• Title/Summary/Keyword: Acceptance testing

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Knowledge and Attitudes of Bangkok Metropolitan Women towards HPV and Self-Sampled HPV Testing

  • Kittisiam, Thannaporn;Tangjitgamol, Siriwan;Chaowawanit, Woraphot;Khunnarong, Jakkapan;Srijaipracharoen, Sunamchok;Thavaramara, Thaowalai;Pataradool, Kamol
    • Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention
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    • v.17 no.5
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    • pp.2445-2451
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    • 2016
  • Background: To evaluate knowledge of Bangkok women regarding HPV and self-sampled HPV testing, and their attitudes towards testing. Materials and Methods: Thai women who had lived in Bangkok for more than 5 years, aged 25-to-65 years old, were invited to join the study. Participating women were asked to a complete self-questionnaire (Thai language), with literate assistance as needed. The questionnaire was divided into 3 parts: (I) demographic data, (II) knowledge and (III) attitudes towards self-sampled HPV testing. Before proceeding to Part III of the questionnaire, a 15-minute educational video of self-sampled HPV testing was presented to all participants. Results: Among 2,810 women who answered the questionnaires, 33.7% reported that they did not know about HPV. The characteristic features of these women were older age (> 50 years), lower income (< 600 USD/month), unemployed status, and non-attendees at cervical cancer screening. Only small numbers of women (4.6%) responded that they had heard about self-sampled HPV testing. After having information, 59.6% would not use the self-sampled HPV testing as a method of cervical cancer screening (non-acceptance). Factors significantly associated with the non-acceptance were older age, lower income, having no knowledge about HPV or self-collected HPV testing, a perception that the testing was unreliable and a concern that they might not be able to perform it correctly. Conclusions: Nearly half and almost all Bangkok women did not know about HPV and self-sampled HPV testing, respectively. Approximately 60% of Bangkok women refused to do the self-sampled HPV testing. Significant negative attitudes were concerns that the testing would be unreliable and a lack of confidence to perform the procedure correctly. Education about HPV and self-sampled HPV testing, ease of the procedure, or the testing models may increase rate of acceptability or positive attitudes.

Acceptance Testing and Commissioning of Robotic Intensity-Modulated Radiation Therapy M6 System Equipped with InCiseTM2 Multileaf Collimator

  • Yoon, Jeongmin;Park, Kwangwoo;Kim, Jin Sung;Kim, Yong Bae;Lee, Ho
    • Progress in Medical Physics
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    • v.29 no.1
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    • pp.8-15
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    • 2018
  • This work reports the acceptance testing and commissioning experience of the Robotic Intensity-Modulated Radiation Therapy (IMRT) M6 system with a newly released $InCise^{TM}2$ Multileaf Collimator (MLC) installed at the Yonsei Cancer Center. Acceptance testing included a mechanical interdigitation test, leaf positional accuracy, leakage check, and End-to-End (E2E) tests. Beam data measurements included tissue-phantom ratios (TPRs), off-center ratios (OCRs), output factors collected at 11 field sizes (the smallest field size was $7.6mm{\times}7.7mm$ and largest field size was $115.0mm{\times}100.1mm$ at 800 mm source-to-axis distance), and open beam profiles. The beam model was verified by checking patient-specific quality assurance (QA) in four fiducial-inserted phantoms, using 10 intracranial and extracranial patient plans. All measurements for acceptance testing satisfied manufacturing specifications. Mean leaf position offsets using the Garden Fence test were found to be $0.01{\pm}0.06mm$ and $0.07{\pm}0.05mm$ for X1 and X2 leaf banks, respectively. Maximum and average leaf leakages were 0.20% and 0.18%, respectively. E2E tests for five tracking modes showed 0.26 mm (6D Skull), 0.3 mm (Fiducial), 0.26 mm (Xsight Spine), 0.62 mm (Xsight Lung), and 0.6 mm (Synchrony). TPRs, OCRs, output factors, and open beams measured under various conditions agreed with composite data provided from the manufacturer to within 2%. Patient-specific QA results were evaluated in two ways. Point dose measurements with an ion chamber were all within the 5% absolute-dose agreement, and relative-dose measurements using an array ion chamber detector all satisfied the 3%/3 mm gamma criterion for more than 90% of the measurement points. The Robotic IMRT M6 system equipped with the $InCise^{TM}2$ MLC was proven to be accurate and reliable.

Sensory Characteristics and Consumer Acceptance of the Clear Broth for Noodle on the Market (시판 국수장국의 관능적 특성 및 소비자 기호도 연구)

  • Cho, Dong-Yi;Yang, Jeong-Eun;Chung, Lana
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Culture
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    • v.35 no.2
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    • pp.193-200
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    • 2020
  • This study was conducted to understand the sensory characteristics and consumer acceptance for the commercially available clear broth for noodles. Totally, eight different clear broth samples were evaluated in this study. Seven trained panelists developed and evaluated sensory characteristics in the descriptive analysis. Significant differences (p<0.05) were obtained for all 28 attributes evaluated. Descriptive data was obtained by performing multivariate analysis of variance to identify differences between samples. Principal component analysis (PCA) was performed on the mean values of descriptive attributes obtained in the descriptive analysis, and summarizes the sensory characteristics of clear broth for noodles. PCA of the clear broths revealed that the first two principal components are responsible for 80.66% variations. For sensory testing, 160 consumers were recruited, and their acceptance for each sample was assessed. Consumer data was obtained by applying partial least square-regression (PLSR) to establish the relationship between the descriptive data and the consumer acceptance data.

Causal Factors Affecting Mobile Banking Services Acceptance by Customers in Thailand

    • The Journal of Asian Finance, Economics and Business
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    • v.7 no.11
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    • pp.421-428
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    • 2020
  • The study investigates the causal factors affecting mobile banking services acceptance by customers in Thailand. This study employs quantitative research methodology and non-probability sampling to draw 400 mobile banking users from the population who are the mobile banking users of commercial banks in Thailand. The online questionnaires were used as a research tool to collect data with the Cronbach's alpha coefficient as 0.931. By using the structural equation model to analyze data, the results have shown that service quality, perceived usefulness, perceived ease-of-use, safety in use, and social factors influenced mobile banking services acceptance by customers in Thailand.By checking the harmony with the statistics χ2 = 108.618, df. = 86, χ2/df. = 1.263, p-value = .050, CMIN/DF =1.263, GFI = .989, AGFI=.962, TLI= .962, CFI = .976, RMSEA = .037,along with testing the weight factor. In conclusion, the research model was found to be harmonious with the empirical data at the significance level 0.05. The findings of this study suggest that the commercial banks should apply this research to understand the acceptance behavior of mobile banking users, also to determining marketing strategies, identifying opportunities and creating a competitive advantage for their services in the future.

The Effects of Shopping Value on the Usage Intention of Unmanned Fashion Stores -Application of Technology Acceptance Model- (쇼핑가치에 따른 무인패션점포 이용의도 -기술수용모형의 적용-)

  • Seo, Sangwoo
    • Journal of Fashion Business
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    • v.23 no.2
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    • pp.140-155
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    • 2019
  • The objective of this study was to verify the usage intention of unmanned fashion stores through the technology acceptance model and to verify the extended technology acceptance model including the shopping value as consumers' characteristic. An online survey, consisting of 626 consumers as participants, was conducted from March 13 to 19. Results of the study were as follows: This study used exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis. Furthermore, a covariance structure analysis using the maximum likelihood was conducted for hypothesis testing. According to the results, perceived ease of use affects perceived usefulness, which thereby affects the usage intention of unmanned fashion stores through attitude. Moreover, the analysis of the extended technology acceptance model including the shopping value as the intrinsic motivation of the consumers showed that the hedonic shopping value had a significant effect on the perceived ease of use and perceived usefulness, and perceived usefulness influenced the usage intention of unmanned fashion stores through attitude.

A Study on the Generative AI users' WOM : Focusing on the Mediation Effect of Continuous Use Intention

  • Byoung Jo HWANG;Yoon Hwang JU;Hoe-Chang YANG
    • The Journal of Economics, Marketing and Management
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    • v.12 no.5
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    • pp.75-89
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    • 2024
  • Purpose: This study applies the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT) to explore the impact of ChatGPT users' technology acceptance (performance expectancy, effort expectancy, and social influence) on WOM. Research design, data, and methodology: A survey was conducted targeting ChatGPT users in their 20s or older in Korea and used for analysis. Testing of research hypotheses is performed using SPPS and AMOS. Results: First, ChatGPT users' technology acceptance (performance expectancy, effort expectancy, social influence) was found to have a positive effect on continuous use intention. Second, ChatGPT users' continuous use intention was found to have a positive effect on WOM. Third, ChatGPT users' continuous use intention ChatGPT was found to have a full or partial mediation effect on the relationship between technology acceptance and WOM. Conclusions: These results mean that ChatGPT's outstanding functional utility, convenience of use, and recommendations from people around them have a significant impact on the continuous use intention ChatGPT and WOM. As Generative AI becomes routine, disruptive innovation through Retailtech is expected to promote changes in distribution. This study confirmed the relationship between continuance use/WOM and technology acceptance. Distribution companies need to improve efficiency/convenience using Generative AI and implement various WOM marketing.

A Study on the Site Acceptance Test(SAT) Evaluation Algorithm of Energy Storage System using Li-ion Battery (리튬이온전지를 이용한 전기저장장치의 SAT용 성능평가 알고리즘에 관한 연구)

  • Park, Jea-Bum;Kim, Byung-Ki;Kim, Mi-Sung;Rho, Dae-Seok
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.20 no.6
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    • pp.26-37
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    • 2019
  • Recently, standardization of installation progress and technology of site acceptance test(SAT) for energy storage system(ESS) are being required due to performance of ESS depending on working condition and environment even though the quality and safety of each component of ESS is guaranteed. And also, it has been required to perform not only performance testing by H/W equipments but also performance verification by S/W tool, in order to more accurately and reliably validate the performance of the ESS in advanced countries. Therefore, this paper proposes evaluation algorithm for SAT to evaluate performance of ESS and presents modeling of SAT test equipment for ESS by using PSCAD/EMTDC. Furthermore, 30[kW] scaled portable test equipments is implemented based on the proposed algorithm and modeling. From the various simulation and test results, it is confirmed that performance of ESS related to characteristics of capacity and Round-trip efficiency, Duty-cycle efficiency, low voltage ride through(LVRT) and Anti-islanding can be accurately evaluated and that the simulation results of PSCAD/EMTDC are identical to test results of 30[kW] test equipment.

A Special Pre-Service-Inspection Using Radiographic Testing(RT) for Brazing Fitting Uused in Aircraft Hydraulic System

  • Kim, Gyu-Ho
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Nondestructive Testing
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    • v.30 no.3
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    • pp.271-281
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    • 2010
  • Brazing fitting which is one of the aircraft hydraulic power system components is widely used for saving weight and achieving higher reliability. Any inherent defects or damage of fitting can cause system failure and/or physical damage of human body due to highly pressurized fluid. Radiographic testing(RT) technique and additional micro-structure investigation on cut-away surfaces have been accomplished to find out some defect-like-inhomogeneity in the fittings. The radiography results showed that some defect-like-inhomogeneity existed inside body. Additional micro-structure investigation on cut-away surface reveals that the inhomogeneity is due to internal voids. In this study, it can be is said that RT technique can be a useful tool for field acceptance test of hydraulic brazing fitting in short time.

Some New Approaches to Consumer Acceptance Measurement as a Guide to Marketing

  • Lee, Hye-Seong;O'Mahony, Michael
    • Food Science and Biotechnology
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    • v.16 no.6
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    • pp.863-867
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    • 2007
  • The potential impact of the methods of sensory science on consumer testing and marketing is reviewed. Areas such as predicting purchase behavior, new approaches to scaling, and cross cultural effects are discussed. An example of the complexity of sensory measurement used to obtain consumer and marketing information is highlighted, using the simple paired preference test as an example.

Design of Degradation Test without Replacement Based on Tightened Critical Value (엄격한 고장판정기준을 적용한 비복원 열화시험 설계에 관한 연구)

  • Park Boo Hee;Lim Ho Kyung;Jang Joong Soon
    • Journal of Applied Reliability
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    • v.5 no.1
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    • pp.167-180
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    • 2005
  • Design of a degradation test without replacement is considered based on tightened critical value to reduce the evaluation testing time. The sample size, number of inspections, and the critical values are determined to assure the same probability of acceptance when the testing time is reduced to some degree. Photo-diode balance of an optical pickup is analyzed as a case study.

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