• Title/Summary/Keyword: 30 years

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Trends in incidences of newly notified tuberculosis in Jeju Province, Korea, 2017-2021

  • Jinhee Kim;Nam-Hun Kang;Jong-Myon Bae
    • Journal of Medicine and Life Science
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    • v.19 no.3
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    • pp.103-108
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    • 2022
  • In 2021,the incidence of newly notified tuberculosis in Jeju Province decreased by 23.0% compared to that in the previous year. This was the largest decline among the 18 municipalities studied. This study aimed to examine trends in the incidence of tuberculosis among different age and sex groups in Jeju Province between 2017 and 2021. This study observed the number of new cases in the annual report from 2017 to 2021, published by the Jeju Center for Infectious Diseases Control and Prevention. The average annual percentage change (AAPC; %) was calculated to determine the trend in crude incidence rates over the past 5 years by sex and age. While a P-value of <0.1 was considered marginally significant, aP-value of <0.05 was considered statistically significant. The AAPC of all age groups in Jeju Province had negative values. In men,there was a statistically significant decrease in ages 30-34, 40-44, 45-49, and 50-54 years and a marginally significant decrease in ages 35-59, 55-59, 60-64, 65-69, 75-79, and ≥80 years. In women, a statistically significant decrease was observed among patients aged 30-34, 35-39, and ≥80 years, and a marginally significant decrease was observed among patients aged 45-49, 50-54, 60-64, 65-69, and 75-79 years. A statistically significant decrease in tuberculosis was observed among patients in their 30s and 40s, and elderly patients aged ≥80 years comprised the group vulnerable to tuberculosis. Based on these findings, tuberculosis prevention and screening programs conducted in Jeju Province were effective.

The Effect of 30% Oxygen on the Memory Performance, Hyperoxia and Heart Rate (30% 농도의 산소 공급이 기억력, 혈중 산소 농도, 심박률에 미치는 영향)

  • Chung, Soon-Cheol;Tack, Gye-Rae;Lee, Bong-Soo
    • IE interfaces
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    • v.18 no.2
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    • pp.178-183
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    • 2005
  • In this study, changes in memory performance, blood oxygen saturation and heart rate according to 30% concentration oxygen supply were observed. Ten healthy male and female college students (male:$25.8{\pm}0.8$ years, female: $24.2{\pm}1.9$ years) participated in the study. The experiment was performed as Rest (1min.), Control task (1min.), Word presentation (1min.), Reaction time task (1min.), Distractor (2min.), and Word recall (1min.) and the physiological signals such as blood oxygen saturation and heart rate were measured throughout the stages. Subjects who received 30% oxygen recalled more words than those who received 21% oxygen, which shows 30% oxygen supply has influenced positively on memory cognitive performance. When 30% concentration oxygen is supplied, the blood oxygen saturation in the task phases was increased and the heart rate decreased when comparing to 21%. It means that 30% oxygen can stimulate brain activation by increasing actual blood oxygen concentration in the process of cognitive performance, and the heart rate decreases because enough oxygen is supplied to process the cognitive performance.

The Development of the Black Hole Magnetosphere Model in the Last Thirty Years (블랙홀 자기권 모델 30년)

    • Publications of The Korean Astronomical Society
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    • v.15 no.1
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    • pp.1-13
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    • 2000
  • Since Goldreich and Julian's pioneering work in 1969, the pulsar magnetosphere theory has been dramatically developed for theorists to possess an elegant axisymmetric, stationary model. Based on this development the black hole magnetosphere theory has also been established in the last 30 years. Such theoretical developments will be reviewd equation by equation in this paper.

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Understanding of DB-Load (DB-하중에 관한 이해)

  • Lee, Jong-Man
    • Journal of the Korean Professional Engineers Association
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    • v.42 no.1
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    • pp.44-48
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    • 2009
  • About past 30 years, we don't have enough consideration and investigation about DB-Load. While 30 years, weight of truck is heavier and condition of roads differ, so many conditions of roads and vehicles are changed. We must consider change of many conditions and we must improve laws about maintenance of DB-Load. and now we must consider that low grade as well as high grade bridge can cross heavy vehicle and harmony between changed size of vehicle and bridge while making laws and code. So we can apply to improve design properly.

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미완의 기술학습: 한국 신발산업의 성장과 쇠퇴

  • 김석관
    • Journal of Technology Innovation
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    • v.8 no.2
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    • pp.203-230
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    • 2000
  • Korean footwear industry has experienced rapid growth and decline during last 30 years. The purpose of this paper is to analyse the main reason for the decline of Korean footwear industry by examining the process of technological learning which Korean footwear firms experienced during last 30 years of OEM. Before this analysis is done, innovation patterns of world footwear industry is sketched to compare with those of Korean footwear industry. On the basis of the analysis on the reasons for decline, I suggest some policy recommendations.

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    • Publications of The Korean Astronomical Society
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    • v.30 no.2
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    • pp.663-664
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    • 2015
  • The activities of IRSF, a 1.4m infrared telescope operated under collaboration between Japan and South Africa, are presented briefly. The dedicated instrument, SIRIUS, which sits at the Cassegrain, has produced unique and prosperous science for 14 years. My talk involves; ${\circ}$ concept of construction and operation, ${\circ}$ publications and education, ${\circ}$ the successive upgrading of the instrument, and ${\circ}$ future plans.

Bone Mineral Density of Normal Korean Adult Using QCT (적량적 전산화단층촬영을 이용한 한국인의 골밀도)

  • Lee Jong Deok
    • Journal of Physiology & Pathology in Korean Medicine
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    • v.18 no.6
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    • pp.1918-1926
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    • 2004
  • Osteoporosis is defined as a progressive systemic skeletal disorder characterized by low bone mineral density, microarchitectual deteriorations of bone and susceptibility to fracture. numerous methods have been used for quantitative assessment of the skeleton in osteoporosis. QCT has been shown to measure changes in trabecular mineral content in the spine with great sensitivity and precision. To provide the normal reference values and changes of lumbar spinal bone mineral density in korean adult spinal bone mineral density was evaluated in 451 women (229 premenopausal and 222 postmenopausal women) and 206 men, aged 20 to 74 years old in Wonkwang hospital from 2000 to 2004, which was carried out by using QCT. women with oophorectomy, vertebral compression fracture, any history of endocrine disease and use of drugs that alter bone metabolism were excluded. According to the WHO definition, a patient is osteoporotic based on a bone mineral density(BMD) measurement that is 2.5 standard deviations (SDs) below typical peak bone mass of young healthy white women. This measurement of standard deviation from peak mass is called the T score. BMD values of normal women in their 20-24 years, 25-29 years, 30-34 years, 35-39 years, 40-44 years, 45-49 years, 50-54 years, 55-59 years, 60-64 years, 65-69 years, over 70 years were 168.95㎎/㏄ K₂PHO₄, 155.41㎎/㏄ K₂PHO₄, 166.87㎎/㏄ K₂PHO₄, 160.67㎎/㏄ K₂PHO₄, 154.06㎎/㏄ K₂PHO₄, 132.04㎎/㏄ K₂PHO₄, 114.05㎎/㏄ K₂PHO₄, 91.78㎎/㏄ K₂PHO₄, 78.61 ㎎/㏄ K₂PHO₄, 61.35㎎/㏄ K₂PHO₄, 50.53㎎/㏄ K₂PHO₄ Mean bone density of normal women was 115.77K₂PHO₄ K₂PHO₄. BMD values of normal men in their 20-24 years, 25-29 years, 30-34 years, 35-39 years, 40-44 years, 45-49 years, 50-54 years, 55-59 years, 60-64 years, 65-69 years, over 70 years were 171.46㎎/㏄ K₂PHO₄, 162.19㎎/㏄ K₂PHO₄, 155.62㎎/㏄ K₂PHO₄, 147.28㎎/㏄ K₂PHO₄, 137.56㎎/㏄ K₂PHO₄, 137.56㎎/㏄ K₂PHO₄, 101.25㎎/㏄ K₂PHO₄, 109.00㎎/㏄ K₂PHO₄, 103.32㎎/㏄ K₂PHO₄, 91.53㎎/㏄ K₂PHO₄, 88.35㎎/㏄ K₂PHO₄ Mean density of normal men was 115.77㎎/㏄ K₂PHO₄. Peak bone density of women and men was in the age group of 20-24 years and 168.95㎎/㏄ K₂PHO₄, 171.46㎎/㏄ K₂PHO₄, respectively. Bone loss was increased with aging and was accelerated in postmenopausal women than that of premenopausal women. The total loss of BMD for women and men was 70.09% and 48.47%, respectively. Postmenopausal women(mean BMD : 85.83㎎/㏄ K₂PHO₄) had significantly lower BMD than premenopausal women(meand BMD : 144.80㎎/㏄ K₂PHO₄)(p<0.001). The annual loss of BMD of women and men was 2.702㎎/㏄ K₂PHO₄ and 1.795㎎/㏄ K₂PHO₄, respectively. This study provided the BMD reference data for normal korean adult. further studies on BMD in healthy adult and comparison with published data are needed.

Study on the Tracking Characteristics Depending on Accelerated Degradation of PVC Insulation Material (PVC 절연재료의 가속열화에 따른 트래킹 특성에 관한 연구)

  • Choi, Su-Gil;Kim, Si-Kuk
    • Fire Science and Engineering
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    • v.31 no.6
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    • pp.91-98
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    • 2017
  • The present paper is a study on the tracking characteristics depending on accelerated degradation of PVC insulation material. In order to insulation degradation of PVC insulation material, the Arrhenius equation, a type of accelerated degradation test formula, was used to conduct accelerated degradation experiments with experiment samples prepared at the following age equivalents: 0, 10, 20, 30 and 40 years. Afterwards, a tracking experiment was conducted on the accelerated experiment samples as part of the KS C IEC 60112 criteria. When measuring the PVC tracking features according to the accelerated aging, the results showed that when 0.1% of ammonium chloride was added to the PVC insulating material, but no tracking occurred. However, depending on the age equivalent, The results of analyzing the current waveform and voltage waveform of the tracking propagation process showed the age equivalent from 0 years to 40 years displayed a break down in insulation resistance and even the BDB(before dielectric breakdown) sections did not maintain the same functionality of the original material. Based on a criterion of an age equivalent of 0 years, material with an age equivalent of 10 years posed a 1.4 times greater risk, material with an age equivalent of 20 years posed a 2 times greater risk, material with an age equivalent of 30 years posed a 4.6 times greater risk, and material with an age equivalent of 40 years posed a 7 times greater risk.

Hematologic values of mixed breed dog in Korea (잡종견(雜種犬)의 혈액학치(血液學値)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究))

  • Yoo, Suk-jong;Kim, Tae-jong
    • Korean Journal of Veterinary Research
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    • v.30 no.2
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    • pp.157-162
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    • 1990
  • The hematologic values were examined from 74 healthy mixed breed dogs in the area of Seoul. The results obtained are summarized as follows; 1. Mean${\pm}$SD values and ranges of red blood cell(RBC) count were $6.16{\pm}0.92{\times}10^6/{\mu}l$ and $4.40{\sim}8.62{\times}10^6/{\mu}l$, of hemoglobin(Hb) content $14.90{\pm}2.42g/100ml$ and 8.7~19.2g/100ml, of packed cell volume(PCV) $45.47{\pm}6.16ml/100ml$ and 30~57ml/100ml, of mean corpuscular volume (MCV) $74.80{\pm}6.83fl$ and 54.08~90.90fl, of mean corpuscular hemoglobin (MCH) $24.41{\pm}3.91pg$ and 14.19~32.97pg, of mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration (MCHC) $32.07{\pm}3.24g/100ml$ and 22.23~39.76g/100ml, respectively. 2. The RBC count value in the age group of 3~4 years was higher (p<0.05) than the total RBC count value. The Hb content value in the age group of less than 6 months was lower (p<0.01) but in the age group of 1~2 years and the age group of 3~4 years were higher (p<0.05, p<0.01) than the total Hb content value. The PCV value in the age group of less than 6 months was lower (p<0.05) than the total PCV value. The MCHC values in the age group of 1~2 years and the age group of 3~4 years were higher (p<0.01, p<0.05) than the total MCHC value. 3. Mean${\pm}$SD values and ranges of white blood cell (WBC) count were $11.26{\pm}3.05{\times}10^3/{\mu}l$ and $6.30{\sim}18.4{\times}10^3/{\mu}l$, of band neutrophil $2.97{\pm}1.44%$ and 1~10%, of segmented neutrophil $62.81{\pm}4.92%$ and 42~70, of lymphocyte $30.55{\pm}5.69%$ and 17~50%, of monocyte $2.49{\pm}0.84%$ and 1~5%, of eosinophil $1.81{\pm}1.175$ and 1~8%, respectively. 4. The WBC count value in the age group of 7~12 months was lower (p<0.05) but in the age group of 3~4 years was higher (p<0.05) than the total WBC count value. The band neutrophil values in the age group of 1~2 years and the age group of 3~4 years were higher (p<0.05, p<0.01) than the total band neutrophil value.

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Clinical Study on 340 Cases of Allergic rhinitis (荊芥連翹湯加味가 알레르기性 鼻炎에 미치는 效能에 대한 臨床報告)

  • Song, Young-Lim;Kim, Hee-Tack;Roh, Sek-Sun
    • The Journal of Korean Medicine Ophthalmology and Otolaryngology and Dermatology
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    • v.8 no.1
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    • pp.163-176
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    • 1995
  • The cilinical study was done in 340 patients with allergic rhinitis who had been dosed with HYUNG GAE YUN GYO TANG GAMI. The results were summarized as follows 1. Distridution by Sex and Age $64\%\;of\;them\;were\;man,\;and\;36\%$ of them were women(It was common to men than to women) Of those who were attacted(very diverse), $25.0\%$ of them were between 10 and 19 years of age(most frequent), $23.8\%$ were between 30 and 39, $18.2\%$ between 20 and 29, $14.1\%$ between birth and 9, $12.6\%$ between 40 and 49, and $6.2\%$ of them were 50 years and over. 2. Duration $47.6\%$ of them suffered from this disease for 1 to 5 years, $13.8\%$ for 10 years or longer, $24.1\%$ for both 5 to 10 years and $7.4\%$ for 6 months to 1 years, and $6.5\%$ shorter than 6 months. 3. Symptom that appeared to them were nasal obstruction($91.5\%$,top), sneezing($90\%$), rhinorrhagir($77.4\%$), headache ($30.9\%$), itch($26.8\%$), nasal discharge through gullet($15.3\%$), and pharyngitis($15.3\%$). 4. Other diseases that occured with it were sinusitis(most often), Atopic keratoconjunctivitis, allergic dermatitis, asthma, otitis media, tonsillitis, hepertropic rhinitis, nasal polyp, and atropic rhinitis(most unusual). 5. Time and Improvement After 6 months 2 cases($20\%$) were improved excellently, 3 cases($30\%$) considerablely, after 6 months to 1 year 5 case($38.5\%$) considerably, after 1 year to 5 year 10 cases($13\%$) excellently, 20 cases ($26\%$) considerably, after 5 year to 10 years 4 cases($8.7\%$) excellently, 13 cases($28.3\%$) considerable, and after 10 years 2 cases($10\%$) improved excellently, 2 cases($10\%$) considerab. 6. Dosage and Improvemont With 10 papers 6 cases($7.8\%$) were improved excellently, 22 cases($27.8\%$) considerably, with 20 papers 4 cases($10.3\%$) were improved excellently, 6 cases($15.4\%$) considerably, with 30 papers 3 cases($15.8\%$) excellently, 2 ($10.5\%$) considerably, with 40 papers 3 cases($23.1\%$) excellently, 5($38.5\%$) considerably, with 50 papers 1 cases($10\%$) excellently, 4($40\%$) considerably, with 60and 70 papers one cases($33.3\%,\;100\%$) for each was improved considerable, with 80 papers 1 cases($100\%$) excellently, and 90 papers 2 cases($66.6\%$) considerable. 7. Improvement with additional outward application With external application 8 cases($16.6\%$) were improved excellently, 9 cases($18.7\%$) considerably without external application 10 cases($8.4\%$) were improved excellently, 34 cases($28.8\%$) considerably. 8. General Improvement 18 cases($10.8\%$) were improved excellently, 43 cases($25.9\%$) improved considerably, and 40 cases($24.0\%$) improved quite a little.thus has improvement shown in 60.8 per cent of case, and proved its efficacy.

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