• Title/Summary/Keyword: Amorphous chalcogenide

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A Study of Diffraction Efficiency Depended on $Ag^+$ of Amorphous Chalcogenide Thin Films (Amorphous chalcogenide 박막의 $Ag^+$ 의존적 회절효율 특성에 관한 연 구)

  • Jeong, Won-Kook;Nam, Ki-Hyun;Chung, Hong-Bay
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Electrical and Electronic Material Engineers Conference
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    • 2010.06a
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    • pp.134-134
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    • 2010
  • We have investigated the holographic grating formation on Ag-doped amorphous chalcogenide AsGeSeS thin films with Ag thickness. Holographic gratings have been formed using Diode Pumped Solid State laser (DPSS, 532.0nm) under [P:P] polarized the intensity polarization holography. The diffraction efficiency was obtained by +1st order intensity.

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Investigation of thermal Characteristics with Amorphous Chalcogenide Thin Film for Programmable Metallization Cell (PMC 응용을 위한 비정질 칼코게나이드 박막의 열적특성)

  • Ju, Long-Yun;Nam, Ki-Hyeon;Choi, Hyuk;Chung, Hong-Bay
    • Proceedings of the KIEE Conference
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    • 2007.07a
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    • pp.1331-1332
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    • 2007
  • In the present works, we investigate the thermal characteristics on Ag/$As_{2}S_{3}$ and Ag/$As_{40}Ge_{10}Se_{15}S_{35}$ amorphous chalcogenide thin film structure for PMC (Programmable Metallization Cell).As the results of resistance change with the temperature on Ag/$As_{40}Ge_{10}Se_{15}S_{35}$ amorphous chalcogenide thin film, the resistance was abruptly dropped from the initial resistance of 1.32 M ${\Omega}$ to the saturated value of 800 ${\Omega}$ at $203^{\circ}C$. On the other hand, the resistance increased to 1.3 $M{\Omega}$ at $219^{\circ}C$.

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The electrical properties and phase transition characteristics of amorphous $Ge_2Sb_2Te_5$ thin film (비정질 $Ge_2Sb_2Te_5$ 박막의 상변화에 따른 전기적 특성 연구)

  • Yang, Sung-Jun;Lee, Jae-Min;Shin, Kyung;Chung, Hong-Bay
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Electrical and Electronic Material Engineers Conference
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    • 2004.11a
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    • pp.210-213
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    • 2004
  • The phase transition between amorphous and crystalline states in chalcogenide semiconductor films can controlled by electric pulses or pulsed laser beam; hence some chalcogenide semiconductor films can be applied to electrically write/erase nonvolatile memory devices, where the low conductive amorphous state and the high conductive crystalline state are assigned to binary states. Memory switching in chalcogenides is mostly a thermal process, which involves phase transformation from amorphous to crystalline state. The nonvolatile memory cells are composed of a simple sandwich (metal/chalcogenide/metal). It was formed that the threshold voltage depends on thickness, electrode distance, annealing time and temperature, respectively.

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Switching Characteristics of Amorphous GeSe TFT for Switching Device Application

  • Nam, Gi-Hyeon;Kim, Jang-Han;Jo, Won-Ju;Jeong, Hong-Bae
    • Proceedings of the Korean Vacuum Society Conference
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    • 2012.02a
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    • pp.403-404
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    • 2012
  • We fabricated TFT devices with the GeSe channel. A single device consists of a Pt source and drain, a Ti glue layer and a GeSe chalcogenide channel layer on SiO2/Si substrate which worked as the gate. We confirmed the drain current with variations of gate bias and channel size. The I-V curves of the switching device are shown in Fig. 1. The channel of the device always contains amorphous state, but can be programmed into two states with different threshold voltages (Vth). In each state, the device shows a normal Ovonic switching behavior. Below Vth (OFF state), the current is low, but once the biasing voltage is greater than Vth (ON state), the current increases dramatically and the ON-OFF ratio is high. Based on the experiments, we draw the conclusion that the gate voltage can enhance the drain current, and the electric field by the drain voltage affects the amorphous-amorphous transition. The switching device always contains the amorphous state and never exhibits the Ohmic behavior of the crystalline state.

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The Formation of Holographic Data Grating on Amorphous Chalcogenide $Ag/As_{40}Ge_{10}Se_{15}S_{35}$ Thin Films with Various Thickness (두께에 따른 비정질 칼코게나이드 $Ag/As_{40}Ge_{10}Se_{15}S_{35}$ 박막의 홀로그래피 데이터 격자형성)

  • Yea, Chul-Ho;Chung, Hong-Bay
    • The Transactions of the Korean Institute of Electrical Engineers C
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    • v.55 no.8
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    • pp.387-391
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    • 2006
  • The Ag photodoping effect in amorphous $As_{40}Ge_{10}Se_{15}S_{35}$ chalcogenide thin films for holographic recording has been investigated using a He-Ne laser (${\lambda}$=632.8 nm). The chalcogenide films thickness prepared in the present work were thinner in comparison with the penetration depth of recording light ($d_p=1.66{\mu}m$). It exhibits a tendency of the variation of the diffraction efficiency (${\eta}$) in amorphous chalcogende films, independently of the Ag photodoping. That is, ${\eta}$ increases rapidly at the beginning of the recording process and reaches the maximum (${\eta}_{max}$) and slowly decreases slowly with the exposed time. In addition, the value of ${\eta}_{max}$ depends strongly on chalcogenide film thickness(d) and its maximum peak among the films with d = 40, 80, 150, 300, and 633 nm is observed 0.083% at d = 150 nm (approximately 1/2 ${\Delta}n$), where ${\Delta}$n is the refractive index of chalcogenide thin film (${\Delta}n=2.0$). The ${\eta}$ is largely enhanced by Ag photodoping into the chakogenides. In particular, the value of ${\eta}_{max}$ in a bilayer of 10-nm-thick Ag/150-nm-thick $As_{40}Ge_{10}Se_{15}S_{35}$ film is about 1.6%, which corresponds to ${\sim}20$ times larger than that of the single-layer $As_{40}Ge_{10}Se_{15}S_{35}$ thin film (without Ag). And we obtained the diffraction pattern according to the formation of (P:P) polarization holographic grating using Mask pattern and SLM.

Amorphous Chalcogenide Solids Doped with Rare-Earth Element : Fluorescence Lifetimes and the Glass Structural Changes (희토류 원소 첨가 비정질 찰코지나이드 : 형광 수명과 유리 구조 변화의 관계)

  • Choi Yong Gyu
    • Journal of the Korean Ceramic Society
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    • v.41 no.9
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    • pp.696-702
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    • 2004
  • Lifetime of excited electronic states inside the 4f configuration of rare-earth elements embedded in chalcogenide glasses is very sensitive to medium-range structural changes of the host glasses. We have measured lifetimes of the 1.6$\mu\textrm{m}$ emission originating from Pr$\^$3+/ : ($^3$F$_3$, $^3$F$_4$)\longrightarrow$^3$H$_4$ transition in amorphous chalcogenide samples consisting of Ge, Sb, and Se elements. The measured lifetimes fumed out to have their maximum at the mean coordination number of -2.67, which arises accordingly from structural changes of the host glasses from 2 dimensional layers to 3 dimensional networks. This new finding supports that the so-called topological structure model together with chemically ordered network model is adequate to explain relationship between the emission properties of rare-earth elements and the medium-range structures of amorphous chalcogenide hosts with a large covalent bond nature. Thus, it is validated to predict site distribution and lifetime of rare-earth elements doped in chalcogenide glasses simply based on their mean coordination number.

Optical Transmission Characteristics of Tellurium-based Phase-change Chalcogenide Thin Films (Tellurium계 상변화 칼코겐화물 박막의 광투과 특성)

  • Yoon, Hoi Jin;Bang, Ki Su;Lee, Seung-Yun
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Electrical and Electronic Material Engineers
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    • v.29 no.7
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    • pp.408-413
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    • 2016
  • The dielectric thin films applied to multi-colored semitransparent thin film solar cells have been extensively studied. In this work, we prepared GeSbTe and GeTe chalcogenide thin films using magnetron sputtering, and investigated their optical and phase-change properties to replace the dielectric films. The changes of surface morphology, sheet resistance, and X-ray diffraction of the Te-based chalcogenide films support the fact that the amorphous stability of GeTe films is superior to that of GeSbTe films. While both amorphous GeSbTe and GeTe films thinner than 30 nm have optical transparency between 5% and 60%, GeTe films transmit more visible light than GeSbTe films. It is confirmed by computer simulation that the color of semitransparent silicon thin film solar cells can be adjusted with the addition of GeSbTe or GeTe films. Since it is possible to adjust the contrast of the solar cells by exploiting the phase-change property, the two kinds of chalcogenide films are anticipated to be used as an optical layer in semitransparent solar cells.

비정질 As2Se3 박막의 Ag 의존적 홀로그래픽 격자 형성 특성 분석

  • Nam, Gi-Hyeon;Kim, Jang-Han;Jeong, Hong-Bae
    • Proceedings of the Korean Vacuum Society Conference
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    • 2011.02a
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    • pp.275-276
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    • 2011
  • We have investigated the holographic grating formation on Ag-doped amorphous chalcogenide As2Se3 thin films with Ag layer. The basic optical parameter which is a refractive index and extinction coefficent was taken by n&k analyzer. The source of laser was selected based on these parameter. Holographic gratings have been formed using He-Ne laser (wavelength: 632.8 nm) Diode Pumped Solid State laser (DPSS, wavelength: 532.0 nm) under [P:P] polarized the intensity polarization holography. The diffraction efficiency was obtained by +1st order intensity.

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Electrical characteristics of the this film interface of amorphous chalcogenide semiconductor (비정질 칼코게나이드 반도체 박막 경계면의 전기적 특성)

  • 박창엽
    • 전기의세계
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    • v.29 no.2
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    • pp.111-117
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    • 1980
  • Contacts formed by vacuum evaporation of As-Te-Si-Ge chalcogenide glass onto Al metal (99.9999%) are studied by measuring paralle capacitance C(V), Cp(w), resistance R(V), Rp(w), and I-V characteristics. The fact that contact metal alloying produced high-resistance region is confirmed from the measurements of parallel capacitance and resistance. From the I-V characteristics in the pre-switcing region, it is found that electronic conduction and sitching occurs in the vicinity of metal-amorphous semiconductor interface. From the experimental obsevations, it is concuded that the current flow in the thin film is space-charge limited current (SCLC) due to the tunneling of electrons through the energy barriers.

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Polarization Holographic Grating Formation and Diffraction Efficiency Measurement in Amorphous Chalcogenide Thin Films (비정질 칼코게나이드 박막에서의 편광 홀로그라피 격자 형성 및 회절효율 측정)

  • 전진영;여철호;이현용;정홍배
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Electrical and Electronic Material Engineers Conference
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    • 1998.11a
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    • pp.89-92
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    • 1998
  • Amorphous chalcogenide thin films, especially a-(Se, S) based films, exhibit a number of photoinduced phenomena not observed in other types of amorphous thin films. The polarization holographic grating has been formed in amorphous As-Ge-Se-S thin films using two linearly polarized He-Ne laser light. In addition, dffraction efficiency has been measured by the same laser of a relative lower intensity at the same time.

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