- 김정수, 황사 세미나 자료, 대한변호사협회, "인권과 정의" 2007. 6월호
- 환경부, 황사피해방지 종합대책, 2007
- 환경부, 황사대응 지역협력체제 구축에 관한 연구, 2007
- 환경부/국립환경과학원/KEI, 황사피해방지 종합대책 관련 워크샵, 2007
Yellow dust problem is one of serious environmental problems in East Asia. The earth's abnormal climate changes and rapid industrializations over the mainland China seem to make the matter worse than ever before. In order to solve the yellow dust problem, collaborative works are necessary not only in the fields of meteorology and engineering, and but also through national consistent policies beyond the nations. In this regards, reporting on current policies of our meteorological administrative on the yellow dust problem can be regarded as valuable services for the engineers working in the fields of energy and environments.