• Title/Summary/Keyword: 3D resolution

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Structural and optical properties of Si nanowires grown with island-catalyzed Au-Si by rapid thermal chemical vapor deposition(RTCVD) (Au-Si을 촉매로 급속화학기상증착법으로 성장한 Si 나노선의 구조 및 광학적 특성 연구)

  • Kwak, D.W.;Lee, Y.H.
    • Journal of the Korean Vacuum Society
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    • v.16 no.4
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    • pp.279-285
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    • 2007
  • We have demonstrated structural evolution and optical properties of the Si-NWs on Si (111) substrates with synthesized nanoscale Au-Si islands by rapid thermal chemical vapor deposition(RTCVD). Au nano-islands (10-50nm in diameter) were employed as a liquid-droplet catalysis to grow Si-NWs via vapor-liquid-solid mechanism. Si-NWs were grown by a mixture gas of $SiH_4\;and\;H_2$ at pressures of $0.1{\sim}1.0$Torr and temperatures of $450{\sim}650^{\circ}C$. SEM measurements showed the formation of Si-NWs well-aligned vertically for Si (111) surfaces. The resulting NWs are 30-100nm in diameter and $0.4{\sim}12um$ in length depending on growth conditions. HR-TEM measurements indicated that Si-NWs are single crystals convered with about 3nm thick layers of amorphous oxide. In addition, optical properties of NWs were investigated by micro-Raman spectroscopy. The downshift and asymmetric broadening of the Si optical phonon peak with a shoulder at $480cm^{-1}$ were observed in Raman spectra of Si-NWs.

Usefulness Evaluation of HRCT using Reconstruction in Chest CT (흉부CT 검사 시 HRCT 영상 재구성의 유용성)

  • Park, Sung-Min;Kim, Keung-Sik;Kang, Seong-Min;Yoo, Beong-Gyu;Lee, Ki-Bae
    • Korean Journal of Digital Imaging in Medicine
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    • v.17 no.1
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    • pp.13-18
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    • 2015
  • Purpose : Skip the repetitive HRCT axial scan in order to reduce the exposure of patients during chest HRCT scan, Helical Scan Data into a reconstructed image, and exposure of the patient change and visually evaluate the usefulness of the HRCT images. Materials and method : Patients were enrolled in the survey are 50 people who underwent chest CT scans of patients who presented to the hospital from January 2015 to March 2015. 50 people surveyed 22 people men and 28 people women people showed an average distribution of 30 to 80 years age was 48 years. 50 patients to Somatom Sensation 64 ch (Siemens) model with 120 kVp tube voltage to a reference mAs tube current to mAs (Care dose, Siemens) as a whole, including the lungs and the chest CT scan was performed. Scan upon each patient CARE dose 4D (Automatic exposure control, Siemens Medical Solution Erlangen, Germany) was to maintain the proper radiation dose scan every cross-section through a device that automatically adjusts the tube current of. CT scan is the rotation time of the Tube slice collimation, slice width 0.6 mm, pitch factor was made under the terms of 1.4. CT scan obtained after the raw data (raw data) to the upper surface of the axial images and coronal images for each slice thickness 1 mm, 5 mm intervals in the high spatial frequency calculation method (hight spatial resolution algorithm, B60 sharp) was the use of the lung window center -500 HU, windows were reconstructed into images in the interval -1000 HU to see. Result : 1. Measure the total value of DLP 50 patients who proceed to chest CT group A (Helical Scan after scan performed with HRCT) and group B (Helical Scan after the HR image reconstruction to the original data) compared with the group divided, analysis As a result of the age, but show little difference for each age group it had a decreased average dose of about 9%. 2. A Radiation read the results of the two Radiologist and a doctor upper lobe and middle lobe of the lung takes effect the visual evaluation is not a big difference between the two images both, depending on the age of the patient, especially if the blood vessels of the lower lobe (A: 3.4, B: 4.6) and bronchi(A: 3.8, B4.7) image shake caused by breathing in anxiety (blurring lead) to the original data (raw data) showed that the reconstructed image is been more useful in diagnostic terms. Conclusion : Scan was confirmed a continuous, rapid motion video to get Helical scan is much lower lobe lung reduction in visual blurring, Helical scan data to not repeat the examination by obtaining HRCT images reorganization reduced the exposure of the patient.

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Development of Korean Tissue Probability Map from 3D Magnetic Resonance Images (3차원 MR 영상으로부터의 한국인 뇌조직확률지도 개발)

  • Jung Hyun, Kim;Jong-Min, Lee;Uicheul, Yoon;Hyun-Pil, Kim;Bang Bon, Koo;In Young, Kim;Dong Soo, Lee;Jun Soo, Kwon;Sun I., Kim
    • Journal of Biomedical Engineering Research
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    • v.25 no.5
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    • pp.323-328
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    • 2004
  • The development of group-specific tissue probability maps (TPM) provides a priori knowledge for better result of cerebral tissue classification with regard to the inter-ethnic differences of inter-subject variability. We present sequential procedures of group-specific TPM and evaluate the age effects in the structural differences of TPM. We investigated 100 healthy volunteers with high resolution MRI scalming. The subjects were classified into young (60, 25.92+4.58) and old groups (40, 58.83${\pm}$8.10) according to the age. To avoid any bias from random selected single subject and improve registration robustness, average atlas as target for TPM was constructed from skull-stripped whole data using linear and nonlinear registration of AIR. Each subject was segmented into binary images of gray matter, white matter, and cerebrospinal fluid using fuzzy clustering and normalized into the space of average atlas. The probability images were the means of these binary images, and contained values in the range of zero to one. A TPM of a given tissue is a spatial probability distribution representing a certain subject population. In the spatial distribution of tissue probability according to the threshold of probability, the old group exhibited enlarged ventricles and overall GM atrophy as age-specific changes, compared to the young group. Our results are generally consistent with the few published studies on age differences in the brain morphology. The more similar the morphology of the subject is to the average of the population represented by the TPM, the better the entire classification procedure should work. Therefore, we suggest that group-specific TPM should be used as a priori information for the cerebral tissue classification.

Implementation of Gait Analysis System Based on Inertial Sensors (관성센서 기반 보행 분석 시스템 구현)

  • Cho, J.S.;Kang, S.I.;Lee, K.H.;Jang, S.H.;Kim, I.Y.;Lee, J.S.
    • Journal of rehabilitation welfare engineering & assistive technology
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    • v.9 no.2
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    • pp.137-144
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    • 2015
  • In this paper, we present an inertial sensor-based gait analysis system to measure and analyze lower-limb movements. We developed an integral AHRS(Attitude Heading Reference System) using a combination of rate gyroscope, accelerometer and magnetometer sensor signals. Several AHRS modules mounted on segments of the patient's body provide the quaternions representing the patient segments's orientation in space. And a method is also proposed for calculating three-dimensional inter-segment joint angle which is an important bio-mechanical measure for a variety of applications related to rehabilitation. To evaluate the performance of our AHRS module, the Vicon motion capture system, which offers millimeter resolution of 3D spatial displacements and orientations, is used as a reference. The evaluation resulted in a RMSE(Root Mean Square Error) of 1.08 and 1.72 degree in yaw and pitch angle. In order to evaluate the performance of our the gait analysis system, we compared the joint angle for the hip, knee and ankle with those provided by Vicon system. The result shows that our system will provide an in-depth insight into the effectiveness, appropriate level of care, and feedback of the rehabilitation process by performing real-time limb or gait analysis during the post-stroke recovery.

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A Case Study of Home Health Care for Postpartum Women and their Newborns (산욕부와 신생아의 가정간호 사례연구)

  • Jun, Eun-Mi
    • 모자간호학회지
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    • v.4 no.1
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    • pp.3-11
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    • 1994
  • Presently there is an increasing demand for home health care services due to changes in the demographic structure as a result of an increasing elderly population, socio-economic improvements, and changes in the family structure, as well as the growing number of people with degenerative diseases. In addition to these reasons, rising medical costs and there a shortage of patient beds space in the hospital, particularly since introduction of national medical insurance. There has been an increasing demand for health care health care services. This study was done to identify the basic data for home health care management. It focused on developing client selection criteria, assessment tools, and recording methods. This was accomplished by the researchers visiting the patients in their homes. The research process included preparation investigation, tool development, training of the project researcher, and visiting the clients in their homes. The research tools are as follows : 1. Record development : a) The selection criteria tool for home health care of postpartum women was a structured tool and consisted of four parts. b) The structured assessment tool consisted of a general items, obstetric history, past medical history, methods of feeding, medications taken before admission, laboratory test results, discharge instructions, discharge medications, family tree, economic status, environmental status, a map, health assessment of postpartum women and their newborns. c) The visit note I consisted of the frequency of visits. Visit note II consisted of the date ; nursing problems ; nursing process including the initial assessment ; nursing goal ; visit plan ; postpartum women and their neonate health status, diagnosis, goal, implementation, evaluation, summary, next plan, for visit revision. d) Problem note consisted of the date, problem numbers, nursing diagnosis, problem appearance date problem resolution date. The research results are as follows : 1. Nursing problems : The nursing problems of the postpartum women and their neonates were evaluated by the number of nursing diagnoses and the change in the pattern of nursing diagnosis related to the number of visits. a) Nursing diagnosis The nursing diagnosis was classified according to physical function, psychosocial function, family system maintained function. b) The changes of nursing diagnosis related to the number of visits. As the type of nursing diagnosis changed related to the number of visits the number of nursing diagnoses decreased. 2. Contents of home health care : The content was categorized according to assessment, direct care, counseling, education, family care, reporting to with the attending doctor. The recommendations based on the research results are as follows : 1. Tool development Replication of this study is needed to test the validity of the assessment tools used. 2. Home visit a) Home health care nurses should be licensed and qualified. A referral form from the attending doctor is needed for legal protection of nurses. b) The first home visit need to be within 24 hours of discharge from the hospital to decrease the anxiety of frightened postpartum women. c) When the changes occur in the newborn's status, home health care nurses should consult a pediatrician. Communication within the home healthcare team is essential and needs to consistent and done smoothly. 3. Home health care A Study is required to develop protocols for education of staff and for operation of all aspects of this program.

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Wind-sand coupling movement induced by strong typhoon and its influences on aerodynamic force distribution of the wind turbine

  • Ke, Shitang;Dong, Yifan;Zhu, Rongkuan;Wang, Tongguang
    • Wind and Structures
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    • v.30 no.4
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    • pp.433-450
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    • 2020
  • The strong turbulence characteristic of typhoon not only will significantly change flow field characteristics surrounding the large-scale wind turbine and aerodynamic force distribution on surface, but also may cause morphological evolution of coast dune and thereby form sand storms. A 5MW horizontal-axis wind turbine in a wind power plant of southeastern coastal areas in China was chosen to investigate the distribution law of additional loads caused by wind-sand coupling movement of coast dune at landing of strong typhoons. Firstly, a mesoscale Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) mode was introduced in for high spatial resolution simulation of typhoon "Megi". Wind speed profile on the boundary layer of typhoon was gained through fitting based on nonlinear least squares and then it was integrated into the user-defined function (UDF) as an entry condition of small-scaled CFD numerical simulation. On this basis, a synchronous iterative modeling of wind field and sand particle combination was carried out by using a continuous phase and discrete phase. Influencing laws of typhoon and normal wind on moving characteristics of sand particles, equivalent pressure distribution mode of structural surface and characteristics of lift resistance coefficient were compared. Results demonstrated that: Compared with normal wind, mesoscale typhoon intensifies the 3D aerodynamic distribution mode on structural surface of wind turbine significantly. Different from wind loads, sand loads mainly impact on 30° ranges at two sides of the lower windward region on the tower. The ratio between sand loads and wind load reaches 3.937% and the maximum sand pressure coefficient is 0.09. The coupling impact effect of strong typhoon and large sand particles is more significant, in which the resistance coefficient of tower is increased by 9.80% to the maximum extent. The maximum resistance coefficient in typhoon field is 13.79% higher than that in the normal wind field.

A Study on the Shallow Marine Site Survey using Seismic Reflection and Refraction Method (탄성파 반사법 및 굴절법을 이용한 천해저 지반조사에 대한 연구)

  • Shin, Sung-Ryul;Kim, Chan-Su;Jo, Churl-Hyun
    • Geophysics and Geophysical Exploration
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    • v.11 no.2
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    • pp.109-115
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    • 2008
  • It is very important to estimate the physical properties of survey area and delineate the geological basement in marine site survey for the design of offshore structures. For the purpose of providing high quality data by means of engineering site survey, it is necessary to apply several survey techniques and carry out the integrated interpretation to each other. In this study, we applied single channel seismic reflection method and OBC (Ocean Bottom Cable) type seismic refraction method at shallow marine. We used a dual boomer-single channel streamer as a source-receiver in seismic reflection survey and airgun source-the developed OBC type streamer in seismic refraction survey. We made 24 channels OBC type streamer which has 4m channel interval and each channel is composed of single hydrophone and preamplifier. We tested the field applicability of the proposed method and applied the typical seismic data processing methods to the obtained reflection data in order to enhance the data quality and image resolution. In order to estimate the geological velocity distribution from refraction data, seismic refraction tomography technique was applied. Therefore, we could successfully perform time-depth conversion using the velocity information as an integrated interpretation. The proposed method could provide reliable geologic information such as sediment layer thickness and 3D basement depth map.


    • Publications of The Korean Astronomical Society
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    • v.30 no.2
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    • pp.645-647
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    • 2015
  • We have initiated a Very Long Baseline Interferometer (VLBI) monitoring project of 36 methanol maser sources at 6.7 GHz using the Japanese VLBI Network (JVN) and East-Asian VLBI Network (EAVN), starting in August 2010. The purpose of this project is to systematically reveal 3-dimensional (3-D) kine-matics of rotating disks around forming high-mass protostars. As an initial result, we present proper mo- tion detections for two methanol maser sources showing an elliptical spatial morphology, G 002.53+00.19 and G 006.79-00.25, which could be the best candidates associated with the disk. The detected proper motions indicate a simple rotation in G 002.53+00.19 and rotation with expansion in G 006.79-00.25, respectively, on the basis of disk model fits with rotating and expanding components. The expanding motions might be caused by the magnetic-centrifugal wind on the disk.

Development of 1.0 Tesla Compact MRI System (1.0 Tesla 자기 공명 진단 장치의 개발)

  • Lee, H.K.;Oh, C.H.;Ahn, C.B.;Chang, Y.H.;Shin, D.W.;Lee, K.N.;Jang, K.H.
    • Proceedings of the KOSOMBE Conference
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    • v.1996 no.11
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    • pp.129-134
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    • 1996
  • 1차 년도 G-7 개발 과제로 수행된 자기 공명 진단 장치 (Magnetic Resonance Imaging System)의 개발 내용을 간략히 소개하였다. 성공적인 IT Compact 자기 공명 진단 장치의 완성을 위해 일차적으로 (1)RF (고주파), Gradient(경사 자계), Spectrometer 등의 Hard-ware 관련 MRI 핵심부분, (2) RF, Gradient, Spectrometer, Magnet 등의 각 Sub-system을 연결, 조합, 조정하여 하나의 체계적인 시스템으로 통합하고 운영하는 과정(System Integration), (3)사용자와 시스템을 연결하는 User Interface, Data Base Management, Real time 운영 SW 등과 (4)임상에 적용하여 구체적인 성능과 효용성을 확인하는 기술 등에 대하여 집중 연구하였다. 개발 방법은 (1)지난 16년간 국내에 축적 된 연구 개발 인력들을 최대한 활용하고 (2)연구 개발을 국제화 시켜 필요한 경우 부분별로 개발 인력을 해외에서 보완하고 (3)소수 정예 전문 인력 주의와 요소 기술 또는 중요 부품을 경쟁성 검토 후 필요 시 Out-sourcing 활용으로 최저의 비용으로 개발 기간을 최소화 하는 데 두었다. 개발된 1.0Tesla자기 공명 영상 장치는 미국 물리 학회에서 규격화한 Phantom및 임상 적용을 통하여 서울대 의대 연구 팀과 지속적으로 성능을 평가해 왔다. 개발된 시스템의 해상도는 $256{\times}256$ head 영상에서 1mm 이 하의 해상도를 가짐을 resolution phantom 을 통하여 확인할 수 있었고, $512{\times}512$ 영상에서 는 약 0.5 mm 의 물체를 분리 해냄으로써 외제 시스템들 보다 우수하게 평가 되었다. 차폐 경사코일의 Eddy current영향은2%이내로 촬영 시 영향은 거의 무시할 수 있었다. 또한, 개발된 영상 기법들, 즉 Multislice/Multi Echo, Oblique angle imaging, 64 Echo train을 갖는 고속 촬영 기술들이 자기 공명 장치에 장착되어 임상 적용에 문제가 없도록 하였다. 또한 20mT/m/Amp의 강력한 능동 차폐 경사 자계 코일(Active Shield Gradient Coil)을 기본 사양으로 하고, 수신단을 최대 6개로 확장토록 하여 2차년도의 초고속 촬영 기법(EPI) 및 Phased Array 코일 촬영이 가능토록 하였다. 1차 년도 개발 과제 수행 결과와 향후 개발 과제를 바탕으로 최종 목표인 국제 경쟁력이 있는 자기 공명 진단 장치 즉 기능과 영상의 질은 선진국 제품과 동일하거나 우수하되, 저가격을 구현한 상용화 제품이 완성되어, 첨단 의료기기로서 산업 구조 고도화에 기여하고 수입대체 뿐만 아니 라 수출을 통한 국익 창출과 국가의 기술을 통한 위상 제고에 기여되길 기대한다.

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Production and Accuracy Analysis of Topographic Status Map Using Drone Images (드론영상을 이용한 지형 현황도 제작 및 정확도 분석)

  • Kim, Doopyo;Back, Kisuk;Kim, Sungbo
    • Journal of the Korean GEO-environmental Society
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    • v.22 no.2
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    • pp.35-39
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    • 2021
  • Photogrammetry using drone can produce high-resolution ortho image and acquire high-accuracy 3D information, which is useful. Therefore, this study attempted to determine the possibility of using drone-photogrammetry in park construction by producing a topographic map using drone-photogrammetry and analyzing the problems and accuracy generated during production. For this purpose, we created ortho image and DSM (digital surface model) using drone images and created topographic status map by vectorizing them. Accuracy was compared based on topographic status map by GPS (global positioning system) and TS (total station). The resulting of analyzing mean of the residuals at check points showed that 0.044 m in plane and 0.066 m in elevation, satisfying the tolerance range of 1/1,000 numerical maps, and result of compared lake size showed a difference of about 4.4%. On the other hand, it was difficult to obtain accurate height values for terrain in which existed vegetation when producing the topographic map, and in the case of underground buried objects, it is not possible to confirm it in the image, so direct spatial information acquisition was necessary. Therefore, it is judged that the topographic status map using drone photogrammetry can be efficiently constructed if direct spatial data acquisition is achieved for some terrain.