• 제목/요약/키워드: Associated Words

검색결과 299건 처리시간 0.028초

소방공무원의 직무스트레스, 회복탄력성, 공감능력이 직무만족도에 미치는 영향 (Effects of job stress, resilience, and empathy on job satisfaction in firefighters)

  • 박소은;박정희;김용석;명영호
    • 한국응급구조학회지
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    • 제27권2호
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    • pp.19-29
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    • 2023
  • Purpose: This study attempted to identify job stress, resilience, and job satisfaction among firefighters and to identify factors that influence job satisfaction. Methods: The study was conducted among 150 active firefighters who agreed to participate after reading an explanation of the purpose and importance of the study. They were sent a link to the self-report questionnaire URL via text message. Results: The mean scores for the variables were 2.26 for job stress, 3.55 for resilience, 3.30 for empathy, and 3.23 for job satisfaction. There was a significant difference in job satisfaction based on age. Job satisfaction was significantly positively correlated with empathy (r=248, p=.002) and resilience (r=463, p<.001) and significantly negatively correlated with job stress (r= -.740, p<.001). In other words, higher resilience and empathy were associated with higher job satisfaction, while higher job stress was associated with lower job satisfaction. And job stress was the influencing factor of job satisfaction, with an explanatory power of 55%. Conclusion: To improve firefighters' job satisfaction, management programs should be developed to enhance resilience and empathy and specific measures should be taken to reduce job stress.

말초혈액 내 NK cell 측정을 통한 암환자의 종양 면역 기능 평가 가능성 고찰 (Evaluation of Anti-tumor Immunity in Cancer Patients through Peripheral Blood Natural Killer Cell Measurements: A Review)

  • 장성일;최정은;이연월;조종관;유화승
    • 혜화의학회지
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    • 제21권1호
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    • pp.87-96
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    • 2012
  • Aim : Natural killer (NK) cells are cytotoxic lymphocytes that lyse certain tumor- and virus-infected cells without any prior stimulation or immunization. This article aims to review the significance of evaluating peripheral blood NK cells to predict anti-tumor immune function and prognosis in cancer patients. Methods : PubMed was used to create a database for this review. Search words of cancer, natural killer cell, prognosis were used to retrieve related articles. References of the collected articles were also reviewed. Results : Current evidence indicates that decreased or absent NK cell count or activity is mostly associated with the development or progression of cancer. In patients with various types of cancer, NK cell activity was mostly associated with the cancer prognosis and survival despite some conflicting results. Conclusion : The data shows the evaluation of anti-tumor immunity in cancer patients through natural killer cell measurement still remains a controversial matter. However, it is clear that the NK cell activity plays an important role in cancer and is associated with prevention of both early stage and metastatic cancer.

부부의 시간배분 결정요인: 맞벌이 부부를 중심으로 (Determinant Factors of Time Allocation within Married Couple)

  • 조성호
    • 노동경제논집
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    • 제39권1호
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    • pp.57-79
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    • 2016
  • 본 연구는 "2014 생활시간조사" 데이터를 이용하여 부부의 시간배분 결정요인에 대하여 분석하였다. 분석 결과, 대체로 남편의 육아 및 가사시간은 아내에 비하여 매우 적은 것으로 나타났으며, 아내의 임금이 높고, 어린 자녀가 있을 경우 남편의 육아 및 가사시간이 증가하였다. 아내 시간배분의 경우는 주로 배우자(남편)의 임금에 많은 영향을 받는 것으로 나타났는데, 남편의 임금이 증가할수록 아내의 노동시간은 감소하며, 가사시간은 증가하는 것으로 나타났다. 그러나 육아시간은 아내와 남편 모두의 임금에 영향을 받지 않는 것으로 나타났다. 반면 아내의 임금이 증가할 경우에 남편의 육아 가사시간이 같이 증가하는 경향이 있었다. 시간배분의 상관관계에서 아내의 노동시간과 남편의 가사시간은 보완관계에 있었으나, 아내와 남편의 가사시간은 대체관계에 있는 것으로 나타났다. 이것은 곧 아내가 일을 많이 하여 생긴 가사일의 부족분을 남편이 채우게 되지만, 집안일을 부부의 누군가가 한다면 다른 한 쪽은 안하게 된다는 것을 의미한다. 그러나 주말에는 이러한 관계가 크게 변하게 되는 것을 발견할 수 있었다.

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조선족과 다른 출신국 여성결혼이민자의 건강문해력과 영향 요인 비교 (Health Literacy and Its Associated Factors in Korean-Chinese and Other Asian Immigrant Women in Korea)

  • 양숙자;지연경;안지숙;박민희;정선옥
    • 한국보건간호학회지
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    • 제28권2호
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    • pp.211-227
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    • 2014
  • Purpose: The purpose of this study was to compare health literacy levels of Asian immigrant women and factors associated with health literacy focusing on Korean-Chinese and other Asian immigrants in Korea. Methods: Data were drawn from 258 immigrant women, comprising 56 Korean-Chinese and 202 other immigrants from the Philippines, Vietnam, Japan, Cambodia, Thailand, Uzbekistan, Taiwan, and Han-Chinese. The Rapid Estimate of Adult Literacy in Medicine - Short Form (REALM-SF) was used to assess health literacy, which consisted of seven medical words in Korean (behavior, exercise, menopause, rectal, antibiotics, anemia, and jaundice). Data analysis was performed using descriptive statistics, t-test, ANOVA with $Sch{\acute{e}}ffe$ post hoc test, and hierarchical regression. Results: Korean-Chinese women showed significantly higher levels of health literacy ($M=6.41{\pm}1.07$), compared to their other immigrant counterparts ($M=4.55{\pm}2.15$). While Korean-Chinese women with longer time since immigration (p=.048) reported higher health literacy, for other immigrants, those living with children (p<.001), longer time since immigration (p=.011), and greater Korean language proficiency (p=.004) showed an association with higher health literacy. Conclusion: When providing health care services and health education, health care professionals should consider differences in levels of health literacy and factors associated with health literacy among Korean Chinese and other immigrants.

A Bibliometric Analysis of Diets and Breast Cancer Research

  • Kotepui, Manas;Wannaiampikul, Sivaporn;Chupeerach, Chaowanee;Duangmano, Suwit
    • Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention
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    • 제15권18호
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    • pp.7625-7628
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    • 2014
  • Breast cancer is the most common cancer among women worldwide. The primary aim of this work was to provide an in-depth evaluation of research publications in the field of diets and breast cancer. The impact of economic outcome on national academic productivity was also investigated. Data were retrieved using Pubmed for English-language publications. The search included all research for which articles included words relating to "diets and breast cancer". Population and national income data were obtained from publicly available databases. Impact factors for journals were obtained from Journal Citation Reports$^{(R)}$ (Thomson Scientific). There were 2,396 publications from 60 countries in 384 journals with an impact factor. Among them, 1,652 (68.94%) publications were Original articles. The United States had the highest quantity (51% of total) and highest of mean impact factor (8.852) for publication. Sweden had the highest productivity of publication when adjusted for number of population (6 publications per million population). Publications from the Asian nation increased from 5.3% in 2006 to 14.6% in 2012. The Original article type was also associated with geography (p<0.001; OR=2.183; 95%CI=1.526-3.123), Asian countries produced more proportion of Original articles (82%) than those of rest of the world (67.6%). Diets and breast cancer-associated research output continues to increase annually worldwide including publications from Asian countries. Although the United States produced the most publications, European nations per capita were higher in publication output.

라이더 재킷의 디자인 특성을 이용한 패션디자인 제안 (A proposal for fashion design using the design characteristics of rider jacket)

  • 박한힘
    • 한국의상디자인학회지
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    • 제22권4호
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    • pp.115-125
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    • 2020
  • Rider jackets were once reserved for military uniforms but have become an important styling item in recent fashion trends. The design characteristics of the rider jacket are rooted in symbolism, and the image associated with a rider jacket is in line with the challenging of authority and being a member of the rebellious youth subculture. Usually, young people with anti-social tendencies wore jackets, and some styles were used as a medium to express their emotional homogeneity, and they received favorable responses as the items represented them. The design characteristics of a rider jacket can be largely divided into resistance against the older generation, violence, challenging cultural norms, sexuality, and resistance, as well as embodying violent characteristics, including strength, courage. and male chauvinism. The reason for the development of these challenging characteristics are disparagement and anger of the lower class, who were excluded from mainstream society. Rider jackets can be viewed negatively due to the kind of message it is conveying against mainstream society. Among the sexual features were leather pants, short-length leather rider jackets, glossy metal accessories, and belt buckles, which also highlighted gay and decadent images that came to be associated with the jackets. The drapery created various kinds of wrinkles according to the way of dressing, and it had beautiful expressiveness while serving to express the body more beautifully. Drapery can be classified according to the aesthetic characteristics or expression techniques, and if the type of drapery is classified according to the morphological characteristics, it can be classified into variable and fixed structures, depending on whether the part to which the drapery is applied is fluid or not. In other words, it depends on the dressing method or the intention, and if the drapery technique is directly applied to the garment or is attached to the form. This fashion design proposal may have the greatest significance in that it sought to propose a new style incorporating a drapery technique with a strong feminine image to a rider jacket, which traditionally was associated with a masculine image.

자동차 주행 시뮬레이터의 운동감 재현 및 감성평가를 위한 감성어휘의 수집 (A Human Sensibility Ergonomics Method for Vehicle Driving Simulator and Verbal Expressions Collected)

  • 정영훈;엄성숙;손권;최경현
    • 대한인간공학회지
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    • 제19권2호
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    • pp.1-14
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    • 2000
  • Driving simulators have been developed for evaluating users' reaction to various driving situations. Dynamic simulators have, however, limitations of the motion feedback in space. Therefore, this paper presents a driving simulator and suggests a human sensibility ergonomics (kansei engineering) method to be used in improving sense of motion through a vehicle simulator. Human sensibility ergonomics(kansei engineering) is defined as translating technology of the customer' feeling about a new product into design elements. Constituents of the simulator were defined and the virtual world was generated by the object modeling technique. Senses perceived were classified into feelings of velocity, acceleration, rotation, and vibration based on the human sensibility associated with driving. And the most frequent verbal expressions were collected from 17 male subjects to define complex human sensibility.

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  • Turksen, I.B.
    • 한국지능시스템학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국퍼지및지능시스템학회 1998년도 The Third Asian Fuzzy Systems Symposium
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    • pp.1-19
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    • 1998
  • In this Kdynote address, two types of information granules are considered : (ⅰ) one for set assignments of a concept descriptor and (ⅱ) the other for truthood assignment to the concept description verifier. The first is, the process which specifies the assignment of an object to a clump, a class, a group, etc., and hence defines the set membership with a relational constraint. the second is the assignment of the degree of truthood or the membership specification of the abstract concept of truthood which specifies the " veristic" constraint associated with the concept descriptor. The combination of these two distinct assignments let us generate four set and logic theories. This then leads to the concern of normal forms and their derivation from truth tables for each of these theories. In this regard, some of the fundamental issues arising in this context are discussed and certain preliminary answers are provided in order to highlight the consequences of these theories.

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스트레스 대응전략 -인지행동적 접근- (Strategies for Coping with Stress -Cognitive-behavioral Approaches-)

  • 고경봉
    • 정신신체의학
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    • 제3권1호
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    • pp.64-71
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    • 1995
  • Cognitive-behavioral approach can be clinically applied to coping with stress, because cognitions are playing a central mediating role in the occurances of stress and stress reactions. In other words, cognitive distortions can be associated with causing and/or maintaining psychopathology. The goal of cognitive-behavioral approach is to help the patients identify and alter cognitive distortions and maladaptive assumptions. This approach is aimed not at curing but rather at helping the patients to develop better coping strategies to deal with their life and work. The cognitive-behavioral techniques often used in this approach include problem solving, hypothesis-testing, self-monitoring, cognitive challenges, generating alternatives to automatic cognitive distortions, self-instruction, attribution and reattribution, and techniques to control or suppress thoughts. This approach is considered to be helpful for treatment and prevention of psychiatric disorders including psychosomatic disorders, in which stress can greatly affect their onset and course.

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인간심리를 이용한 감성 모델과 영상검색에의 적용 (Emotional Model via Human Psychological Test and Its Application to Image Retrieval)

  • 유헌우;장동식
    • 대한산업공학회지
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    • 제31권1호
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    • pp.68-78
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    • 2005
  • A new emotion-based image retrieval method is proposed in this paper. The research was motivated by Soen's evaluation of human emotion on color patterns. Thirteen pairs of adjective words expressing emotion pairs such as like-dislike, beautiful-ugly, natural-unnatural, dynamic-static, warm-cold, gay-sober, cheerful-dismal, unstablestable, light-dark, strong-weak, gaudy-plain, hard-soft, heavy-light are modeled by 19-dimensional color array and $4{\times}3$ gray matrix in off-line. Once the query is presented in text format, emotion model-based query formulation produces the associated color array and gray matrix. Then, images related to the query are retrieved from the database based on the multiplication of color array and gray matrix, each of which is extracted from query and database image. Experiments over 450 images showed an average retrieval rate of 0.61 for the use of color array alone and an average retrieval rate of 0.47 for the use of gray matrix alone.