• Title/Summary/Keyword: Alternative material

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Analysis of Alternative Formats Development Policy for the Disabled Persons in the Major Countries (주요 국가의 장애인용 대체자료 개발정책 분석)

  • Yoon, Hee-Yoon
    • Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society
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    • v.41 no.1
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    • pp.29-49
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    • 2010
  • In an increasingly digital world, knowledge and information accessibility is becoming a key factor to personal, professional and national development. But only 5% of the world's publishing output is made accessible in alternative formats for people who cannot use print. People with disabilities say that the biggest barrier to access to the material they want or need to read is a lack of accessible information. This study aims to analyze the development policies(governance and role, funding and support, production and distribution system, etc.) of alternative formats for people with disabilities in major countries(Australia, Canada, Japan, Korea, Sweden, UK, and USA). And result of this preliminary study will be used as background information for development of the national plan and role model for production and distribution of the alternative formats in Korea.

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Construction of BIBFRAME-Based Linking Structure for Interrelating Bibliographic Records for Alternative Format Materials (대체자료 서지레코드 연결을 위한 BIBFRAME 기반 연계 구조 구축)

  • Lee, Seungmin
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Library and Information Science
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    • v.55 no.3
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    • pp.281-301
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    • 2021
  • Bibliographic records for alternative format materials using a flat bibliographic structure based on unit record have limitations in that they cannot be linked with other related resources in record level, which makes it difficult to secure sufficient access to alternative format materials for people with disabilities. In order to address this problem, this research constructed a linking structure which adopted FRBR-based BIBFRAME structure to establish a bibliographic structure that can interrelate the bibliographic records with flat structure and the multi-level BIBFRAME structure. This research proposed a linking bibliographic structure that enables interlinking between bibliographic records for related alternative format materials by composing upper-level linking property categories and interconnecting them to classes and properties of BIBFRAME.

Multi-material topology optimization of Reissner-Mindlin plates using MITC4

  • Banh, Thien Thanh;Lee, Dongkyu
    • Steel and Composite Structures
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    • v.27 no.1
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    • pp.27-33
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    • 2018
  • In this study, a mixed-interpolated tensorial component 4 nodes method (MITC4) is treated as a numerical analysis model for topology optimization using multiple materials assigned within Reissner-Mindlin plates. Multi-material optimal topology and shape are produced as alternative plate retrofit designs to provide reasonable material assignments based on stress distributions. Element density distribution contours of mixing multiple material densities are linked to Solid Isotropic Material with Penalization (SIMP) as a design model. Mathematical formulation of multi-material topology optimization problem solving minimum compliance is an alternating active-phase algorithm with the Gauss-Seidel version as an optimization model of optimality criteria. Numerical examples illustrate the reliability and accuracy of the present design method for multi-material topology optimization with Reissner-Mindlin plates using MITC4 elements and steel materials.

Toughnening of Dielectric Material by Thermoplastic Polymer

  • Lee, Jung-Woo;Cho, Jae-Choon;Ra, Seung-Hyun
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Electrical and Electronic Material Engineers Conference
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    • 2007.06a
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    • pp.207-208
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    • 2007
  • Recently, high performance microelectronic devices are designed in multi-layer structure in order to make dense wiring of metal conductors in compact size. Imprint lithography have received significant attention due to an alternative technology for photolithography on such devices. In this work, we synthesized dielectric composite materials based on epoxy resin, and investigated their thermal stabilities and dynamic mechanical properties for thermal imprint lithography. In order to enhance the mechanical properties and toughness of dielectric material, various modified polyetherimide(PEI) was applied in the resin system. Curing behaviours, thermal stabilities, and dynamic mechanical properties of the dielectric materials cured with various conditions were studied using dynamic differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), thermo gravimetric analysis (TGA), and Universal Test Method (INSTRON).

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Performance of Polymer Suspension Insulator with Shed Profile (갓 형상에 따른 폴리머 현수애자의 열화특성)

  • Cho, H.G.;Lee, U.Y.;Kang, S.H.;Lim, K.J.;Yeo, H.G.;Ji, W.Y.
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Electrical and Electronic Material Engineers Conference
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    • 2003.11a
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    • pp.539-542
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    • 2003
  • Recently, the polymer insulators which are being used for high voltage applications have some advantages such as light weight, small size, vandalism resistance, hydrophobicity and easy making process. During outdoor service of polymer insulators, the surface of the insulating material is frequently subjected to moisture and contamination which lead to the well known phenomenon of dry band arcing. Their tracking resistance, erosion resistance, end sealing and shed design are very important because dry band arcing causes degradation of polymer surface. The shape design of porcelain insulator is formalized but design standard for polymer insulator is no standardized up to now, much research is necessary in real condition. In this paper, the aging property of polymer insulator with shed shape(regular, alternative type) is analyzed through numerical analysis, CEA(canadian electricity association) tracking wheel test and IEC 61109 Annex C.

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Evaluation of Fly Ash as an Alternative to Clay Liner Material in Landfills (플라이애쉬의 차수 및 오염물 차단 능력 평가 연구)

  • Jeong, Mun-Gyeong;Hyeon, Jae-Hyeok;Kim, Seung-Hyeon
    • Geotechnical Engineering
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    • v.14 no.5
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    • pp.191-204
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    • 1998
  • The feasibility of fly ash was evaluated as an alternative liner material to the conventional clay liner of landfills through modeling and laboratory experiments. In order to consider the effect of unsaturation on water flow through the liner, analyses were made to compare flow characteristics in saturated liner with that of unsaturated one. Contaminant migration characteristics in liners were investigated by batch experiment and modeling, in which phenol was employed as a model was solved by numerical techniques of finite difference method and predictor-corrector method to deal with high non-linearity. Sequential method was used to handle the system of differential equations. Results show that the alternative liner material is more capable of cutting off water flow in unsaturated condition and in preventing phenol from passing through it. It can be seen that, under the flow conditions considered in this study, the conventional saturation approach underestimates the amount of water passing through the liner and doers the cut-off capability against phenol significantly.

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Application of Sand Mat Substitutel using Steel Slag (제강슬래그를 이용한 샌드매트 대체재료의 적용성 연구)

  • Park, Jong-Beom;Lee, Byung-Chan;Ju, Jae-Woo;Na, Hyun-Ho
    • Journal of the Korean Geosynthetics Society
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    • v.11 no.1
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    • pp.57-63
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    • 2012
  • Steel slag has the nature to hydrate and expand when in contact with non-reacting CaO and water, and thus can be used only in limited scope for landfill disposal as well as for recycling as civil construction aggregates. In order to use such steel slags more efficiently, the applicability of steel slag as sand mat alternative material was reviewed. In general, sand mat is used in soft ground surface reinforcement method and horizontal drain method, and is installed simultaneously with soft ground vertical drain method. Therefore in this study steel slag designing method and application standard etc were examined to recycle steel slag as sand mat alternative material, and laboratory soil test and model test were done. Test results indicated that the designing method and application standard meet various environment and quality standards, meaning that steel slag can be utilized as sand mat alternative material, and analysis of slag mat bearing capacity also indicated that use of steel slag produces double or more bearing capacity compared with existing sand mat.

The application of alternative methods for skin irritation evaluation on pesticides (농약에 대한 피부자극성 대체시험법 적용연구)

  • Jeong, Mi-Hye;Kim, Mi-Kyoung;Park, Soo-Jin;You, Are-Sun;Hong, Soon-Sung;Park, Kyung-Hun;Park, Jae-Eup
    • The Korean Journal of Pesticide Science
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    • v.16 no.3
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    • pp.261-266
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    • 2012
  • It is common to use many experiment animals to evaluate the toxicity of chemicals including pesticides. For protecting animal, the concepts of 3R (Reduction, Replacement, Refinement) were introduced and in vitro alternatives methods actively have been developed all over the world. Many experimental animals for toxicological tests have been used, so that it is important to establish the alternative methods. In this study, the alternative method using reconstituted human skin model (Keraskin$^{TM}$) was conducted for classification of skin irritation on pesticides. Sixteen formulations selected on the basis of the degree of irritation were treated by Keraskin$^{TM}$ test. The percent of cell viability was measured into the culture medium collected after treatment of the pesticides for 24-72 hrs. The skin irritations of formulations were evaluated by the cell viability. In this study, The 4 formulations with mild irritation in rabbits were evaluated as nonirritant, the 6 formulations with moderate and severe irritation were evaluated as irritant in human skin model test. We suggest that the alternative test using Keraskin$^{TM}$ model could be used as toxicity evaluation for primary irritation index (P.I.I.) score of greater than or equal to 2.1 of pesticides. The further studies should be required to apply for hazardous assessment of pesticides on alternative skin irritation methods because of the interindividual variability of the sensitivity of skin irritation on pesticides.

Flyash를 이용한 일일복토재의 포설 사례 연구

  • 박상현;한완수;이재영
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Soil and Groundwater Environment Conference
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    • 2002.09a
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    • pp.386-389
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    • 2002
  • It may be necessary to apply a daily fever to operate the municipal solid waste landfill. The daily cover helps to control nuisance factors such as the escape of odors, dusts and airborne emissions, and can control the population of disease vectors. Also it may be reduce the infiltration of rain, decreasing the generation of leachate and the potential for surface water and groundwater contamination. Because of its usual availability and traditional usage as the municipal solid waste landfill, soil remains as the most common daily cover material. However, soil tends to reduce the volume of dumping waste c;3pacity in the landfill, it also reduces a period of using in the landfill. Therefore, it is necessary to research about Alternative Daily Cover Materials (ADCMs) because of the limitation of landfill sites. Recently, The types of ADCMs are classified into geosynthetics, forms, spray-ons, indigenous materials. In this study, the authors have tested the spray type of Alternative Daily Cover(ADC) using by flyash, alum with cement. The development. of ADCMs will be highly effective in terms of prolongation using landfill.

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Oyster Shell waste is alternative sources for Calcium carbonate (CaCO3) instead of Natural limestone

  • Ramakrishna, Chilakala;Thenepalli, Thriveni;Nam, Seong Young;Kim, Chunsik;Ahn, Ji Whan
    • Journal of Energy Engineering
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    • v.27 no.1
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    • pp.59-64
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    • 2018
  • In this paper, we investigated the alternative sources of limestone. Oyster shell waste originated from aquaculture that causes a major disposal landfill problem in coastal sectors in southeast Korea. Their inadequate disposal causes a significant environmental problems araised. Bio mineralization leads to the formation of oyster shells and consists $CaCO_3$ as a major phase with a small amount of organic matter. It is a good alternative material source instead of natural lime stone. The utilization of oyster shell waste for industrial applications instead of natural limestone is major advantage for conservation of natural limestone. The present work describes the limestone and oyster shells hydraulic activity and chemical composition and characteristics are most similar for utilization of oyster shell waste instead of natural limestone.