• Title/Summary/Keyword: 17-estradiol

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Effects of Estradiol-17$\beta$ and Progesterone on the Spontaneous Motility of Pig Oviductal Isthmic Smooth Muscle in Follicular and Luteal Stages (난포기 및 황체기에 있어서 돼지 난관협부 평활근의 자율적 운동성에 대한 Estradiol-l7$\beta$및 Progesterone의 영향)

  • Lee Min-Gi;Son Dong-Soo;Lee Yeong-Lak;Nam Jeong-Woo;Kim Joo-Heon;Choe Sang-Yong
    • Journal of Veterinary Clinics
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    • v.8 no.2
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    • pp.191-195
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    • 1991
  • The effects of estradiol-17$\beta$ and progesterone on the spontaneous motility of pig oviductal isthmic smooth muscle were investigated. The motility of the Isolated smooth muscle was recorded by using physiological recording system. The results were summarized as follows; 1. The amplitude and frequency of spontaneous motility in pig isthmic smooth muscle were 0.251$\pm$0.023 g and 15.380$\pm$0.935/min in follicular stage, and 0.201$\pm$0.027g and 14.520$\pm$1.382/min in luteal stage. 2. The spontaneous motility of pig isthmic smooth muscle was excited by estradiol-17$\beta$ but was not by progesterone in follicular and luteal stage.

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Real time-PCR을 이용한 내분비계장애 생체지표의 발현감수성 비교

  • 이철우;구자민;전성환;나진균;박광식;이문순
    • Proceedings of the Korea Society of Environmental Toocicology Conference
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    • 2002.10a
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    • pp.164-164
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    • 2002
  • 에스트로젠을 처리한 송사리의 간으로부터 choriogenin vitellogenin estrogen receptor의 발현량을 전사수준에서 Real-time을 사용하여 정량.비교하였다. 시험어종으로는 부화 후 5개월 이상된 성숙한 수컷 송사리(Oryzias latipes)를(체중 약 250mg/마리)를 사용하여 17$\beta$-estradiol(25ppt, 50ppt, 100ppt)에 24시간 노출시켰다. Fluorescence dye는 choriogenin vitellogenin estrogen receptor의 경우 FAM (6-carboxyfluorescein)을 사용하였으며, $\beta$-actin의 경우는 VIC를 사용하였다. 프로브에 사용하는 quencher dye는 TAMRA(6-carboxy-N',N',N',N'-tetramethyl rhodamine)을 사용하였다. Internal control로 사용된 $\beta$-actin은 17$\beta$-estradiol의 농도에 상관 없이 0~10pM 범위에서 일정하게 발현됨을 보여주었다. vitellogenin choriogenin L 및 choriogenin H는 17$\beta$-estradiol의 농도에 의존하여 발현이 증가되는 용량-반응양상(Dose-dependent)을 나타내었다. 반면, estrogen receptor는 모든 처리군에서 $10^{-2}$pM 정도로 발혐됨에 따라 본 시험농도의 17$\beta$-estradiol에 의해서는 거의 유도발현이 되지 않음을 보여주었다. choriogenin L, choriogenin H, vitellogenin I 및 estrogen receptor 발현감수성을 비교한 결과, 25ppt 및 50ppt의 17$\beta$-esoadiol 농도에서는 ChgL > ChgH > VTG I >ER의 순으로 감수성이 높았으며, 100ppt 노출에서는 ChgL > VTG I > Chg H > ER의 순으로 감수성이 높게 나타났다. 결론적으로 choriogenin이 에스트로젠물질에 의한 가장 민감한 생체지표임을 알 수 있었다.

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$17{\beta}$-Estradiol Regulates the Expression of Nesfatin-1/NUCB2 in Mouse Uterus ($17{\beta}$-Estradiol에 의한 생쥐 자궁 내 Nesfatin-1/NUCB2 발현 조절)

  • Kim, Jin-Hee;Lee, Kyoung-Ran;Kim, Hyeon-Kyeong;No, So-Hyeon;Yoo, Hye-Min;Moon, Chan-Il;Yang, Hyun-Won
    • Development and Reproduction
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    • v.15 no.4
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    • pp.349-357
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    • 2011
  • Since nesfatin-1/NUCB2 involved in the control of appetite and energy metabolism was discovered for the first time in hypothalamus, many reports have shown its expression in various tissues. We also recently demonstrated that nesfatin-1/NUCB2 was expressed in the reproductive organs of mouse. However, no data exist on nesfatin-1/NUCB2 expression, regulation, and secretion in the uterus. Therefore, we examined the expression of nesfatin-1/NUCB2 in mouse uterus and the effects of PMSG and estrogen on its expression. NUCB2 mRNA expression in the uterus was determined by conventional and real-time PCR and nesfatin-1 protein expression was detected by western blotting. In immunohistochemistry staining, nesfatin-1 protein was localized at the epithelial cells of the uterine glands and endometrium. Nesfatin-1 protein binding sites were displayed at the epithelial cells of uterine glands and specific granulocytes including neutrophils. Additionally, to examine if the nesfatin-1/NUCB2 expression in the uterus is regulated by gonadotropin or estrogen, ovariectomized mice were treated with PMSG or $17{\beta}$-estradiol. The expression levels of NUCB2 mRNA in the uterus was significantly increased in the control mice after PMSG treatment, but not in the ovariectomized mice. In contrast, NUCB2 mRNA expression was dramatically increased in the ovariectomized mice after treatment with $17{\beta}$-estradiol. We report here for the first time that nesfatin-1/NUCB2 mRNA and protein express in the mouse uterus and its expression is regulated by estrogen secreted from the ovary, but not gonadotropin from the pituitary.

Annually Reproductive Cycles of Gonadotropic Cells, Endocrine Materials and Plasma Components in Special Relation to Oogenesis in Rainbow Trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss (번식주기에 있어서 자성무지개송어 (Oncorhynchus mykiss) 뇌하수체의 생식소자극호르몬 분비세포와 난형성에 특이하게 작용하는 내분비물질 및 혈장성분의 연중변화)

  • Yoon, Jong-Man;Kim, Gye-Woong;Park, Kwan-Ha
    • Applied Microscopy
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    • v.31 no.1
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    • pp.19-35
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    • 2001
  • Outlines for plasma $estradiol-17\beta$, components, electrophoretic patterns, and ultrastructural changes were obtained in female rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) during the seasonal reproductive cycles. Plasma $estradiol-17\beta$ under the natural conditions, exhibited distinct seasonal variation, peaking very late in vitellogenic season during September, decreasing gradually the halt of spawning in December, and ultimately falling during the early stages of seasonal ovarian recrudescence in February and March. This change in $estradiol-17\beta$ appeared to stimulate vitellogenin production as evidenced by increases in plasma calcium, phosphorus, glucose, albumin and total protein levels. The electrophoretic patterns of late maturing or spawning oocytes were stained more intensively than those of late perinucleolus oocytes (molecular weights of approximately 70,000 and 200,000). Two protein bands were found in the SDS-PAGE separation, coincident with the $estradiol-17\beta$ hormone peak. Gonadosomatic indices (GSI) significantly increased from October to January, and showed the highest peak in January, coinciding with the numerically abrupt increase of ripe ova in female. A positive correlation (r=0.701, p<0.01) was established between plasma $estradiol-17\beta$ levels and the gonadosomatic index during the prespawning. The highest level of hepatosomatic index (HSI) observed in December. During the breeding season (December), the gonadotropes were large and filled with GTH-containing inclusions such as granules and globules. The vitellogenic phase began as late perinurleolus oocytes became transformed into early maturing oocytes through the accumulation of yolk, and oocytes reached the late maturing stages as the ooplasm was completely packed with yolk. Marked ultrastructural changed in the granulosa cells during nuclear migration involve the dilation of the rough endoplasmic reticulum and the appearance of the rod-shaped mitochondria with tubular cristae. Microvilli (finger-like projections), from the zona radiata and from the oocyte grew, and made contact with each other in the pore canals of the zona radials during vitellogenesis, but were withdrawn as the zona radiata became more compact and devoid of pore canals during oocyte maturation. The zona radiata grew to a tripartite structure such as an outer thin homogeneous layer, and two inner thick helicoidal layers (zona radials interna and zona radiata externa). Under the normal conditions, the ovarian follicle influenced the histological development and periodical secretion of the hormones , sufficient for a oogenesis and gonadal steroid production.

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Sex Reverse in Teleost Culture II. Sex Reversal of Guppy and Tilapia by $17\beta$-Estradiol and $17\alpha$-Methyltestoserone (경골어류의 성전환에 관한 연구 II. $17\beta$-Estradiol 및 $17\alpha$-Methyltestosterone을 이용한 Guppy 및 Tilapia의 성전환에 관한 연구)

  • 윤종만;박홍양
    • Korean Journal of Animal Reproduction
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    • v.13 no.1
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    • pp.40-48
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    • 1989
  • Guppy fry were treated for the first 40 days of life with 0, 20, 40, 60 & 100$\mu\textrm{g}$ of estradiol per gram of food in order to change the sex of normal males to functional females(genetic male). The present investigation deals with the effects of steroid hormones, such as $\beta$-estradiol and testosterone, on the sex differentiation in guppy and tilapia. The results obtained were summarized as follows. 1. In B (20$\mu\textrm{g}$/g diet) group 17$\beta$-estradiol-treated, 67.8% of male offsprings were produced. 2. In D (60$\mu\textrm{g}$/g diet) group 17$\beta$-treated, 67% of female offsprings were produced. 3. B, D groups of genetic male brooders had significantly different effects (P<0.01) upon sex ratios of their progeny. 4. This strongly indicates that sex direction has been achieved and that the male is the heterogametic sex. 5. The group that produced the highest percentage of male offspring(male percentage of observed number to expected number was 91%) contained only full-sibling male brooders to the sex-reversed female brooders. 6. After 7 months following treatment, the sex-reversed males had ovarian portion in the anterior region and a testicular portion in the posterior region of the same intersexual gonad, respectively. 7. At 7 months after treatment, the ovareis revealed a complete arrest of the ovarian formation, and appearances of spermatogenetic cell cysts among surviving auxocytes. 8. In most of sex-reversed fish, anterior portion of test is was devoid of sperm ducts including the seminal vesicle and vas deferens. 9. The male transferrin showed two strong bands, while the female transferrin showed a single weak band. 10. One of the two bands of male transferrin showed the same mobility with band of female transferrin.

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A Study on the trabecular change of Femur according to $17{\beta}-Estradiol$ Dosage in Ovariectomized Rat (난소 절제된 백서에서 에스트로젠 투여용량에 따른 대퇴골주 변화에 대한 연구)

  • Kim, Seong-Joo;Kim, Kyung-Wook;Lee, Jae-Hoon
    • Maxillofacial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery
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    • v.22 no.2
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    • pp.155-163
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    • 2000
  • Osteoporosis is the consequence of an imbalance between osteoclastic and osteoblastic activity, coupled with an increased rate of bone turnover observed with menopause. Estrogen is generally considered to maintain bone mass through suppression of bone resorption. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the rat femoral trabecular change not only in the deficiency of estrogen but also in the administration of estrogen following ovariectomy(OVX). 30 female Sprague-Dawley rats were subjected to bilateral OVX or sham surgery(control). Groups of OVX were divided into 4 groups. The first group was injected daily with vehicle alone for 20 days after 20 weeks following OVX. The additional groups of OVX was injected daily with low, medium, or high doses of $17{\beta}-estradiol$(10, 25 or $50{\mu}g/kg$ BW, respectively). All rats were sacrified 23 weeks after OVX, and their femur were processed for H&E, MT stain and histomorphometry. The results were as follows; 1. In the histomorphometric analysis, the trabecular bone volume/tissue volume, trabecular thickness and trabecular seperation were respectively $31.2{\pm}8.3%$, $54.3{\pm}4.8{\mu}m$ and $280.7{\pm}16.4{\mu}m$ in vehicle treated OVX group and $48.6{\pm}7.3%$, $90.4{\pm}4.5{\mu}m$ and $126.3{\pm}5{\mu}m$ in sham operation group, and they showed statistical significance compare to control group. 2. The trabecular bone volume/tissue volume, trabecular thickness and trabecular separation were respectively $44.4{\pm}4.3%$, $109.5{\pm}12.3{\mu}m$ and $94.9{\pm}8.5{\mu}m$ in low doses of $17{\beta}-estradiol$ injected group and they showed statistical significance compare to OVX group. 3. The trabecular bone volume/tissue volume, trabecular thickness and trabecular separation were respectively $44.4{\pm}4.3%$, $109.5{\pm}12.3{\mu}m$ and $94.9{\pm}8.5{\mu}m$ in medium doses of $17{\beta}-estradiol$ injected group and they showed statistical significance compare to OVX group, but they didn't show statistical significance compare to low doses of $17{\beta}-estradiol$ injected group. 4. The trabecular bone volume/tissue volume, trabecular thickness and trabecular separation were respectively $46.4{\pm}4.5%$, $154.4{\pm}13.2{\mu}m$ and $113.7{\pm}12.8{\mu}m$ in high doses of $17{\beta}-estradiol$ injected group and they also showed statistical significance compare to OVX group, but they didn't show statistical significance compare to other experimental groups. From the above results, metaphyseal bone formation was markedly reduced in OVX rate but treatment of OVX rats with $17{\beta}-estradiol$ resulted in normalization of femur trabecular bone volume. But they didn't show statistical significance the effect of bone formation according to the dose dependency.

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Effects of $17\beta-Estradiol$ on the Sex Reversal of Nile Tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus ($17\beta-Estradiol$에 의한 나일틸라피아(Oreochromis niloticus)의 성전환)

  • KIM Dong Soo;JO Jae-Yoon;BANG In Chul
    • Journal of Aquaculture
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    • v.6 no.2
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    • pp.125-132
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    • 1993
  • To determine the effective dose of $17\beta-estradiol$ on the production of all female populations of Nile tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus, the first feeding-stage larvae were fed 0, 60, 120, 240 and 480 ppm of $17\beta-estradiol$ in the diet for 30 days. Rates of sex reversal, survival and growth of each treated group were analyzed. Effects of 3 different treatment durations, 10, 20 and 30 days, treated with 480 ppm $17\beta-estradiol$ in the diet to produce all females, were also evaluated. The incidence of female fish were clearly dose and time dependent. The female induction rate of 0, 60, 120, 240 and 480 ppm were 47.5, 86.4, 91.3, 97.0 and $100\%$, respectively. Female induction rates of 480 ppm treated for 10, 20 and 30 days were 64.2, 84.3 and $100\%$ respectively. The survival rate of each treated group was not different from the control, and the growth rates of the treatment groups decreased as the treatment duration and the concentration of the estrogen hormone increased.

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Effect of estradiol-$17{\beta}$ on proliferation in primary cultured chicken hepatocytes (초대 배양한 닭 간세포 증식에 대한 estradiol-$17{\beta}$의 효과)

  • Baek, Gyul;Kang, Ju-Won
    • Korean Journal of Veterinary Service
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    • v.31 no.4
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    • pp.457-463
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    • 2008
  • The sex steroid hormone estradiol-$17{\beta}(E_2)$ mediate their biological effects on development, differentiation and maintenance of reproductive tract and other target tissue through gene regulation by nuclear steroid receptors. Although the importance of $E_2$ in many physiological process has been reported, but little is known about the effects of $E_2$ on primary cultured chicken hepatocyte. therefore, in the present study, we have examined the effect of $E_2$ on cell proliferation and it's related signal cascades. $E_2$ increase $[^3H]$-thymidine incorporation in time-(${\leq}8hr$) and dose-($10^{-10}M$)dependent manner and treatment of $E_2$ increased the phosphorylation of p44/43 MAPKs(p44/42 mitogen-activated protein kinase) and JNK(c-Jun N-terminal kinase) in a time dependent manner. In addition, PD98059(p44/42 blocker, $10^{-5}M$), SP600125(JNK blocker, $10^{-6}M$) blocked the estrogen-induced increase in $[^3H]$-thymidine incorporation. In conclusion, $E_2$ stimulates the proliferation of primary cultured chicken hepatocytes and this action is mediated by p44/42 MAPKs and JNK signal transduction pathway.

Gene Expression Profiles of Dibutyl Phthalate and 17$\beta$-Estradiol using cDNA microarray in MCF 7 Human Breast Cancer Cell Line

  • Ryu, Jae-Chun;Kim, Hyung-Tae;Kim, Youn-Jung
    • Environmental Mutagens and Carcinogens
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    • v.22 no.4
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    • pp.274-278
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    • 2002
  • Phthalates, suspected endocrine disruptor, are plasticizer and solvent used in industry, and some phthalates are known as potential carcinogen. Most common human exposure to this compounds may occur with contaminated food. It may migrate into food from plastic wrap or may enter food from general environmental contamination, and it has become widespread environmental pollutants, thus leading to a variety of phthalates that possibly threaten the public health. Dibutyl phthalate (DBP) may playa part of cell proliferator, which mediates changes in gene expression and the metabolism of xenobiotics. An understanding of the role of DBP in modulating gene regulation should provide insight regarding mechanisms of DBP induced xenoestrogenic impact. To elucidate the type of genes that are associated with estrogenic activity induced by DBP at the dose (10$^{-8}$ M) appeared proliferating effects, the pattern of gene expression in MCF7 cells was compared between 17$\beta$-estradiol and DBP exposure in the cDNA microarray. From the results, it showed some differences of gene expression patterns between MCF7 cells treated with 17$\beta$-estradiol and DBP, and also DBP shows estrogenic potential with changes in estrogen-related gene expression levels.

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