An Analysis of the Content Elements and Inquiry Activities in the Revised "Wise Life" Curriculum 2007

2007년 개정 슬기로운 생활 교육 과정의 내용 요소 및 탐구 활동 분석

  • Published : 2009.02.28


The purpose of this study is to assist understanding the integrated subjects and to obtain implications required on the actual operation of curriculum by analyzing content elements and basic inquiry activities in the revised "wise lift" curriculum 2007. The result of this study is as follows. First, the formation of elements in contents of "wise life" deals with the passage of time based on changing seasons, myself and family in the 1st grade and the concept of space based on home and a village in the 2nd grade. Six main subjects and twelve activity subjects are presented per each grade. Second, number of activity subjects and content elements are reduced as compared with 7th curriculum so that the responsibility of operating classes based on activities is reduced and the purpose of rationalizing contents is somewhat fulfilled. Third, eliminating a relevant domains decisively when presenting the activity subjects assures the identification and purpose as the integrated subject focused on inquiry activities. Fourth, the result of analyzing the course-relevance on content elements shows that the allotment per each domain and course is less considered but the relevance of social studies is higher regardless of non-course characteristics as the integrated subject. Fifth, according to the component ratio of basic inquiry activities, 'Observing' and 'Debating' were presented as the most essential activities, and 'Measuring' and 'Making' were relatively low. By considering characteristics of course requiring balanced and various experiences of inquiry activities, additional discussions are required on appropriateness of the component ratio. Sixth, 'Observing' was increased and 'Debating' and 'Making' were decreased on the main activities in this revised curriculum as compared with 7th curriculum.
