• Title/Summary/Keyword: 3D Structure Analysis

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Two Algorithms for Constructing the Voronoi Diagram for 3D Spheres and Applications to Protein Structure Analysis (삼차원 구의 보로노이 다이어그램 계산을 위한 두 가지 알고리듬 및 단백질구조채석에의 응용)

  • Kim D.;Choi Y.;Kim D.S.
    • Korean Journal of Computational Design and Engineering
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    • v.11 no.2
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    • pp.97-106
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    • 2006
  • Voronoi diagrams have been known for numerous important applications in science and engineering including CAD/CAM. Especially, the Voronoi diagram for 3D spheres has been known as very useful tool to analyze spatial structural properties of molecules or materials modeled by a set of spherical atoms. In this paper, we present two algorithms, the edge-tracing algorithm and the region-expansion algorithm, for constructing the Voronoi diagram of 3D spheres and applications to protein structure analysis. The basic scheme of the edge-tracing algorithm is to follow Voronoi edges until the construction is completed in O(mn) time in the worst-case, where m and n are the numbers of edges and spheres, respectively. On the other hand, the region-expansion algorithm constructs the desired Voronoi diagram by expanding Voronoi regions for one sphere after another via a series of topology operations, starting from the ordinary Voronoi diagram for the centers of spheres. It turns out that the region-expansion algorithm also has the worst-case time complexity of O(mn). The Voronoi diagram for 3D spheres can play key roles in various analyses of protein structures such as the pocket recognition, molecular surface construction, and protein-protein interaction interface construction.

Nonlinear Soil-Structure Interaction Analysis of a Seismically Isolated Nuclear Power Plant Structure using the Boundary Reaction Method (경계반력법을 이용한 지진격리 원전구조물의 비선형 지반-구조물 상호작용 해석)

  • Lee, Eun-Haeng;Kim, Jae-Min;Lee, Sang-Hoon
    • Journal of the Earthquake Engineering Society of Korea
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    • v.19 no.1
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    • pp.37-43
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    • 2015
  • This paper presents a detailed procedure for a nonlinear soil-structure interaction of a seismically isolated NPP(Nuclear Power Plant) structure using the boundary reaction method (BRM). The BRM offers a two-step method as follows: (1) the calculation of boundary reaction forces in the frequency domain on an interface of linear and nonlinear regions, (2) solving the wave radiation problem subjected to the boundary reaction forces in the time domain. For the purpose of calculating the boundary reaction forces at the base of the isolator, the KIESSI-3D program is employed in this study to solve soil-foundation interaction problem subjected to vertically incident seismic waves. Wave radiation analysis is also employed, in which the nonlinear structure and the linear soil region are modeled by finite elements and energy absorbing elements on the outer model boundary using a general purpose nonlinear FE program. In this study, the MIDAS/Civil program is employed for modeling the wave radiation problem. In order to absorb the outgoing elastic waves to the unbounded soil region, spring and viscous-damper elements are used at the outer FE boundary. The BRM technique utilizing KIESSI-3D and MIDAS/Civil programs is verified using a linear soil-structure analysis problem. Finally the method is applied to nonlinear seismic analysis of a base-isolated NPP structure. The results show that BRM can effectively be applied to nonlinear soil-structure interaction problems.

A Study on the 3-D Information Communication on the World Wide Web (웹에서의 3차원 정보 전달에 관한 연구)

  • 이수경;임창영
    • Archives of design research
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    • v.16 no.1
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    • pp.53-62
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    • 2003
  • This paper purports to propose a new logic of 3D information structure, based on the analysis of the features of the existing 3D information structures on the web, especially to help designers establish a proper design process and a guideline. So first it is needed to define the 3D information and 3D information transmission in general and to research the features of them. Next, focusing on the 3D information transmission on the World Wide Web, this paper takes a look at various qualities and related technologies of it, to analyze different forms of 3D information and classify them into some logical types of the information structure. Then the issues of the existing 3D information on WWW can be outlined, and with those results, this paper proposes what logic of information structure it should have to make an effective 3D information transmission.

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Experimental Modal Analysis of the Hinge Structure (힌지 구조물의 실험적 동특성 해석)

  • 전병희;양명석;강휘원;이기범
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society for Noise and Vibration Engineering Conference
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    • 2004.05a
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    • pp.629-634
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    • 2004
  • Modal parameters of the total missile structure including a hinge mechanism are estimated by the experimental modal analysis. The free-free boundary condition is simulated by hanging the missile structure with a wire rope, and the missile structure is excited by the random vibration technique. Test results are used to verify the FE analysis, the 1-D FE model is modified by 3-D model at the hinge part. Consequently, the modal parameters of the missile structure are estimated preciously.

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Structural Design and Analysis for 3D Ultrasonic Anemometer

  • Kim, Kyung-Won;Choi, Jae-Yeong;Lee, Woo-Jin;Lee, Seon-Gil
    • Journal of Sensor Science and Technology
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    • v.25 no.2
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    • pp.86-90
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    • 2016
  • A 3D ultrasonic anemometer measures the direction and velocity of wind in a 3D space. The 2D ultrasonic anemometers developed by different manufacturers do not differ significantly in terms of their form or structure. The 3D ultrasonic anemometers, on the other hand, have more diverse forms than their 2D counterparts depending on the measurement algorithms and methods. Designing and reviewing the structure at the initial stage and defining its performance objectives are time-consuming processes. The process can be made cost-effective and time-saving if the validity is tested by model design and structural interpretation, and the structure is designed to withstand high wind velocities. This study presents the results of a 3D ultrasonic anemometer on real sample data by using a 3D modeling program, CATIA, for ultrasonic anemometer modeling.

A Study of the 3D Anatomical Structure Analysis of Leech Using Hard X-ray Micro Tomography by Synchrotron Radiation (방사광 경 엑스선 마이크로 단층촬영을 이용한 거머리의 해부학적 3차원 구조분석)

  • Lee, Ji Won;Lee, On Seok
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.16 no.12
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    • pp.70-77
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    • 2016
  • In this study, we aim to obtain the fundamental data needed for the objective analysis and bio-mimetics of leeches, using x-ray imaging with radiation that allows 3D analysis of the detailed anatomic structures of leeches. It was confirmed that through using radiation, detailed images of leeches can be obtained, allowing 3D analysis of leeches' anatomical structures. Also, since the data obtained through the radiation allows you to observe the micro-structure, it can serve as a good resource for component analysis, as well as physiological and functional research. More, it is hoped to contribute to further research in the areas of bio-mimetics using leeches.

Investigation of Bending Stiffness of Porous Shell Structures Fabricated by 3D Printing (3차원 프린팅으로 제작된 다공성 박판 구조물의 굽힘강성 고찰)

  • Lim, Yeong-Eun;Park, Keun
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers A
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    • v.41 no.6
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    • pp.491-497
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    • 2017
  • In recent years, 3D printing has received increasing attention due to its potential for direct fabrication beyond the traditional rapid prototyping. 3D printing has the advantage of being able to manufacture complicated shapes that were thought impossible to produce by traditional manufacturing processes. This advantage has driven applications of 3D printing to direct manufacturing of functional parts, such as lightweight structures and component integration. In this study, a porous shell structure is designed for the purpose of weight reduction and ventilation. Finite element (FE) analyses are performed to compare the effective stiffness of the porous structure with the conventional solid structure. Structural reinforcements are also considered in order to make up the stiffness reduction due to the porosity, and the relevant FE analyses are performed to investigate the effect of the reinforcement design on the bending stiffness. The optimized reinforced structure is then proposed through response surface analysis.

Electronic Structure and Bonding in the Ternary Silicide YNiSi3

  • Sung, Gi-Hong;Kang, Dae-Bok
    • Bulletin of the Korean Chemical Society
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    • v.24 no.3
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    • pp.325-333
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    • 2003
  • An analysis of the electronic structure and bonding in the ternary silicide YNiSi₃is made, using extended Huckel tight-binding calculations. The YNiSi₃structure consists of Ni-capped Si₂dimer layers and Si zigzag chains. Significant bonding interactions are present between the silicon atoms in the structure. The oxidation state formalism of $(Y^{3+})(Ni^0)(Si^3)^{3-}$ for YNiSi₃constitutes a good starting point to describe its electronic structure. Si atoms receive electrons from the most electropositive Y in YNiSi₃, and Ni 3d and Si 3p states dominate below the Fermi level. There is an interesting electron balance between the two Si and Ni sublattices. Since the ${\pi}^*$ orbitals in the Si chain and the Ni d and s block levels are almost completely occupied, the charge balance for YNiSi₃can be rewritten as $(Y^{3+})(Ni^{2-})(Si^{2-})(Si-Si)^+$, making the Si₂layers oxidized. These results suggest that the Si zigzag chain contains single bonds and the Si₂double layer possesses single bonds within a dimer with a partial double bond character. Strong Si-Si and Ni-Si bonding interactions are important for giving stability to the structure, while essentially no metal-metal bonding exists at all. The 2D metallic behavior of this compound is due to the Si-Si interaction leading to dispersion of the several Si₂π bands crossing the Fermi level in the plane perpendicular to the crystallographic b axis.

Embedding of Objects Using SFM Analysis in Synthetic Image Sequences (합성영상에서의 이동물체의 SFM분석을 통한 물체의 삽입)

  • 최경업;김용철
    • Proceedings of the IEEK Conference
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    • 2000.11c
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    • pp.181-184
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    • 2000
  • This paper presents an experimental system, where an object extracted from an image sequence is embedded into the desired position in a scene. First, a moving object is detected and the 3-D structure is obtained by SFM analysis of comer trajectories. We constrained the motion to translational motion only. Extracted objects are classified by matching with 3-D models and then the structure of the occluded part is restored. Camera calibration is performed for the background scene which will embed the object. Finally, the object is embedded into the scene. In the experiments, we used synthetic image sequences generated with OpenGL library for easy evaluation of the 3-D structure estimation.

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Analysis of PMLSM using 3 Dimentional Equivalent Magnetic Circuit Network (3차원 등가자기회로망을 이용한 PMLSM의 특성해석)

  • Hwang, D.Y.;Hur, J.;Yoon, S.B;Hyun, D.S.
    • Proceedings of the KIEE Conference
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    • 1996.11a
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    • pp.32-35
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    • 1996
  • This paper analyzes characteristics of PMLSM using 3 dimensional equivalent magnetic circuit network method (3-D EMC). PMLSM of which the effective electric-airgap is not only very large, but also the width is finite width lateral edges has much leakage flux. Therefore, 2-D analysis method cannot consider it so carefully that 3-D analysis method must required. 3-D EMC which will be used for analysis of PMLSM performs modeling of it including solt and teeth structure, uses the magnetic motive force of stator winding and permanent magnet as source. and calculates magnetic flux density and force considering nonlinear characteristics of materials. we verified analysis validity by comparing simulation results with expermental results.

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