics of the audience. To attain the goal of the study described above paragraphs, the audience of dance performance located in Seoul and Kyoungki-Do was set as a collected group. Then, using the convenience sampling method, finally drew out and analyzed 280 people in total. statistic analysis techniques were used SPSS 18.0 program. Based on the statistical methods above, we had the result of data analysis as follows; First, among the general characteristics(job, viewing frequency, dance experience, and genre), had significantly effect on the post-viewing emotion(positive emotion, satisfaction) Second, among the general characteristics(job, viewing frequency, dance experience, and genre), all the factors had significantly effect on post-viewing behaviors(researching, respectating intention).

A Study on the characteristics of Producing Immersive Theatre -Focus on the Case Analysis of the Local Production of - (이머시브 공연 프로듀싱의 특징 연구 -<위대한 개츠비> 국내공연 사례분석을 중심으로-)

  • Choi, KyungWha;Byun, Daniel H.
    • Trans-
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    • v.12
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    • pp.107-140
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    • 2022
  • This study examines the concept and characteristics of immersive theatres through previous studies. Immersive Theatres can be understood as a form of performance that breaks the boundaries between the stage and the auditorium in various spaces so that the audience can actively participate in the performance or immerse themselves sensibly. However, since it absorbs various art forms and continues to change and develop, it is important to recognize the concept by grasping its characteristics as an immersive experience rather than defining it as one. Based on the theoretical background of the concept and characteristics of the theatrical producers and immersive theatres, the producing immersive theatre < The Great Gatsby> is analyzed to derive differences between the immersive theatre and the general performances. In conclusion, it is important to recognize that immersive theatres have audiences at the center of all aesthetic performance environments. The role and position of the audience as a "passive consumer" change to an "active and creative consumer" in immersive theatres where the audience-centered immersive environment and experience are the key, and it was found that not only producers but also the creatives should change their perception of the audience and reflect it in the producing.

A Study on audience role of Contemporary Theatre - Focused on Punchdrunk's (동시대극의 관객역할 연구 - 펀치드렁크 극단의 <슬립 노 모어>를 중심으로)

  • Jeon, Yun-Kyung
    • (The) Research of the performance art and culture
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    • no.40
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    • pp.223-268
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    • 2020
  • In contemporary Theatre, the case of inducing direct communication between the audience and the performance is prominent. Especially with the development of digital technology, the audience wants a personalized experience. The emergence of 'immersive Theatre' in this trend has attracted great attention both at home and abroad. In particular, the most important role in the emergence of the concept of 'immersive Theatre' is the British punchdrunk Theatre. Their representative performance began to premiere in London in the UK in 2003 and has expanded to include New York and China in Shanghai and continues to be extremely popular until 2019. In general, a review of existing studies on the role of the audience in shows that the focus is on the participation of the audience. What experience will be given to the audience can not be emphasized in contemporary Theatre. In order to satisfy the diverse needs of the audience, contemporary Theatre are increasingly showing complexity that cannot be explained by any one theory. The same goes for . This is because each audience wants a personalized experience, and there are differences in experience depending on the environment in which the audience also grew up, knowledge, culture, and taste. This study selected Punch Drunk's as a performance that can represent contemporary Theatre, and conducted a study on the role of audience in contemporary Theatre. To this end, we have historically explored past discussions about the role of the audience and discussed the characteristics of the role of the audience in contemporary Theatre. Next, I analyzed in detail the experience of the researcher "He" who watched the performance with the researcher on the role of the audience in . In conclusion, the experience of the audience in is diverse and complex. In other words, the role of the traditional audience in the proscenium play, as well as the audience as a participant in the post-drama play, was also complex in the performance. And this complexity was not a coincidence, but a planning strategy for the Punchdrunk Theatre. Therefore, when discussing the role of the audience in contemporary Theatre, there should be a discussion that clearly sees the complex characteristics of contemporary Theatre through the approach from various perspectives, rather than merely one view of the audience as a participant. something to do.

Local vs. Foreign Television Drama: Niche Analysis of a South Korean Audience's Use of Korean, American and Japanese Dramas

  • Chang, Byeng-Hee;Khang, Hyoungkoo;Jeong, Irkwon;Chung, Jin-Young;Nam, Sang-Hyun
    • International Journal of Contents
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    • v.9 no.4
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    • pp.52-59
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    • 2013
  • The present study explored the reception and consumption processes of a Korean audience's viewing of local and international television dramas. Findings indicated that the influential factors on the level of viewing in regards to Korean, American, and Japanese TV dramas among Korean viewers differed. In particular, a significant difference was found in terms of perceived drama characteristics. Applying niche theory, the present study also examined the audience's motivation for watching these television dramas. Results demonstrated that Korean TV dramas possessed the broadest niche breadth and were the most competitive. In a comparison of the perceived characteristics of TV dramas, American drama earned competitive superiority for most characteristics. The implications from the results were discussed in terms of cultural discount and proximity.