• Title/Summary/Keyword: Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) Technique

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A Hybrid Method of MultiAttribute Utility Theory and Analytic Hierarchy Process for R&D Projects' Priority Setting. (MAUT/AHP를 이용한 연구개발사업 우선순위 선정방법)

  • 김정흠;박주형
    • Proceedings of the Technology Innovation Conference
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    • 1999.06a
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    • pp.245-265
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    • 1999
  • MAUT and AHP are widely used for quantification of subjective judgements in various fields of decision making. This study focuses on the introduction and application of MAUT/AHP method which is a hybrid of MAUT and AHP techniques in R&D project priority setting. This hybrid model can clarify each factors' contribution using MAUT method and can reduce the number of pairwise comparisons of AHP method. This study applies AMUT/AHP method to the evaluation of R&D projects in a Government - funded research institute. To evaluate R&D projects, six evaluation factors are derived. SMART(Simple MultiAttribute Rating Technique) and DVM(Difference Value Measurement ) out of many MAUT methods are used to design the utility function ad AHP is used to allocate the weights among evaluation factors. The major findings of this study can be summarized as follows. First, the SMART/AHP and the DVM/AHP have the same results with the SMART and the DVM, and they are different results with AHP. It is very hard to decide which one is better. Second, MAUT/AHP's strength is analyzed. MAUT reflects utility values of evaluators to alternatives and AHP results objective and consistent weights of factors through pariwise comparisons. Third, its possible application fields are proposed. It is applicable to subjective decision making problems with high complexity and inter-independent factors.

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Prioritization of Telecommunication Technologies for Strategic Standardization in Korea (정보통신표준화 전략계획수립을 위한 표준화 대상분야의 우선순위 결정에 관한 연구)

  • 구경철;박기식;임채연;서의호
    • Journal of Korean Society of Industrial and Systems Engineering
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    • v.19 no.40
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    • pp.53-68
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    • 1996
  • This paper focuses on the method of setting priorities for telecommunications standardization work areas (SWAs) and standardization work items (SWIs), detailed sub-areas of each SWA. It is based on prioritization of SWAs to make a strategic plan that usually includes prioritization, resource allocation and standardization schedules for each SWA in telecommunications field. We applied the simple Delphi technique and the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) to the prioritization process. We also introduce 0-1 integer programming for resource allocation using the AHP result. We present analyzed results according to the proposed process. The result of this study will be useful input for telecommunications standardization policy making and practical implementation.

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Entrepreneurial Characteristics Affecting on Angel Investors's Decision making (엔젤투자자의 투자의사결정에 영향을 미치는 기업가특성에 관한 연구)

  • Yun, Young Sook;Hwangbo, Yun
    • Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Venturing and Entrepreneurship
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    • v.9 no.3
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    • pp.47-61
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    • 2014
  • Many angel investors hesitate to invest in early-stage company. Most early-stage company has no sales and only R&D step project or in early approach of market. So it's impossible to evaluate early-stage company quantitatively. Therefore many angel investors depend on CEO's tendency to evaluate company and make decision for investment. The purpose of this study is discover the entrepreneurial characteristics of CEO and the importance level which affect on the angel investors decision making factors for investment. To identify the factors of entrepreneurial characteristics, survey was conducted by Delphi Technique which is involved by 20 experts who is angel investment club members, venture capitalists, CEOs and officers. Three rounds of survey results derived 10 elements of entrepreneurial characteristics for investment decision making factors including reliability, risk sensitivity, passion, perseverance, integrity, leadership, startup experience, organizational management skills, innovation and social networking. In addition, this study derived the importance level of elements of entrepreneurial characteristics based on the AHP(Analytic Hierarchy Process) theory and maintained the logical consistency by pair-wise comparison for each element. As a result of analyzing the importance of entrepreneurial characteristics, the sequence is reliability (18.1%), integrity (15.9%), leadership (11.7%), organizational management skills (10.0%), social networking (9.5%), passion(9.1%), perseverance(8.4%), innovation(8.1%), startup experience(5.3%) and risk sensitivity(3.9%) respectively. The significance of this study is somewhat decrease limit of the uncertainty arising from angel investors and angel investors can help a decision making, by discover factors of entrepreneurial characteristics that can be called the biggest influencing factors among Investor's investment decision-making In early stage companies and compare importance.

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Significance Analysis of Major Accident Factors of Remote Control Tower Crane Using AHP Technique (AHP기법을 이용한 무인타워크레인 주요 사고 요인 중요도 분석)

  • Kim, Jindong;Jung, Jinwoo;Lee, Soobo;Son, Juhwan
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Construction Safety
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    • v.2 no.2
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    • pp.76-81
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    • 2019
  • It becomes easy to acquire operating qualification of remote control tower crane and illegal retrofits is increased, remote control tower crane models are increasingly being used in smaller construction sites. However, as the problems caused by tower crane operators who have shortages of operating experience grow, safety accidents is increasing and worker is exposed to risk of accident. In this study, the cause of the accident was derived by analyzing the cause of the remote control tower crane accident. And then, the significance of accident causes was analyzed by AHP technique. The result of this study is that tower crane operators and construction workers do not comply with work rules.

Development of a Ranking Model of Evaluation Indexes in Public Works (정보계측기법을 응용한 공공시설의 평가지표 중요도 산정 모델의 개발)

  • Na, Joon-Yeup;Jung, Nam-Su;Lee, Jeong-Jae
    • Journal of The Korean Society of Agricultural Engineers
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    • v.47 no.2
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    • pp.25-32
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    • 2005
  • In evaluation of public works, its components related with benefit and cost in feasibility analysis can be classified to quantative and qualitative elements, To evaluate qualitative components which can not be calculated by numerical value, several methods are used to assess relative importance. AHP (Analytic Hierarchy Process) is representative method which can evaluate importance, but it has difficulties in organization of expert group, execution of question, and subjective decision of questioner. Information measure technique can be used to evaluate these qualitative importance of environmental and social components in public works planning. In result of comparing importances of AHP and information measure technique, it has statistical significance in of road project.

An Evaluation Model of Transition PMO Competencies Using RGT and AHP (RGT와 AHP을 활용한 이행 PMO 역량평가 모형)

  • Cha, Hwanju;Kim, Ja-Hee
    • Journal of Information Technology Services
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    • v.14 no.2
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    • pp.87-109
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    • 2015
  • The IT outsourcing industry has been widespread for decades since the growth of the system integration industry stagnates and companies need to curtail expenses and improve the quality of IT services. According to previous studies on the success factors of the IT outsourcing, its transition phase is significant because of continuity of business and the handover of knowledge. Since a transition phase consists of several projects, but its goal is different from general projects, it needs special and professional management. Therefore, recent IT outsourcing business starts to introduce PMO (project management offices), of which success strongly depends on the competencies of the PMO. However, there are only few studies on which competencies of the PMO are important. In this paper, we suggest an evaluation model of transition PMO competencies derived using the repertory grid technique and the analytic hierarchy process. Additionally, we compare the differences between the views of several stakeholders on the importance of the competencies.

Analyses on Factors of Job Satisfaction of Long-Term Employed using Analytic Hierarchy Process Technique - Based on the case of Work Innovation Officials in P company and Work Production in S company - (AHP를 이용한 장기 근속자들의 직무만족요소 비교 분석 - P사 혁신업무 담당자와 S사 생산업무 담당자 비교 사례연구 -)

  • Kim, Chan Eun;Kim, Kwang Chul;Jeon, Myeong Jin;Yun, Jun Hyeon
    • Journal of the Korea Safety Management & Science
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    • v.16 no.4
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    • pp.405-416
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    • 2014
  • The importance of Human Resource Management is big issue in business management recently. However, employ's job satisfaction is appeared as low. In this study, surveys were conducted among those long-term employs. The importance of job satisfaction is prioritized by AHP analysis based on results of survey to compare to the results of previously studied research. And this study will contribute to improvement of job satisfaction by comparing the facts in two different groups of occupation.

The Decision of Order Priority of HUD Contents for Public Transit (대중교통 HUD 콘텐츠 우선순위 결정에 관한 연구)

  • Park, Bumjin;Kang, Weoneui;Kim, Taehyeong
    • International Journal of Highway Engineering
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    • v.15 no.1
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    • pp.135-141
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    • 2013
  • PURPOSES: In this study, as part of an effort to develop HUD for public transit, it is proposed that the decision of order priority of contents which will be disposed to bus drivers through HUD for public transit using AHP(Analytic Hierarchy Process) technique. METHODS: In AHP analysis method brainstorming, factor analysis, hierarchical structuring, and weighting analysis were performed by applying a classical analysis method. RESULTS: By the result of analysis it is shown that unlike car drivers, bus drivers prefer information related to bus intervals, bus stop, and door open and close to information related to vehicle running. Also, bus stop information and bus interval information were ranked as first and second place in order priority of HUD contents for public transit by experts. CONCLUSIONS: This method of selecting order priority of HUD contents for public transit can provide a basic foundation for selecting order priority of traffic information contents as well as other HUD contents.

Application effect and limitation of AHP as a research methodology -A comparison of 3 statistical technique for evaluating MIS success factor- (AHP 기법의 적용효과및 한계점에 관한 연구 -MIS 성공요인평가를 위한 3가지 통계기법 비교중심-)

  • 윤재곤
    • Journal of the Korean Operations Research and Management Science Society
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    • v.21 no.3
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    • pp.109-125
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    • 1996
  • Biases and errors in the human being's reasoning process have been studied continuously by the researchers, especially psychlogists and social scientists. These bias phenomenon is classified on the basis of the origin, i. e. motivation and cognition. Furthermore the necessity of research on the bias in the management and management information system areas in increased more and more recently, which have their academic backgrounds in the psychology and social science. The biased information stream is transformed into the systematic error due to the motivation and cognitive bias of human-being, then its resulting phenomena are as follows; 1. the availability of salient information 2. preconceived ideas or theories about peoples and event 3. anchoring and perseverence phenomena. In order to reduce the information errors, Satty suggested the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) that is the subject of this paper and that is widely used for evaluation of complex decision making alternatives. THerefore this paper studies AHP's effects and its limitations in applying to the management area. Thus this paper compared the performances of the 3 models : 1 the traditional additive regression model. 2 regression model using the factor score, and 3 the regression model with AHP. As a result, 3 models produce the different outcomes.

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Use of GIS for Prioritization and Site Suitability Analysis of Potential Relocation Sites for Military Training Facilities: A Case Study in South Korea

  • Yum, Sang-Guk;Park, Young-Jun
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.40 no.3
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    • pp.195-206
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    • 2022
  • The primary purpose of this study was to analyze assessment factors by identifying and prioritizing live fire shooting area requirements using the AHP (Analytic Hierarchy Process) technique. Derived assessment factors for candidate sites were divided into six categories. Of these, four categories (base-to-range distance, weapon danger area, range terrain, and size) were in the realm of physical geography while the remaining two (land use and proximity to habitation) fell under the general heading of human geography. A case study was also conducted to select several alternative firing ranges using derived factors. The optimal location was analyzed by evaluating the candidate site using each assessment factor. As a result, it was found that assessment factors applying to GIS (Geographic Information System) were able to effectively analyze a suitable location for relocation of the focal training facility, taking into consideration public-safety issues, training requirements, and residents' past and likely future complaints. Through this process, it can prevent the waste of time and effort in determining an optimal location for a live fire shooing range.