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Measurements of 3-D Deflection Characteristics of a Flexible Plate Levitated by Non-Contact Grippers Using SPIV Method  

Kim, Jaewoo (Graduate School, SeoulTech)
Kim, Joon Hyun (NDT Research Center, SeoulTech)
Lee, Yung Hoon (Graduate School, SeoulTech)
Sung, Jaeyong (Department of Mechanical & Automotive Engineering, SeoulTech)
Publication Information
Journal of the Korean Society of Visualization / v.19, no.3, 2021 , pp. 54-62 More about this Journal
This study has investigated the 3-D deflection characteristics of a flexible plate levitated by non-contact grippers using SPIV method. The measuring instrument consisted of a flexible plate located under four non-contact grippers and two cameras at the bottom of a transparent acrylic plate. Measurements were made on two materials (PVC and PC) for the plate with 50×50 cm2 area and 1 mm thickness. The deflection characteristics and flatness vary depending on the plate material, the gripper position and the air flow supplied to the gripper. For the material of PVC, the overall defection is convex. As the gripper position goes outward from the plate center, the upmost bending point also moves to the outside of the plate with the flatness increasing. However, the air flow rate does not affect the deflection pattern except for the small increase of flatness. For the material of PC, the shape of deflection changes from convex to concave as the gripper position goes out. The flatness is the highest at the point of transition from convex to concave, but the air flowrate has little effect on the flatness.
Flexible plate; Levitation; Non-contact gripper; SPIV; 3-D deflection;
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