• Title/Summary/Keyword: 3D structures

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Fabrication of Free-Standing Three-Dimensional Block Copolymer Patterns on Substrate (블록 공중합체 3차원 패턴의 제조 방법 및 그 구조 특성)

  • Choi, Hong Kyoon
    • Korean Journal of Materials Research
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    • v.29 no.12
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    • pp.804-811
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    • 2019
  • As the importance of three-dimensiona (3D) nano patterns and structures has recently emerged, interest in the study of 3D structures of block copolymers has increased. However, most existing studies on block copolymer 3D patterns on substrates are limited to simple 3D structures such as a multi-layered forms. In this study, we propose an experimental method for realizing free-standing 3D block copolymer patterns on substrates using an e-beam lithographic template and film transfer method. The block copolymer 3D structure formed in wide hole templates are similar to simple multi-layered structures; however, as the width of the hole template become narrower, more complex block copolymer 3D structures are formed in which the upper and lower layer structures are interconnected. Furthermore, we introduce a method to fabricate novel block copolymer structures in which the 2D planar structures are connected to 3D complex structures. Proposed 3D block copolymer fabrication method provides a framework for generation of unconventional 3D structures of block copolymer, which can be useful for next generation 3D devices.

Analysis of the Type of 3D Printing Development Linked with the Textile Structure Principle (텍스타일 스트럭처 원리와 연계된 3D 프린팅 개발 유형 분석)

  • Kim, Hyojin;Kim, Seongdal
    • Journal of Fashion Business
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    • v.22 no.2
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    • pp.1-13
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    • 2018
  • 3D printing technology, which is expected to play a leading role within the Fourth Industrial Revolution, is becoming distinguished not only in the space, automotive, medical and engineering industries, but also in the area of design. The fashion and textile structures created by 3D printing technology were classified into three types - basic structure, unified structure, and a new physical structure. When traditional weaving, knitting, and stitching was reinterpreted through 3D printing, there were apparent limitations in reproducing the characteristics of fabric structures due to differences in the materials and structures of traditional textiles. New physical structures are being developed to break away from merely reproducing traditional textile structures, and to bring out the characteristics of 3D printing technology. As examples of new physical structures, there are the kinematics structure which utilizes the hinge method, mesostructure cellular material, and the N12 disk structure. Such techniques potentially open a new paradigm of fashion and textile structures. Some innovative aspects of 3D printing technology may result in changes in the methods of collaboration, manufacturing, and distribution. Designers are receiving help from specialists of various backgrounds to merge 3D printing technology to create original works. Also, 3D printing not only makes personalized custom designs available, but shortens the distribution channels, foretelling a change within the fashion and textile industry.

Damage detection technique for irregular continuum structures using wavelet transform and fuzzy inference system optimized by particle swarm optimization

  • Hamidian, Davood;Salajegheh, Eysa;Salajegheh, Javad
    • Structural Engineering and Mechanics
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    • v.67 no.5
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    • pp.457-464
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    • 2018
  • This paper presents a method for detecting damage in irregular 2D and 3D continuum structures based on combination of wavelet transform (WT) with fuzzy inference system (FIS) and particle swarm optimization (PSO). Many damage detection methods study regular structures. This method studies irregular structures and doesn't need response of healthy structures. First the damaged structure is analyzed with finite element methods, and damage response is obtained at the finite element points that have irregular distance, secondly the FIS, which is optimized by PSO is used to obtain responses at points, having equal distance by response at those points that previously obtained by the finite element methods. Then a 2D (for 2D continuum structures) or a 3D (for 3D continuum structures) matrix is performed by equal distance point response. Thirdly, by applying 2D or 3D wavelet transform on 2D or 3D matrix that previously obtained by FIS detail matrix coefficient of WT is obtained. It is shown that detail matrix coefficient can determine the damage zone of the structure by perturbation in the damaged area. In order to illustrate the capability of proposed method some examples are considered.

Pattern collapse of 3D-printed structures induced by elastocapillarity (탄성모세관 기반 3D Print구조물의 패턴 붕괴)

  • Jaeik Choung;Uijin Oh;Yoonseok Choi;Jonghyun Ha
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Visualization
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    • v.22 no.3
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    • pp.86-91
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    • 2024
  • The mechanical stability of 3D-printed structures is critical for their performance across various applications, where geometric design plays a pivotal role in determining their resilience. Understanding the factors that contribute to the collapse of these structures is essential for optimizing their design. In this study, we fabricated vertical repetitive pattern structures using a Formlabs 3D printer, followed by post-processing with isopropyl alcohol (IPA). The collapse behavior of the printed patterns was visualized, revealing that the extent of collapse varied depending on geometric modifications. These findings provide key insights into the structural collapse mechanisms of 3D-printed architectures, informing future design strategies aimed at improving mechanical durability and preventing collapse. This version introduces the topic with general context before transitioning to your specific experimental approach.

Nonlinear 3-D behavior of shear-wall dominant RC building structures

  • Balkaya, Can;Schnobrich, W.C.
    • Structural Engineering and Mechanics
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    • v.1 no.1
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    • pp.1-16
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    • 1993
  • The behavior of shear-wall dominant, low-rise, multistory reinforced concrete building structures is investigated. Because there are no beams or columns and the slab and wall thicknesses are approximately equal, available codes give little information relative to design for gravity and lateral loads. Items which effect the analysis of shear-wall dominant building structures, i.e., material nonlinearity including rotating crack capability, 3-D behavior, slab-wall interaction, floor flexibilities, stress concentrations around openings, the location and the amount of main discrete reinforcement are investigated. For this purpose 2 and 5 story building structures are modelled. To see the importance of 3-D modelling, the same structures are modelled by both 2-D and 3-D models. Loads are applied first the vertical then lateral loads which are static equivalent earthquake loads. The 3-D models of the structures are loaded in both in the longitudinal and transverse directions. A nonlinear isoparametric plate element with arbitrarily places edge nodes is adapted in order to consider the amount and location of the main reinforcement. Finally the importance of 3-D effects including the T-C coupling between walls are indicated.

A Review of the Fabrication of Soft Structures with Three-dimensional Printing Technology (3차원 프린팅 기술을 이용한 연성 구조물 제작)

  • Jang, Jinah;Cho, Dong-Woo
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Manufacturing Process Engineers
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    • v.14 no.6
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    • pp.142-148
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    • 2015
  • 3D printing technology is a promising technique for fabricating complex 3D architectures based on the CAD/CAM system, and it has been extensively investigated to manufacture structures in the fields of mechanical engineering, space technology, automobiles, and biomedical and electrical applications. Recent advances in the 3D printing of soft structures have received attention for the application of the construction of flexible sensors of soft robotics or the recreation of tissue/organ-specific microenvironments. In this review paper, we would like to focus on delivering state-of-the-art fabrication of soft structures with 3D printing technology and its various applications.

Development of 3D Printed Textiles and Clothing Design Modeling (3D 프린티드 텍스타일 개발 및 의류디자인 모델링)

  • Jeong-wook Choi
    • Journal of the Korea Fashion and Costume Design Association
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    • v.26 no.3
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    • pp.1-12
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    • 2024
  • 3D printing technology is a key technology of the Fourth Industrial Revolution and has been gaining attention in various fields, having been selected as one of the top 10 core manufacturing technologies by the U.S. government. In the apparel industry as well, there have been various attempts to develop products using 3D printers. However, compared to other industries and research fields, utilization remains insufficient. This is mainly due to the high price of large 3D printers and a limited varieties of filaments, making it difficult to implement traditional textiles and produce full-size garments. In this study, to develop 3D printed textiles, textile structures that can be 3D printed were categorized. Applying various types of filaments and layering methods allowed for the printing and evaluation of structures, ultimately leading to the selection of three types of 3D printed textile structures suitable for use as clothing materials. Subsequently, types of filaments were selected that match the chosen textile structures and suitabel designs were applied to develop 3D printed clothing designs. As a result of this study, an ideal form for 3D printing textiles was proposed and mehods were presented for clothing construction using practical (versatile) 3D printing technology. This study plays a significant role in contributing to the expansion of research areas related to 3D printing technology in the fashion field and suggesting effective research directions.

Solution-State Structure of Native Coenzyme F430 by NMR Methods

  • 원호식;Karl D. Olson;박지석;Ralph S. Wolfe;Dennis R. Hare;Michael F. Summers
    • Bulletin of the Korean Chemical Society
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    • v.16 no.7
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    • pp.649-653
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    • 1995
  • Solution-state structure of native F430 was determined by using NMR methods and NMR-based distance geometry (DG) computations. Structures were generated with loose NOE-derived interproton distance restraints (2.0-2.5 Å, 2.0-3.5 Å and 2.0-4.5 Å for strong, medium, and weak NOE cross-peak intensities, respectively). 2D NOESY back-calculations of structures were subsequently carried out for establishing the consistence between experimental data and DG-model structures. The back-calculated 2D NOESY spectra of resulting DG structures were well consistent with experimental 2D NOESY spectra. Superposition of 20 independent structures with macrocyclic ring atoms and all atoms of F430 afforded pairwise root mean square deviations (RMSD) of 0.025-0.125 Å and 0.64-1.3 Å, respectively. The macrocyclic rings of structures are well converged to a unique conformation with saddle-shaped deformation whereas most of side chains are not converged. The average dihedral angle (N1-N2-N3-N4, 27.78±1.50°) of 20 DG-structures exhibits that the macrocyclic ring conformation is puckered as much as 12,13-diepimeric F430 (28.75±4.07°).

Characteristic Variation of 3-D Solenoid Embedded Inductors for Wireless Communication Systems

  • Shin, Dong-Wook;Oh, Chang-Hoon;Kim, Kil-Han;Yun, Il-Gu
    • ETRI Journal
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    • v.28 no.3
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    • pp.347-354
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    • 2006
  • The characteristic variation of 3-dimensional (3-D) solenoid-type embedded inductors is investigated. Four different structures of a 3-D inductor are fabricated by using a low-temperature co-fired ceramic (LTCC) process, and their s-parameters are measured between 50 MHz and 5 GHz. The circuit model parameters of each building block are optimized and extracted using the partial element equivalent circuit method and an HSPICE circuit simulator. Based on the model parameters, the characteristics of the test structures such as self-resonant frequency, inductance, and quality (Q) factor are analyzed, and predictive modeling is applied to the structures composed of a combination of the modeled building blocks. In addition, characteristic variations of the 3-D inductors with different structures using extracted building blocks are also investigated. This approach can provide a characteristic estimation of 3-D solenoid embedded inductors for structural variations.

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A 3D co-rotational beam element for steel and RC framed structures

  • Long, Xu;Tan, Kang Hai;Lee, Chi King
    • Structural Engineering and Mechanics
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    • v.48 no.5
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    • pp.587-613
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    • 2013
  • A 3-node 3D co-rotational beam element using vectorial rotational variables is employed to consider the geometric nonlinearity in 3D space. To account for shape versatility and reinforced concrete cross-sections, fibre model has been derived and conducted. Numerical integration over the cross-section is performed, considering both normal and shear stresses. In addition, the derivations associated with material nonlinearity are given in terms of elasto-plastic incremental stress-strain relationship for both steel and concrete. Steel reinforcement is treated as elasto-plastic material with Von Mises yield criterion. Compressive concrete behaviour is described by Modified Kent and Park model, while tensile stiffening effect is taken into account as well. Through several numerical examples, it is shown that the proposed 3D co-rotational beam element with fibre model can be used to simulate steel and reinforced concrete framed structures with satisfactory accuracy and efficiency.