• Title/Summary/Keyword: Address coordinates

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An Automatic Strabismus Screening Method with Corneal Light Reflex based on Image Processing

  • Huang, Xi-Lang;Kim, Chang Zoo;Choi, Seon Han
    • Journal of Korea Multimedia Society
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    • v.24 no.5
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    • pp.642-650
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    • 2021
  • Strabismus is one of the most common disease that might be associated with vision impairment. Especially in infants and children, it is critical to detect strabismus at an early age because uncorrected strabismus may go on to develop amblyopia. To this end, ophthalmologists usually perform the Hirschberg test, which observes corneal light reflex (CLR) to determine the presence and type of strabismus. However, this test is usually done manually in a hospital, which might be difficult for patients who live in a remote area with poor medical access. To address this issue, we propose an automatic strabismus screening method that calculates the CLR ratio to determine the presence of strabismus based on image processing. In particular, the method first employs a pre-trained face detection model and a 68 facial landmarks detector to extract the eye region image. The data points located in the limbus are then collected, and the least square method is applied to obtain the center coordinates of the iris. Finally, the coordinate of the reflective light point center within the iris is extracted and used to calculate the CLR ratio with the coordinate of iris edges. Experimental results with several images demonstrate that the proposed method can be a promising solution to provide strabismus screening for patients who cannot visit hospitals.

Review of Revenue Sharing Contract: Evaluating its Role for Supply Chain Coordination

  • RYU, Chungsuk
    • The Journal of Industrial Distribution & Business
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    • v.13 no.3
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    • pp.1-12
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    • 2022
  • Purpose: The revenue sharing contract has been widely used in industries, and its ability to coordinate the supply chain system has been studied by numerous researchers. By reviewing the representative studies on the revenue sharing contract, this study intends to analyze the key features of this coordinating contract and identify its potential to be a more advanced coordination program than the original contract. Research design, data, and methodology: This study reviews past studies on the revenue sharing contract. The selected studies are investigated with a focus on how this contract is described to realize the supply chain coordination and the key issues that they address. Results: The literature review reveals that the revenue sharing contract requires standardized details about what and how to share. This study also finds additional issues that need to be addressed by researchers to improve this coordinating contract. Conclusions: Future researchers are advised to unify the detailed contents of the revenue sharing contract to confirm that it successfully coordinates the supply chain system. In addition, this study proposes key research issues that would enhance the role of revenue sharing contract as a supply chain coordination program.

Georeferencing for BIM and GIS Integration Using Building Boundary Polygon (BIM과 GIS 통합을 위한 건물 외곽 폴리곤 기반 Georeferencing)

  • Jwa, Yoon-Seok;Lee, Hyun-Ah;Kim, Min-Su;Choi, Jung-Sik
    • Journal of KIBIM
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    • v.13 no.3
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    • pp.30-38
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    • 2023
  • Building Information Models(BIM) provides rich geometric and attribute information throughout the entire life cycle of a building and infrastructure object, while Geographic Information System(GIS) enables the detail analysis of urban issues based on the geo-spatial information in support of decision-making. The Integration of BIM and GIS data makes it possible to create a digital twin of the land in order to effectively manage smart cities. In the perspective of integrating BIM data into GIS systems, this study performs literature reviews on georeferencing techniques and identifies limitations in carrying out the georeferencing process using attribute information associated with absolute coordinates probided by Industry Foundation Classes(IFC) as a BIM standard. To address these limitations, an automated georeferencing process is proposed as a pilot study to position a IFC model with the Local Coordinate System(LCS) in GIS environments with the Reference Coordinate System(RCS). An evaluation of the proposed approach over a BIM model demonstrates that the proposed method is expected to be a great help for automatically georeferencing complex BIM models in a GIS environment, and thus provides benefits for efficient and reliable BIM and GIS integration in practice.

Mobile-based Dimension Measurement for Precast Concrete Panels Using Deep Learning and Image Processing

  • Dinh Quang Duy;Ganesh Kolappan Geetha;Sung-Han Sim
    • International conference on construction engineering and project management
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    • 2024.07a
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    • pp.487-493
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    • 2024
  • Presently, prefabricated concrete panels are extensively employed in diverse construction projects across the globe due to their exceptional quality. To maintain the overall quality of these construction projects, it is crucial to ensure that the dimensions of precast concrete panels align with their designated design specifications. Therefore, it is essential to develop a methodology capable of quickly and accurately measuring the dimensions of precast concrete panels. Currently, there are many advanced technologies used to examine the dimensions of prefabricated concrete panels such as terrestrial laser scanning, which is prone to time consuming and cost inefficiencies. To address these limitations, this study suggests a computer vision-based approach that utilizes April Tag markers and images taken from a mobile phone to measure and evaluate the dimensions and quality of precast concrete panels. The proposed algorithm operates as follows: Initially, the RGB image coordinates are converted to the world coordinate systems using April tag markers. Following, the masks of the precast concrete components are extracted using the state-of-the-art Segment Anything Model (SAM). Finally, an algorithm based on image processing technique is developed to estimate the dimensional properties of precast concrete panels. The effectiveness of the proposed method is validated through preliminary experiments conducted in the field-scale precast slabs, and the result is evaluated by comparing to the manual measurement result.


  • Wu, Mu-Lin;Wang, Yu-Ming;Wong, Deng-Ching;Chiou, Fu-Shen
    • Proceedings of the KSRS Conference
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    • v.2
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    • pp.551-554
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    • 2006
  • House management is very important in water resource protection in order to provide sustainable drinking water for about four millions population in northern Taiwan. House management can be a simple job that can be done without any ingredient of remote sensing or geographic information systems. Remote sensing and GIS integration for house management can provide more efficient management prescription when land use enforcement, soil and water conservation, sewage management, garbage collection, and reforestation have to be managed simultaneously. The objective of this paper was to integrate remote sensing and GIS to manage houses in a water resource protection district. More than four thousand houses have been surveyed and created as a house data base. Site map of every single house and very detail information consisting of address, ownership, date of creation, building materials, acreages floor by floor, parcel information, and types of house condition. Some houses have their photos in different directions. One house has its own card consists these information and these attributes were created into a house data base. Site maps of all houses were created with the same coordinates system as parcel maps, topographic maps, sewage maps, and city planning maps. Visual Basic.NET, Visual C#.NET have been implemented to develop computer programs for house information inquiry and maps overlay among house maps and other GIS map layers. Remote sensing techniques have been implemented to generate the background information of a single house in the past 15 years. Digital orthophoto maps at a scale of 1:5000 overlay with house site maps are very useful in determination of a house was there or not for a given year. Satellite images if their resolutions good enough are also very useful in this type of daily government operations. The developed house management systems can work with commercial GIS software such as ArcView and ArcPad. Remote sensing provided image information of a single house whether it was there or not in a given year. GIS provided overlay and inquiry functions to automatically extract attributes of a given house by ownership, address, and so on when certain house management prescriptions have to be made by government agency. File format is the key component that makes remote sensing and GIS integration smoothly. The developed house management systems are user friendly and can be modified to meet needs encountered in a single task of a government technician.

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An Effect of Aggregation of Point Features to Areal Units on K-Index (점사상의 지역단위 집계가 K-지표에 미치는 영향)

  • Lee Byoung-Kil
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.24 no.1
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    • pp.131-138
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    • 2006
  • Recently, data gathering and algorithm developing are in progress for the GIS application using point feature. Several researches prove that verification of the spatial clustering and evaluation of inter-dependencies between event and control are possible. On the other hand, most of the point features as GIS data are gathered by indirect method, such as address geo-coding, rather than by direct method, such as field surveying. Futhermore, lots of statistics by administrative district based on the point features have no coordinates information of the points. In this study, calculating the K-index in GIS environment, to evaluate the effect of aggregation of raw data on K-index, K-indices estimated from raw data (parcel unit), topographically aggregated data (block unit), administratively aggregated data (administrative district unit) are compared and evaluated. As a result, point feature, highly clustered in local area, is largely distorted when aggregated administratively. But, the K-indices of topographically aggregated data is very similar to the K-indices of raw data.

The Basic Research of Road Design Simulation Using Digital Aerial Photos (수치항공사진을 이용한 도로설계시뮬레이션의 기초적 연구)

  • Oh, Il-Oh;Kang, Ho-Yun;Choi, Hyun;Kang, In-Joon
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.25 no.2
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    • pp.99-105
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    • 2007
  • This research is about applying aerial photos to three-dimensional simulation of road design. Instead of existing road design approach using digital map, which inexactly represent some part of topography and landmarks, digital aerial photos are applied to three-dimensional road design to address such inexactness of the map. First of all, ortho-photos are made using aerial photos, and a digital elevation model is created by extracting DEM. Then, by applying the coordinates practically using in planar design to three-dimensional approach, this model will be much helpful in the analyses of road route and viewscape. In addition, through the use of Virtual GIS, many evaluation factors such as urban design, flora, soil, water channel or road shape, flood plan are used for examination, and the effectiveness of applying three-dimensional simulation based on such route design standard is to be reviewed. In this paper, a basic research about three-dimensional design of structures is performed, and through the three-dimensional design, some effective determination to decision-making was carried out. Hereafter, it appears some research regarding environment-friendly construction and design should be followed.

Fuzzy system and Improved APIT (FIAPIT) combined range-free localization method for WSN

  • Li, Xiaofeng;Chen, Liangfeng;Wang, Jianping;Chu, Zhong;Li, Qiyue;Sun, Wei
    • KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems (TIIS)
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    • v.9 no.7
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    • pp.2414-2434
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    • 2015
  • Among numerous localization schemes proposed specifically for Wireless Sensor Network (WSN), the range-free localization algorithms based on the received signal strength indication (RSSI) have attracted considerable research interest for their simplicity and low cost. As a typical range-free algorithm, Approximate Point In Triangulation test (APIT) suffers from significant estimation errors due to its theoretical defects and RSSI inaccuracy. To address these problems, a novel localization method called FIAPIT, which is a combination of an improved APIT (IAPIT) and a fuzzy logic system, is proposed. The proposed IAPIT addresses the theoretical defects of APIT in near (it's defined as a point adjacent to a sensor is closer to three vertexes of a triangle area where the sensor resides simultaneously) and far (the opposite case of the near case) cases partly. To compensate for negative effects of RSSI inaccuracy, a fuzzy system, whose logic inference is based on IAPIT, is applied. Finally, the sensor's coordinates are estimated as the weighted average of centers of gravity (COGs) of triangles' intersection areas. Each COG has a different weight inferred by FIAPIT. Numerical simulations were performed to compare four algorithms with varying system parameters. The results show that IAPIT corrects the defects of APIT when adjacent nodes are enough, and FIAPIT is better than others when RSSI is inaccuracy.

Monitoring Network Security Situation Based on Flow Visualization (플로우 시각화 기반의 네트워크 보안 상황 감시)

  • Chang, Beom-Hwan
    • Convergence Security Journal
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    • v.16 no.5
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    • pp.41-48
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    • 2016
  • In this paper we propose a new method of security visualization, VisFlow, using traffic flows to solve the problems of existing traffic flows based visualization techniques that were a loss of end-to-end semantics of communication, reflection problem by symmetrical address coordinates space, and intuitive loss problem in mass of traffic. VisFlow, a simple and effective security visualization interface, can do a real-time analysis and monitoring the situation in the managed network with visualizing a variety of network behavior not seen in the individual traffic data that can be shaped into patterns. This is a way to increase the intuitiveness and usability by identifying the role of nodes and by visualizing the highlighted or simplified information based on their importance in 2D/3D space. In addition, it monitor the network security situation as a way to increase the informational effectively using the asymmetrical connecting line based on IP addresses between pairs of nodes. Administrator can do a real-time analysis and monitoring the situation in the managed network using VisFlow, it makes to effectively investigate the massive traffic data and is easy to intuitively understand the entire network situation.

3-Dimensional Positioning Using DGPS/DGLONASS (DGPS/DGLONASS에 의한 3차원 위치결정)

  • 강준묵;박정현;이은수
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.19 no.4
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    • pp.317-325
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    • 2001
  • Although GPS has proven to be efficient in the fields of navigation and surveying, it has many problems of positioning in downtown areas. Therefore, if GPS is combined with GLONASS which is similar to GPS in its positioning and signal system, it is expected that accuracy will be improved. However, we should address certain problems that exist related to the coordinate, time, and signal system between the two. The purpose of this study is to develop a GPS/GLONASS combination program by considering the properties of GPS and GLONASS and to solve the problems related to differences in the coordinates system and signal system. It is also to present the efficiency of the program in navigation and geographic information through analyzing 3D positioning accuracy by GPS/GLONASS combination with an application experiment. As a result of this study, the accuracy of the DGPS/DGLONASS positioning program corresponded to that of commercial program, and that's accuracy was better than that of DGPS. Especially, the acquisition of navigation and geographic information was possible by DGPS/DGLONASS combination in downtown area where the continuous 3D positioning is impossible by DGPS only.

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