• 제목/요약/키워드: Administrative Works

검색결과 117건 처리시간 0.024초

보건진료원 및 보건진료보조원의 근무시간활용에 대한 조사연구 (Time and Motion Study of Community Health Practitioners and Community Health Aids in Ocku Area)

  • 황인담;기노석
    • 한국인구학
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    • 제3권1호
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    • pp.42-51
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    • 1979
  • A study on analysis of daily activities and time allocations of Community health Practitioners(CHP) and Community Health Aids(CHA) who assigned to Ocku Demonstration Health Project of the Korean Health Development Institute was conducted for one week from 3rd through 8th December 1979. The purpose of this study was to determine the efficacy including productivity of the community Health Workers developed by KHDI for rural areas. Five Community Health Practitioners and eight Community Health Aids were selected for the studies and their activities and time allocations were measured by designed format for one week. The following are the summary of the findings. 1. The mean age of the CHPs was 34.4 years with standard deviation 4.8 years, while that of CHAs was 26.9 years with standard deviation 3.1 years. 2. On educational background, all of the CHPs were graduated from Junior Nursing College, six CHAs were from high school and the rest of them from middle school. 3. On marital status, all CHPs were married, meanwhile four CHAs were married and the rest of them were single. 4. On service duration in public health fields, all of the CHPs have worked for less than three years, meanwhile five CHAs for 5 to 9 years and one CHA for more than 10 years. 5. Only one CHP lives in the myon where she works, and the rest of them live in other areas. Three CHAs live in the same myon where they work, and five live in other areas. 6. On types of work, the CHPs have worked on technical areas for 3.6 hours per day and on supportive and administrative activities for 2.7 hours and other activities for 1.8 hours on average. 7. The CHAs have spent 2.9 hours a day on technical activities, 4.2 hours on supportive and administrative activities and 1.6 hours on other activities in terms of time spent on average. 8. The average hours per day spent by CHPs on functional areas were 2.2 hours for clinic activities, 13.7 minutes for maternal health, 30.1 minutes for infant and child health, 13.4 minutes for family planning, 1.1 hours for supporting activities and 1.7 hours for administrative affairs. 9. The average hours per day spent by CHAs on functional areas were 4.1 hours for administrative affairs, 2.6 hours for supportive activities and only 2.9 for maternal health, infant and child health an family planning, and other technical works. 10. The average time spent by CHPs on clinical works were 1.0 minutes for history takings on disease, 2.6 minutes for physical examinations, 1.1 minutes for measurements, 3.8 minutes for administration of medications, 1.5 minutes for educations and 0.9 minutes for others. 11. On the average 92.8 percent of whole working hours of CHPs were spent in the substations, meanwhile 70.4 percent of CHAs were spent in the substations. 12. 17.8 percent of field working hours of CHAs were spent on the roal for their transportations. 13. The average time for unit service performance by CHPs were 10.9 minutes on clinical case, 18.1 minutes on maternal health, 14.8 minutes on infant and child health, 20.5 minutes on family planning and 29.9 minutes on tuberculosis control. 14. The average time for unit service performance by CHAs were 19.4 minutes on clinical work, 19.9 minutes on maternal health, 20.1 minutes on infant and child health, 17.2 minutes on family planning, 22.2 minutes on tuberculosis control.

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19세기 동래부(東萊府)의 관사영선(官舍營繕)에 관한 연구(硏究) (A study on the construction of government office in Dongnaebu at 19c)

  • 김숙경;김순일
    • 건축역사연구
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    • 제12권3호
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    • pp.87-100
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    • 2003
  • This study is on the construction of government office of Dongnaebu through researching the construction reports and historical documents in 19century. Especially it focuses on the local construction system and operation for the government office. Main contents of the study are 1) Scope and process of construction, 2) Architectural administration and official notes, 3) Organization of participants and the feature, 4) Felling trees and transport, 5) Monetary of construction The results are summarized as follows. 1) Repair office customary were the courtesy new provincial man. Government building were inspected and repaired periodically. 2) Administrative system of construction have been operated. There are official notes which are about application, permition and order, concerned works such as logging at the bongsan, means of transport, paying wages and progressing works. 3) Organization of construction was made up of an officer and sangnee to supervise and supply. 4) Due to financial difficulty, local government reserved and appropriated funds with moneylending for building office.

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Analysis and Improvement Methods of Unsafe Posture Associated with Various Agricultural Works

  • Jung, Hwa-Shik
    • 대한인간공학회지
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    • 제30권4호
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    • pp.473-480
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    • 2011
  • Objective: This paper presents the results of a literature review undertaken to analyze the types and risk factors of unsafe posture in accordance with the crops and the working position and to introduce various ergonomic intervention approaches. Background: There is clear and consistent evidence that agricultural work has been rated as one of the dangerous occupations in the world. A considerable number of adverse health conditions, including musculoskeletal disorders(MSDs) are related to agricultural work. Method: An agricultural work requires squatting, kneeling, and bending(stooping) postures for significant periods of the work day which due to a wide variety of activities such as planting, cultivating and harvesting various agricultural products. Thus, each of these postures is analyzed in detail to recommend the improvement methods. Results: Various unsafe postures in agricultural works are revealed and analyzed. It is proven that ergonomics intervention has the potential benefits to reduce MSDs among agricultural workers. Two types of ergonomic intervention methods were discussed to improve unsafe working postures, engineering controls and administrative controls. Conclusion & Application: As a concluding remark, this article can be used as a reference manual for the agricultural workers and also used to raise the research community's awareness to the risk of unsafe working postures for workers in agriculture.

주거복지 현장의 전문인력 직무내용과 특성 분석 (Analysis of Roles and Responsibilities of Housing Welfare Professionals in Fields)

  • 최병숙;권오정;양세화;은난순
    • 한국주거학회논문집
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    • 제26권1호
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    • pp.129-137
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    • 2015
  • The study aimed to analyze roles and responsibilities of housing welfare professionals in fields in order to provide directions of the Housing Welfare Professional Certificate program operated by the Korean Housing Association. In October 2013, a series of interviews were performed to five housing welfare professionals in local governments, public enterprises and private organizations in order to explore field cases. Additionally, administrative works related to housing welfare were explored based on information from local government websites. It was found that roles and responsibilities of housing welfare professionals included a wide range of works such as provisions and management of public rental housing, housing counseling, investment and analysis of residential environment, exploring resources, education, and improvement of poor-condition housing and urban environment. In order for more efficient and effective provisions of housing welfare services, it was suggested to improve housing welfare service delivery systems and to make clear definition of job ranges, and knowledges and experiences required to be housing welfare professionals.

수산고등학교(水産高等學校) 교육(敎育)의 활성화(活性化) 방안(方案) 모색(摸索)을 위한 조사연구(調査硏究) (A Research For Groping of Activating Education in Fisheries High Schools)

  • 문승한
    • 수산해양교육연구
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    • 제5권1호
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    • pp.1-14
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    • 1993
  • This study is to observe and activate a groping of education based on the perceptual responses from the teachers and the students in fisheries schools. The conclusions of this study are as follows : First, lower level of the perceptual response was estimated in the curriculum and experimental courses, the financial and administrative supports from the Government, the contribution of a fisheries high school to the local society the wages of seamen and the co-works between the industries and the academies. Second, a careful consideration is needed for the fisheries school to have a different shape. As one way for co-works of the industries and the academies, two year program in school and one year internship in a related company should be formed for the curriculum in a fisheries high school. A localized support for sea area, a fisheries high school's role as a re-eaducation for the seamaen and opening a educational graduate school for teachers in the fisheries university are pursued. Third, the perceptual response from the teachers and the students are globally weighted in the acquisition of the license with a graduation of the school and then the credit for the military services, the entering into the same area of the higher education, the expansion of the experimental materials in the courses, developing the curriculum, the Governmental supports and the awareness for the local society, in order. The issues indicated here should be researched continuously for activating the education in the fisheries high schools.

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마이크로파에 의한 모르터의 조기강조 추정기법에 관한 실험적 연구 (An Experimental Study on the Estimation Technique of Mortar Early Strength by Microwave)

  • 원준연;백민수;이종균;안형준;정상진
    • 한국콘크리트학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국콘크리트학회 1999년도 학회창립 10주년 기념 1999년도 가을 학술발표회 논문집
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    • pp.15-218
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    • 1999
  • Concrete is the most generous, universal main structural material. There is active study for processing quality, stable quality mangement. Especially, strength is basic factor of evaluating stability of concrete building. Regaining required strength and homogeneity is very important to get self-stability in building to evaluate another characteristic. Concrete strength is important to the quality management. But, result of hardened concrete's quality test is hardly reflected to works immediately. When required strength is not enough, it could bring out safe problem, economic and administrative cost. It is pointed out that problems from strength evaluation, so early evaluation of concrete quality is required. From the trend that accelerating high quality concrete development, improving the method of quality test and early evaluation measure is urgent project. Throughout this report, it is suggested the method with use of microwave to evaluate 28-days concrete strength.

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황사문제 대책 (Countermeasures on Yellow Dust Problem)

  • 김정수;도덕희
    • 한국가시화정보학회지
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    • 제5권2호
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    • pp.3-8
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    • 2007
  • Yellow dust problem is one of serious environmental problems in East Asia. The earth's abnormal climate changes and rapid industrializations over the mainland China seem to make the matter worse than ever before. In order to solve the yellow dust problem, collaborative works are necessary not only in the fields of meteorology and engineering, and but also through national consistent policies beyond the nations. In this regards, reporting on current policies of our meteorological administrative on the yellow dust problem can be regarded as valuable services for the engineers working in the fields of energy and environments.

An estimation of static aerodynamic forces of box girders using computational fluid dynamics

  • Watanabe, Shigeru;Inoue, Hiroo;Fumoto, Koichiro
    • Wind and Structures
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    • 제7권1호
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    • pp.29-40
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    • 2004
  • This study has focused on aerodynamics for a wind-resistance design about the single and tandem box girder sections to realize a super-long span bridge in the near future. Three-dimensional static analysis of flows around the fundamental single and tandem box girder sections with fairing is carried out by means of the IBTD/FS finite element technique with LES turbulence model. As the results of the analysis, computations have verified aerodynamic characteristics of both sections by the histories of aerodynamic forces, the separation and reattachment flow patterns and the surface pressure distributions. The relationship between the section shapes and the aerodynamic characteristics is also investigated in both sections. And the mechanism about the generation of fluctuating aerodynamic forces is discussed.

화재안전기준(NFSC)에 따른 기계분야 소방설비 설계, 시공, 감리 유지관리 업무 표준화 방안에 대한 제안 (Proposals On The Designe, Construction, Management Maintenance standardization Method Of Mechanical Field Fire Protection System By NFSC)

  • 김성일;강경식
    • 대한안전경영과학회지
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    • 제19권3호
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    • pp.11-17
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    • 2017
  • The study seeks to cooperate with the investigation of a fire investigation based on public-private partnership. Fire protection systems provide a wide variety of viewpoints from the perspectives of design, construction, management, maintenance, maintenance and maintenance systems at a particular point in time, construction, management, and maintenance systems. What is controversial is that there are illegal activities such as illegal activities of the Patent Office, misconduct of construction work and unreasonable construction of construction works.As a theoretical framework, the present study identified the four key elements of a successful disaster response system : responsiveness, control, professionalism, and bias.

Administrative Consolidation Modeling and Simulation Works between Cheongju and Cheongwon

  • 김연식;홍성호;성태영;이만형
    • 한국시스템다이내믹스연구
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    • 제10권3호
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    • pp.81-104
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    • 2009
  • 이 연구는 청주와 청원의 행정구역 통합에 따른 파급효과를 유량-저량 다이어그램 모형을 구축하여 분석하는 데에 역점을 두며, 제시한 모형은 행정구역 통합에 대한 이론적 고찰과 청주와 청원의 역사적 배경에 토대를 두고, 도시를 구성하는 주요 지표의 인과관계에 기초한다. 첫째, 인구수 측면에서 통합이 이루어질 때의 인구가 분리되어 있을 때의 인구보다 상대적 많이 늘어난다. 분리된 상태에서도 청주와 청원의 인구는 전반적으로 증가 추세를 나타내지만, 통합이 이루어질 경우에는 청원의 인구 유입이 상대적으로 큰 폭으로 늘어나는 경향을 보인다. 둘째, 공무원 수의 측면에서는 통합이 이루어질 때에는 종전에 비해 다소 적은 수의 공무원이 근무하리라고 기대되지만, 그 차이는 미미 하리라고 예측된다. 셋째, 산업체 수와 종업원 수는 인구측면의 시뮬레이션 결과와 유사한 형태를 나타냈다. 통합이 이루어질 경우에는 청주의 산업체수의 변화는 미미하지만, 청원은 산업체 수와 종업원 수에서의 변화가 분리 시나리오에서 보다 큰 증가세를 나타낸다. 넷째, 지방세 수입 측면에서는 통합과 분리 시나리오에 의한 결과 차이가 크지 않았는데, 이는 관련 법령 및 규정에서 통합과 분리에 따른 차이를 조정하고 있기 때문이다. 과거 추세의 측면에서 청주는 지방세 수입 부분이 수렴되고 있는 구조를 나타내고 있으며, 청원은 증가하는 구조를 나타내는데, 청원은 산업체 수와 토지가격의 상승에 따른 세금의 증가로 지방세 규모에서 청주와의 차이가 점차 줄어드리라고 예상한다. 다섯째, 사회기반시설 측면에서 상수도보급률과 도로연장 부문은 통합 시나리오와 분리 시나리오의 결과 차이가 크지는 않았으나, 구축 속도의 측면에서는 통합되는 경우가 청원 지역에 유의미한 효과를 미친다. 왜냐하면 청주에서는 사회기반시설의 상당 부분이 이미 구축되어 있고, 통합 되는 경우에도 사회기반시설측면의 지역개발비가 상당 부분 청원 지역에 우선투자 되도록 통합시 이행결의문이 마련되어 있기 때문이다. 다만, 통합이 이루어지지 않은 경우에도 청원의 사회기반시설 구축은 지속적으로 이루어지리라고 기대된다.

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