• Title/Summary/Keyword: Apparel attributes

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Shopping Orientation and Satisfaction with Clothes of 20s Women Consumers Using Domestic/Global SPA Brands (국내/해외 SPA브랜드 의복구매 20대 여성 소비자의 쇼핑성향과 의복만족도)

  • Suh, Hee-Kyung;Lee, Seung-Hee
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Clothing and Textiles
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    • v.35 no.5
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    • pp.501-512
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    • 2011
  • This study examines the possible differences in satisfaction level according to the attributes classified as product, price, and service among women apparel consumers with the experience of buying global and domestic SPA brands. Data were collected through a survey of 270 women consumers aged 20s and with SPSS 15.0. The results are as follows: The exploration of the difference in product, price, and service attributes between the global and domestic SPA brands revealed that for product attributes, domestic brands scored higher in management quality, while global brands scored higher in design. In addition, for price attributes, domestic brands scored higher in promotion, while global brands scored higher in price value. When it comes to service attributes, only in regards to store policy was there a significant difference, with the score of global brands higher than domestic brands. The analysis of the difference in shopping orientation on domestic SPA brands showed significant difference only in customer convenience for the category of service attributes, while on global SPA brands, there were significant differences of the design for product attributes, promotion for price attributes, and customer convenience for service attributes.

Retail Sale Advertising: Effects of Reference Price, Price Rationale and Price-Quality Inference on Evaluation of Apparel Attributes (비교가격 광고의 준거가격과 소매점의 가격할인취지 및 소비자의 가격 -품질 연상 심리 수준이 의류제품 속성 평가에 미치는 영향-)

  • Hyun, Ji-Eun;Hong, Hee-Sook
    • Journal of Global Scholars of Marketing Science
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    • v.9
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    • pp.47-75
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    • 2002
  • The purpose of this study is to identify the effects of reference price, price rationale and price-quality inference of consumer on the evaluation of apparel quality. The experimental materials developed for this study were a set of stimulus and response sheet. The stimuli were six print ads, which was manipulated by reference price and price rationale for a jacket of national brand. This study used a 2(reference price: offer and non offer)$\times$3(price rationale: non offer, stock disposal, sales promotion) $\times$2(price-quality inference of consumer: high and low level) between-subjects experiment. Subjects were 371 female university students. The data were analyzed by factor analysis, ANOVA and t-test. The results were as follows. First, three apparel attributes were identified: sewing/fabrics and label by factor analysis. Second, the significant interaction effects of reference price, price rationale and price-quality inference of consumer were found on evaluating quality of sewing/fabrics and label of apparel. So, reference price effect differed to depending on type of price rationale and levels of price-quality inference. Third, the significant main effect of price-quality inference of consumer existed on evaluating construction quality of apparel.

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K-MOOC Course Development and Learners' Satisfaction Analysis -Focusing on Apparel Pattern CAD Education- (K-MOOC 강좌 개발과 학습자 만족도 분석 -어패럴패턴캐드 교육을 중심으로-)

  • Choi, Young-Lim
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Clothing and Textiles
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    • v.44 no.2
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    • pp.369-383
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    • 2020
  • This study proposes a method to effectively teaching technic for pattern development and virtual garment manufacturing by adopting the K-MOOC platform for the Apparel Pattern CAD curriculum. According to K-MOOC guidelines, Apparel Pattern CAD curriculum were developed and presented through the K-MOOC platform. A questionnaire survey was utilized to evaluate K-MOOC platform features in terms of learner satisfaction when adopting the 5-point Likert scale. Questionnaire survey participants included 52 college students. The result of the survey found that most of the attributes of the K-MOOC platform were highly rated in terms of interaction and learning effectiveness. The user interface of the K-MOOC platform were shown to be satisfactory in terms of usability. Participants gave a positive assessment of the benefits of online lectures when comparing online and offline lectures. In particular, the preference for online lectures in computer-related courses such as CAD was higher than the offline. It was concluded that the Apparel Pattern CAD curriculum based on the K-MOOC platform was effective and satisfactory for learners in various aspects.

Differences between the groups of high purchase and low purchase of apparel in low -price retailing (할인점에서 의류 구매빈도가 높은 집단과 낮은 집단간 차이 -할인점 상점속성에 대한 신념 및 할인점 태도, 정보탐색 및 정보원 사용 상품만족도, 인구통계적 특성-)

  • 홍희숙
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Clothing and Textiles
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    • v.23 no.3
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    • pp.373-384
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    • 1999
  • The purposes of this study were 1) to test the differences between two groups who have high and low purchase of apparel in low-price retailing concerning consumers' beliefs and attitude toward low-prce retailing 2) to identify differences between these two groups in type of information search and use of information sources and 3) to investigate differences between department store and low-price retailing in consumers' satisfaction toward products and purchase frequencies of apparel items and differences between two groups in demographic variables. The data were collected via a self-administeered questionnaire from 474 femail adults in Seoul Korea and analyzed by factor analysis t-test and paired t-test. The results of this study were as follows : First based on a series of t-test and paired t-test. the results showed that those who had a high purchase of apparel in low-price retailing had significantly higher belief scores on all of the five store attributes and a more favorable attitude toward low-price retailing than did those who had low purchase. Second those who had high purchase of apparel in low-price retailing had significantly higher scores on ongoing and prepurchase information search and on use of mass media information and interpersonal information source than did those who had low purchase. Third in case of high purchase consumers of apparel in low-price retailing there were not found significant differences between department store and low-price retailing there were not found significant differences between department store and low-price retailing in purchase frequency on man's and women's casual wear of department stores than low-price retailing. However low purchase consumers of apparel in low-price retailing revealed significantly higher purchase frequency on all of seven apparel items of department stores than low-price retailing. Finally there were significant differences between two groups in demographic variables. The papers discussed theoretical implications as well as manageral implications.

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The Brand Image of Apparel: A Qualitative Approach (의류 브랜드 이미지에 관한 질적 연구)

  • 김민경;정인희;성화경
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Clothing and Textiles
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    • v.26 no.11
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    • pp.1558-1569
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    • 2002
  • Two components of brand image are brand association related to brand properties and brand persona which is measured by descriptive words. The purpose of this study is to analyze the brand image of apparel by qualitative approach including natural grouping method suggested by Aaker. For this, face-to-face interviews were carried out in March and April 200l.11 interviewees were respectively asked to classify' pre-selected several tens of apparel brands based on their image differentiation, and then to explain the reason of grouping and to describe resultant brand groups. In this process, many brand image associations and brand persona-descriptive words were collected. 9 types of brand association were identified, and these were summarized as three factors suggested by Keller -attributes, benefits, and attitudes/evaluations. And 3 words which used to refer brand image frequently -dokteukhan (unique), simple, and yeosungseureowoon (feminine)- were interpreted in their meaning. Brand persona-descriptive words implied diverse meaning which were dependent on context.

A Study on Apparel Store Browsers′ Browsing Motives, Shopping Leadership and Preferred Store Attributes (의류점포 브라우저들의 브라우징 동기, 쇼핑 선도력 및 선호점포 속성에 관한 연구)

  • 정혜영
    • The Research Journal of the Costume Culture
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    • v.9 no.1
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    • pp.86-99
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    • 2001
  • The purpose of this study was to identify and profile store browsers in terms of their browsing motives, fashion behavioral characteristics, buying behavior and preferred store attributes. The data were collected through questionnaire from 302 female college students by convenient sampling method. Statistical analysis of factor analysis, x²-test, and t-test were performed in analyzing the data. The browsing motives of browsers were to obtains fashion information, sensory stimulation and diversion from routine life. They showed the high level of fashion involvement, shopping confidence, shopping innovativeness, shopping opinion leadership as well s fashion opinion leadership. Browsers tended to be impulse buyers and spent more money on clothing than non-browsers. The attributes that influence their store choice were the variety of products and brands, information availability ,and pleasant store atmosphere.

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The Cognitive Complexity of Clothing Attributes -Focused on Clothing Involvement- (의류 제품의 속성에 대한 인지적 복잡성에 관한 연구 -의복 관여를 중심으로-)

  • Park Sung-Eun
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Clothing and Textiles
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    • v.30 no.4 s.152
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    • pp.497-506
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    • 2006
  • The purpose of this study is to clarify the cognitive complexity of clothing attributes, which influence the preference and purchase intentions. The subjects of this study are 434 female college students and formal survey methodologies were used for collecting data. Those data were analyzed with SAS program, and various methods such as factor analysis, cluster analysis, conjoint analysis, path analysis of Lisrel were followed. The results of this study were as follows: 1) Clothing involvement consists of the affective factor and the cognitive factor. 2) The consumers were divided into three groups with regards to the degree of their clothing involvement. 3) Significant differences were found regarding the cognitive complexity of clothing attributes among these groups.

The Influence of Shopping Orientation and Store Attribute on Store Patronage Intentions (소비자의 쇼핑성향과 소매점속성이 소매점 애고의도에 미치는 영향)

  • Nam Miwoo;Kim Kwangkyung
    • Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association
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    • v.42 no.12 s.202
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    • pp.161-174
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    • 2004
  • The primary objective of this study was to employ Darden's store patronage model in order to investigate the role that shopping orientation and store attributes play in store patronage. The study sample consisted of 340 female university students residing in Seoul. The data was analyzed by using path analysis and factor analysis. The recreational shopping orientation played a greater role in influencing the importance of store attributes than did the convenience shopping orientation. Recreational shoppers want a variety of brands and convenience shoppers can be attracted by a convenient location and availability of parking. Six important store attributes(variety of products and price level, proximity, variety of trendy brands, store decor, sales promotion, sales personnel) have a differential influence on store patronage. Shopping orientation was a direct predictor of patronage behavior and mediated the relationship between shopping orientation and store attribute importance. The finding indicated that both the recreational shopping orientation and convenience shopping orientation can be used effectively to position store patronage in such a way as to provide a strong means for shoppers to satisfy their needs. The findings of this study demonstrated that South Korean female shoppers with different shopping orientation have different store attribute preference and store patronage. The results provide a basis for building a successful strategy to attract shoppers and generate sales. The study focused on a specific product category, i.e., women's apparel. To meet the needs of female apparel shoppers, further research is needed to learn more about the distinctive characteristics of Korean consumers that could be applied to a variety of jobs, ages and living areas.

Person-Situation Benefit Segments of the Female Apparel Market in Seoul by a Prior Segmentation Method Benefit Soughts of Clothing, Perceived Risk, Importanc of Store Attribute, Store-Type Choice - (상황과 인규통계적 특성을 사전적 모형으로 연계시킨 혜택세분화 연구 -추구혜택, 지각된 위험, 상점 속성의 중요도 및 상점 선택 행동에 대한 상호작용효과를 중심으로-)

  • 홍희숙
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Clothing and Textiles
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    • v.20 no.6
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    • pp.1151-1165
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    • 1996
  • The purpose of this study was to identify the pratical applicability of person-situation benefit segmentations of the female apparel market in Seoul by a prior segmentation method. The specific objectives of this study were 1) to identify the useful demographic variables for person-situation benefit segmentations of the female apparel market, 2) to assess that person- situation benefit segmentations of 1.he female apparel market are accessit)le by developing a profile of each segment based on the interactions of situation and personal characteristics on perceived risk, importance of store attributes and store-type choice, and on brand type prefered by each segment. 3) to assess the validity of person-situation benefit segmentations of the female apparel market in terms of easy accessibility. The data were collected via a questionnaire from 601 housewives of ages 20's to 50's living in Seoul, Korea. The data were analyzed by factor analysis, repeated measure two- way ANOVA and X2-test. The results of this study were as follows. First, the age-by-situation segmention basis and the education-by-situation segmention basis were useful for person-situation benefit segmentations of the female apparel market. Second, there were found three benefit segments (Youth/Fashion oriented users, Brand oriented users and Apathetic users of clothing) using age-by-situation segmention basis. Using education-by-situation segmention basis, five segments (Economic-value, Youth/Fashion, Brand/Self-expression Self-expression, and Apathetic users of clothing) were identified. And beifit segments classified by the age-by-situation segmention and education-by-situation segmention approach were accessible. Third, the pratical applicability of person-situation befeift segmentations of the female apparel market by a prior segmentation method were suggested.

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Purchasing Behavior and Product Evaluation Criteria of Knitted Apparel Consumers (니트의류제품 구매행동과 평가기준)

  • Park, Na-Ri;Kim, Myoung-Ok;Moon, Young-Ok;Seo, Mun-Suk;Seo, Min-Jeong;Lee, Kyu-Hye
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Clothing and Textiles
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    • v.31 no.7
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    • pp.1064-1074
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    • 2007
  • The purpose of this study was to determine the purchasing behavior of knitted apparel consumers. Differences in knit product evaluation criteria according to consumer characteristics, such as gender, age, and interest in knit products also were reported. Male and female consumers participated in the study. Quota sampling was used and data from 463 questionnaires were analyzed. Descriptive statistics, $X^2$ analysis, factor analysis, Cronbach's alpha coefficient, t-test, one-way ANOVA, and post-hoc test were conducted. Results indicated that 65.4 percent of respondents did not discern between knits and woven products. Cardigan was the most preferred knitted product category. Most of the respondents purchased knitted apparel themselves, got product information at stores, spent less than 100,000 won for a single knitted product and went to department stores to buy knitted apparel products. Some 62.5 percent of respondents reported wearing the product less than four year. Consumers who are more interest in knitted apparel also considered such criteria as external attributes, quality, and aesthetics to be important. Respondents who discerned between knits and woven considered quality most important. Female respondents considered quality and aesthetic criteria more important; respondents in their twenties considered aesthetic criteria most important; and respondents in their thirties through fifties considered external criteria most important. Results of this study provide a basis for understanding knitted apparel consumers' purchasing behavior.