• Title/Summary/Keyword: 2009 개정 과학과 교육과정

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A case study on the effects of programs utilizing learning strategies on the development of learning strategies and science academic achievements of the 7th grade science underachievers (학습전략을 활용한 프로그램이 중학교 과학학습 부진아의 학습전략 및 학업성취도에 미치는 효과에 대한 사례 연구)

  • Lee, Kyung-Hee;Han, Mi-Jung;Kim, Min-Jeong;Choi, Byung-Soon
    • Journal of Science Education
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    • v.38 no.3
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    • pp.509-524
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    • 2014
  • The purposes of this study were to develop a program utilizing learning strategies for underachieving middle school students in science and to identify the effectiveness of the program on the ability of using learning strategies and the improvement of science academic achievement. For this study, we developed the program of learning strategies consisting of eleven consecutive lesson plans focusing on the content of 2009 revised national science curriculum and applied the program to three underachieving students in science of 7th grade, who have weaker learning strategies that can be used for science study than other underachievers. After treatments, we analyzed the effectiveness of this program through science learning strategy tests, overall assessments, student-activity sheets, research logs, learning-transcription details, analysis of interviews with students, and observation of classes. According to this study, the enhancement of the ability of using learning strategies was limited because it was difficult for the students to change their fossilized strategies. On the other hand, their overall academic performance was considerably improved since the students became interested in studying science drawing on the learning strategies. Therefore, the program of learning strategies had a positive effect on improving the science underachievers' ability of using learning strategies and academic achievements.

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An Analysis of the Content Elements and Inquiry Activities in the Revised "Wise Life" Curriculum 2007 (2007년 개정 슬기로운 생활 교육 과정의 내용 요소 및 탐구 활동 분석)

  • Park, Jae-Keun;Baik, Hyun-Jung
    • Journal of Korean Elementary Science Education
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    • v.28 no.1
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    • pp.55-66
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    • 2009
  • The purpose of this study is to assist understanding the integrated subjects and to obtain implications required on the actual operation of curriculum by analyzing content elements and basic inquiry activities in the revised "wise lift" curriculum 2007. The result of this study is as follows. First, the formation of elements in contents of "wise life" deals with the passage of time based on changing seasons, myself and family in the 1st grade and the concept of space based on home and a village in the 2nd grade. Six main subjects and twelve activity subjects are presented per each grade. Second, number of activity subjects and content elements are reduced as compared with 7th curriculum so that the responsibility of operating classes based on activities is reduced and the purpose of rationalizing contents is somewhat fulfilled. Third, eliminating a relevant domains decisively when presenting the activity subjects assures the identification and purpose as the integrated subject focused on inquiry activities. Fourth, the result of analyzing the course-relevance on content elements shows that the allotment per each domain and course is less considered but the relevance of social studies is higher regardless of non-course characteristics as the integrated subject. Fifth, according to the component ratio of basic inquiry activities, 'Observing' and 'Debating' were presented as the most essential activities, and 'Measuring' and 'Making' were relatively low. By considering characteristics of course requiring balanced and various experiences of inquiry activities, additional discussions are required on appropriateness of the component ratio. Sixth, 'Observing' was increased and 'Debating' and 'Making' were decreased on the main activities in this revised curriculum as compared with 7th curriculum.

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Development and Application Effect of Design-based STEAM Program for Boosting the Career Consciousness of 5~6th Grade Elementary School Students for Natural Sciences and Engineering (이공계 진로의식 신장을 위한 초등 5~6학년용 설계기반 미래 유망직업 STEAM 프로그램 개발 및 적용 효과)

  • Lim, Yoo-Na;Min, Bu-Ja;Hong, Hoo-Jo
    • Journal of The Korean Association For Science Education
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    • v.35 no.1
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    • pp.73-84
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    • 2015
  • In this research, two careers connectable with the contents of the curriculum of fifth to sixth grade elementary school students were selected among other promising future careers in biotechnology and medical engineering fields. 'Design-based promising future career STEAM program' was developed and its validity and effectiveness were verified. Reflecting recent issues, and complying with the STEAM standard (frame) instructional materials were developed through group deliberations for nine months, based on the achievement standards through an analysis of subject curriculum revised in 2009. This was prepared so that students are able to experience biotechnology and medical engineering related careers in a simulational form emphasized with creative design to make them prefer natural sciences and engineering careers and draw their interests and recognition of the relevant careers under the two disciplines. As a result of such application to STEAM Leader School students at the verification stage of the program, the contents and level of the program were verified suitable, receiving favorable reviews. And as a result of applying the developed program on other elementary school students, it was discovered that significant improvements were found in their career consciousness. Through this research, it was suggested that there is a need for a simplification of the curriculum content standards, a provision of 'standard for integration,' development of teachers' ability in reconstituting or organizing the STEAM and proceeding classes, continuous long-term support to see the effects of a policy or a program, and a reinforcement of career education integrated in the curriculum.

Exploring Middle School Students' Types of Misconceptions on Astronomy Terminologies (중학교 천문학 용어에 대한 학생의 오개념 유형 탐색)

  • Choi, Youngjin;Shin, Donghee
    • Journal of Science Education
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    • v.44 no.3
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    • pp.289-299
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    • 2020
  • In this study, the definition, the level of difficulty, and the certainty of the understanding of 113 astronomy terminologies from 2009 revised middle school geoscience textbooks were examined. And through further interviews, the types of students' misconceptions about astronomy terminologies and their representative terms - examples of misconceptions were analyzed. The definitions of the terms presented by the students were largely classified as correct, low-level, and incorrect understanding. And low-level understanding was subdivided into high-level definition descriptions, undifferentiated concepts, and incorrect answers were subdivided into interference by scientific misconception and lack of prior knowledge. Given that the misconceptions due to terminologies can be distinguished from the prior misconception, the misconceptions due to terminologies can be effectively prevented by changing the term itself. In addition, students were aware of the advantages and disadvantages of metaphorical terms, and the recognition of their level of understanding is expected to be a good starting point considering that recognizing their own misconceptions is the first step in correcting them. Terminologies in science education is always an important subject of discussions, striving to select the right term according to the times, and scientific terms may change. It is expected that the results of this study will be the basis for discussions on the modification of terms.

Design and Implementation of Android-based Open U-Learning System for Improve Learning Effect : Focusing on 2009 revised science education courses (학습 효과 증진을 위한 안드로이드 기반의 개방형 U-러닝 시스템 설계 및 프로토타입 제작 : 2009년 개정 과학과 교육 과정 중심으로)

  • Kim, Youn-Soo;Lee, Ju-Hong
    • Journal of the Korea Society of Computer and Information
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    • v.19 no.10
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    • pp.135-149
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    • 2014
  • This study proposed the ubiquitous learning system by finding the difficulties which students have in learning the course of science and analyzing the current learning applications that are used commercially. Through case studies, we found 4 problems. First, the request of long learning time by most of the existing video-based learning applications. Second, it is impossible to know their level of learning due to the lack of open learning contents. Third, it is difficult for learners to participate in interactive learning. Fourth, there are educational contents without considerations on the level of learners. To refine the difficulties due to these problems, we designed and implemented a new ubiquitous learning system which applies the small learning contents for short-term learning, open learning system and enhanced hierarchical learning contents. The system was implemented based on Android. It provides learners with useful science education. We conducted a questionnaire for third grade middle school students in order to show that the proposed system has a good educational effects. The questionnaire asks for the differences between the proposed ubiquitous learning system and the existing learning application. We concluded that the proposed system is better than the existing application by using t-test for improvement of learning effects using feedback with which students participate in interactive learning but not in unidirectional learning, and share the learning result.

Research Trends of Young Children's Play Using the Semantic Network Analysis (언어네트워크분석을 통한 유아놀이 관련 연구동향 탐색)

  • Kim, Jong-Hoon;Park, Sun-Mi
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.21 no.2
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    • pp.296-303
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    • 2020
  • The purpose of this study was to examine the keywords of studies related to young children's play in the selected registered and candidate academic journals and the network of the keywords by conducting a semantic network analysis. The selected journals were published over the past decade in diverse fields of study that included social sciences and life sciences such as education and early childhood education. The findings of the study were as follows: First, there was a great increase in the studies related to early childhood play over the last five years in comparison with the first term(2009-2013). As a result of analyzing how many studies were included in the journals by field, the largest numbers of the studies were published in the field of education, followed by early childhood education, and life sciences. Second, when the network of the keywords was analyzed, the major keywords in the first term were playfulness, role play, young children, creativity, play, and peer play interaction. In the second term(2014-2018), playfulness was also the most frequently exhibited keyword, followed by young children, play, and peer play behavior. Keywords such as teacher-child interaction, language skills, happiness, cognitive ability, early childhood education newly appeared.

A Preliminary Study for Developing an Authoring Tool for Field-Experience Learning using Mobile Device (모바일 현장체험학습 저작도구 개발을 위한 기초연구)

  • Kang, Young Ok;Cho, Na Hye
    • Spatial Information Research
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    • v.23 no.3
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    • pp.123-132
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    • 2015
  • Recently both the importance and the interests of field-experience learning have kept increasing since the Education of Ministry encourages students to take a field-experience learning with the self-driven and creative education as the main issue in the 7th revised education curriculum in 2009. As the importance of field-experience learning goes up continuously, not only the release of its related mobile applications is increasing, but also a variety of researches for supporting the field-experience learning are ongoing. In this research we perform two things. First, we define the basic concept of authoring tool for which support the field-experience learning based on its characteristics and user requirements analysis. We confirmed that the authoring tool for the field-experience learning has to 1) support all activities that happen in pre-field, field-experience and post-field phases, 2) be possible to write the location-based field work, 3) have the authoring function which reflects the characteristics of curriculum such as history, science and geography, etc. that the field learning can be realized, 4) be designed as the structure that the results of inquiring activity after the field experience activity can be reused. Second, we create a conceptual design after confirming the authoring tool.

An Analysis of the Definition and the Meaning Used for the Terms of Heat and Thermal Energy in the Science Textbooks (과학과 교과서에 나타난 열과 열에너지 용어의 정의 및 사용 의미 분석)

  • Kim, Serim;Park, Jong-Yoon
    • Journal of the Korean Chemical Society
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    • v.62 no.3
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    • pp.214-225
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    • 2018
  • In this study, we tried to find out how heat and thermal energy terms are defined and used in Korean science textbooks, and to see if there are any differences in the meaning of these terms used in different areas of science. For this purpose, the contents of 52 science textbooks of elementary, middle and high school published by the 2009 revised curriculum were analyzed. The definition of the term heat is given in the middle school Science(1) and the high school Physics I and II textbooks. Most textbooks define heat as "energy transferred due to a temperature difference (Type I)". Only one textbook of Physics I defines heat as "transfer of energy due to a temperature difference (Type II)". The definition of thermal energy is mostly presented in the middle school Science (2) and the high school Physics I textbooks. Physics I textbooks define the thermal energy as "molecular kinetic energy (Type III)", while Science(2) textbooks define it as Type I or "energy causes temperature change or phase transition of matter (Type IV)". In the texts of textbooks, heat is mainly used as the meaning of Type I or Type III. Thermal energy is mainly used as Type III, but it is also used as Type I in the high school Physics and Chemistry textbooks. The meanings of heat and thermal energy terms used are differed by the area of science. They are mainly used as type I or type III in Physics and Chemistry textbooks, and used as type III in Life Science and Earth Science textbooks.

A Content Analysis of Storytelling in Mathematics Textbooks & Research on the Actual Teacher-Student Condition centered on Senior High School (수학교과서의 스토리텔링 내용 분석 및 활용실태조사 - 고등학교 1학년 중심으로 -)

  • Kang, Ok-Sun;Kim, Yunghwan
    • Journal of the Korean School Mathematics Society
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    • v.17 no.3
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    • pp.337-358
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    • 2014
  • The purpose of this study is to investigate how storytelling is embodied in the Mathematics I textbooks for first grade high school students in the 2009 revised curriculum and the perception of secondary math teachers and students of those books. Furthermore, in order to have some implications on newly ongoing textbook development, this thesis sets up the following goals for inquiry into the effect on storytelling. First, are there any noticeable differences among the 10 types of mathematics I textbooks for high school first graders in the 2009 revised curriculum? Second, what do teachers and students think of textbooks which apply storytelling techniques? The results are as follows. The frequency of storytelling types that appeared in the textbooks is as follows: real-life connection type and inter-scholarship type take up 47.55% and 24.51% respectively, followed by decision-making type with 10.52%, math history type with 10.17% and tool-using type with 7.05%. Within the contents, math history type showed up on reading material from every textbook. And it is worth considering that real-life-connection type has the most various topics and is mainly for arousing interest and checking up on some concepts. However, inter-scholarship type is usually related to science, and decision-making type is included for error analysis and tool-using type for reading materials about math programs. The results of this study suggest that many of the teachers who participated showed some kind of understanding of storytelling but there were not many who are actually incorporating that into their own classes. It is also essential that we develop textbooks that are effective for storytelling classes, hold regular symposiums as well as teacher training, and create tools for proper assessment. Furthermore, students think that textbooks based on storytelling would have positive effects as long as they are supported by enough time, a sufficient number of classes and tests with validity.

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The Development of STEAM Education Material Focused on Elementary Mathematics Using Architectures (건축을 활용한 초등학교 수학 중심의 융합교육 수업자료 개발)

  • Lee, Jeong-Hak;Yoon, Ma-Byong
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.14 no.6
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    • pp.499-512
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    • 2014
  • Architecture is usually seen as a product of art and technology. However, most historical buildings also exemplify various sophisticated principles of mathematics. Outstanding examples of architecture around the world such as Seokguram, Daewoongjun of Bulguksa, Muryangsujeon of Buseoksa, and the Parthenon provide students with a great opportunity to study their underlying mathematical properties and principles. The activity of identifying and investigating such mathematical principles in historical buildings enables students to realize that mathematics is a practical subject, and thus provides justification for the study and importance of mathematics. For the purpose of this study historical architecture was reviewed with this in mind in order to develop STEAM education materials focused on elementary school mathematics. The result of this study is as follows: first of all, appropriate examples of historical architecture were selected on the basis of the 2009 revised curriculum's content and teaching goals. These involved chapters on 'proportion', 'symmetry', 'movement of figures', 'building blocks', and 'triangles'. Secondly, a meta-analysis was performed on the historical buildings that clearly illustrate mathematical principles. Thirdly, STEAM education materials focused on elementary mathematics using architectural examples were developed which made actual application in classrooms possible. And lastly, surveys of professional groups were conducted to verify whether the produced materials were suitable teaching resources.