Calcium carbonate (CaCO3) exhibits three polymorphs: calcite with arhombohedral, vaterite with a spherical, and aragonite with a needle-like structure. Qualitative and quantitative analyses of the morphology of CaCO3 are very important to investigate the synthesis of single-crystal vaterite and aragonite. In this work, the polymorphs of calcium carbonate were quantitatively analyzed using XRD. Pure vaterite and pure aragonite were synthesized and the peak distribution of a single phase was analyzed. The vaterite fraction of a mixture of calcite and vaterite was calculated based on the intensity of a specific diffraction peak, and compared to the results based on the peak area. The mean value of fsV (the correction factor for the peak area of vaterite) was 0.654. The phase analysis of calcite-aragonite mixtures was performed, and the mean value of fsA (the correction factor for the peak area of aragonite) was obtained as 0.6713. Using these factors, Eq. (24)~Eq. (32) for the quantitative analysis based on the total peak area of XRD were derived to calculate the phase contents of ternary phase CaCO3. And three-component XRD section was defined considering overlapping sections.
Jeeho Park;Young-Seok Song;Sukang Bae;Tae-Wook Kim
Journal of the Microelectronics and Packaging Society
In this paper, we studied the effect of electron beam irradiation on sol-gel indium-gallium-zinc oxide (IGZO) thin films under air and nitrogen atmosphere and carried out the electrical characterization of the s ol-gel IGZO thin film transistors (TFTs). To investigate the optical properties, crystalline structure and chemical state of the sol-gel IGZO thin films after electron beam irradiation, UV-Visible spectroscopy, X-ray diffraction (XRD), and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) were carried out. The sol-gel IGZO thin films exhibited over 80% transmittance in the visible range. The XRD analysis confirmed the amorphous nature of the sol-gel IGZO films regardless of electron beam irradiation. When electron beam irradiation was conducted in a nitrogen (N2) atmosphere, we observed an increased proportion of peaks related to M-O bonding contributed to the improved quality of the thin films. Sol-gel IGZO TFTs subjected to electron beam exposure in a nitrogen atmosphere exhibited enhanced electrical characteristics in terms of on/off ratio and electron mobility. In addition, the electrical parameters of the transistor (on/off ratio, threshold voltage, electron mobility, subthreshold swing) remained relatively stable over time, indicating that the electron beam exposure process in a nitrogen atmosphere could enhance the reliability of IGZO-based thin-film transistors in the fabrication of sol-gel processed TFTs.
Ji Hyuk Lee;Yoon Joo Lee;Hyun Hong;Eun Sol Cho;Ji Young Park;Ju Hyeon Kim;Min Jin Kang;Eui Sun Hwang;Byoung-Ho Cheong
Korean Journal of Optics and Photonics
We examine the spectral characteristics of laser-induced periodic surface structures (LIPSSs) formed on an amorphous silicon film irradiated by a 355-nm nanosecond laser. A Gaussian beam with a diameter of 196 ㎛ is used to perform a two-dimensional raster scan. The laser's pulse number is varied from 190 to 280, and its intensity is adjusted within 100-130 mJ/cm2. LIPSSs with a periodicity of approximately 330 nm form on the surface of the Si film, aligned perpendicular to the laser's polarization. Transmission spectra of the samples show dips around 700 nm for transverse electric polarization and around 500 nm for transverse magnetic polarization. The features are investigated with a one-dimensional-grating model using a rigorous coupled-wave analysis. Simulations confirm that the observed dips are due to the resonant modes, depending on the polarization.
Journal of the Korean Institute of Electrical and Electronic Material Engineers
In this study, the electrical properties of zinc oxide (ZnO) thin-film transistors (TFTs) based on oxide semiconductors were analyzed. As interest in next-generation transparent and flexible displays grows, ZnO, which offers high field-effect mobility and transparency, has emerged as a promising material to overcome the limitations of amorphous silicon (a-Si)-based TFTs. ZnO has a wide bandgap and optical transparency and can be deposited on various substrates at low temperatures, making it a suitable channel material for future display devices. In this study, ZnO TFTs were fabricated with an inverted staggered structure using a p++ Si wafer coated with SiO2 as the substrate. The ZnO channel layer was deposited by RF magnetron sputtering, and the ITO source/drain electrodes were formed using an e-beam evaporator. The electrical characteristics was evaluated using Keithley 4200A-SCS parameter analyzer. Mobility, On/Off ratio, and subthreshold swing (SS) were calculated from the measurements.
In this study, catalytic activation using sulfuric acid lignin (SAL), the condensed solid by-product from saccharification process, with potassium hydroxide at $750^{\circ}C$ for 1 h in order to investigate its potential to nanoporous carbon In this study, catalytic activation using sulfuric acid lignin (SAL), the condensed solid by-product from saccharification process, with potassium hydroxide at $750^{\circ}C$ for 1 h in order to investigate its potential to nanoporous carbon material. Comparison study was also conducted by production of activated carbon from coconut shell (CCNS), Pinus, and Avicel, and each activated carbon was characterized by chemical composition, Raman spectroscopy, SEM analysis, and BET analysis. The amount of solid residue after thermogravimetric analysis of biomass samples at the final temperature of $750^{\circ}C$ was SAL > CCNS > Pinus > Avicel, which was the same as the order of activated carbon yields after catalytic activation. Specifically, SAL-derived activated carbon showed the highest value of carbon content (91.0%) and $I_d/I_g$ peak ratio (4.2), indicating that amorphous large aromatic structure layer was formed with high carbon fixation. In addition, the largest changes was observed in SAL with the maximum BET specific surface area and pore volume of $2341m^2/g$ and $1.270cm^3/g$, respectively. Furthermore, the adsorption test for three kinds of organic pollutants (phenol, 2,4-Dichlorophenoxyacetic acid, and carbofuran) were conducted, and an excellent adsorption capacity more than 90 mg/g for all activated carbon was determined using 100 ppm of the standard solution. Therefore, SAL, a condensed structure, can be used not only as a nanoporous carbon material with high specific surface area but also as a biosorbent applied to a carbon filter for remediation of organic pollutants in future.
The spectacular development of AMLCDs, been made possible by a-Si:H technology, still faces two major drawbacks due to the intrinsic structure of a-Si:H, namely a low mobility and most important a shift of the transfer characteristics of the TFTs when submitted to bias stress. This has lead to strong research in the crystallization of a-Si:H films by laser and furnace annealing to produce polycrystalline silicon TFTs. While these devices show improved mobility and stability, they suffer from uniformity over large areas and increased cost. In the last decade we have focused on microcrystalline silicon (${\mu}c$-Si:H) for bottom gate TFTs, which can hopefully meet all the requirements for mass production of large area AMOLED displays [1,2]. In this presentation we will focus on the transfer of a deposition process based on the use of $SiF_4$-Ar-$H_2$ mixtures from a small area research laboratory reactor into an industrial gen 1 AKT reactor. We will first discuss on the optimization of the process conditions leading to fully crystallized films without any amorphous incubation layer, suitable for bottom gate TFTS, as well as on the use of plasma diagnostics to increase the deposition rate up to 0.5 nm/s [3]. The use of silicon nanocrystals appears as an elegant way to circumvent the opposite requirements of a high deposition rate and a fully crystallized interface [4]. The optimized process conditions are transferred to large area substrates in an industrial environment, on which some process adjustment was required to reproduce the material properties achieved in the laboratory scale reactor. For optimized process conditions, the homogeneity of the optical and electronic properties of the ${\mu}c$-Si:H films deposited on $300{\times}400\;mm$ substrates was checked by a set of complementary techniques. Spectroscopic ellipsometry, Raman spectroscopy, dark conductivity, time resolved microwave conductivity and hydrogen evolution measurements allowed demonstrating an excellent homogeneity in the structure and transport properties of the films. On the basis of these results, optimized process conditions were applied to TFTs, for which both bottom gate and top gate structures were studied aiming to achieve characteristics suitable for driving AMOLED displays. Results on the homogeneity of the TFT characteristics over the large area substrates and stability will be presented, as well as their application as a backplane for an AMOLED display.
Multi-anvil press (MAP) is one of the high pressure apparatuses and often generates the pressure-conditions ranging from 5 to 25 GPa and temperature-conditions up to $2,300^{\circ}C$. The MAP is, therefore, suitable to explore the pressure-induced structural changes in diverse earth materials from Earth's mantle and the bottom of the mantle transition zone (~660 km). In this study, we present the experimental results for pressure-load calibration of the 1,100-ton multi-anvil press equipped in the authors' laboratory. The pressure-load calibration experiments were performed for the 14/8 step, 14/8 G2, 14/8 HT, and 18/12 assembly sets. The high pressure experiments using ${\alpha}$-quartz, wollastonitestructure of $CaGeO_3$, and forsterite as starting materials were analyzed by powder X-ray diffraction spectroscopy. The phase transition of each mineral indicates the specific pressure that is loaded to a sample at $1,200^{\circ}C$: a transition of ${\alpha}$-quartz to coesite at 3.1 GPa, that of garnet-structure of $CaGeO_3$ to perovskite-structure at 5.9 GPa, that of coesite to stishovite at 9.2 GPa, and that of forsterite to wadsleyite at 13.6 GPa. While the estimated pressure-load calibration curve is generally consistent with those obtained in other laboratories, the deviation up to 50 tons is observed at high pressure above 10 GPa. This is partly because of the loss of oil pressure at high pressure resulting from the differences in a sample chamber, and the frictional force between pressure medium and second anvil. We also report the ${\sim}200^{\circ}C/mm$ of thermal gradient in the vertical direction of the sample chamber of 14/8 HT assembly. The pressure-load calibration curve and the observed thermal gradient within the sample chamber can be applied to explain the structural changes and the relevant macroscopic properties of diverse crystalline and amorphous earth materials in the mantle.
One-dimensional cubic phase silicon carbide nanowires (${\beta}$-SiC NWs) were efficiently synthesized by thermal chemical vapor deposition (TCVD) with mixtures containing Si powders and nickel chloride hexahydrate $(NiCl_2{\cdot}6H_2O)$ in an alumina boat with a carbon source of methane $(CH_4)$ gas. SEM images are shown that the growth temperature (T) of $1,300^{\circ}C$ is not enough to synthesize the SiC NWs owing to insufficient thermal energy for melting down a Si powder and decomposing the methane gas. However, the SiC NWs could be synthesized at T>$1,300^{\circ}C$ and the most efficient temperature for growth of SiC NWs is T=$1,400^{\circ}C$. The synthesized SiC NWs have the diameter with an average range between 50~150 nm. Raman spectra clearly revealed that the synthesized SiC NWs are forming of a cubic phase (${\beta}$-SiC). Two distinct peaks at 795 and $970 cm^{-1}$ in Raman spectra of the synthesized SiC NWs at T=$1,400^{\circ}C$ represent the TO and LO mode of the bulk ${\beta}$-SiC, respectively. XRD spectra are also supported to the Raman spectra resulting in the strongest (111) peaks at $2{\Theta}=35.7^{\circ}$, which is the (111) plane peak position of 3C-SiC. Moreover, the gas flow rate of 300 sccm for methane is the optimal condition for synthesis of a large amount of ${\beta}$-SiC NW without producing the amorphous carbon structure shown at a high methane flow rate of 800 sccm. TEM images are shown two kinds of the synthesized ${\beta}$-SiC NWs structures. One is shown the defect-free ${\beta}$-SiC NWs with a (111) interplane distance of 0.25 nm, and the other is the stacking-faulted ${\beta}$-SiC NWs. Also, TEM images exhibited that two distinct SiC NWs are uniformly covered with $SiO_2$ layer with a thickness of less 2 nm.
In parallel with advancement of the industrial society and accompanied quality-of-life improvement, jewelry is now rather viewed as one of common accessories used in daily life, than as a luxurious item as treated before change of perception about it in the past, attracting thus gradually multiplying demand for it. Thanks to rapid spread of multi media like the Internet, an increasing number of people have come to develop great liking for exceptional design and unique format of jewelry products. Following drain of their reserves, natural gems are unlikely to meet the demand for them fully in the future. As a consequence, it seems essential to rely on synthetic, artificial, imitation jewelry or organic substances and quasi-mineral in amorphous structure for substitute jewelry. Since synthetic jewelry has such a great potential as substitute jewelry, it is expected to maximize added value to jewelry if and when accompanied with development of creative design and upgrading of processing technology for jewelry, in addition to various types of synthetic jewelry and glass that have been already put in use as substitute substances. Synthetic jewelry is thus believed to be able to greatly contribute to progress of the jewelry industry. In many countries of the world, jewelry and gem industry has been regarded as one of promising sectors vital in enriching the national wealth. In this context, the Korean Ministry of Finance and Economy announced in July 2007 "an activating policy for the jewelry and gem industry, declaring to cultivate and grow it to be new engine for the nation's growth". The present paper thus aims to conduct a study exclusively on cutting design of synthetic jewelry as a part of measures to activate the jewelry industry in Korea. Efforts are made to develop designs for jewelry that are unique and different from the conventional stereotyped form of polishing and are added with color, pattern and fashionable cutting. Priority is given in this regard to designing jewelry that may attract general public and may be shared by public beyond the limit of conventional design for jewelry and producing products that stand in contrast with other products. By upgrading the quality of jewelry design, competitiveness of the jewelry industry may be ensured and the creative area of jewelry design may be expanded by far.
The purpose of this treatise is to prove the presence of cystine in silk fiber through wide sampling throughout all the sericultural processes of Bombyx mori.; also to show that disulfide cross linkages exist in the silk fiber. The conclusions reached were as follows: 1. Crystalline cystine was obtained from silk fibroin using Folin's Method. 2. Analytical data showing the cystine content of silk fiber and its related materials were obtained using Sullvan's Method as follows: Material Percent Cystine A. Mulberry leaf protein 0.175 B. Silkworm egg 0.33 C. Silkworm Body, matured, fat extracted, without silk gland 0.41 D. Silk gland, matured 1.23 E. Silkworm feces none F. Silkworm pupa, fat extracted 0.30 G. Silkworm moth, fat extracted 0.60 H. Raw Silk 0.22 I. Fibroin 0.175 J. Sericin 0.30 3. The presence of cystine in the silkworm was substantiated the existence of 0.175 % methionine in mulberry leaves and 0.12% methionine in the silk gland. 4. Part of the sulfhydryl compounds in the silk gland is believed to transfer to serine and methionine, with the former being secreted into the liquid silk finally as silk fiber and the latter used for nutritive purposes in the growing of silk gland tissue. 5. The cystine content is variable by mulberry species, silkworm species, sex, breeding process, and other culturing environments. 6. Hybrid silkworms require more nutritive amino acids for effective growth than the original parents, and secrete less of them as silk fiber. 7. From such an observation, the amino acid composition of silk fiber is believed to be fairly flexible. Cystine if included in the amorphous part of the fiber, especially in sericin. 8. The result from enriching the silkworm diet with pure cystine or wool cystine did not result in any advantage, therefore it is believed that the natural cystine and methionine contents in the mulberry leafaregoodenoughforsilkwormnutrition. 9. The disulfide cross linkage in silk fiber was verified by using the Harris Method. Contraction took place following the treatment of the fiber with various salts and acids. Comparisons were made with wool fiber. 10. During these experiments, the fibrious structure of silk fiber and the net-globular liquid form were photographed microscopically. It is believed that the globules of liquid silk are net-formed by the inter attraction of the OH ion of the globular peptide and the H ion of water as shown by the hair cracking behavior of the film. The net-globular protein precipitation from the mulberry protein solution showed that mulberry is a proper diet for the formation of fibrous protein in the silk fiber. 11. The significance of the presence of cystine in silk fiber as emphasized in this paper should result in modification of the general conception that cystine is absent from this fiber. NOTICE: A part of this treatise was presented at the annual Korea Sericultural Society meeting held in 1961.
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저작권법 제136조에 따라 5년 이하의 징역 또는 5천만 원 이하의 벌금에 처해질 수 있습니다.
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② 유료서비스를 이용하려는 회원은 정해진 요금체계에 따라 요금을 납부해야 합니다.
제 5 장 계약 해지 및 이용 제한
제 15 조 (계약 해지)
회원이 이용계약을 해지하고자 하는 때에는 [가입해지] 메뉴를 이용해 직접 해지해야 합니다.
제 16 조 (서비스 이용제한)
① 당 사이트는 회원이 서비스 이용내용에 있어서 본 약관 제 11조 내용을 위반하거나, 다음 각 호에 해당하는
경우 서비스 이용을 제한할 수 있습니다.
- 2년 이상 서비스를 이용한 적이 없는 경우
- 기타 정상적인 서비스 운영에 방해가 될 경우
② 상기 이용제한 규정에 따라 서비스를 이용하는 회원에게 서비스 이용에 대하여 별도 공지 없이 서비스 이용의
일시정지, 이용계약 해지 할 수 있습니다.
제 17 조 (전자우편주소 수집 금지)
회원은 전자우편주소 추출기 등을 이용하여 전자우편주소를 수집 또는 제3자에게 제공할 수 없습니다.
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제 18 조 (손해배상)
당 사이트는 무료로 제공되는 서비스와 관련하여 회원에게 어떠한 손해가 발생하더라도 당 사이트가 고의 또는 과실로 인한 손해발생을 제외하고는 이에 대하여 책임을 부담하지 아니합니다.
제 19 조 (관할 법원)
서비스 이용으로 발생한 분쟁에 대해 소송이 제기되는 경우 민사 소송법상의 관할 법원에 제기합니다.
[부 칙]
1. (시행일) 이 약관은 2016년 9월 5일부터 적용되며, 종전 약관은 본 약관으로 대체되며, 개정된 약관의 적용일 이전 가입자도 개정된 약관의 적용을 받습니다.