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Eating Traits and General Psychopathology of Korean Males Who Show High Score on the Korean Version of Eating Attitudes Test-26 (한국판(韓國版) 식사태도(食事態度) 검사(檢査)-26에서 고득점(高得點)을 보인 한국(韓國) 일반(一般) 남성군(男性群)의 식사특성(食事特性)과 일반정신병리(一般精神病理))

  • Han, Ki-Seok;Lee, Young-Ho;Rhee, Min-Kyu;Park, Se-Hyun;Sohn, Chang-Ho;Chung, Young-Cho;Hong, Sung-Kook;Lee, Byung-Kwan;Chang, Phi-Lip;Yoon, A-Rhee
    • Korean Journal of Psychosomatic Medicine
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    • v.7 no.1
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    • pp.87-102
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    • 1999
  • Objectives : The purposes of this study were to estimate the prevalence rate of eating disorders in Korean males and to clarify their characteristics in sociodemograhic data, the eating traits, and general psychopathology through the comparison with those of female high scored group on the Korean version of Eating Attitudes Test-26(KEAT-26). Methods : Using a multi-stage questionnaire sampling method including area sampling, proportionated stratified sampling, and quota sampling, we surveyed a total of 4,400 Korean adults over 18 in a nationwide area(9 kus, 10 middle or small cities, and 17 kuns), obtaining usable responses on 3,896. Of the 3,062 subjects(1249 males and 1813 females) who were available for analysis, we ascertained 52 males and 208 females who had high score($\geq$ cutoff point 21) on the KEAT-26. Results : 1) The proportion of this high score group was 1.7% in male and 6.8% in female with a sex ratio(male versus female) of 1 : 4. 2) The mean age was higher in the male group than in the female group, although it was not statistically significant(p=0.0514). Mean Body Mass Index(BMI) of the male group was significantly higher than that of female group, and the number of male subjects with below 20 of BMI was also significantly lower than in the female group. 3) There were no significant difference in past history of physical illness between two groups. However, frequency of smoking and alcohol use, and mean amount of alcohol consumption per month were significantly higher in the male group than in the female group. There were no significant differences between the two groups on various socio-demographic correlates such as economic status, total duration of education, number of family, marital status, religious status, and area of residence, but the exception of being occupational status. 4) The 'Eating Habits Scale' score and score of 'preference for vegetables and fish, and dislike for sweet-tasting food' of the male group were significantly lower than those of the female group. Although there was no significant difference between the two groups in total scores of the KEAT-26, the mean score on 'pursuit of thinness' subscale was higher in the female group than in the male group, while scores of 'food preoccupation' and 'self-control' subscales were higher in the male group than in the female group. 5) Scores on 'psychoticism' was significantly higher in the male group than in the female group, although there were no significant differences between the two groups on 'locus of control for weight', 'depression' and 'hypochondriasis'. Conclusion : These results support a possibility of a high prevalence of eating disorders in Korean males. These results suggest that eating related characteristics of high scorer on the EAT are different by sex in spite of the same high score on the EAT, and also suggest that male patients with eating disorders have more serious personality pathology than female patients with eating disorders.

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  • Kwak, Young-Sil;Richmond, Arthur D.;Ahn, Byung-Ho;Won, Young-In
    • Journal of Astronomy and Space Sciences
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    • v.22 no.2
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    • pp.147-174
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    • 2005
  • To understand the physical processes that control the high-latitude lower thermospheric dynamics, we quantify the forces that are mainly responsible for maintaining the high-latitude lower thermospheric wind system with the aid of the National Center for Atmospheric Research Thermosphere-Ionosphere Electrodynamics General Circulation Model (NCAR-TIEGCM). Momentum forcing is statistically analyzed in magnetic coordinates, and its behavior with respect to the magnitude and orientation of the interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) is further examined. By subtracting the values with zero IMF from those with non-zero IMF, we obtained the difference winds and forces in the high-latitude 1ower thermosphere(<180 km). They show a simple structure over the polar cap and auroral regions for positive($B_y$ > 0.8|$\overline{B}_z$ |) or negative($B_y$ < -0.8|$\overline{B}_z$|) IMF-$\overline{B}_y$ conditions, with maximum values appearing around -80$^{\circ}$ magnetic latitude. Difference winds and difference forces for negative and positive $\overline{B}_y$ have an opposite sign and similar strength each other. For positive($B_z$ > 0.3125|$\overline{B}_y$|) or negative($B_z$ < -0.3125|$\overline{B}_y$|) IMF-$\overline{B}_z$ conditions the difference winds and difference forces are noted to subauroral latitudes. Difference winds and difference forces for negative $\overline{B}_z$ have an opposite sign to positive $\overline{B}_z$ condition. Those for negative $\overline{B}_z$ are stronger than those for positive indicating that negative $\overline{B}_z$ has a stronger effect on the winds and momentum forces than does positive $\overline{B}_z$ At higher altitudes(>125 km) the primary forces that determine the variations of tile neutral winds are the pressure gradient, Coriolis and rotational Pedersen ion drag forces; however, at various locations and times significant contributions can be made by the horizontal advection force. On the other hand, at lower altitudes(108-125 km) the pressure gradient, Coriolis and non-rotational Hall ion drag forces determine the variations of the neutral winds. At lower altitudes(<108 km) it tends to generate a geostrophic motion with the balance between the pressure gradient and Coriolis forces. The northward component of IMF By-dependent average momentum forces act more significantly on the neutral motion except for the ion drag. At lower altitudes(108-425 km) for negative IMF-$\overline{B}_y$ condition the ion drag force tends to generate a warm clockwise circulation with downward vertical motion associated with the adiabatic compress heating in the polar cap region. For positive IMF-$\overline{B}_y$ condition it tends to generate a cold anticlockwise circulation with upward vertical motion associated with the adiabatic expansion cooling in the polar cap region. For negative IMF-$\overline{B}_z$ the ion drag force tends to generate a cold anticlockwise circulation with upward vertical motion in the dawn sector. For positive IMF-$\overline{B}_z$ it tends to generate a warm clockwise circulation with downward vertical motion in the dawn sector.


  • 문가희;안병호
    • Journal of Astronomy and Space Sciences
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    • v.20 no.2
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    • pp.109-122
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    • 2003
  • To examine the causal relationship between geomagnetic storm and substorm, we investigate the correlation between dispersionless particle injection rate of proton flux observed from geosynchronous satellites, which is known to be a typical indicator of the substorm expansion activity, and Dst index during magnetic storms. We utilize geomagnetic storms occurred during the period of 1996 ~ 2000 and categorize them into three classes in terms of the minimum value of the Dst index ($Dst_{min}$); intense ($-200nT{$\leq$}Dst_{min}{$\leq$}-100nT$), moderate($-100nT{\leq}Dst_{min}{\leq}-50nT$), and small ($-50nT{\leq}Dst_{min}{\leq}-30nT$) -30nT)storms. We use the proton flux of the energy range from 50 keV to 670 keV, the major constituents of the ring current particles, observed from the LANL geosynchronous satellites located within the local time sector from 18:00 MLT to 04:00 MLT. We also examine the flux ratio ($f_{max}/f_{ave}$) to estimate particle energy injection rate into the inner magnetosphere, with $f_{ave}$ and $f_{max}$ being the flux levels during quiet and onset levels, respectively. The total energy injection rate into the inner magnetosphere can not be estimated from particle measurements by one or two satellites. However, the total energy injection rate should be at least proportional to the flux ratio and the injection frequency. Thus we propose a quantity, “total energy injection parameter (TEIP)”, defined by the product of the flux ratio and the injection frequency as an indicator of the injected energy into the inner magnetosphere. To investigate the phase dependence of the substorm contribution to the development of magnetic storm, we examine the correlations during the two intervals, main and recovery phase of storm separately. Several interesting tendencies are noted particularly during the main phase of storm. First, the average particle injection frequency tends to increase with the storm size with the correlation coefficient being 0.83. Second, the flux ratio ($f_{max}/f_{ave}$) tends to be higher during large storms. The correlation coefficient between $Dst_{min}$ and the flux ratio is generally high, for example, 0.74 for the 75~113 keV energy channel. Third, it is also worth mentioning that there is a high correlation between the TEIP and $Dst_{min}$ with the highest coefficient (0.80) being recorded for the energy channel of 75~113 keV, the typical particle energies of the ring current belt. Fourth, the particle injection during the recovery phase tends to make the storms longer. It is particularly the case for intense storms. These characteristics observed during the main phase of the magnetic storm indicate that substorm expansion activity is closely associated with the development of mangetic storm.

A Hematological Study on Korean of Rural Community - Correllation on Blood Pressure, Hematocrit- (한국(韓國) 일부(一部) 농촌주민(農村住民)에 대(對)한 혈액학적(血液學的) 고찰(考察) -혈압치(血壓値)와 적혈구용적치관계(赤血球容積値關係)를 중심(中心)으로-)

  • Nam, Taik-Sung;Kang, Duk-Yong
    • Journal of agricultural medicine and community health
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    • v.2 no.1
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    • pp.36-42
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    • 1977
  • A study on blood pressure and hematocrit values of 1,559 people in 19 Korean rural areas was carried out in 1974 and the results were analyzed statistically. Obtained as follows: 1. The blood pressure according to sex and age groups (from the twenties to the seventies) was as follows: 1) The blood pressure of male by age group il) In the twenties, M (mean) was 125. 85/74, 15mm/Hg, a (standard deviation) was 15.9/10.2, and ill (standard error) was 1.55/0.99. (2) In the thirties, ${\delta}$ was 123.93/77.19 mm/Hg, a was 14.4/10.8, and m was 1.24/0.93. (3) In the forties, M was 128.44/81.15 mm/Hg, a was 23.9/14.7, and m was 2.16/1.33. (4) In the fifties, M was 128.48/181.24 mm/Hg, a was 24.7/13.9, and m was 2.05/1.16. (5) In the sixties, M was 135.80/81.70 mm/Hg, a was 27.4/18.8, and ${\delta}$ was 2.74/1.88. (6) In the seventies, M was 146.84/83. 16mm/Hg, ${\delta}$ was 24.5/10.0, and m was 5.62/2.30. 2) The blood pressure of female by age group (1) In the twenties, M was 117.89/73.33 mm/Hg, ${\delta}$ was 15.7/12.1, and m was 1.42/1.09. (2) In the thirties, M was 118.04/75.71 mm/Hg, ${\delta}$ was 16.9/13.0, and m was 1.13/0.87. (3) In the forties, M was 120.92/78.17 mm/Hg, ${\delta}$ was 20.9/12.9, and m was 1.42/0.87. (4) In the fifties, M was 122.14/79.55 mm/Hg, ${\delta}$ was 24.2/15.9, and m was 1.63/1.07. (5) In the sixties, M was 131.57/84.29 mm/Hg, ${\delta}$ was 28.4/16.9, and m was 2.58/1.53. (6) In the seven ties, M was 139.62/86, 54 mm/Hg, ${\delta}$ was 22.4/15.7, and m was 4.38/3.09. And the range of systolic blood pressure in male was 70~230 mm/Hg and in female was 80-230 mm/Hg. The range of distolic blood pressure in male was 50~160 mm/Hg and in female was 40~140 mm/Hg. 2. The hematocrit value according to sex and age groups was as follows: 1) The hematocrit values of male by age group (1) In the twenties, M was 42.72%, ${\delta}$ was 3.05, and m was 0.30. (2) In the thirties, M was 41.77%, ${\delta}$ was 3.29, and m was 0.28. (3) In the forties, M was 41.39, ${\delta}$ was 3.86, and m was 0.35. (4) In the fifties, M was 40.12%, ${\delta}$ was 3.65, and m was 0.30. (5) In the sixties, M was 39.88%, ${\delta}$ was 3.81. and m was 0.38. (6) In the seventies, M was 38.47%, ${\delta}$ was 2.27, and m was 0.52. 2) The hematocrit values of female by age group (1) In the twenties, M was 35.40%, ${\delta}$ was 3.37, and m was 0.30. (2) In the thirties, M was 35.50%, ${\delta}$ was 3. 35, and m was 0.22. (3) In the forties, M was 35.75%, ${\delta}$ was 3. 18, and m was 0.22. (4) In the fifties, M was 35.84%, ${\delta}$ was 3.30, and m was 0.22. (5) In the sixties, M was 35.70%, ${\delta}$ was 3.35, and m was 0.30. (6) In the seventies, M was 35.08%, ${\delta}$ was 3.08, and m was 0.60. The range of hematocrit values in male was 23~50% and in female was 18~50% (un associated with age groups). 3. In comparison with the blood pressure and the value of hematocrit of study groups showed that the blood pressure raised higher but the value of hematocrit got lowered on the contrary as the groups are getting older. 4. Total number of patients with hypertension was 165(10.6%) which were consisted with 71 male (11.3%) and 94 female (10.1%). But only two cases of the male patient and one case of the female patient were associated with protein uria. 5. The incidence of anemia by hematocrit values was as follows: 1) The incidence of male anemia patients based on$\leqq$41% ($\leqq$39%). (1) In the twenties, incidence was 43.90% (16.98%). (2) In the thirties, 41.48% (25.93%). (3) In the forties, 42.62% (25.41%). (4) In the fifties, 62.76% (40.69%). (5) In the sixties, 70% (38%). (6) In the seventies, 84.21% (73.68%). 2) The incidence of female anemia patients bailed on $\leqq$35% ($\leqq$34%). (1) In the twenties, incidence was 43.90% (37.39%). (2) In the thirties, 48.21 % (33.93%). (3) In the forties, 43.58% (32.57%). (4) In the fifties, 45.91 % (34.09%). (5) In the sixties, 47.11% (37.19%). (6) In the seventies, 50% (46.15%) 6. The incidence rate of anemia patients with hypertension was highest in the age group 51~60 in male and 31~40 in female.

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The Evaluations of Phoria and AC/A Ratio by Watching 3D TV at Near (3D TV 근거리 시청에 따른 사위도와 조절성폭주비 평가)

  • Son, Jeong-Sik;Kim, Dong-Su;Kim, Jung-Ho;Kim, Jae-Do;Hamacher, Alaric;Yu, Dong-Sik
    • Journal of Korean Ophthalmic Optics Society
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    • v.20 no.3
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    • pp.319-324
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    • 2015
  • Purpose: This study was designed to evaluate the changes of phoria and calculated AC/A ratio, and their recovery time points by watching 3D television (3D TV). Methods: 50 subjects (male 30, female 20) of 20s to 40s ages who can watch 3D, were measured phoria using a Howell phoria card at 3 m for distance and 40 cm for near. The phoria was evaluated before watching 3D TV and every 10 minutes from starting of watching 3D TV for 30 minutes, and every 5 minutes after finishing of watching 3D TV for 30 minutes again. Results: For the distance phoria during and after watching 3D TV, it was increased to more exophoria $-0.98{\pm}1.37{\Delta}$ (prism diopters) after 10 minutes from starting of 3D TV watching (p=0.063) and increased to more exophoria $-1.00{\pm}1.28{\Delta}$ after 30 minutes (p=0.024), and started to decrease after finishing of watching 3D TV and recovered to the level of before 3D TV watching ($-0.78{\pm}1.11{\Delta}$) after 20 minutes (p=0.32) with comparing to phoria of before watching 3D TV ($-0.80{\pm}1.12{\Delta}$). For the near phoria, it was also increased to more exophoria $-5.71{\pm}4.45{\Delta}$ after 10 minutes from starting of watching 3D TV (p=0.000) and $-6.58{\pm}4.36{\Delta}$ after 30 minutes (p=0.000), and started to decrease after finishing of watching 3D TV and recovered to the level of before watching 3D TV after 20 minutes ($-4.34{\pm}3.67{\Delta}$) (p=0.32) with comparing to the phoria of before watching 3D TV ($-4.36{\pm}3.66{\Delta}$). AC/A ratio was decreased from $4.92{\pm}1.17{\Delta}/D$ for before 3D TV watching to $4.11{\pm}1.50{\Delta}/D$ for after 30 minutes from starting of watching 3D TV (p=0.000), and increased after the end of watching 3D TV and recovered to the level of before 3D TV watching ($4.93{\pm}1.18{\Delta}/D$) after 25 minutes (p=0.598). Conclusions: During watching 3D TV at near, it showed a tendency of convergence insufficiency by decrease of calculated AC/A ratio as result that exophoria at near was higher increased than exophoria at distance. However, the increased exophoria at both near and distance was recovered to the level of base line after 25 minutes from the end of watching 3D TV. Through this study, it seems to need rational proposals of advice for watching 3D TV.

The Geochemical and Zircon Trace Element Characteristics of A-type Granitoids in Boziguoer, Baicheng County, Xinjiang (중국 신장 위그루자치구 바이청현 보즈구얼의 A형화강암류의 지화학 및 지르콘 미량원소특징에 대한 연구)

  • Yin, Jingwu;Liu, Chunhua;Park, Jung Hyun;Shao, Xingkun;Yang, Haitao;Xu, Haiming;Wang, Jun
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.46 no.2
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    • pp.179-198
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    • 2013
  • The Boziguoer A-type granitoids in Baicheng County, Xinjiang, belong to the northern margin of the Tarim platform as well as the neighboring EW-oriented alkaline intrusive rocks. The rocks comprise an aegirine or arfvedsonite quartz alkali feldspar syenite, an aegirine or arfvedsonite alkali feldspar granite, and a biotite alkali feldspar syenite. The major rock-forming minerals are albite, K-feldspar, quartz, arfvedsonite, aegirine, and siderophyllite. The accessory minerals are mainly zircon, pyrochlore, thorite, fluorite, monazite, bastnaesite, xenotime, and astrophyllite. The chemical composition of the alkaline granitoids show that $SiO_2$ varies from 64.55% to 72.29% with a mean value of 67.32%, $Na_2O+K_2O$ is high (9.85~11.87%) with a mean of 11.14%, $K_2O$ is 2.39%~5.47% (mean = 4.73%), the $K_2O/Na_2O$ ratios are 0.31~0.96, $Al_2O_3$ ranges from 12.58% to 15.44%, and total $FeO^T$ is between 2.35% and 5.65%. CaO, MgO, MnO, and $TiO_2$ are low. The REE content is high and the total ${\sum}REE$ is $(263{\sim}1219){\times}10^{-6}$ (mean = $776{\times}10^{-6}$), showing LREE enrichment HREE depletion with strong negative Eu anomalies. In addition, the chondrite-normalized REE patterns of the alkaline granitoids belong to the "seagull" pattern of the right-type. The Zr content is $(113{\sim}1246){\times}10^{-6}$ (mean = $594{\times}10^{-6}$), Zr+Nb+Ce+Y is between $(478{\sim}2203){\times}10^{-6}$ with a mean of $1362{\times}10^{-6}$. Furthermore, the alkaline granitoids have high HFSE (Ga, Nb, Ta, Zr, and Hf) content and low LILE (Ba, K, and Sr) content. The Nb/Ta ratio varies from 7.23 to 32.59 (mean = 16.59) and the Zr/Hf ratio is 16.69~58.04 (mean = 36.80). The zircons are depleted in LREE and enriched in HREE. The chondrite-normalized REE patterns of the zircons are of the "seagull" pattern of the left-inclined type with strong negative Eu anomaly and without a Ce anomaly. The Boziguoer A-type granitoids share similar features with A1-type granites. The average temperature of the granitic magma was estimated at $832{\sim}839^{\circ}C$. The Boziguoer A-type granitoids show crust-mantle mixing and may have formed in an anorogenic intraplate tectonic setting under high-temperature, anhydrous, and low oxygen fugacity conditions.

Analysis of Prognostic Factors Related to Survival Time for Patients with Small Cell Lung Cancer (소세포폐암 환자의 생존기간에 관련된 인자 분석)

  • Kim, Hee-Kyoo;Yook, Dong-Seung;Shin, Ho-Sik;Kim, Eun-Seok;Lim, Hyun-Jeung;Lim, Tae-Kwan;Ok, Chul-Ho;Cho, Hyun-Myung;Jung, Maan-Hong;Jang, Tae-Won
    • Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases
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    • v.54 no.1
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    • pp.57-70
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    • 2003
  • Background : Small cell lung cancer represents approximately 20% of all carcinomas of the lung, and is recognized as having a poor long term outcome compared to non-small cell lung cancer. Therefore, this study investigated the prognostic factors in small cell lung cancer patients in order to improved the survival rate by using the proper therapeutic methods. Material and method : The clinical data from 394 patients who diagnosed with small cell lung cancer and treated from 1993 to 2001 at the Kosin University Gospel Hospital, were analyzed. Result : There were 314 male patients (79.7%), and 80 female patients (20.3%). The number of those with limited disease was 177 (44.9%), and the number of those with extensive disease was 217 (55.1%). Overall, 366 out of 394 enrolled patients had died. The median survival time was 215 days (95% CI : 192-237days). The disease stage, Karnofsky performance state, 5% body weight loss for the recent 3 months, chemotherapy regimens, and the additive chest radiotherapy were identified as being statistically significant factors for the survival time. The median survival times of the supportive care group, one anticancer therapy, and two or more treatment groups were 17 days, 211 days, and 419 day, respectively (p<0.001). These data emphasize the importance of anticancer treatment to improve survival time for patients. The group of concurrent chemoradiotherapy (30 patients) showed significantly longer survival time than the group given sequential chemoradiotherapy (55 patients) (528 days versus 373 days, p=0.0237). The favorable prognostic factors of laboratory study were groups of leukocyte =8,000/mm3, ALP=200 U/L, LDH=450 IU/L, NSE=15 ng/mL, s-GOT=40 IU/L. In extensive disease, there was no difference according to the number of metastatic site. However, the median survival time of patients with ipsilateral pleural effusion had longer than patients having other metastatic sites. According to the survey periods, three groups were divided into 1993-1995, 1996-1998, and 1999-2001. The median survival time was significantly prolonged after 1999 in comparison to previous groups (177 days, 194 days, 289 days, p=0.001, 0.002, respectively). Conclusion: Disease stage and 5% body weight loss for recent 3 months at diagnostic state were significant prognostic factors. In addition, the performance status, serum ALP, LDH, NSE, CEA levels also appear to be prognostic factors. The survival time of those patients with small cell lung cancer has been prologned in recent years. It was suggested that the used of the EP (etoposied and cisplatin) chemotherapy method and concurrent chemoradiotherapy for patients with a limited stage contributed to the improved survival time.

Biodiversity and Community Composition of Benthic Macroinvertebrates from Upo Wetlands in Korea (우포습지의 저서성 대형무척추동물 다양성과 군집 특성)

  • 배연재;조신일;황득휘;이황구;나국본
    • Korean Journal of Environment and Ecology
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    • v.18 no.1
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    • pp.75-91
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    • 2004
  • Biodiversity and seasonal community composition of benthic macroinvertebrates were studied from Upo wetlands in Gyeongsangnam-do, Korea, comprising Upo (4 sites), Mokpo (2 sites), Sajipo (1 site), Jjokjibeol (1 site), Yeobeol (1 site), and Topyeongcheon (2 sites) areas from October 2002 to August 2003. As a result, it was known that Upo wetlands retained relatively well-preserved littoral zones which may provide good habitats for benthic macroinvertebrates; however, frequent disturbances of littoral zones caused by flood were the major factor affecting on the survival and distribution of benthic macroinvertebrates in the areas. During the study period, a total of 135 species of benthic macroinvertebrates in 10 genera, 59 families, 16 orders, 7 classes, and 3 phyla were collected those of which are the highest degree of diversity of the taxa ever known in Korean wetlands: aquatic insects 103 spp. (Diptera 27 spp., Odonata 24 spp., Coleoptera 19 spp., Hemiptera 16 spp., Ephemeroptera 9 spp., Trichoptera 7 spp., and Collembola 1 sp.), Crustacea 2 spp., Mollusca 19 spp. (Gastropoda 12 spp. and Bivalvia 7 spp.), and Annelids 11 spp. (Oligocaeta 1 sp. and Hirudinea 10 spp.). Sajipo (St.G) and Jjokjibeol (St.H) areas yielded relatively larger numbers of species, 54 spp. and 53 spp., respectively, while more than 40 species occurred at most other sites. Based on quantitative sampling (0.5m${\times}$2m), aquatic insects (88.0%), particularly chironomids in Diptera (61.0%), occupied major proportion of the total individuals of benthic macroinvertebrates, while Mollusca (5.3%), Annelida (3.5%), and Crustacea (3.2%) occupied minor proportions. In standing water areas, diverse groups of benthic macroinvertebrates such as chironomids, demselflies, aquatic bugs, aquatic beetles, crustaceans, and gastropods were dominant in terms of individual number; in the running water areas, on the other hand, chironomids and baetid mayflies were dominant. However, gastropods, i.e. viviparids, were the dominant group of benthic macroinvertebrates in most study areas in terms of biomass. Dominance indices were 0.22-0.51 (mean$\pm$sd 0.42$\pm$0.09) in autumn, 0.31-0.96 (0.02$\pm$0.23) in winter, and 0.30-0.89 (0.57$\pm$0.18) in summer; diversity indices were 3.50-4.26 (3.80$\pm$0.24) in autumn,1.55-4.50 (3.10$\pm$1.01) in winter, and 1.35-3.77 (2.55$\pm$0.09) in summer. Highly movable or true aquatic benthic macroinvertebyates such as aquatic bugs, aquatic beetles, and gastropods recovered earlier after flood. In the study sites of Upo wetlands, Upo and Sajipo areas showed relatively higher values of average diversity index which may indicate a good habitat condition for benthic macroinvertebrates.

Studies on the Improvement of the Cropping System (I) (작부체계(作付體系) 개선(改善)에 관(關)한 조사연구(調査硏究)(I))

  • Choi, Chang Yeol
    • Korean Journal of Agricultural Science
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    • v.10 no.1
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    • pp.61-73
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    • 1983
  • This study was conducted to obtain fundamental informations on the improvement of cropping system to increase in land utilization rate and crop production. In order to group the characteristics of areas, Chungnam province was classified into 4 classes: Suburb (Daedeog Gun, Cheonwon Gun), Plain (Nonsan Gun, Dangjin Gun) Coastal (Seosan Gun, Boryeong Gun) and Hilly region (Gongju Gun, Cheongyang Gun). 100 farm households were sampled from each region, and cropping system and utilization state of paddy and upland in 1982 were surveyed. The results obtained were summarized as follows: 1. Average utilization rate of upland was 161.9 % The utilization rate of upland at plain was highest (188.9 %), and that at suburb showed lowest value (152.0%). 2. Number of crops cultivated at upland was 32 kinds. Among the rate of planting area of each crop. soybean showed highest rate of 18.8%, barley 15.4%, red-pepper 13.1% and chinese' cabbage 10.1% respectively, but the red pepper showed highest rate of planting area at suburb, the barley at hilly region and the soybean at plain and coastal region. 3. Average utilization rate of paddy was 115.6% and the utilization rate of paddy at suburb showed the highest value (140.0%) and that at coastal region the lowest value (108.2%). 4. 12 kinds of crops were cultivated at paddy before or after rice cultivation. Among the crops cultivated at paddy before or after rice cultivation, barley showed the highest area rate (5.0%) of cultivation and strawberry the next but the strawberry showed the highest area rate of cultivation at suburb and barley at other regions. 5. The cropping systems at upland were divided into single cropping and double cropping. Types of double cropping at upland were classified into 38 types by the combinations of crops. Among the types of double cropping, the rate of cultivation area of soybean after barley combination was 35.0%, but at suburb the rate of this type of cropping system was low and the double cropping of vegetable combinations showed high rate. 6. Types of double cropping at paddy were classified into 6 types. As a whole, double cropping of barley after rice combination showed highest rate of cultivation area (42.8%) among crop combinations but at suburb, the area rate of this type cropping was low and cultivation of fruit vegetable after rice showed highest rate. The area rate of post - cropping to rice was 76.3% of whole double cropping area at paddy and significantly higher than the rate of precropping to rice. 7. Some kinds of crop combinations were consisted of same family or closely related crops and the characteristics of the crop rotation between those crops are almost same. The area cultivated those unreasonable crop combinations were 19.09 ha. 8. At upland, planting area of the cereal crops, vegetale crops and industrial crops crops and industrial crops was 88.92ha, 93.70ha and 21.80ha respectively. The Planting area of cereal crops was significantly less than that of vegetable crops. 9. Most of all the research reports on the cropping system from 1910 to 1980 were about the post cropping after rice harvest. The objectives of researches could be classified into 14 kinds and the important objectives of researches were the planting time, the amounting of manuring, the quantity of seeding, the transplanting time, the ridging method, the sowing method and the variety test.

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Mineralogy and Geochemistry of the Jeonheung and Oksan Pb-Zn-Cu Deposits, Euiseong Area (의성(義城)지역 전흥(田興) 및 옥산(玉山) 열수(熱水) 연(鉛)-아연(亞鉛)-동(銅) 광상(鑛床)에 관한 광물학적(鑛物學的)·지화학적(地化學的) 연구(硏究))

  • Choi, Seon-Gyu;Lee, Jae-Ho;Yun, Seong-Taek;So, Chil-Sup
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.25 no.4
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    • pp.417-433
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    • 1992
  • Lead-zinc-copper deposits of the Jeonheung and the Oksan mines around Euiseong area occur as hydrothermal quartz and calcite veins that crosscut Cretaceous sedimentary rocks of the Gyeongsang Basin. The mineralization occurred in three distinct stages (I, II, and III): (I) quartz-sulfides-sulfosalts-hematite mineralization stage; (II) barren quartz-fluorite stage; and (III) barren calcite stage. Stage I ore minerals comprise pyrite, chalcopyrite, sphalerite, galena and Pb-Ag-Bi-Sb sulfosalts. Mineralogies of the two mines are different, and arsenopyrite, pyrrhotite, tetrahedrite and iron-rich (up to 21 mole % FeS) sphalerite are restricted to the Oksan mine. A K-Ar radiometric dating for sericite indicates that the Pb-Zn-Cu deposits of the Euiseong area were formed during late Cretaceous age ($62.3{\pm}2.8Ma$), likely associated with a subvolcanic activity related to the volcanic complex in the nearby Geumseongsan Caldera and the ubiquitous felsite dykes. Stage I mineralization occurred at temperatures between > $380^{\circ}C$ and $240^{\circ}C$ from fluids with salinities between 6.3 and 0.7 equiv. wt. % NaCl. The chalcopyrite deposition occurred mostly at higher temperatures of > $300^{\circ}C$. Fluid inclusion data indicate that the Pb-Zn-Cu ore mineralization resulted from a complex history of boiling, cooling and dilution of ore fluids. The mineralization at Jeonheung resulted mainly from cooling and dilution by an influx of cooler meteoric waters, whereas the mineralization at Oksan was largely due to fluid boiling. Evidence of fluid boiling suggests that pressures decreased from about 210 bars to 80 bars. This corresponds to a depth of about 900 m in a hydrothermal system that changed from lithostatic (closed) toward hydrostatic (open) conditions. Sulfur isotope compositions of sulfide minerals (${\delta}^{34}S=2.9{\sim}9.6$ per mil) indicate that the ${\delta}^{34}S_{{\Sigma}S}$ value of ore fluids was ${\approx}8.6$ per mil. This ${\delta}^{34}S_{{\Sigma}S}$ value is likely consistent with an igneous sulfur mixed with sulfates (?) in surrounding sedimentary rocks. Measured and calculated hydrogen and oxygen isotope values of ore-forming fluids suggest meteoric water dominance, approaching unexchanged meteoric water values. Equilibrium thermodynamic interpretation indicates that the temperature versus $fs_2$ variation of stage I ore fluids differed between the two mines as follows: the $fs_2$ of ore fluids at Jeonheung changed with decreasing temperature constantly near the pyrite-hematite-magnetite sulfidation curve, whereas those at Oksan changed from the pyrite-pyrrhotite sulfidation state towards the pyrite-hematite-magnetite state. The shift in minerals precipitated during stage I also reflects a concomitant $fo_2$ increase, probably due to mixing of ore fluids with cooler, more oxidizing meteoric waters. Thermodynamic consideration of copper solubility suggests that the ore-forming fluids cooled through boiling at Oksan and mixing with less-evolved meteoric waters at Jeonheung, and that this cooling was the main cause of copper deposition through destabilization of copper chloride complexes.

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