Application of AI models for predicting properties of mortars incorporating waste powders under Freeze-Thaw condition
- Computers and Concrete
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- v.29 no.3
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- pp.187-199
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- 2022
The usability of waste materials as raw materials is necessary for sustainable production. This study investigates the effects of different powder materials used to replace cement (0%, 5% and 10%) and standard sand (0%, 20% and 30%) (basalt, limestone, and dolomite) on the compressive strength (fc), flexural strength (fr), and ultrasonic pulse velocity (UPV) of mortars exposed to freeze-thaw cycles (56, 86, 126, 186 and 226 cycles). Furthermore, the usability of artificial intelligence models is compared, and the prediction accuracy of the outputs is examined according to the inputs (powder type, replacement ratio, and the number of cycles). The results show that the variability of the outputs was significantly high under the freeze-thaw effect in mortars produced with waste powder instead of those produced with cement and with standard sand. The highest prediction accuracy for all outputs was obtained using the adaptive-network-based fuzzy inference system model. The significantly high prediction accuracy was obtained for the UPV, fc, and fr of mortars produced using waste powders instead of standard sand (R2 of UPV, fc and ff is 0.931, 0.759 and 0.825 respectively), when under the freeze-thaw effect. However, for the mortars produced using waste powders instead of cement, the prediction accuracy of UPV was significantly high (R2=0.889) but the prediction accuracy of fc and fr was low (R2fc=0.612 and R2ff=0.334).
Edge detection is very significant in low level image processing. However, majority edge detection methods are not only effective enough cause of the noise points' influence, even not flexible enough to different input images. In order to sort these problems, in this paper an algorithm is presented that has an extra noise reduction stage at first, and then automatically selects the both thresholds depending on gradient amplitude histogram and intra class minimum variance. Using this algorithm, can fade out almost all of the sensitive noise points, and calculate the propose thresholds for different images without setting up the practical parameters artificially, and then choose edge pixels by fuzzy algorithm. In finally, get the better result than the former Canny algorithm.
The properties of soil are naturally highly variable and thus, to ensure proper safety and reliability, we need to test a large number of samples across the length and depth. In pile foundations, conducting field tests are highly expensive and the traditional empirical relations too have been proven to be poor in performance. The study proposes a state-of-art Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) hybridized Artificial Neural Network (ANN), Extreme Learning Machine (ELM) and Adaptive Neuro Fuzzy Inference System (ANFIS); and comparative analysis of metaheuristic models (ANN-PSO, ELM-PSO, ANFIS-PSO) for prediction of bearing capacity of pile foundation trained and tested on dataset of nearly 300 dynamic pile tests from the literature. A novel ensemble model of three hybrid models is constructed to combine and enhance the predictions of the individual models effectively. The authenticity of the dataset is confirmed using descriptive statistics, correlation matrix and sensitivity analysis. Ram weight and diameter of pile are found to be most influential input parameter. The comparative analysis reveals that ANFIS-PSO is the best performing model in testing phase (R2 = 0.85, RMSE = 0.01) while ELM-PSO performs best in training phase (R2 = 0.88, RMSE = 0.08); while the ensemble provided overall best performance based on the rank score. The performance of ANN-PSO is least satisfactory compared to the other two models. The findings were confirmed using Taylor diagram, error matrix and uncertainty analysis. Based on the results ELM-PSO and ANFIS-PSO is proposed to be used for the prediction of bearing capacity of piles and ensemble learning method of joining the outputs of individual models should be encouraged. The study possesses the potential to assist geotechnical engineers in the design phase of civil engineering projects.
Due to the impressive flexural performance, enhanced compressive strength and more constrained crack propagation, Fibre-reinforced concrete (FRC) have been widely employed in the construction application. Majority of experimental studies have focused on the seismic behavior of FRC columns. Based on the valid experimental data obtained from the previous studies, the current study has evaluated the seismic response and compressive strength of FRC rectangular columns while following hybrid metaheuristic techniques. Due to the non-linearity of seismic data, Adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system (ANFIS) has been incorporated with metaheuristic algorithms. 317 different datasets from FRC column tests has been applied as one database in order to determine the most influential factor on the ultimate strengths of FRC rectangular columns subjected to the simulated seismic loading. ANFIS has been used with the incorporation of Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) and Genetic algorithm (GA). For the analysis of the attained results, Extreme learning machine (ELM) as an authentic prediction method has been concurrently used. The variable selection procedure is to choose the most dominant parameters affecting the ultimate strengths of FRC rectangular columns subjected to simulated seismic loading. Accordingly, the results have shown that ANFIS-PSO has successfully predicted the seismic lateral load with R2 = 0.857 and 0.902 for the test and train phase, respectively, nominated as the lateral load prediction estimator. On the other hand, in case of compressive strength prediction, ELM is to predict the compressive strength with R2 = 0.657 and 0.862 for test and train phase, respectively. The results have shown that the seismic lateral force trend is more predictable than the compressive strength of FRC rectangular columns, in which the best results belong to the lateral force prediction. Compressive strength prediction has illustrated a significant deviation above 40 Mpa which could be related to the considerable non-linearity and possible empirical shortcomings. Finally, employing ANFIS-GA and ANFIS-PSO techniques to evaluate the seismic response of FRC are a promising reliable approach to be replaced for high cost and time-consuming experimental tests.
본 논문은 다이아몬드 인터체인지에서의 유고감지모형 개발을 위해 퍼지이론을 응용한 연구를 문서화 한 것이다. 지금까지의 교차로와 일반도로(고속도로가 아닌)에서의 유고감지에 관한 연구는 초기에 불과하다. 기존의 알고리즘들은 필요한 데이터 보존의 어 려움과 유고감지의 특성과 관련된 기술적 어려움을 효과적으로 극복하지 못하고 있다. 본 연구의 목적은 다이아몬드 인터체인지에서의 유고감지를 위한 새로운 모형을 개발하는데 있다. 이 연구를 통하여 개발된 유고감지 모형은 차량차단 유고(lane-blocking incidents) 를 감지하는데, 감지의 범위는 차량차단 유고의 경향이 교통 장황에 특정한 패턴을 형성 하고 그에 따른 신호제어전략의 조정이 요구될 때에 국한된다. 이 모형은 전통적인 통계 치를 이용한 유고감지감 고유의 문제를 해결하며, 보다 정확하고 신뢰성 있는 유고감지를 위해 다양한 교통변수를 이용하여 전체적인 유고의 경향을 포착한다. 또한 이 모형은 실 시간 교통대응 다이아몬드 인터체인지 신호제어 시스템 (real-time traffic adaptive diamond interchange control system)의 구성요소로써 사용되며, 그리고 더 큰 교차로 시스템에의 상용을 위하여 확장이 용역하도록 설계되었다. 본 연구를 통해 개발된 프로 토타입(prototype) 유고감지 모형은 실제의 다이아몬드 인터체인지에 적용되어, 감지율, 오보율, 평감지시간의 세 달로써 성능이 평가되었다. 모형의 성능평가 결과는 무적이었으 며, 퍼지이론은 유고감지에 효과적인 접근방법임을 확인할 수 있었다.투자의 타당성을 실증적으로 보여 주고 있다.산정 절차 정립에 엇갈림 알고리즘을 활용하는 방안을 제시하였다.자함수를 추정한 뒤 이를 이용해 업종, 기업규모, 상품유형별로 적합한 모델(Fixed Effects Model)을 결정하고, 각각에 해당하는 통계모형을 구축하였다. 이 결과 (1) 업종 및 기업규모별로 그룹간에 유의한 특성이 발견되었으며, (2) R&D 및 광고투자는 기업의 시장성과를 설명하는 중요한 변수이나, (3) R&D 투자의 경우는 광고에 비해 불확실성이 존재하는 것으로 나타났고, (4) 수리모형에서 도출된 한계원리가 통계모형에서도 유효한 것으로 드러났다.등을 토대로 한 10대 산업을 육성하기 위하여 과학기술부는 기술수요조사를 바탕으로 49개 주요기술을 도출하여, 과학기술 일류 국가 실현, 국민소득 2만불 달성이라는 국가적 슬로건을 내걸고 “차세대 성장동력” 창출을 위한 범정부차원의 기획과 연구비의 집중투자를 추진하고 있다.달성하기 위해서는 종합류류 전산망의 시급한 구축과 함께 화물차의 적재율을 높이고 공차율을 낮출 수 있는 운송체계의 수립이 필요한 것으로 판단된다. 그라나 이러한 화물전용차선의 효과는 단기적인 치유책일 수밖에 없기 때문에 물류유통 시설의 확충을 위한 사회간접자본의 구축을 서둘러 시행하여야 할 것이다.으로 처리한 Machine oil, Phenthoate EC 및 Trichlorfon WP는 비교적 약효가 낮았다.>$^{\circ}$E/
급속한 도시화 및 지구온난화로 인한 집중호우로 홍수피해가 해마다 증가하고 있다. 홍수피해를 최소화하기 위하여 4대강 중심의 홍수예경보시스템이 구축되는 등 다양한 제도적 장치가 마련되고 있으나 중소하천이 분포되어 있는 도시유역에서의 홍수예측기능은 부족한 실정이다. 본 연구에서는 중소 도시하천에 적용 가능한 실시간 도시홍수예측서비스 시스템(Realtime Urban Flood Forecasting Service, U-FFS)을 개발하였다. 경기도 성남에 위치한 탄천을 대상유역으로 선정하고 실시간 강우 및 수위관측소를 설치하여 수문데이타를 수집하였으며 이를 바탕으로 수위예측모형을 구축하였다. 모형구축에는 이미 국내외 학계에서 그 정확도가 입증된 바 있는 Data-driven 모델의 일종인 ANFIS(Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System)를 이용하였다. 개발된 수위예측모형은 지정된 시간에 자동으로 작동 가능한 실행파일로 프로그래밍되어 최종적으로 홍수예측 웹서비스와 연동된다. U-FFS는 집중호우 발생 시 최종 유출구의 30분, 1시간, 2시간 후의 수위 예측값을 웹 상을 통해 제공함으로써 언제 어디서나 홍수예측 정보를 누구나 손쉽게 획득할 수 있는 장점이 있다. 시범운영 결과, 30분 및 1시간 후의 수위 예측은 정확도가 매우 뛰어났으며 2시간 후의 수위 예측의 정확성은 다소 떨어지는 것으로 확인되었으나 전반적인 홍수예측 판단에는 무리가 없을 것으로 예상된다. 본 시스템의 홍수예측모형은 생성 및 수정이 간편하여 그 활용성이 매우 높을 것으로 기대된다. 특히 안전함을 지향하는 각종 U-City나 홍수피해가 빈번한 도시유역에 적용하면 기존 시스템과 차별화된 실시간 홍수예측 서비스가 가능해져 홍수피해를 최소화할 수 있을 것이다. 취수구 직경 D의 3.3배를 벗어나지 않는다는 결과를 도출할 수 있었다.링 목적으로 사용될 수 있다. 본 연구에서 개발한 영상수위계는 한강홍수통제소 관할의 전류, 청담대교 등 4개소 낙동강 홍수통제소 2개소, 지자체 등에 적용되었으며, 적용 결과 비교적 안정적이면서 정확하게 수위를 측정하는 것으로 나타났다. 한편 기존 CCD 카메라 이외에 CCTV를 이용한 영상수위계를 개발하여 영상의 화질 개선뿐 아니라 하천화상 감시 기능을 강화하였다.소류의 섭취율은 높았다. 집단간의 상관도를 보면 교육별로 김치, 장아찌, 콩이 각각 p>0.5 수준에서 유의한 차가 없었고, 나머지는 유의한 차가 있었다. 연령별로는 멸치가 유의한 차가 없었고(p>0.5), 수입별로는 콩이 유의한 차가 없었다(p>0.5). 4. 영양지식(營養知識) 검토 가정생활(家庭生活)에 필요(必要)한 일반적(一般的)인 영양지식(營養知識)은 대체적으로 낮은 편이었다. 어린이 영양, 편식의 해로움, 비만증의 해로움, 임신부 그리고 수유부 영양에 대하여는 일반적으로 알고 있다고 하였으며, 그다음으로 이유기 영양, 어린이 발육에 필요한 식품, 식품과 영양소와의 관계, 우유의 성분, 노인영양에 대하여 잘 알고 있는 비율이 낮았으며, 인체의 영양소, 식단작성여부, 간식의 이론, 식품감별법에 대하여는 가장 낮은 비율을 나타냈다. 각 영양지식은 교육정도가 높을수록 영양지식이 높았고, 교육별 집단간의 유의한 차가 나타났다. (0.001
With the explosive growth in the volume of information, Internet users are experiencing considerable difficulties in obtaining necessary information online. Against this backdrop, ever-greater importance is being placed on a recommender system that provides information catered to user preferences and tastes in an attempt to address issues associated with information overload. To this end, a number of techniques have been proposed, including content-based filtering (CBF), demographic filtering (DF) and collaborative filtering (CF). Among them, CBF and DF require external information and thus cannot be applied to a variety of domains. CF, on the other hand, is widely used since it is relatively free from the domain constraint. The CF technique is broadly classified into memory-based CF, model-based CF and hybrid CF. Model-based CF addresses the drawbacks of CF by considering the Bayesian model, clustering model or dependency network model. This filtering technique not only improves the sparsity and scalability issues but also boosts predictive performance. However, it involves expensive model-building and results in a tradeoff between performance and scalability. Such tradeoff is attributed to reduced coverage, which is a type of sparsity issues. In addition, expensive model-building may lead to performance instability since changes in the domain environment cannot be immediately incorporated into the model due to high costs involved. Cumulative changes in the domain environment that have failed to be reflected eventually undermine system performance. This study incorporates the Markov model of transition probabilities and the concept of fuzzy clustering with CBCF to propose predictive clustering-based CF (PCCF) that solves the issues of reduced coverage and of unstable performance. The method improves performance instability by tracking the changes in user preferences and bridging the gap between the static model and dynamic users. Furthermore, the issue of reduced coverage also improves by expanding the coverage based on transition probabilities and clustering probabilities. The proposed method consists of four processes. First, user preferences are normalized in preference clustering. Second, changes in user preferences are detected from review score entries during preference transition detection. Third, user propensities are normalized using patterns of changes (propensities) in user preferences in propensity clustering. Lastly, the preference prediction model is developed to predict user preferences for items during preference prediction. The proposed method has been validated by testing the robustness of performance instability and scalability-performance tradeoff. The initial test compared and analyzed the performance of individual recommender systems each enabled by IBCF, CBCF, ICFEC and PCCF under an environment where data sparsity had been minimized. The following test adjusted the optimal number of clusters in CBCF, ICFEC and PCCF for a comparative analysis of subsequent changes in the system performance. The test results revealed that the suggested method produced insignificant improvement in performance in comparison with the existing techniques. In addition, it failed to achieve significant improvement in the standard deviation that indicates the degree of data fluctuation. Notwithstanding, it resulted in marked improvement over the existing techniques in terms of range that indicates the level of performance fluctuation. The level of performance fluctuation before and after the model generation improved by 51.31% in the initial test. Then in the following test, there has been 36.05% improvement in the level of performance fluctuation driven by the changes in the number of clusters. This signifies that the proposed method, despite the slight performance improvement, clearly offers better performance stability compared to the existing techniques. Further research on this study will be directed toward enhancing the recommendation performance that failed to demonstrate significant improvement over the existing techniques. The future research will consider the introduction of a high-dimensional parameter-free clustering algorithm or deep learning-based model in order to improve performance in recommendations.
The wall shear stress in the vicinity of end-to end anastomoses under steady flow conditions was measured using a flush-mounted hot-film anemometer(FMHFA) probe. The experimental measurements were in good agreement with numerical results except in flow with low Reynolds numbers. The wall shear stress increased proximal to the anastomosis in flow from the Penrose tubing (simulating an artery) to the PTFE: graft. In flow from the PTFE graft to the Penrose tubing, low wall shear stress was observed distal to the anastomosis. Abnormal distributions of wall shear stress in the vicinity of the anastomosis, resulting from the compliance mismatch between the graft and the host artery, might be an important factor of ANFH formation and the graft failure. The present study suggests a correlation between regions of the low wall shear stress and the development of anastomotic neointimal fibrous hyperplasia(ANPH) in end-to-end anastomoses. 30523 T00401030523 ^x Air pressure decay(APD) rate and ultrafiltration rate(UFR) tests were performed on new and saline rinsed dialyzers as well as those roused in patients several times. C-DAK 4000 (Cordis Dow) and CF IS-11 (Baxter Travenol) reused dialyzers obtained from the dialysis clinic were used in the present study. The new dialyzers exhibited a relatively flat APD, whereas saline rinsed and reused dialyzers showed considerable amount of decay. C-DAH dialyzers had a larger APD(11.70
The wall shear stress in the vicinity of end-to end anastomoses under steady flow conditions was measured using a flush-mounted hot-film anemometer(FMHFA) probe. The experimental measurements were in good agreement with numerical results except in flow with low Reynolds numbers. The wall shear stress increased proximal to the anastomosis in flow from the Penrose tubing (simulating an artery) to the PTFE: graft. In flow from the PTFE graft to the Penrose tubing, low wall shear stress was observed distal to the anastomosis. Abnormal distributions of wall shear stress in the vicinity of the anastomosis, resulting from the compliance mismatch between the graft and the host artery, might be an important factor of ANFH formation and the graft failure. The present study suggests a correlation between regions of the low wall shear stress and the development of anastomotic neointimal fibrous hyperplasia(ANPH) in end-to-end anastomoses. 30523 T00401030523 ^x Air pressure decay(APD) rate and ultrafiltration rate(UFR) tests were performed on new and saline rinsed dialyzers as well as those roused in patients several times. C-DAK 4000 (Cordis Dow) and CF IS-11 (Baxter Travenol) reused dialyzers obtained from the dialysis clinic were used in the present study. The new dialyzers exhibited a relatively flat APD, whereas saline rinsed and reused dialyzers showed considerable amount of decay. C-DAH dialyzers had a larger APD(11.70