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An Intelligent Intrusion Detection Model Based on Support Vector Machines and the Classification Threshold Optimization for Considering the Asymmetric Error Cost (비대칭 오류비용을 고려한 분류기준값 최적화와 SVM에 기반한 지능형 침입탐지모형)

  • Lee, Hyeon-Uk;Ahn, Hyun-Chul
    • Journal of Intelligence and Information Systems
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    • v.17 no.4
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    • pp.157-173
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    • 2011
  • As the Internet use explodes recently, the malicious attacks and hacking for a system connected to network occur frequently. This means the fatal damage can be caused by these intrusions in the government agency, public office, and company operating various systems. For such reasons, there are growing interests and demand about the intrusion detection systems (IDS)-the security systems for detecting, identifying and responding to unauthorized or abnormal activities appropriately. The intrusion detection models that have been applied in conventional IDS are generally designed by modeling the experts' implicit knowledge on the network intrusions or the hackers' abnormal behaviors. These kinds of intrusion detection models perform well under the normal situations. However, they show poor performance when they meet a new or unknown pattern of the network attacks. For this reason, several recent studies try to adopt various artificial intelligence techniques, which can proactively respond to the unknown threats. Especially, artificial neural networks (ANNs) have popularly been applied in the prior studies because of its superior prediction accuracy. However, ANNs have some intrinsic limitations such as the risk of overfitting, the requirement of the large sample size, and the lack of understanding the prediction process (i.e. black box theory). As a result, the most recent studies on IDS have started to adopt support vector machine (SVM), the classification technique that is more stable and powerful compared to ANNs. SVM is known as a relatively high predictive power and generalization capability. Under this background, this study proposes a novel intelligent intrusion detection model that uses SVM as the classification model in order to improve the predictive ability of IDS. Also, our model is designed to consider the asymmetric error cost by optimizing the classification threshold. Generally, there are two common forms of errors in intrusion detection. The first error type is the False-Positive Error (FPE). In the case of FPE, the wrong judgment on it may result in the unnecessary fixation. The second error type is the False-Negative Error (FNE) that mainly misjudges the malware of the program as normal. Compared to FPE, FNE is more fatal. Thus, when considering total cost of misclassification in IDS, it is more reasonable to assign heavier weights on FNE rather than FPE. Therefore, we designed our proposed intrusion detection model to optimize the classification threshold in order to minimize the total misclassification cost. In this case, conventional SVM cannot be applied because it is designed to generate discrete output (i.e. a class). To resolve this problem, we used the revised SVM technique proposed by Platt(2000), which is able to generate the probability estimate. To validate the practical applicability of our model, we applied it to the real-world dataset for network intrusion detection. The experimental dataset was collected from the IDS sensor of an official institution in Korea from January to June 2010. We collected 15,000 log data in total, and selected 1,000 samples from them by using random sampling method. In addition, the SVM model was compared with the logistic regression (LOGIT), decision trees (DT), and ANN to confirm the superiority of the proposed model. LOGIT and DT was experimented using PASW Statistics v18.0, and ANN was experimented using Neuroshell 4.0. For SVM, LIBSVM v2.90-a freeware for training SVM classifier-was used. Empirical results showed that our proposed model based on SVM outperformed all the other comparative models in detecting network intrusions from the accuracy perspective. They also showed that our model reduced the total misclassification cost compared to the ANN-based intrusion detection model. As a result, it is expected that the intrusion detection model proposed in this paper would not only enhance the performance of IDS, but also lead to better management of FNE.

Wafer-level Vacuum Packaging of a MEMS Resonator using the Three-layer Bonding Technique (3중 접합 공정에 의한 MEMS 공진기의 웨이퍼레벨 진공 패키징)

  • Yang, Chung Mo;Kim, Hee Yeoun;Park, Jong Cheol;Na, Ye Eun;Kim, Tae Hyun;Noh, Kil Son;Sim, Gap Seop;Kim, Ki Hoon
    • Journal of Sensor Science and Technology
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    • v.29 no.5
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    • pp.354-359
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    • 2020
  • The high vacuum hermetic sealing technique ensures excellent performance of MEMS resonators. For the high vacuum hermetic sealing, the customization of anodic bonding equipment was conducted for the glass/Si/glass triple-stack anodic bonding process. Figure 1 presents the schematic of the MEMS resonator with triple-stack high-vacuum anodic bonding. The anodic bonding process for vacuum sealing was performed with the chamber pressure lower than 5 × 10-6 mbar, the piston pressure of 5 kN, and the applied voltage was 1 kV. The process temperature during anodic bonding was 400 ℃. To maintain the vacuum condition of the glass cavity, a getter material, such as a titanium thin film, was deposited. The getter materials was active at the 400 ℃ during the anodic bonding process. To read out the electrical signals from the Si resonator, a vertical feed-through was applied by using through glass via (TGV) which is formed by sandblasting technique of cap glass wafer. The aluminum electrodes was conformally deposited on the via-hole structure of cap glass. The TGV process provides reliable electrical interconnection between Si resonator and aluminum electrodes on the cap glass without leakage or electrical disconnection through the TGV. The fabricated MEMS resonator with proposed vacuum packaging using three-layer anodic bonding process has resonance frequency and quality factor of about 16 kHz and more than 40,000, respectively.

The Processing Conditions of Extracts from Rapid Fermented Anchovy Sauce (속성멸치간장엑기스분의 가공조건)

  • Lee, Eung-Ho;Kim, Jin-Soo;Ahn, Chang-Bum;Lee, Kang-Hee;Kim, Myung-Chan;Chung, Bu-Kil;Park, Hee-Yeol
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition
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    • v.18 no.2
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    • pp.167-174
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    • 1989
  • AS a part of investigation to use anchovy more effectively as food source, this work was undertaken the processing conditions of extracts from rapid fermented anchovy sauce. To prepare rapid fermented products, the chopped anchovy was mixed with 50% water (w/w), and then hydrolyzed by autolysis or addition of koji under different conditions of hydrolysis. The optimal conditions for hydrolysis of chopped anchovy were revealed $50^{\circ}C$, 6 hours, pH 8.0 by autolysis, and ,$50^{\circ}C$, 6 hours, pH 7.0 by addition of 10% koji, respectively. But, pH control was not much beneficial in increasing yield. The effect of soybean protein isolote for improvement of bitter taste was also tested. The reasonable amount of added soybean protein isolate was revealed 5% on the weight basis of the chopped anchovy. The reaction mixture hydrolyzed under optimal conditions were added with 1% onion powder (w/w), 1% garlic powder(w/w) and 1% red pepper powder(w/w) for masking fishy odor, inactivated for 20 min at $100^{\circ}C$, and then centrifuged for 20 min at 4,000 rpm. The supernatant liquor was filtrated and evaporated to 50%(v/v). finally, table salt was added for bateriostatic effect and characteristic taste of rapid fermented products. the reasonable amount of added table salt was reversed 15% on the volume basis of the evaporated liquor. The hydrolysis ratio of product made by addition of water, product made by addition of koji and water, and product made by addition of soybean protein isolate, koji and water hydrolyzed under optimal conditions were 58.4%, 82.1% and 86.2%, respectively.

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Bioleaching of Mn(II) from Manganese Nodules by Bacillus sp. MR2 (Bacillus sp. MR2에 의한 망간단괴의 생물용출)

  • Choi, Sung-Chan;Lee, Ga-Hwa;Lee, Hong-Keum
    • Korean Journal of Microbiology
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    • v.45 no.4
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    • pp.411-415
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    • 2009
  • Some microorganisms are capable of leaching Mn(II) from nonsulfidic manganese ores indirectly via nonenzymatic processes. Such reductive dissolution requires organic substrates, such as glucose, sucrose, or galactose, as a source of carbon and energy for microbial growth. This study investigated characteristics of Mn(II) leaching from manganese nodules by using heterotrophic Bacillus sp. strain MR2 provided with corn starch as a less-expensive substrate. Leaching of Mn(II) at 25.6 g Mn(II) $kg^{-1}$ nodule $day^{-1}$ was accompanied with cell growth, but part of the produced Mn(II) re-adsorbed onto residual $MnO_2$ particles after 24 h. Direct contact of cells to manganese nodule was not necessary as a separation between them with a dialysis tube produced similar amount [24.6 g Mn(II) $kg^{-1}$ nodule $day^{-1}$]. These results indicated an involvement of extracellular diffusible compound(s) during Mn(II) leaching by strain MR2. In order to optimize a leaching process we tested factors that influence the reaction, and the most efficient conditions were $25\sim35^{\circ}C$, pH 5~7, inoculum density of 1.5~2.5% (v/v), pulp density of 2~3 g/L, and particle size <75 ${\mu}m$. Although Mn(II) leaching was enhanced as particle size decrease, we suggest <212 ${\mu}m$ as a proper size range since more grinding means more energy consumption The results would help for the improvement of bioleaching of manganese nodule as a less expensive, energy-efficient, and environment-friendly technology as compared to the existing physicochemical metal recovery technologies.

Analysis of Radiation Treatment Planning by Dose Calculation and Optimization Algorithm (선량계산 및 최적화 알고리즘에 따른 치료계획의 영향 분석)

  • Kim, Dae-Sup;Yoon, In-Ha;Lee, Woo-Seok;Baek, Geum-Mun
    • The Journal of Korean Society for Radiation Therapy
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    • v.24 no.2
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    • pp.137-147
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    • 2012
  • Purpose: Analyze the Effectiveness of Radiation Treatment Planning by dose calculation and optimization algorithm, apply consideration of actual treatment planning, and then suggest the best way to treatment planning protocol. Materials and Methods: The treatment planning system use Eclipse 10.0. (Varian, USA). PBC (Pencil Beam Convolution) and AAA (Anisotropic Analytical Algorithm) Apply to Dose calculation, DVO (Dose Volume Optimizer 10.0.28) used for optimized algorithm of Intensity Modulated Radiation Therapy (IMRT), PRO II (Progressive Resolution Optimizer V 8.9.17) and PRO III (Progressive Resolution Optimizer V 10.0.28) used for optimized algorithm of VAMT. A phantom for experiment virtually created at treatment planning system, $30{\times}30{\times}30$ cm sized, homogeneous density (HU: 0) and heterogeneous density that inserted air assumed material (HU: -1,000). Apply to clinical treatment planning on the basis of general treatment planning feature analyzed with Phantom planning. Results: In homogeneous density phantom, PBC and AAA show 65.2% PDD (6 MV, 10 cm) both, In heterogeneous density phantom, also show similar PDD value before meet with low density material, but they show different dose curve in air territory, PDD 10 cm showed 75%, 73% each after penetrate phantom. 3D treatment plan in same MU, AAA treatment planning shows low dose at Lung included area. 2D POP treatment plan with 15 MV of cervical vertebral region include trachea and lung area, Conformity Index (ICRU 62) is 0.95 in PBC calculation and 0.93 in AAA. DVO DVH and Dose calculation DVH are showed equal value in IMRT treatment plan. But AAA calculation shows lack of dose compared with DVO result which is satisfactory condition. Optimizing VMAT treatment plans using PRO II obtained results were satisfactory, but lower density area showed lack of dose in dose calculations. PRO III, but optimizing the dose calculation results were similar with optimized the same conditions once more. Conclusion: In this study, do not judge the rightness of the dose calculation algorithm. However, analyzing the characteristics of the dose distribution represented by each algorithm, especially, a method for the optimal treatment plan can be presented when make a treatment plan. by considering optimized algorithm factors of the IMRT or VMAT that needs to optimization make a treatment plan.

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Efficacy of ELISA for measurement of protective newcastle disease antibody level in broilers (육계의 뉴켓슬병 방어역가 측정에 있어서 ELISA 검사법의 효용성)

  • Kim, Jong-Nyeo;Heo, won;Mo, In-Pil
    • Korean Journal of Veterinary Research
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    • v.46 no.3
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    • pp.185-196
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    • 2006
  • Newcastle disease (ND) is a highly contagious disease of poultry that can cause severe economic losses throughout the world. Vaccination has been used for a long time and proved as one of the most effective method to reduce the economic loss due to ND virus infection, The measurement of antibody titer such as hamagglutination-inhibition (Hl) test with sera has been used as a useful method to evaluate the immunity leve of host. However, Hl test is gradually being replaced by the enzyme linked-immunosorbent assay (ELISA), To evaluate the efficacy of ELISA in the chickens vaccinated with different procedure, present study has been performed. After SPF chicks and commercial broilers were vaccinated with different kinds of live vaccines such as V4, VG/GA and/or Bl at various time, the antibody level has been measured using both HI test and ELISA. Challenge test with velogenic viscerotropic NDV was also performed to measure the protective level of antibody. In the SPF chickens, the mean ELISA titer after vaccination and survival rate after challenge was increased and correlated with days post inoculation. More than 80% of chickens with higher than 1,000 ELISA titer after vaccination were survived after challenge with velogenic ND virus and had good correlation between survival rate and antibody titier. In commercial broiler chickens, most of them at market age had low level of ELISA titer regardless of the number of vaccination, and had a low correlation between survival rate and ELISA titer. However, the ELISA titer of remaining birds after challenge was increased. This result indicated that ELISA titer had good response against velogenic NOV infection compared to Hl titer.

Anti-tumor Effect of Combined Betacarotene with X-irradiation in the Mouse Fibrosarcoma : Cytotoxicity and Tumor Growth Delay (쥐 섬유육종에서 베타카로틴과 방사선조사 병용의 항종양 효과: 세포독성 및 종양성장 지연에 미치는 영향)

  • Kwon Hyoung-Cheol;Yang Moon-Sik
    • Radiation Oncology Journal
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    • v.18 no.2
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    • pp.133-137
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    • 2000
  • Purpose :To investigate whether combined beta-carotene with X-Irradiation has more enhanced radition response than X-irradiation or not, we peformed a experiment about in vitro cytotoxlcity of beta-carotene and/or X-irradiation in the fibrosarcoma cells, tumor growth delay of combined beta-caroten with/or X-irradiation in the mouse fibrosarcoma. Materials and Methods : 2$\%$ emulsion of beta-carotene was serially diluted and used. X-Irradiation was given by 6 MeV linear accelerator. The cytotoxicity of beta-carotene in vitro was evaluated from clonogenic assay. To compare the cytotoxiclty between combined beta-carotene with X-irradiation and X-irradiation group, 2 mg/ml of beta-carotene was contacted to fibrosarcoma (FSall) cells for 1 hour before X-irradiation. For the tumor growth delay, single 20 Gy was given to FSall tumor hearing C3H/N mice whic was classified as beta-crotene with X-irradiation group (n=5) and X-irradiation alone group (n=5). 0.2 ml of 20 mg/kg of beta-carotene were i.p. injected to mice 30 minute before X-irradiation in the beta-crotene with X-irradiation group. The tumor growth delay defined as the time which reach to 1,000 mm$^{3}$ of tumor volume. Results : (1) Cytotoxicity in vitro: 1) survival fraction at beta-carotene concentration of 0.002,0.02,0.2 and 2 mg/ml were 0.69$\pm$0.07, 0.59$\pm$0.08, 0.08$\pm$0.008 and 0.02$\pm$0.006, respectively. 2) each survival fraction at 2, 4, 6 and 8 Gy in the 2 mg/ml of beta-carotene + X-irradiation group were 0.13$\pm$0.05, 0.03$\pm$0.005, 0.01 $\pm$0.002 and 0.009$\pm$0.0008, respectively. But each survival fraction at same irradiation dose in the X-irradiation group were 0.66$\pm$0.05, 0.40$\pm$0.04, 0.11$\pm$0.01 and 0.03$\pm$0.006, respectively(p<0.05). (2) The time which reach to 1,000 mm$^{3}$ of tumor volume of beta-carotene + X-irradiation group and X-irradiation alone group were 18, 19 days, respectively(p>0.05) Conclusion : The contact of beta-caroten to Fsall cells showed mild cytotoxicity which 띤as increased according to concentration. The cytotoxicity of combined beta-carotene with X-irradiation more increased than that of X-irradiation, additionally, And there was significant difference of cytotoxicity between two groups. But there were no significant difference of the growth delay of fibrosarcoma between two groups.

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Construction of a Bark Dataset for Automatic Tree Identification and Developing a Convolutional Neural Network-based Tree Species Identification Model (수목 동정을 위한 수피 분류 데이터셋 구축과 합성곱 신경망 기반 53개 수종의 동정 모델 개발)

  • Kim, Tae Kyung;Baek, Gyu Heon;Kim, Hyun Seok
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.110 no.2
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    • pp.155-164
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    • 2021
  • Many studies have been conducted on developing automatic plant identification algorithms using machine learning to various plant features, such as leaves and flowers. Unlike other plant characteristics, barks show only little change regardless of the season and are maintained for a long period. Nevertheless, barks show a complex shape with a large variation depending on the environment, and there are insufficient materials that can be utilized to train algorithms. Here, in addition to the previously published bark image dataset, BarkNet v.1.0, images of barks were collected, and a dataset consisting of 53 tree species that can be easily observed in Korea was presented. A convolutional neural network (CNN) was trained and tested on the dataset, and the factors that interfere with the model's performance were identified. For CNN architecture, VGG-16 and 19 were utilized. As a result, VGG-16 achieved 90.41% and VGG-19 achieved 92.62% accuracy. When tested on new tree images that do not exist in the original dataset but belong to the same genus or family, it was confirmed that more than 80% of cases were successfully identified as the same genus or family. Meanwhile, it was found that the model tended to misclassify when there were distracting features in the image, including leaves, mosses, and knots. In these cases, we propose that random cropping and classification by majority votes are valid for improving possible errors in training and inferences.

The Current Status of the Warsaw Convention and Subsequent Protocols in Leading Asian Countries (아시아 주요국가(主要國家)들에 있어서의 바르샤바 체제(體制)의 적용실태(適用實態)와 전망(展望))

  • Lee, Tae-Hee
    • The Korean Journal of Air & Space Law and Policy
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    • v.1
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    • pp.147-162
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    • 1989
  • The current status of the application and interpretation of the Warsaw Convention and its subsequent Protocols in Asian countries is in its fredgling stages compared to the developed countries of Europe and North America, and there is thus little published information about the various Asian governments' treatment and courts' views of the Warsaw System. Due to that limitation, the accent of this paper will be on Korea and Japan. As one will be aware, the so-called 'Warsaw System' is made up of the Warsaw Convention of 1929, the Hague Protocol of 1955, the Guadalajara Convention of 1961, the Guatemala City Protocol of 1971 and the Montreal Additional Protocols Nos. 1,2,3 and 4 of 1975. Among these instruments, most of the countries in Asia are parties to both the Warsaw Convention and the Hague Protocol. However, the Republic of Korea and Mongolia are parties only to the Hague Protocol, while Burma, Indonesia and Sri Lanka are parties only to the Warsaw Convention. Thailand and Taiwan are not parties only to the convention or protocol. Among Asian states, Indonesia, the Phillipines and Pakistan are also parties to the Guadalajara Convention, but no country in Asia has signed the Guatemala City Protocol of 1971 or the Montreal Additional Protocols, which Protocols have not yet been put into force. The People's Republic of China has declared that the Warsaw Convention shall apply to the entire Chinese territory, including Taiwan. 'The application of the Warsaw Convention to one-way air carriage between a state which is a party only to the Warsaw Convention and a state which is a party only to the Hague Protocol' is of particular importance in Korea as it is a signatory only to the Hague Protocol, but it is involved in a great deal of air transportation to and from the united states, which in turn is a party only to the Warsaw Convention. The opinion of the Supreme Court of Korea appears to be, that parties to the Warsaw Convention were intended to be parties to the Hague Protocol, whether they actually signed it or not. The effect of this decision is that in Korea the United States and Korea will be considered by the courts to be in a treaty relationship, though neither State is a signatory to the same instrument as the other State. The first wrongful death claim in Korea related to international carriage by air under the Convention was made in Hyun-Mo Bang, et al v. Korean Air Lines Co., Ltd. case. In this case, the plaintiffs claimed for damages based upon breach of contract as well as upon tort under the Korean Civil Code. The issue in the case was whether the time limitation provisions of the Convention should be applicable to a claim based in tort as well as to a claim based in contract. The Appellate Court ruled on 29 August 1983 that 'however founded' in Article 24(1) of the Convention should be construed to mean that the Convention should be applicable to the claim regardless of whether the cause of action was based in tort or breach of contract, and that the plaintiffs' rights to damages had therefore extinguished because of the time limitation as set forth in Article 29(1) of the Convention. The difficult and often debated question of what exactly is meant by the words 'such default equivalent to wilful misconduct' in Article 25(1) of the Warsaw Convention, has also been litigated. The Supreme Court of Japan dealt with this issue in the Suzuki Shinjuten Co. v. Northwest Airlines Inc. case. The Supreme Court upheld the Appellate Court's ruling, and decided that 'such default equivalent to wilful misconduct' under Article 25(1) of the Convention was within the meaning of 'gross negligence' under the Japanese Commercial Code. The issue of the convention of the 'franc' into national currencies as provided in Article 22 of the Warsaw Convention as amended by the Hague Protocol has been raised in a court case in Korea, which is now before the District Court of Seoul. In this case, the plaintiff argues that the gold franc equivalent must be converted in Korean Won in accordance with the free market price of gold in Korea, as Korea has not enacted any law, order or regulation prescribing the proper method of calculating the equivalent in its national currency. while it is unclear if the court will accept this position, the last official price of gold of the United States as in the famous Franklin Mint case, Special Drawing Right(SDR) or the current French franc, Korean Air Lines has argued in favor of the last official price of gold of the United States by which the air lines converted such francs into us Dollars in their General Conditions of Carriage. It is my understanding that in India, an appellate court adopted the free market price valuation. There is a report as well saying that if a lawsuit concerning this issue were brought in Pakistan, the free market cost of gold would be applied there too. Speaking specifically about the future of the Warsaw System in Asia though I have been informed that Thailand is actively considering acceding to the Warsaw Convention, the attitudes of most Asian countries' governments towards the Warsaw System are still wnot ell known. There is little evidence that Asian countries are moving to deal concretely with the conversion of the franc into their own local currencies. So too it cannot be said that they are on the move to adhere to the Montreal Additional Protocols Nos. 3 & 4 which attempt to basically solve many of the current problems with the Warsaw System, by adopting the SDR as the unit of currency, by establishing the carrier's absolute liability and an unbreakable limit and by increasing the carrier's passenger limit of liability to SDR 100,000, as well as permiting the domestic introduction of supplemental compensation. To summarize my own sentiments regarding the future, I would say that given the fact that Asian air lines are now world leaders both in overall size and rate of growth, and the fact that both Asian individuals and governments are becoming more and more reliant on the global civil aviation networks as their economies become ever stronger, I am hopeful that Asian nations will henceforth play a bigger role in ensuring the orderly and hasty development of a workable unified system of rules governing international commercial air carriage.

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Studies on the Rice Yield Decreased by Ground Water Irrigation and Its Preventive Methods (지하수 관개에 의한 수도의 멸준양상과 그 방지책에 관한 연구)

  • 한욱동
    • Magazine of the Korean Society of Agricultural Engineers
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    • v.16 no.1
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    • pp.3225-3262
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    • 1974
  • The purposes of this thesis are to clarify experimentally the variation of ground water temperature in tube wells during the irrigation period of paddy rice, and the effect of ground water irrigation on the growth, grain yield and yield components of the rice plant, and, furthermore, when and why the plant is most liable to be damaged by ground water, and also to find out the effective ground water irrigation methods. The results obtained in this experiment are as follows; 1. The temperature of ground water in tube wells varies according to the location, year, and the depth of the well. The average temperatures of ground water in a tubewells, 6.3m, 8.0m deep are $14.5^{\circ}C$ and $13.1^{\circ}C$, respercively, during the irrigation period of paddy rice (From the middle of June to the end of September). In the former the temperature rises continuously from $12.3^{\circ}C$ to 16.4$^{\circ}C$ and in the latter from $12.4^{\circ}C$ to $13.8^{\circ}C$ during the same period. These temperatures are approximately the same value as the estimated temperatures. The temperature difference between the ground water and the surface water is approximately $11^{\circ}C$. 2. The results obtained from the analysis of the water quality of the "Seoho" reservoir and that of water from the tube well show that the pH values of the ground water and the surface water are 6.35 and 6.00, respectively, and inorganic components such as N, PO4, Na, Cl, SiO2 and Ca are contained more in the ground water than in the surface water while K, SO4, Fe and Mg are contained less in the ground water. 3. The response of growth, yield and yield components of paddy rice to ground water irrigation are as follows; (l) Using ground water irrigation during the watered rice nursery period(seeding date: 30 April, 1970), the chracteristics of a young rice plant, such as plant height, number of leaves, and number of tillers are inferior to those of young rice plants irrigated with surface water during the same period. (2) In cases where ground water and surface water are supplied separately by the gravity flow method, it is found that ground water irrigation to the rice plant delays the stage at which there is a maximum increase in the number of tillers by 6 days. (3) At the tillering stage of rice plant just after transplanting, the effect of ground water irrigation on the increase in the number of tillers is better, compared with the method of supplying surface water throughout the whole irrigation period. Conversely, the number of tillers is decreased by ground water irrigation at the reproductive stage. Plant height is extremely restrained by ground water irrigation. (4) Heading date is clearly delayed by the ground water irrigation when it is practised during the growth stages or at the reproductive stage only. (5) The heading date of rice plants is slightly delayed by irrigation with the gravity flow method as compared with the standing water method. (6) The response of yield and of yield components of rice to ground water irrigation are as follows: \circled1 When ground water irrigation is practised during the growth stages and the reproductive stage, the culm length of the rice plant is reduced by 11 percent and 8 percent, respectively, when compared with the surface water irrigation used throughout all the growth stages. \circled2 Panicle length is found to be the longest on the test plot in which ground water irrigation is practised at the tillering stage. A similar tendency as that seen in the culm length is observed on other test plots. \circled3 The number of panicles is found to be the least on the plot in which ground water irrigation is practised by the gravity flow method throughout all the growth stages of the rice plant. No significant difference is found between the other plots. \circled4 The number of spikelets per panicle at the various stages of rice growth at which_ surface or ground water is supplied by gravity flow method are as follows; surface water at all growth stages‥‥‥‥‥ 98.5. Ground water at all growth stages‥‥‥‥‥‥62.2 Ground water at the tillering stage‥‥‥‥‥ 82.6. Ground water at the reproductive stage ‥‥‥‥‥ 74.1. \circled5 Ripening percentage is about 70 percent on the test plot in which ground water irrigation is practised during all the growth stages and at the tillering stage only. However, when ground water irrigation is practised, at the reproductive stage, the ripening percentage is reduced to 50 percent. This means that 20 percent reduction in the ripening percentage by using ground water irrigation at the reproductive stage. \circled6 The weight of 1,000 kernels is found to show a similar tendency as in the case of ripening percentage i. e. the ground water irrigation during all the growth stages and at the reproductive stage results in a decreased weight of the 1,000 kernels. \circled7 The yield of brown rice from the various treatments are as follows; Gravity flow; Surface water at all growth stages‥‥‥‥‥‥514kg/10a. Ground water at all growth stages‥‥‥‥‥‥428kg/10a. Ground water at the reproductive stage‥‥‥‥‥‥430kg/10a. Standing water; Surface water at all growh stages‥‥‥‥‥‥556kg/10a. Ground water at all growth stages‥‥‥‥‥‥441kg/10a. Ground water at the reproductive stage‥‥‥‥‥‥450kg/10a. The above figures show that ground water irrigation by the gravity flow and by the standing water method during all the growth stages resulted in an 18 percent and a 21 percent decrease in the yield of brown rice, respectively, when compared with surface water irrigation. Also ground water irrigation by gravity flow and by standing water resulted in respective decreases in yield of 16 percent and 19 percent, compared with the surface irrigation method. 4. Results obtained from the experiments on the improvement of ground water irrigation efficiency to paddy rice are as follows; (1) When the standing water irrigation with surface water is practised, the daily average water temperature in a paddy field is 25.2$^{\circ}C$, but, when the gravity flow method is practised with the same irrigation water, the daily average water temperature is 24.5$^{\circ}C$. This means that the former is 0.7$^{\circ}C$ higher than the latter. On the other hand, when ground water is used, the daily water temperatures in a paddy field are respectively 21.$0^{\circ}C$ and 19.3$^{\circ}C$ by practising standing water and the gravity flow method. It can be seen that the former is approximately 1.$0^{\circ}C$ higher than the latter. (2) When the non-water-logged cultivation is practised, the yield of brown rice is 516.3kg/10a, while the yield of brown rice from ground water irrigation plot throughout the whole irrigation period and surface water irrigation plot are 446.3kg/10a and 556.4kg/10a, respectivelely. This means that there is no significant difference in yields between surface water irrigation practice and non-water-logged cultivation, and also means that non-water-logged cultivation results in a 12.6 percent increase in yield compared with the yield from the ground water irrigation plot. (3) The black and white coloring on the inside surface of the water warming ponds has no substantial effect on the temperature of the water. The average daily water temperatures of the various water warming ponds, having different depths, are expressed as Y=aX+b, while the daily average water temperatures at various depths in a water warming pond are expressed as Y=a(b)x (where Y: the daily average water temperature, a,b: constants depending on the type of water warming pond, X; water depth). As the depth of water warning pond is increased, the diurnal difference of the highest and the lowest water temperature is decreased, and also, the time at which the highest water temperature occurs, is delayed. (4) The degree of warming by using a polyethylene tube, 100m in length and 10cm in diameter, is 4~9$^{\circ}C$. Heat exchange rate of a polyethylene tube is 1.5 times higher than that or a water warming channel. The following equation expresses the water warming mechanism of a polyethylene tube where distance from the tube inlet, time in day and several climatic factors are given: {{{{ theta omega (dwt)= { a}_{0 } (1-e- { x} over { PHI v })+ { 2} atop { SUM from { { n}=1} { { a}_{n } } over { SQRT { 1+ {( n omega PHI) }^{2 } } } } LEFT { sin(n omega t+ { b}_{n }+ { tan}^{-1 }n omega PHI )-e- { x} over { PHI v }sin(n omega LEFT ( t- { x} over {v } RIGHT ) + { b}_{n }+ { tan}^{-1 }n omega PHI ) RIGHT } +e- { x} over { PHI v } theta i}}}}{{{{ { theta }_{$\infty$ }(t)= { { alpha theta }_{a }+ { theta }_{ w'} +(S- { B}_{s } ) { U}_{w } } over { beta } , PHI = { { cpDU}_{ omega } } over {4 beta } }}}} where $\theta$$\omega$; discharged water temperature($^{\circ}C$) $\theta$a; air temperature ($^{\circ}C$) $\theta$$\omega$';ponded water temperature($^{\circ}C$) s ; net solar radiation(ly/min) t ; time(tadian) x; tube length(cm) D; diameter(cm) ao,an,bn;constants determined from $\theta$$\omega$(t) varitation. cp; heat capacity of water(cal/$^{\circ}C$ ㎥) U,Ua; overall heat transfer coefficient(cal/$^{\circ}C$ $\textrm{cm}^2$ min-1) $\omega$;1 velocity of water in a polyethylene tube(cm/min) Bs ; heat exchange rate between water and soil(ly/min)

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