• Title/Summary/Keyword: Applicable plant

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The Study on the Flora and Vegetation of Salt Marshes of Dongjin-river Estuary in Jeonbuk (전북 동진강 하구역 일대의 염습지 식물상 및 식생에 관한 연구)

  • Kim Chang-Hwan;Lee Kyeong-Bo;Kim Jae-Duk;Cho Tae-Dong;Kim Mun-Suk
    • Journal of Environmental Science International
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    • v.14 no.9
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    • pp.817-825
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    • 2005
  • The purpose of this study was to research about salt marsh flora and vegetation in the Dongjin-river estuary area where has a project for Sea Man Geum Reclaimed Land so that we can foster foundation on restoration of an ecological habitat, development of applicable plant and establishment of a conservation policy after deceloping the reclaimed land for salt marsh vegetation which has great value ecologically. In conclusion, we was distributed that there are 7 families 21 genera, 25 species, 2 varieties of vascular plant at the Dongjin-river estuary area which have 27 taxa in total and are $0.64\%$ among 4,191 of korean vascular plant. There are also 2 family, 2 genus, 2 species of a naturalized plant which are $1.1\%$ of indicator of a naturalized plant salt marsh vegetation of the downstream are very much affected by the time of inundation, tidal water so that a low degree of salt marsh has frequent flooding by sea water and has a pure group of Suaeda japonica. A Phragmites communis, Carex scabrifolia are distributed mainly around a waterway of salt marsh and Zoysia sinica, Atriplex subcordata, Phragmites communis are living in stock as forming into patch around medium salt marsh. Suaeda asparagoides, Phacelurus latifolius are living around a little high ground and a Phragmites communis is a behind vegetation of Phacelurus latifolius and a part of the Phragmites communis are living along with waterway in a salt marsh as a community. By the 2-M method twelve plant communities were recognized ; Suaeda japonica. Carex scabrifolia, Zoysia sinica, Artemisia scoparia, Phacelurus latifolius, Phragmites communis, Suaeda maritima, Suaeda japonica-Atriplex gmelini, Phragmites communis-Suaeda japonica, Suaeda japonica-Salicornia herbacea, Salicornia herbacea-Suaeda aspar-agoides and Scirpus planiculmis community. The actual vegetation map was constructed on the grounds of the communities classified and other data.

Research and Development for Decontamination System of Spent Resin in Hanbit Nuclear Power Plant (한빛원전 폐수지 제염공정 개발연구)

  • Sung, Gi Hong
    • Journal of Radiation Industry
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    • v.9 no.4
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    • pp.217-221
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    • 2015
  • When reactor coolant leaks occur due to cracks of a steam generator's tube, radioactive materials contained in the primary cooling water in nuclear power plant are forced out toward the secondary systems. At this time the secondary water purification resin in the ion exchange resin tower of the steam generator blowdown system is contaminated by the radioactivity of the leaked radioactive materials, so we pack this in special containers and store temporarily because we could not dispose it by ourselves. If steam generator tube leakage occurs, it produces contaminated spent resins annually about 5,000~7,000 liters. This may increase the amount of nuclear waste productions, a disposal working cost and a unit price of generating electricity in the plant. For this reasons, it is required to develop a decontamination process technique for reducing the radioactive level of these resins enough to handle by the self-disposal method. In this research, First, Investigated the structure and properties of the ion exchange resin used in a steam generator blowdown system. Second, Checked for a occurrence status of contaminated spent resin and a disposal technology. Third, identified the chemical characteristics of the waste radionuclides of the spent resin, and examined ionic bonding and separation mechanism of radioactive nuclear species and a spent resin. Finally, we carried out the decontamination experiment using chemicals, ultrasound, microbubbles, supercritical carbon dioxide to process these spent resin. In the case of the spent resin decontamination method using chemicals, the higher the concentration of the drug decontamination efficiency was higher. In the ultrasound method, foreign matter of the spent resin was removed and was found that the level of radioactivity is below of the MDA. In the microbubbles method, we found that the concentration of the radioactivity decreased after the experiment, so it can be used to the decontamination process of the spent resin. In supercritical carbon dioxide method, we found that it also had a high decontamination efficiency. According to the results of these experiments, almost all decontamination method had a high efficiency, but considering the amounts of the secondary waste productions and work environment of the nuclear power plant, we judged the ultrasound and supercritical carbon dioxide method are suitable for application to the plant and we established the plant applicable decontamination process system on the basis of these two methods.

Plant Species Richness in Korea Utilizing Integrated Biological Survey Data (생물기초조사 통합자료를 활용한 우리나라 식물종 풍부도 분석)

  • Seungbum Hong;Jieun Oh;Jaegyu Cha;Kyungeun Lee
    • Korean Journal of Ecology and Environment
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    • v.56 no.4
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    • pp.363-374
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    • 2023
  • The limitation in deriving the species richness representing the entire country of South Korea lies in its relatively short history of species field observations and the scattered observation data, which has been collected by various organizations in different fields. In this study, a comprehensive compilation of the observation data for plants held by agencies under the Ministry of Environment was conducted, enabling the construction of a time series dataset spanning over 100 years. The data integration was carried out using minimal criteria such as species name, observed location, and time (year) followed by data verification and correction processes. Based on the integrated plant species data, the comprehensive collection of plant species in South Korea has occurred predominantly since 2000, and the number of plant species explored through these surveys appears to be converging recently. The collection of species survey data necessary for deriving national-level biodiversity information has recently begun to meet the necessary conditions. Applying the Chao 2 method, the species richness of indigenous plants estimated at 3,182.6 for the 70-year period since 1951. A minimum cumulative period of 7 years is required for this estimation. This plant species richness from this study can be a baseline to study future changes in species richness in South Korea. Moreover, the integrated data with the estimation method for species richness used in this study appears to be applicable to derive regional biodiversity indices such as for local government units as well.

Advancing Process Plant Design: A Framework for Design Automation Using Generative Neural Network Models

  • Minhyuk JUNG;Jaemook CHOI;Seonu JOO;Wonseok CHOI;Hwikyung Chun
    • International conference on construction engineering and project management
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    • 2024.07a
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    • pp.1285-1285
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    • 2024
  • In process plant construction, the implementation of design automation technologies is pivotal in reducing the timeframes associated with the design phase and in enabling the generation and evaluation of a variety of design alternatives, thereby facilitating the identification of optimal solutions. These technologies can play a crucial role in ensuring the successful delivery of projects. Previous research in the domain of design automation has primarily focused on parametric design in architectural contexts and on the automation of equipment layout and pipe routing within plant engineering, predominantly employing rule-based algorithms. Nevertheless, these studies are constrained by the limited flexibility of their models, which narrows the scope for generating alternative solutions and complicates the process of exploring comprehensive solutions using nonlinear optimization techniques as the number of design and engineering parameters increases. This research introduces a framework for automating plant design through the use of generative neural network models to overcome these challenges. The framework is applicable to the layout problems of process plants, covering the equipment necessary for production processes and the facilities for essential resources and their interconnections. The development of the proposed Neural-network (NN) based Generative Design Model unfolds in four stages: (a) Rule-based Model Development: This initial phase involves the development of rule-based models for layout generation and evaluation, where the generation model produces layouts based on predefined parameters, and the evaluation model assesses these layouts using various performance metrics. (b) Neural Network Model Development: This phase transitions towards neural network models, establishing a NN-based layout generation model utilizing Generative Adversarial Network (GAN)-based methods and a NN-based layout evaluation model. (c) Model Optimization: The third phase is dedicated to optimizing the models through Bayesian Optimization, aiming to extend the exploration space beyond the limitations of rule-based models. (d) Inverse Design Model Development: The concluding phase employs an inverse design method to merge the generative and evaluative networks, resulting in a model that outputs layout designs to meet specific performance objectives. This study aims to augment the efficiency and effectiveness of the design process in process plant construction, transcending the limitations of conventional rule-based approaches and contributing to the achievement of successful project outcomes.

Applicable Feasibility of Fenton Oxidation and Zeolite Ion Exchange Processes for Removal of Non-Biodegradable Matters and Ammonia in Livestock Wastewater (축산폐수 중의 난분해성 물질 및 암모니아 제거를 위한 Fenton 산화와 Zeolite 이온교환 공정의 적용 가능성)

  • Cho, Chang-Woo;Kim, Byoung-Young;Chae, Soo-Choen;Chung, Paul-Gene
    • Journal of Korean Society on Water Environment
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    • v.23 no.5
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    • pp.600-606
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    • 2007
  • Livestock wastewater containing concentrated organic matters and nutrients has been known as one of the major pollutants. It is difficult to apply the conventional activated sludge process to treat livestock wastewater because of high Non-biodegradable (NBD) matter and ammonia. The objectives of this study are to remove NBD matters including aromatic compounds and ammonia in livestock wastewater using Coagulation-Fenton oxidation-Zeolite (CFZ) processes and ascertain applicable feasibility in the field through pilot plant experiment. NBD matters and color remained in the treated water were removed over 92% by Fenton oxidation as the second treatment process. Ammonia was removed by over 99.5% in the zeolite ion exchange process as the last treatment method. From $UV_{254}$, $E_2/E_3$ ratio and GC/MS analyses of treated water at each process, the aromatic compound was converted to aliphatic and aromaticity was decreased. In pilot scale test, organics and ammonia removal efficiencies were not much different from the result of lab-scale test at various operation conditions. Furthermore, reaction time and dosage of Fenton reagent in pilot scale experiment reduced by 40 min and 50% rather than in lab-scale test. $BOD_5$, $COD_{Mn}$, SS, T-N and T-P of treated water in the pilot-scale experiment also met the effluent standards.

Evaluation of Fracture Toughness for SA508 Gr. 3 Reactor Pressure Vessel Steel Using Bimodal Master Curve Approach (이봉분포 마스터커브를 이용한 SA508 Gr. 3 원자로용기강의 파괴인성 평가)

  • Kim, Jong Min;Kim, Min Chul;Lee, Bong Sang
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Pressure Vessels and Piping
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    • v.13 no.2
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    • pp.60-66
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    • 2017
  • The standard master curve (MC) approach has the major limitation because it is only applicable to homogeneous datasets. In nature, materials are macroscopically inhomogeneous and involve scatter of fracture toughness data due to various deterministic material inhomogeneity and random inhomogeneity. RPV(reactor pressure vessel) steel has different fracture toughness with varying distance from the inner surface of the wall due to cooling rate in manufacturing process; deterministic inhomogeneity. On the other hand, reference temperature, $T_0$, used in the evaluation of fracture toughness is acting as a random parameter in the evaluation of welding region; random inhomogeneity. In the present paper, four regions, the surface, 1/8T, 1/4T and 1/2T, were considered for fracture toughness specimens of KSNP (Korean Standard Nuclear Plant) SA508 Gr. 3 steel to investigate deterministic material inhomogeneity and random inhomogeneity. Fracture toughness tests were carried out for four regions and three test temperatures in the transition region. Fracture toughness evaluation was performed using the bimodal master curve (BMC) approach which is applicable to the inhomogeneous material. The results of the bimodal master curve analyses were compared with that of conventional master curve analyses. As a result, the bimodal master approach considering inhomogeneous materials provides better description of scatter in fracture toughness data than conventional master curve analysis. However, the difference in the $T_0$ determined by two master curve approaches was insignificant.

Interpretation of Agronomic Traits Variation of Sesame Cultivar Using Principal Component Analysis

  • Shim, Kang-Bo;Hwang, Chung-Dong;Pae, Suk-Bok;Park, Jang-Whan;Byun, Jae-Cheon;Park, Keum-Yong
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    • v.54 no.1
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    • pp.24-28
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    • 2009
  • This study was conducted to evaluate the growth characters and yield components of 18 collected sesame cultivars to get basic information on the variation for the sesame breeding using principal component analysis. All characters except days to flowering, days to maturity and 1,000 seed weight showed significantly different. Seed weight per 10 are showed higher coefficient of variance. Capsule bearing stem length and liter weight showed positive correlation with seed yield per 10 are. The principal components analysis grouped the estimated sesame cultivars into four main components which accounted for 83.7% of the total variation at the eigenvalue and its contribution to total variation obtained from principal component analysis. The first principal component ($Z_1$) was applicable to increase plant height, capsule bearing stem length and 1,000-seed weight. The second principal component ($Z_2$) negatively correlated with days to flowering and maturity by which it was applicable to shorten flowering and maturity date of sesame. At the scatter diagram, Yangbaek, Ansan, M1, M2, M4, M7 and M9 were classified as same group, but M10, Yanghuk, Kanghuk, M5, M6, M12 and M13 were classified as different group. This results would be helpful for sesame breeder to understand genetic relationship of some agronomic characters and select promising cross lines for the development of new sesame variety.


  • Song, Jae-Gu;Lee, Jung-Woon;Park, Gee-Yong;Kwon, Kee-Choon;Lee, Dong-Young;Lee, Cheol-Kwon
    • Nuclear Engineering and Technology
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    • v.45 no.5
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    • pp.637-652
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    • 2013
  • Instrumentation and control systems in nuclear power plants have been digitalized for the purpose of maintenance and precise operation. This digitalization, however, brings out issues related to cyber security. In the most recent past, international standard organizations, regulatory institutes, and research institutes have performed a number of studies addressing these systems cyber security.. In order to provide information helpful to the system designers in their application of cyber security for the systems, this paper presents methods and considerations to define attack vectors in a target system, to review and select the requirements in the Regulatory Guide 5.71, and to integrate the results to identify applicable technical security control requirements. In this study, attack vectors are analyzed through the vulnerability analyses and penetration tests with a simplified safety system, and the elements of critical digital assets acting as attack vectors are identified. Among the security control requirements listed in Appendices B and C to Regulatory Guide 5.71, those that should be implemented into the systems are selected and classified in groups of technical security control requirements using the results of the attack vector analysis. For the attack vector elements of critical digital assets, all the technical security control requirements are evaluated to determine whether they are applicable and effective, and considerations in this evaluation are also discussed. The technical security control requirements in three important categories of access control, monitoring and logging, and encryption are derived and grouped according to the elements of attack vectors as results for the sample safety system.

Development of TASS Code for Non-LOCA Safety Analysis Licensing Application (Non-LOCA 인허가 해석용 TASS 코드의 개발)

  • Yoon, Han-Young;Auh, Geun-Sun;Kim, Hee-Cheol;Kim, Joon-Sung;Park, Jae-Don
    • Nuclear Engineering and Technology
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    • v.27 no.1
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    • pp.53-66
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    • 1995
  • Since the current licensed system codes for Non-LOCA safety analysis are applicable only for a specific type PWR, it is necessary to develope a new system analysis code applicable for all apes of PWRs. As a R&D program, KAERI is developing TASS code as an interactive and faster-than-real-time code for the NSSS transient simulation of both CE and Westinghouse plane. It is flexible tool for PWR analysis which gives the user complete control over the simulation through convenient input and output options. In this paper the code applicability to Westinghouse ape plants was verified by comparing the TASS prediction to plant data of loss of AC power and loss of load transients, and comparing to the prediction of RELAP5/MOD3 for feedline break, locked rotor, steam generator tube rupture and steam line break accidents.

  • PDF

Effects of Bird Ingestion on Seed Dispersal and Germination of the Elaeagnus macrophylla (보리밥나무(Elaeagnus macrophylla)의 종자 산포와 발아율에 미치는 조류의 영향)

  • Choi, Chang-Yong;Chae, Hee-Young
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.96 no.6
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    • pp.633-638
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    • 2007
  • The Elaeagnus macrophylla is a stenoecious evergreen plant with nitrogen-fixing symbionts and its timing of fruit-ripening coincides with spring migration of many birds in southwestern Korea. To recognize bird species which eat fleshy fruits of the Elaeagnus macrophylla and to evaluate the effects of bird ingestion on seed germination and dispersal, we monitored birds and carried out germination experiments using its fruits and seeds from March to April 2007 at Hongdo Island, Jeonnam Province, Korea. As a result, eight species of birds including the Gray Starling (Sturnus cineraceus), the Brown-eared Bulbul (Hypsipetes amaurotis) and the Dusky Thrush (Turdus naumanni) ingested the fruits. Germination rate was enhanced but length of seed dormancy was instead shortened in ingested (collected from the feces of birds) and manually extracted seeds (obtained directly from the fruits) than in intact fruits collected directly from the plant. Moreover, the possible scale of seed dispersal by the frugivorous birds ranged up to 6.9 ha based on home ranges of starlings. Consequently, the Elaeagnus macrophylla supplies food resources for migratory birds, and the birds give the plant opportunities of new colonization. We suggest that this kind of interaction between the nitrogen-fixing plant and avian seed dispersers is applicable as a process of natural restoration in degraded coastal evergreen forests.