• Title/Summary/Keyword: Adaptation college life

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Extreme Climate Analysis and Adaptation Research on the Response of Climate Change in the Inland Region of the Korean Peninsula - Case of Deagu Metropolitan Area - (한반도 내륙 지역의 기후 변화 대응을 위한 극한기후 분석 및 적응 방안 연구 - 대구 광역시 사례를 중심으로 -)

  • Yamada, Keiko;Kim, Hae-Dong;Kim, Eun-Ji;Lee, Soon-Hwan
    • Journal of Environmental Science International
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    • v.29 no.7
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    • pp.773-784
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    • 2020
  • In order to protect the lives and property of citizens, the central and local governments are responding by enacting municipal ordinances and regulations as the frequency of extreme weather conditions due to climate change increases and intensity increases gradually. Accordingly, the basic contents and strategies of domestic and foreign policies to cope with cold and heat waves were reviewed, referring to measures suitable for application to the Daegu metropolitan area. In addition, it is intended to provide a policy alternative to Daegu metropolitan area to minimize damage from extreme weather by identifying the current status, characteristics, and future prospects of extreme weather in Daegu metropolitan area. Since the damage caused by the cold wave in Daegu area is not as great as that of other regions, it is urgent to come up with cold wave measures for the health and transportation sectors, and to come up with measures against the heat wave as the damage caused by the heat wave is the most serious in the country. Also we will identify spatial characteristics so that the districts and counties with high vulnerability to extreme weather can be identified and implemented first, and present civic life-oriented facilities and civic action guidelines to overcome cold and heat waves.

A unique genetic lineage at the southern coast of China in the agar-producing Gracilaria vermiculophylla (Gracilariales, Florideophyceae)

  • Hu, Zi-Min;Liu, Ruo-Yu;Zhang, Jie;Duan, De-Lin;Wang, Gao-Ge;Li, Wen-Hong
    • ALGAE
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    • v.33 no.3
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    • pp.269-278
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    • 2018
  • Ocean warming can have significant negative impacts on population genetic diversity, local endemism and geographical distribution of a wide range of marine organisms. Thus, the identification of conservation units with high risk of extinction becomes an imperative task to assess, monitor, and manage marine biodiversity for policy-makers. Here, we surveyed population structure and genetic variation of the red seaweed Gracilaria vermiculophylla along the coast of China using genome-based amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) scanning. Regardless of analysis methods used, AFLP consistently revealed a south to north genetic isolation. Populations at the southern coast of China showed unique genetic variation and much greater allelic richness, heterozygosity, and average genetic diversity than the northern. In particular, we identified a geographical barrier that may hinder genetic exchange between the two lineages. Consequently, the characterized genetic lineage at the southern coast of China likely resulted from the interplay of post-glacial persistence of ancestral diversity, geographical isolation and local adaptation. In particular, the southern populations are indispensable components to explore evolutionary genetics and historical biogeography of G. vermiculophylla in the northwestern Pacific, and the unique diversity also has important conservation value in terms of projected climate warming.

A Review Study on Adjustment of College Freshmen for Suggesting Adaptation Program (적응프로그램 제언을 위한 대학신입생 학교적응 관련 문헌분석)

  • Yoo, Kyung Hee;Kim, Jong Kyung
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.16 no.8
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    • pp.580-591
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    • 2016
  • The purpose of this study was to review articles and theses on adjustment of college freshmen from domestic researches conducted during the past 11 years, to identify overall research trends, and to suggest direction and strategies for college freshman's adjustment. The final 24 articles were selected from three databases, RISS, KISS, and NAL (National assembly library) using specific inclusion criteria. Twenty were correlation studies and four were experimental studies. In 2009, the first study on adjustment of college freshmen was published. Since then several more studies have been conducted to date. This means that people have recognized the importance of adjustment of college freshmen. Twenty three studies that are reviewed used Baker and Siryk's college adjustment tool. From reviewed correlation studies, mean score of college students' adjustment was 3.25. The related variables with adjustment of college freshmen revealed 20 items, especially self-esteem, self-efficacy, and stress showed important related concepts. The general characteristics related to adjustment of freshmen were outgoing character, living with family, aged students, satisfied with the area of study, and satisfied with school life. The findings of this study indicated that colleges when planning for the freshmen orientation program should focus on improving self-efficacy of students, stress management, mentor program, and freshmen adjustment program for each department of the school and college.

Comparison of Non-structural Carbohydrate Concentration Between Zoysiagrass and Creeping Bentgrass During Summer Growing Season (하계 생육기 동안 Zoysiagrass와 Creeping Bentgrass의 비구조적 탄수화물 함량의 비교)

  • Kim, Dae-Hyun;Jung, Woo-Jin;Lee, Bok-Rye;Kim, Kil-Yong;Kim, Tae-Hwan
    • Journal of The Korean Society of Grassland and Forage Science
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    • v.22 no.2
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    • pp.145-152
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    • 2002
  • To compare the Carbon metabolic response to high temperature stress in Zoysiagrass [Zoysia matrella (L.) Merr.] and Creeping bentgrass (Agrostis palustris Huds) with respect to heat tolerance, C metabolites were determined from April to September. Sampling was carried out on an established golf course (Muan Country Club, Chonnam, Korea). Shoot mass(g Dry weight per hole cup) of creeping bentgrass started to decrease from June and recovered from August whereas that of zoysiagrass was less varied. Chlorophyll content in creeping bentgrass was significantly higher than zoysiagrass until July, and then decreased by 43% from July to August. Zoysiagrass contained higher soluble sugar than creeping bentgrass throughout experimental period. Soluble sugar in zoysiagrass increased about 58% from April to May, and less varied until August. Soluble sugar in creeping bentgrass slightly increased until July and sharply decreased at August. Starch concentration in zoysiagrass continuously decreased to September after a significant increase from April to May. A remarkable fluctuation in both starch and fluctuation concentration was observed between June and August showing high accumulation for June to July and high degradation for July to August. These results suggest that through creeping bentgrass suffers much severely from high temperature stress than zoysiagrass especially June to August. An active accumulation and degradation in nonstructural carbohydrate in creeping bentgrass during this period might be associated with heat stress.

Exploring the Meanings of Career Transition Experience of Senior Stewards of the Campus Crusade for Christ (대학생기독교선교회 시니어간사의 경력전환 경험 탐색)

  • Shin, Bong-Jin;Ryu, Kiung
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.18 no.10
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    • pp.247-256
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    • 2018
  • The purpose of this study was to explore career transformation process and experience of a senior steward of college student mission organization who has been engaged in a secular career and switched career as a steward of college student mission organization. In order to accomplish the purpose of the research, in-depth interviews of five senior stewards were conducted and analyzed. The results of the study are as follows. First, it can be known that the motivation for the career change of a senior steward of the CCC is related with the consciousness of calling. Second, the career transformation process of a senior steward of the CCC can be seen as experiencing adaptation to the new environment and unexpected support. Third, the meaning of the career change of a senior steward of the CCC appeared to be re-finding one's vocational goal, keeping the promise, and, special and glorious life. The following conclusions were obtained. First, it was confirmed that the identification of the mission is an essential step to the mission group steward's execution of the calling. Second, the execution of the calling of the mission group steward is very much more continuous when there are supporters. Third, the meaning of a career transition experience by the mission group steward was realized in the life of a faithful interpreter.

Cosmetology Major The impact of college student satisfaction on the cosmetology profession (헤어미용 전공 대학생의 전공만족도가 미용전문직관에 미치는 영향)

  • Moon, So-Hee;Kong, Cha-Sook
    • Journal of the Korean Applied Science and Technology
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    • v.38 no.6
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    • pp.1667-1677
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    • 2021
  • In this study, we tried to investigate the relationship between the cosmetology major student's major satisfaction and the professionals by analyzing the effect of the cosmetology major student's major satisfaction on the beauty professional hall. Research Results It was found that there is a correlation (p <0.001) between the degree of satisfaction of college students in the hair beauty department and the beauty professionals (p <0.001), and the satisfaction of the department is "specialty" t = 4.625 (p =). .000),'Occupational recognition' t = 3.152 (p = .002), major value is'specialty' t = 2.330 (p = .021),'professional activity' t = 2.438 (p = .015), 'Occupation recognition' t = 4.843 (p = .000), university student activity adaptation is a subordinate factor of the cosmetology profession, "professional activity" t = 2.746 (p = .006), "occupation recognition" t = 4.303 ( Appearing as p = .000), it was found that the degree of satisfaction of college students in the hair beauty department has a significant effect on beauty professionals. For cosmetology college students, major satisfaction not only leads to satisfaction with the university and department, but also to self-satisfaction and cosmetology job confidence, allowing them to adapt to social life with a positive impact, and cosmetologists are hair With the values and attitude toward the beauty profession, you will be able to become a professional officer when you are a university student majoring in cosmetology. Through the research results, the formation of a positive professional hall for college students majoring in hair beauty and the satisfaction of the major will be enhanced, and the self-development of students, as well as professors and educational relations, will be established so that beauty professionals can be established through correct theory and practical education. Education and continued guidance on the professional ethics and values of the person is considered necessary.

A Study of Reliability and Validity on the Korean Version of Social Adaptation Self Rating Scale(SASS) (한국어판 사회적응자기평가척도(SASS)의 신뢰도 및 타당도 연구)

  • Kim, Hyeong-Seob;Kim, Yong-Ku;Yoon, Choong-Han;Jeong, Han-Yong;Cheong, Young-Ki
    • Korean Journal of Psychosomatic Medicine
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    • v.8 no.2
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    • pp.212-227
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    • 2000
  • This study was designed to testify the reliability and validation on the Korean version of the Social Adaptation Self-rating Scale(SASS) which was developed from Bose et al. for the evaluation of social motivation and behavior of depressed patients in 1997. Interests for the social world, those of social functioning, of patients were involved in the addition of new measure of disturbance. And those were distinct from abnormalities of thought, mood and symptoms of patients with major depression. As the previous reports there were several evidences that treatments may be less likely to be effective if the system they act on is dysfunctional. Thus, a better social situation favoured better outcome. As a matter of fact, however, those reports were developed in the course of the evaluation of interpersonal therapy(IPT) and cognitive therapy. Accordingly the conversed question -whether pharmacological therapy with antidepressants can impact on social functioning in addition to addressing the core features of illness- has been addressed. To date, anyhow, it is accepted that enhancement of social functioning may be a therapeutic principle in its own right and illness rarely divorced from social context. In terms of those concepts the introduction of an assessment of social functioning into pharmacotherapeutic studies of depression has been welcomed and might be a potent instrument for evaluating the relative pharmacoeconomic benefits of different treatments. Despite of many scales which were applied for the evaluation of symptoms in the patients with depression, however, the scale for the evaluation of social functiong has not been introduced in Korea yet. Thus, this study was designed to introduce the concepts of social functioning in the patients with depression and to testify the reliability and validation on Korean version of SASS. This Korean version of SASS was submitted to a reliability and validation procedure based on the data from healthy general population survey in 291 individuals and 40 patients with major depression. Cronbach a was 0.790 in total subjects group and the correlation of test-retest was statistically significant(y=0.653, p<0.0l). Thus, the Korean version of SASS might be shown to be valid and reliable. The results of multivariate analyses allowed the identification of 3 principle factors(factor 1 = intersts in social activities, factor 2 = active interpersonal relationship, factor 3 = selfesteem) in normal group, however, it could be counted as only one factor in the depression group because nearly total items of SASS were involved in factor 1. In the view of these results, the Korean version of SASS may be useful additional tool for the evaluation of social functioning in depression.

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The relationship between learning motivation, learning commitment and academic achievement of nursing students who gave non-face-to-face online lectures (비대면 온라인 강의를 경험한 간호대학생들의 학습동기, 학습몰입 및 학업성취도의 관계)

  • Lee, Jung-Geun;Kim, Won Jong;Lee, Jae Kyeum
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.21 no.11
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    • pp.412-419
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    • 2020
  • This study investigates the relationships among learning motivation, learning immersion, and academic achievement in college-level nursing students who give non-face-to-face online lectures. The data for this study were collected using questionnaires given to 147 students attending four-year nursing colleges at two universities. For the data analysis method, descriptive statistics, t-test, ANOVA, the Scheffe test, Pearson's correlation analysis, and multiple regression analysis were used. As a result of the study, the average motivation was 101.29±12.18 points, learning commitment was 72.02±8.03 points, and academic achievement was 31.31±4.06 points. The relationships among learning motivation, learning commitment, and adaptation to college life showed significant positive correlations. In the results of multiple regression analysis, factors influencing the academic achievements of nursing students were found to be learning motivation and learning commitment. Therefore, in order to increase academic achievement in nursing college students, it is necessary to develop a specific strategy to improve learning motivation and to develop various activities and programs to immerse students in learning.

Responses on the Agronomic Characteristics for Different Sowing Times with Perilla(Perilla ocimoides L.) (파종기 이동이 들깨 생태변이에 미치는 영향)

  • Park Jong-Sun
    • Korean Journal of Plant Resources
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    • v.18 no.3
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    • pp.433-440
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    • 2005
  • Four varieties of perilla(Perilla ocimoids L.) were tested to investigate the ecological adaptation of the crop to variations in sowing time extending from April 25 to July 25 with an interval of 30 days between each of the four sowing. As sowing time was delayed, the plant height, the number of first branches and cluster, the weight of fresh and dried stems, the day to germination and flowering decreased, showing a highly negative correlation between the showing dates and these characteristics, but a highly positive correlation between days to flowering and the required accumulated temperature. With early sowing under low temperature and long day conditions, it took about 132 days from sowing to flowering due to the long period of vegetative growth, but as sowing was delayed, the days to flowering decreased with a minimum period of 57 days. The yield of seeds in each case varied with each variety. Type A(Nonsan var.) and type B(Jinchon var.) had higher yields when sowed earlier. But type C(Namyang var. and Wooljin var.) had its highest yield in the plot sowed on May 25 and the 1000 grain weight showed a tendency to increase as sowing was delayed. In conclusion, the perilla was preyed to be a short-day plant that flowers from the begining to the middle of Sep. regardless of sowing time, so that the sowing time should be decided after due consideration of the length of the vegetative growth periods of the varieties.

Evaluation of Apparent Ileal and Standardized Ileal Digestibility of Amino Acid in Feed Ingredients to Alterate the Protein Sources for Weaned Pigs (자돈에서 대체 단백질 원료사료의 외관상 회장 아미노산 소화율 및 표준 회장 아미노산 소화율 평가)

  • Choi, Yo-Han;Kim, Dong-Woo;Kim, Jin-Soo
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.21 no.6
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    • pp.358-365
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    • 2020
  • This study was conducted to evaluate the apparent ileal digestibility (AID) and standardized ileal digestibility (SID) of amino acids in feed ingredients for use as protein sources in swine feed. A total of six weaned pigs (Landrace×Yorkshire×Duroc, 14.4±0.35kg) surgically fitted with a T-cannula in the distal ileum were used in this study and were randomly allotted to a 6×6 Latin square design. Corn germ, corn gluten meal (CM), corn gluten feed (CF), chlorella (CH), and lysine co-product (LC) were used for evaluation, and the experimental periods of each ingredient included 5 days for adaptation and 2 days for collection. CH and LC had significantly higher (p<0.05) AID of lysine (79.1% and 78.7%, respectively). The AID of methionine was not significantly different among all feed ingredients. The AID of threonine of CH was significantly higher (p<0.05) than those of other ingredients and was 81.8%. CH, LC, and CM had higher (p<0.05) SID of lysine (80.4%, 79.5%, and 77.0%, respectively). The SID of methionine showed no difference among all treatments. CH showed 81.8% SID of threonine, which was significantly higher (p<0.05) than LC and CF. In conclusion, chlorella and lysine co-product showed the greatest AID and SID of amino acids, which makes them potentially valuable feed ingredients for use as protein sources in swine feed.