• Title/Summary/Keyword: 3-moves

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3D Visualization using Face Position and Direction Tracking (얼굴 위치와 방향 추적을 이용한 3차원 시각화)

  • Kim, Min-Ha;Kim, Ji-Hyun;Kim, Cheol-Ki;Cha, Eui-Young
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Information and Commucation Sciences Conference
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    • 2011.10a
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    • pp.173-175
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    • 2011
  • In this paper, we present an user interface which can show some 3D objects at various angles using tracked 3d head position and orientation. In implemented user interface, First, when user's head moves left/right (X-Axis) and up/down(Y-Axis), displayed objects are moved towards user's eyes using 3d head position. Second, when user's head rotate upon an X-Axis(pitch) or an Y-Axis(yaw), displayed objects are rotated by the same value as user's. The results of experiment from a variety of user's position and orientation show good accuracy and reactivity for 3d visualization.

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Slope stability analysis and landslide hazard assessment in tunnel portal area (터널 갱구지역 사면안정성 및 산사태 위험도 평가)

  • Jeong, Hae-Geun;Seo, Yong-Seok
    • Journal of Korean Tunnelling and Underground Space Association
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    • v.15 no.4
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    • pp.387-400
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    • 2013
  • In this study, the slope stability analysis and the landslide hazard assessment in tunnel portal slope were carried out. First, we selected highly vulnerable areas to slope failure using the slope stability analysis and analyzed the slope failure scale. According to analyses results, high vulnerable area to slope failure is located at 485~495 m above sea level. The slope is stable in a dry condition, while it becomes unstable in rainfall condition. The analysis results of slope failure scale show that the depth of slope failure is maximum 2.1 m and the length of slope failure is 18.6 m toward the dip direction of slope. Second, we developed a 3-D simulation program to analyze characteristics of runout behavior of debris flow. The developed program was applied to highly vulnerable areas to slope failure. The result of 3-D simulation shows that debris flow moves toward the central part of the valley with the movement direction of landslide from the upper part to the lower part of the slope. 3-D simulation shows that debris flow moves down to the bottom of mountain slope with a speed of 7.74 m/s and may make damage to the tunnel portal directly after 10 seconds from slope failure.

A Study of Performance Estimate and Flow Analysis of the 500 kW Horizontal-Axis Wind Turbine by CFD (CFD에 의한 500kW급 수평축 풍력발전용 터빈의 성능평가 및 유동해석에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Y.T.;Kim, B.S.;Kim, J.H.;Nam, C.D.;Lee, Y.H.
    • The KSFM Journal of Fluid Machinery
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    • v.5 no.4 s.17
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    • pp.32-39
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    • 2002
  • The purpose of this 3-D numerical simulation is to calculate and examine the complex 3-D stall phenomena on the rotor blade and wake distribution of the wind turbine. The flow characteristics of 500kW Horizontal Axis Wind Turbine (HAWT) are compared with the calculated 3-D stall phenomena and wake distribution. We used the CFX-TASCflow to predict flow and power characteristics of the wind turbine. The CFD results are somewhat consistent with the BEM (Blade Element Momentum) results. And, the rotational speed becomes faster, the 3-D stall region becomes smaller. Moreover, the pressure distribution on the pressure side that directly gets the incoming wind grows high as it goes toward the tip of the blade. The pressure distribution on the blade's suction side tells us that the pressure becomes low in the leading edge of the airfoil as it moves from the hub to the tip. However, we are not able to precisely predict on the power coefficient of the rotor blade at the position of generating complex 3-D stall region.

Key Management for Wireless Interworking (무선 네트워크 연동을 위한 키 관리)

  • Cho, Tae-Nam;Han, Jin-Hee;Jun, Sung-Ik
    • The KIPS Transactions:PartC
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    • v.14C no.1 s.111
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    • pp.7-16
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    • 2007
  • 3G telecommunication and wireless LAN provide various wireless communication services with their own native advantages and disadvantages. Currently WiBro service was developed to make up for the disadvantages of those services, and 3G-WLAN-WiBro underworking system which enables a user who uses triple-mode terminals to use those three networks was proposed. Even though each network adopts mutual authentication process between users and networks to provide security and accounting, they use different authentication protocols. In this paper, integrated authentication and key management protocol is proposed which makes use of previously used authentication information and supports safe roaming when a user moves from one network to another one under a same service provider on the 3G-WLAN-WiBro interworking network.

An Open Standard-based Terrain Tile Production Chain for Geo-referenced Simulation

  • Yoo, Byoung-Hyun
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.24 no.5
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    • pp.497-506
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    • 2008
  • The needs for digital models of real environment such as 3D terrain or cyber city model are increasing. Most of applications related with modeling and simulation require virtual environment constructed from geospatial information of real world in order to guarantee reliability and accuracy of the simulation. The most fundamental data for building virtual environment, terrain elevation and orthogonal imagery is acquired from optical sensor of satellite or airplane. Providing interoperable and reusable digital model is important to promote practical application of high-resolution satellite imagery. This paper presents the new research regarding representation of geospatial information, especially for 3D shape and appearance of virtual terrain. and describe framework for constructing real-time 3D model of large terrain based on high-resolution satellite imagery. It provides infrastructure of 3D simulation with geographical context. Web architecture, XML language and open protocols to build a standard based 3D terrain are presented. Details of standard-based approach for providing infrastructure of real-time 3D simulation using high-resolution satellite imagery are also presented. This work would facilitate interchange and interoperability across diverse systems and be usable by governments, industry scientists and general public.

Measurements of 3-D Deflection Characteristics of a Flexible Plate Levitated by Non-Contact Grippers Using SPIV Method (SPIV 기법을 이용한 비접촉 그리퍼에 의해 공중부양된 유연판의 3차원 변형 특성 측정)

  • Kim, Jaewoo;Kim, Joon Hyun;Lee, Yung Hoon;Sung, Jaeyong
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Visualization
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    • v.19 no.3
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    • pp.54-62
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    • 2021
  • This study has investigated the 3-D deflection characteristics of a flexible plate levitated by non-contact grippers using SPIV method. The measuring instrument consisted of a flexible plate located under four non-contact grippers and two cameras at the bottom of a transparent acrylic plate. Measurements were made on two materials (PVC and PC) for the plate with 50×50 cm2 area and 1 mm thickness. The deflection characteristics and flatness vary depending on the plate material, the gripper position and the air flow supplied to the gripper. For the material of PVC, the overall defection is convex. As the gripper position goes outward from the plate center, the upmost bending point also moves to the outside of the plate with the flatness increasing. However, the air flow rate does not affect the deflection pattern except for the small increase of flatness. For the material of PC, the shape of deflection changes from convex to concave as the gripper position goes out. The flatness is the highest at the point of transition from convex to concave, but the air flowrate has little effect on the flatness.

Analysis of Response Time and Reflectivity According to Driving Conditions of Barrier Rib-Type E-Paper Fabricated by Charged Particle Filtering Method (격벽형 전자종이의 하전입자 필터링 방법 및 구동조건에 따른 응답시간 및 반사율 분석)

  • Lee, Joo-Won;Kim, Young-Cho
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Electrical and Electronic Material Engineers
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    • v.33 no.6
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    • pp.475-482
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    • 2020
  • For electronic paper displays using electrophoresis, the response time and reflectivity of the image panel fabricated by filtering are analyzed. For the filtering process, a square wave and ramp wave are applied to white charged particles with a unique q/m value. We divide the sample panels into #1 to #4 according to the applied waveform in the filtering process. Step waves comprising two steps are used to drive the panel; therefore, we divide the driving conditions into D1~D4. The applied voltage at the first stage of the half cycle of the driving waveform moves the charged particles attached via the image force from the electrode, and the applied voltage at the second stage moves the floating charged particles by detaching. As mentioned, four types of driving conditions (D1 to D4) classified according to the half cycle of the driving waveform are applied to the samples #1 to #4), which are classified according to four types of filtering process. When driving condition D1 is applied to the four types of sample panels, the rise time of #1 is 1.59s, #2 is 1.706s, #3 is 1.853s, and #4 is 1.235s, resulting in #4 being relatively faster compared with other sample panels, and showing the same trend in other driving conditions. As a result, we confirm that applying the driving condition D1 causes abrupt movement of the white charged particles injected into the cell. When the same driving waveform (D1) is applied to each sample, reflectivities of 32.1% for #1, 31.4% for #2, 27.9% for #3, and 63.4% for #4 are measured. From the experiment, we confirm that the driving condition D1 (1s of 3.5 V, 9s of 3.0 V) and ramp wave #4 in filtering are desirable for good reflectivity and response time. Our research is expected to contribute to the improvement of the filtering process and optimization of the driving waveform.

Magnet Location Estimation Technology in 3D Using MI Sensors (MI센서를 이용한 3차원상 자석 위치 추정 기술)

  • Ju Hyeok Jo;Hwa Young Kim
    • Journal of Sensor Science and Technology
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    • v.32 no.4
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    • pp.232-237
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    • 2023
  • This paper presents a system for estimating the position of a magnet using a magnetic sensor. An algorithm is presented to analyze the waveform and output voltage values of the magnetic field generated at each position when the magnet moves and to estimate the position of the magnet based on the analyzed data. Here, the magnet is sufficiently small to be inserted into a blood vessel and has a micro-magnetic field of hundreds of nanoteslas owing to the small size and shape of the guide wire. In this study, a highly sensitive magneto-impedance (MI) sensor was used to detect these micro-magnetic fields. Nine MI sensors were arranged in a 3×3 configuration to detect a magnetic field that changes according to the position of the magnet through the MI sensor, and the voltage value output was polynomially regressed to specify a position value for each voltage value. The accuracy was confirmed by comparing the actual position value with the estimated position value by expanding it from a 1D straight line to a 3D space. Additionally, we could estimate the position of the magnet within a 3% error.

Aerodynamic Design of the Solar-Powered High Altitude Long Endurance (HALE) Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV)

  • Hwang, Seung-Jae;Kim, Sang-Gon;Kim, Cheol-Won;Lee, Yung-Gyo
    • International Journal of Aeronautical and Space Sciences
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    • v.17 no.1
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    • pp.132-138
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    • 2016
  • Korea Aerospace Research Institute (KARI) is developing an electric-driven HALE UAV in order to secure system and operational technologies since 2010. Based on the flight tests and design experiences of the previously developed electric-driven UAVs, KARI has designed EAV-3, a solar-powered HALE UAV. EAV-3 weighs 53kg, the structure weight is 22kg, and features a flexible wing of 19.5m in span with the aspect ratio of 17.4. Designing the main wing and empennage of the EAV-3 the amount of the bending due to the flexible wing, 404mm at 1-G flight condition based on T-800 composite material, and side wind effects due to low cruise speed, $V_{cr}=6m/sec$, are carefully considered. Also, unlike the general aircraft there is no center of gravity shift during the flight because of the EAV-3 is the solar-electric driven UAV. Thus, static margin cuts down to 28.4% and center of gravity moves back to 31% of the Mean Aerodynamic Chord (MAC) comparing with the previously designed the EAV-2 and EAV-2H/2H+ to upgrade the flight performance of the EAV-3.

Generating Cartesian Tool Paths for Machining Sculptured Surfaces from 3D Measurement Data (3차원 측정자료부터 자유곡면의 가공을 위한 공구경로생성)

  • Ko, Byung-Chul;Kim, Kwang-Soo
    • Journal of Korean Institute of Industrial Engineers
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    • v.19 no.3
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    • pp.123-137
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    • 1993
  • In this paper, an integrated approach is proposed to generate gouging-free Cartesian tool paths for machining sculptured surfaces from 3D measurement data. The integrated CAD/CAM system consists of two modules : offset surface module an Carteian tool path module. The offset surface module generates an offset surface of an object from its 3D measurement data, using an offsetting method and a surface fitting method. The offsetting is based on the idea that the envelope of an inversed tool generates an offset surface without self-intersection as the center of the inversed tool moves along on the surface of an object. The surface-fitting is the process of constructing a compact representation to model the surface of an object based on a fairly large number of data points. The resulting offset surtace is a composite Bezier surface without self-intersection. When an appropriate tool-approach direction is selected, the tool path module generates the Cartesian tool paths while the deviation of the tool paths from the surface stays within the user-specified tolerance. The tool path module is a two-step process. The first step adaptively subdivides the offset surface into subpatches until the thickness of each subpatch is small enough to satisfy the user-defined tolerance. The second step generates the Cartesian tool paths by calculating the intersection of the slicing planes and the adaptively subdivided subpatches. This tool path generation approach generates the gouging-free Cartesian CL tool paths, and optimizes the cutter movements by minimizing the number of interpolated points.

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