• Title/Summary/Keyword: Affective Demand

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The Effect of Job Stress on Employees' Job and Organizational Commitment (직무스트레스가 작업자의 직무와 조직 헌신도에 미치는 영향)

  • Son, Il-Moon;Kwak, Hyo-Yean
    • Journal of the Korea Safety Management & Science
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    • v.14 no.2
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    • pp.91-101
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    • 2012
  • To decrease employees' job stress in the viewpoint of occupational health is very important to improve the productivity and quality of labor. In this study, the job stress, and it's influence on job commitment and organizational commitment were investigated by the questionnaire survey of 259 industrial workers. As results, the majority of workers were under job stress resulted from job demand, job control, and coworker's support. The work times per a week and night work had significant relationships with job demand, and the maximum negative relationship between the work times per a week and job continuous commitment was found. Job demand had the significant relationship with job affective and normative commitment, and job control had the significant relationship with job normative commitment and organizational affective commitment. Moreover, job affective and normative commitment had the significant relationship with organizational continuous commitment. Finally, it was found that cyclic organic chain was composed of work times per a week, night work, salary, job demand, job control, job affective and normative commitment, and organizational affective and continuous commitment. The results of this study indicates that reducing cyclic organic chain is urgently necessary to increase employees' job satisfaction and company commitment.

Patient Fidelity to Medical Services: The Roles of Authenticity and Affective Trust

  • LEE, Changjoon;KIM, Soohyo
    • The Journal of Industrial Distribution & Business
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    • v.11 no.11
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    • pp.19-28
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    • 2020
  • Purpose: The supply of and demand for medical services continue to increase as the current social environment changes. Consequently, competition among medical institutions is intensifying and hospitals must establish appropriate management strategies to improve the medical services they provide. This study suggests that the authenticity of doctors is a factor in improving medical-service quality and examines the effect authenticity has on the affective trust and satisfaction of patients. Design, methodology, and approach: The study utilized previous studies to examine the significance of potential variables, established hypotheses and used a questionnaire to confirm these hypotheses. The questionnaire was distributed to patients who had visited a hospital in the previous six months. Responses were analyzed empirically using structural equation modeling. Findings: The analysis found that a physician's authenticity has a significant impact on the affective trust of patients. While patients' affective trust does not have a similar strong impact on patient satisfaction, physician authenticity does have a significant impact on patient satisfaction. Conclusion and implications: This study examined the roles of authenticity, affective trust, and patient satisfaction in doctor-patient relationships in the medical services field. The implication of the findings is that physician authenticity is a prerequisite for patient satisfaction of medical services.

How Do Low Achieving Students in an Urban High School Learn with Information?: An Exploratory Study

  • Chung, Jin Soo;Kim, Jinmook
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Library and Information Science
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    • v.50 no.2
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    • pp.25-45
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    • 2016
  • This study investigates how high school students with low academic achievement seek and use information. Participants were seven US students in an American Literature and Composition course of the $11^{th}$ grade Remedial Education Program who completed a class project that required comprehensive information seeking and use. Data were collected through comprehensive observation and individual interviews with each student, the teacher, and two library media specialists. Additionally, we gathered and analyzed the instructions the teacher and the two library media specialists provided and all documents each student produced to complete the class project. The process of data analysis was supported by QSR NVivo. The findings of the study implied that students experienced cognitive and affective challenges for their information seeking and use required for the tasks and suggested that technological and individual conferencing would motivate the students to continue their information seeking and use. We then conclude the study with some important implications that can be used as a basis for designing information literacy instructions for students with low academic achievement.

Beyond Cognitive Empathy: Suggestions for Strengthening Medical Students' Empathy (인지적 공감을 넘어: 의과대학생의 공감능력 증진을 위한 제안)

  • Youngjoon Lee
    • Korean Medical Education Review
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    • v.26 no.2
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    • pp.140-154
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    • 2024
  • A physician's empathy plays a crucial role in patient-centered care, and in modern medicine, patients, their caregivers, and society demand a high level of empathy from healthcare providers. The conceptualization of clinical empathy, which has emphasized cognitive empathy since the mid-20th century, has been widely accepted in medical schools and the healthcare industry without much critical ref lection. This study provides an overview of the ongoing debates on empathy versus sympathy and cognitive empathy versus affective empathy to clarify the concept of empathy. Based on recent research findings, clinical empathy is proposed to encompass three components: cognitive empathy, affective empathy, and empathic motivation. It is suggested that fully demonstrating these components requires empathic communication skills. Additionally, the cognitive characteristics of medical students and the features of the academic environment demonstrate the need for education to strengthen their empathy skills. Considering this, proposed intervention methods that medical schools can consider include utilizing tutoring programs and debriefing processes for team activities, which can facilitate problem-solving as a coping strategy for stress. Learning communities can create an environment where students can receive social support and recover from stress. Medical schools can contribute to the development of students' professional identities as practicing clinicians who embody empathy and respect by cultivating professors as positive role models. Additionally, utilizing scales to assess the empathic nature of doctor-patient communication or incorporating patients and caregivers as evaluators can actively improve empathic communication skills.

The Effects of Repeated Pain Measurement to Injury Pictures on Cognitive and Affective Empathy in Medical Students (통증사진에 대한 반복적 통증평가가 의대생의 인지적 공감과 정서적 공감에 미치는 영향)

  • Lee, Sang-Kwon;Chun, Kyung-Ju;Chang, Chulhun L.;Kim, Sung-Soo
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.17 no.1
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    • pp.402-411
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    • 2017
  • To develop a more efficient computer-based empathy program that enables medical students to increase their empathy levels, and to test its applicability to medical students. We developed PACP (the Pain Assessment Computer Program) for measurement of medical students' levels of recognition of another's pain. An empathy questionnaire was administered to 145 medical students before and after the PACP. In the high empathy group, the scores for cognitive empathy increased significantly after completion of the PACP, while affective empathy scores showed no significant change. In contrast, in the low empathy group, both cognitive and affective empathy scores increased significantly after the PACP. The PACP effectively increased cognitive empathy for the high empathy group, and increased both cognitive and affective empathy, particularly for the low empathy group. Given the fact that existing empathy education programs are time-consuming and costly, and the demand for more efficient empathy education is high, the PACP as a useful tool can be applicable to medical students, particularly those with low empathy in order to enhance their empathic abilities within a short period of time.

A Study on the Tip Position Control of Flexible Beam by Linear Matrix Inequality

  • Kim, Chang-Hwa;Chu, Man-Suk;Yang, Joo-Ho
    • 제어로봇시스템학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2001.10a
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    • pp.121.2-121
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    • 2001
  • Many of today´s robot are required to perform tasks which demand a high level of accuracy in end-effector positioning. Those rigid robots are very inefficient and slow because its have large and heavy links, In an attempt to solve these problems, a robots using flexible beam were created. But the single-link flexible beam is infinite-dimensional system. Many researchers have proposed controlling such a beam an approximated model consisting of a finite a number of models. In this paper, we start by deriving the analytic model for the dynamics of general single-link beam, and a controller is designed for flexible beam with integral type servo system bases of the linear matrix inequality (LM) technique. To the end, simulation results show that a designed controller guarantees affective vibration control the single-link flexible beam.

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Elementary Pre-service Teachers and In-service Teachers' Perceptions and Demands on STEAM Education (융합인재교육에 대한 초등예비교사와 현직교사의 인식과 요구)

  • Lim, Cheong-Hwan;Oh, Boo-Jung
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Earth Science Education
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    • v.8 no.1
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    • pp.1-11
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    • 2015
  • The purpose of this study was to find out about the awareness and demands of pre-service and in-service elementary school teachers on STEAM education. For the purpose of this study, researcher administered survey questionnaires were conducted for 160 pre-service teachers and 191 in-service teachers who were sampled by convenience sampling method. The results were as follows. On the awareness and demand for knowledge and necessity on STEAM, first, on the understanding related knowledge, most respondents have heard of STEAM education(97.7%), and well aware of STEAM(91.4%) through the teacher training course(80.3%). Second, on the necessity, 60.4% respondents were located in "very necessary" and "necessary" entry. On the awareness and demand for applying STEAM, first, on the reasons of applying STEAM was to help the cognitive and affective development. Also 67.3% respondents would like to apply STEAM on their science class. The reason was necessity on STEAM, and the most suitable subject for blending with science of applying to STEAM was technology, on the other hand the most difficult subject was art. Second, on the effect of STEAM, most respondents had positive awareness on the all categories. Third, on the purpose of science education, also had positive awareness on the all categories of the purpose of science education. On the awareness and demand for blending ways of STEAM and improvements, first, on the blending ways of STEAM, topic centered blending related to real life had a majority. Second, on the improvements, to improve the STEAM education, many respondents pointed out the development of teaching and learning STEAM program and dissemination of related resources.

A Study on Foreigners' Korean Language Learning Experiences through Design Thinking Analysis (디자인 사고 분석을 통한 외국인의 한국 언어 학습의 연구)

  • Lee, Pei Zhi;Kim, Boyeun
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.15 no.5
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    • pp.345-351
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    • 2017
  • The international status of the Korean language has been elevated as the demand for studying the language among foreign students has grown sharply over the past few years. Unfortunately, foreign students face difficulties in learning the language, conflicts are also deepening between Korean and foreign students. Using Erin Sander's design research spiral, this paper investigates foreigners' Korean language learning experiences, identify the main cognitive and affective factors influencing their learning process. Research findings collected with the design analysis revealed needs and insights that offer opportunities relevant specifically for the conception, design and development of new products and services related to Korean language learning.

EFL College Students' Learning Experiences during Film-based Reading Class: Focused on the Analysis of Students' Reflective Journals

  • Baek, Jiyeon
    • International Journal of Advanced Culture Technology
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    • v.7 no.4
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    • pp.49-55
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    • 2019
  • In the age of information, newly produced knowledge is mostly written in English. Therefore, there has been a strong demand for English language learning in the EFL context. However, most EFL learners possess a lack of interest and motivation in the text-based reading class. In this educational context, film is one of the most widely used materials in English reading classes considering that modern learners are predominantly familiar with various audiovisual materials. The purpose of this study is to investigate how Korean EFL learners experienced in the film-based reading class. Specifically, this study aims to analyze the EFL students' perceptions about the class and learning strategies that they used during the class. In order to comprehensively interpret the EFL learners' experiences in the classroom, a coding system consisting of five categories was developed: report, emotion, reflection, evaluation, future plans. The results of data analysis showed that the use of movies in English reading classes had positive effects on reading comprehension and inference of word meaning. The most frequently used learning strategies were affective strategies which helped them control their emotion, attitude, motivations and values, whereas memorization strategies were rarely used. In this respect, this study suggests that the use of movies in the EFL reading classroom encourage students' attention and help them obtain and activate schema which is useful in gaining a better understanding of text-based reading materials.

A Study on the Impact of Chinese Online Customer Reviews on Consumer Purchase Behavior in Online Education Platforms

  • Shuang Guo;Yumi Kim
    • Journal of the Korea Society of Computer and Information
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    • v.29 no.7
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    • pp.139-148
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    • 2024
  • In the post-pandemic era, the demand for online education platforms has surged, leading to increased consumer reliance on online reviews for decision-making. This study investigates the impact of Chinese online customer reviews on consumer purchase behavior in online education. By examining the role of trust, review sentiment, and the quantity and timeliness of reviews, the research aims to understand how these factors influence consumer decisions. By using regression model, findings reveal that negative reviews, timely feedback, and a higher volume of reviews positively affect consumer purchase decisions, while course pricing demonstrates an inverse relationship. Furthermore, cognitive and affective trust mediate the relationship between reviews and purchase behavior, highlighting a reverse U-shaped effect on consumer decision inclination. These insights provide valuable implications for online education providers, emphasizing the need to manage and leverage online reviews to foster consumer trust and improve sales performance.