• Title/Summary/Keyword: 4차원 공간

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Critical Review on the Arguments for Building Three-dimensional Cyberspace to Realize Ubiquitous (유비쿼터스 실현을 위한 사이버공간상의 3차원 그래픽 공간 구축론에 대한 비판적 고찰)

  • Choi Chang-Gyu
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.6 no.4
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    • pp.81-88
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    • 2006
  • Ubiquitous has been a new issue in information technology field. Some people in GIS(Geographic Information Systems) and urban and regional planning have maintained that not only building three dimensional graphic environment in cyberspace is the key for ubiquitous, but also planners should plan and control the new space. They may believe that ubiquitous would be a mixture or/and combination of real-space and cyberspace. For strengthening their arguments, they should show the character of the space can be related to the three dimensional space and planning the space is possible. This study tried to critically analyze their assertion. After reviewing various articles and studies in multidisciplinary view, this challenging analysis shows those arguments need more sophisticated studies and can limit the character of cyberspace which has made the space prosperous.

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3D Cadastre Data Model in Korea ; based on case studies in Seoul

  • Park, So-Young;Lee, Ji-Yeong;Li, Hyo-Sang
    • Spatial Information Research
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    • v.17 no.4
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    • pp.469-481
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    • 2009
  • Due to the increasing demands on the efficient use of land and the fast growth of construction technologies, human living space is expanded from on the surface to above and under the surface. By recognizing that the current cadastre system based on 2D was not appropriate to reflect the trend, the researchers are interested in a 3D cadastre. This paper proposed the 3D cadastre data model that is appropriate to protect ownership effectively in Korea. The 3D cadastre data model consists of a 3D cadastre feature model and a 3D cadastre geometry model, and the data are produced by a 3D cadastre data structure. A 3D cadastre feature model is based on 3D rights and features derived from case studies. A 3D cadastre geometry model based on ISO19107 Spatial Schema is modified to be good for 3D cadastre in Korea. A 3D cadastre data structure consists of point, line, polygon and solid primitives. This study finally purposes 1) serving and managing land information effectively, 2) creating rights and displaying ranges about infrastructures above and under surface, 3) serving ubiquitous-based geoinformation, 4) adapting ubiquitous-based GIS to urban development, and 5) regulating relationships between rights of land and registration and management systems.

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Microsoft Kinect-based Indoor Building Information Model Acquisition (Kinect(RGB-Depth Camera)를 활용한 실내 공간 정보 모델(BIM) 획득)

  • Kim, Junhee;Yoo, Sae-Woung;Min, Kyung-Won
    • Journal of the Computational Structural Engineering Institute of Korea
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    • v.31 no.4
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    • pp.207-213
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    • 2018
  • This paper investigates applicability of Microsoft $Kinect^{(R)}$, RGB-depth camera, to implement a 3D image and spatial information for sensing a target. The relationship between the image of the Kinect camera and the pixel coordinate system is formulated. The calibration of the camera provides the depth and RGB information of the target. The intrinsic parameters are calculated through a checker board experiment and focal length, principal point, and distortion coefficient are obtained. The extrinsic parameters regarding the relationship between the two Kinect cameras consist of rotational matrix and translational vector. The spatial images of 2D projection space are converted to a 3D images, resulting on spatial information on the basis of the depth and RGB information. The measurement is verified through comparison with the length and location of the 2D images of the target structure.

Topological spatial relation based on hieraichy among physical objects (물리 객체의 계층구조를 기반으로 한 위상 공간 관계)

  • 최성혜;이정욱;조진영;이은희;박종희
    • Proceedings of the Korean Information Science Society Conference
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    • 2002.04b
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    • pp.274-276
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    • 2002
  • 실세계와 유사한 가상 세계를 구현하기 위해서는 3차원 상의 물리 객체간의 공간 관계 데이터베이스의 구축이 필요하다. 기존의 연구는 2차원 상의 공간 관계에 집중되었으며 이는 수평 관계만 제시해줄 뿐 수직관계를 제시해 주지 못한다. 이러한 이유로 물리 객체간의 계층 구조를 기반으로 한 계층적 위상 공간 관계 HTSR을 제안한다. 이는 4-intersention model에 적용한 것으로 16위상 관계 중 6개가 성립하고 물리 객체간의 공간관계를 더욱 다양하게 재현하는 토대를 마련한다.

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A Study on 3D Visualization Strategy of Cadastral Spatial Information (지적공간정보의 3차원 가시화 방안 연구)

  • Kim, Jae In;Kim, Tae Jung;Bae, Sang Keun;Jeong, Dong Hoon
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.32 no.spc4_2
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    • pp.413-420
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    • 2014
  • Cadastral spatial information closely related to ownership of people is potentially very valuable information. As 3D cadastre has been actively discussed to reflect realistic living territory and legal relationship in recent years, it is highly expected to be created added value before long using that information. However, in aspect of visualization that performs an important function for decision making by facilitating intuitive thinking about spatial information, systematic solution has not been suggested to visualize the cadastral spatial information on a map with existing 3D spatial information. For that reason, in this paper, visualization method was proposed to integrate the cadastral spatial information with the existing information effectively. Requirements for 3D cadastral spatial information system were drawn based on literature review, and then specific visualization method was established by constructing user scenarios. Research results of this paper are highly expected to be applied to the integration work with the existing 3D information on a spatial information open platform.

An Adaptive Trajectory Control of Manipulators (로봇의 궤도 제어에 관한 연구)

  • 황원걸
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers
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    • v.9 no.4
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    • pp.509-517
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    • 1985
  • 작업 공간내에서 원하는 속도와 가속도로, 주어진 경로를 따라 이동하는 k차원 좌표계를 구성하고, 메니퓰레이터의 운동 방정식을 이 좌표계로 변환하여 운동 경로에 대한 선형화 식을 구하였다. 이 시스템의 입력을 변위와 속도의 함수로 정의한 후 안정성을 고려하여 이득을 결정하여 비례-적분제어 시스템을 구성하였다. 이와 같이 구한 적응 제어 알고리즘은 메니퓰레이터의 동적 특성에 대한 정확한 지식을 요하지 않고 또 계산이 간단하여 실시간 응용이 가능하다. 예로서 3차원 공간상의 반경 10cm의 원궤도에 적용하였을 때 최대 오차는 대략 1mm이었으며 상황 변화에 무감각함을 보였다.

Close Looking at Gilles Deleuze's Any-Space-Whatever (무규정 공간 자세히 보기)

  • Kim, Jung-Ho;Kim, Jae Sung
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.21 no.12
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    • pp.765-790
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    • 2021
  • The affection-image is the close-up of the face with real connections in space-time, or with virtual conjunction, outside spatio-temporal co-ordinates. The close-up can carry its own space-time in background. with deframing and fragmentation, Space itself has left behind its own space-time connection and become any-space-whatever that is the affection-image. The elements of any-space-whatever are the shadows, lyrical abstraction, the colors, the disconnected parts, the empty space. Deleuze examines any-space-whatever through the close ups, fragmentation of space and de-framing in Dreyer and Bresson's cinema.

Development of 3D Underground Utilities Processing and Partial Update Automation Technology - Focused on 3D Underground Geospatial Map - (3차원 지하시설물 가공 및 부분갱신 자동화 기술개발 - 지하공간통합지도 중심으로 -)

  • LEE, Min-Kyu;CHOI, Sung-Sik;JEON, Heung-Soo;KIM, Sung-Su
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.23 no.4
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    • pp.1-15
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    • 2020
  • As cities expand and underground utilities construction projects increase, there is an urgent need for a technology capable of analyzing the underground utilities network in 3D. Since 2015, 3D Underground Geospatial Map project, that has been integrating 15 types of underground information such as underground utilities, underground structures, and ground information, is in progress in S. Korea. However, the construction of 3D underground facilities is currently based on manual work and the logic for building a 3D model is very complicated. And it takes a lot of time and cost to process millions of large amounts of data per local governments. By presenting a framework on the processing and partial updating of the 3D underground utilities model, this paper aims to establish a plan to quickly build a 3D underground utility model at a minimum cost. The underground utilities processing and partial update automation technologies developed in this study are expected to be immediately applied to the 3D Underground Geospatial Map project.

Quality Analysis of Three-Dimensional Geo-spatial Information Using Digital Photogrammetry (수치사진측량 기법을 이용한 3차원 공간정보의 품질 분석)

  • Lee, Hyun-Jik;Ru, Ji-Ho;Kim, Sang-Youn
    • Journal of Korean Society for Geospatial Information Science
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    • v.18 no.4
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    • pp.141-149
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    • 2010
  • Three-dimensional geo-spatial information is important for the efficient use and management of the country and the three-dimensional expression and analysis of urban projects, such as urban plans devised by local governments and urban management. Thanks to the revitalization of the geo-spatial information service industry, it is now being variously used not only in public but also private areas. For the creation of high-guiltily three-dimensional geo-spatial information, emphasis should be placed on not only the quality of the source image and three-dimensional geo-spatial model but also the level of visualization, such as level of detail and texturing. However, in the case of existing three-dimensional geo-spatial information, its establishment process is complicated and its data are not updated frequently enough, as it uses ready-created digital maps. In addition, as it uses Ortho Images, the images exist Relief displacement. As a result, the visibility is low and the three-dimensional models of artificial features are simplified to reach LoD between 2 and 3, making the images look less realistic. Therefore, this paper, analyzed the quality of three-dimensional geo-spatial information created using the three-dimensional modeling technique were applied using Digital photogrammetry technique, using digital aerial photo images by an existing large-format digital camera and multi-looking camera. The analysis of the accuracy of visualization information of three-dimensional models showed that the source image alone, without other visualization information, secured the accuracy of 84% or more and that the establishment of three-dimensional spatial information carried out simultaneously with filming made it easier to gain the latest data. The analysis of the location accuracy of true Ortho images used in the work process showed that the location accuracy was better than the allowable horizontal position accuracy of 1:1,000 digital maps.

An Analysis of Emotion and Sensibility according to the Color-combinations applied to Living room (거실공간의 배색기법에 따른 감성효과 분석)

  • 강선아;조현승;이주현
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society for Emotion and Sensibility Conference
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    • 2001.11a
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    • pp.64-68
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    • 2001
  • 본 연구에서는 (1) 인테리어에 대한 감성어휘모형을 도출하고, (2) 거실 인테리어의 주요 배색을 추출한 후, (3) 거실 공간의 배색 감성모형을 개발하였으며, (4) 연구결과를 토대로 거실 인테리어 디자인을 위한 배색기법을 제시하였다. 이를 위하여 인테리어를 기술하는 감성어휘를 수집하고 이들로부터 대표적 감성어휘를 추출, 감성어휘척도를 구성하였다. 감성조사분석을 통해 '따뜻하다-차갑다'(제 1차원), '고급스럽다-소박하다(제 2차원)', '현대적이다-고전적이다'(제3차원)의 세 차원축이 도출되었고, 이렇게 도출된 감성공간 상에 감성어휘들을 대응시키고, 9개의 감성 범주로 구분함으로써 감성어휘모형을 개발하였다. 한편, 거실 인테리어의 주요 배색을 추출하여 배색자극물을 개발하고, 감성어휘모형과의 관계분석을 통해 거실 공간의 배색 감성모형을 개발하였다. 최종적으로, 배색 감성모형에서 도출된 9개의 감성범주와 그에 대응하는 배색을 기반으로 하여 거실용 인테리어 디자인의 핵심이미지에 따른 배색지침을 제시하였다.

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