• Title/Summary/Keyword: 효율성 향상

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Awareness and Needs for Community based Telerehabilitation Service: A Survey for Users of Centers for Independent Living (장애인 자립생활센터 이용자를 대상으로 한 원격재활서비스에 대한 인식 및 요구도)

  • Cha, Ye-Rin;Kim, Jung-Yeon;Jung, Bong-Keun
    • 재활복지
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    • v.21 no.4
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    • pp.119-147
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    • 2017
  • The purpose of this study is to analyze the awareness and needs for community based Telerehabilitation(TR) service by carrying out a online survey targeting individual with disabilities. By using the survey, we attempt to utilize the results as the basis for the health promotion and effective rehabilitation service to the disabilities in the community. Survey was conducted on the 162 target users, who use center for independent living, are registered as disabled. There are 34 questions in total. The results of the study are as follows. First, 74.7% of respondents said 'they had never heard of TR service'. 68.3% of the respondents said that 'they want to use the service' and 78% are positive about the service. Second, 84% of them said 'they have an intend to participate the service', 87.1% of the respondents answered that they needed 'very necessary' and 'necessary' in the question of necessity. Third, as a results of searching the requirements for TR service, it was found that there are requirements such as service system and construction considering the characteristics of the disabled, service provision of rehabilitation experts, and various program composition. Based on the results of this study, we suggest the development of a differentiated TR system program to improve the quality of rehabilitation for individuals with disabilities by considering the reality of rehabilitation treatment of community disabled people and considering the knowledge and needs of TR system.

The Effect of IT Governance Factors on Local Festival Performance (IT 거버넌스 요인이 지역축제 성과에 미치는 영향)

  • Kim, Young-Dai;Lee, Sun-Young;Lee, Hwansoo
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.16 no.12
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    • pp.1-10
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    • 2018
  • For local festivals to be successful, it is important to cooperate with various entities and effectively utilize festival-related resources. Recently, many efforts have been made to improve the operation and management performance of local festivals in Korea, but systematic management and IT support have been insufficient. In this study, the factors affecting the IT governance of local festivals were derived through a literature review and the relationship to the festival performance was analyzed empirically. A survey was conducted with local festival organizers and stake holders, and the research model was verified using the regression analysis with total 109 samples. According to the results of the analysis, it was confirmed that marketing, processes and service management have a significant effect on festival performance within IT governance. The effect of festival performance on resource management was not statistically significant. This study demonstrates that the systematic operation and management of local festivals using IT governance is necessary for local festivals. It will be more meaningful if further study discuss the IT utilization guidelines and success cases through the innovative use of IT for local festivals.

The Effects of Watching TV Programs on Employees' Stress and Communication (TV 프로그램 시청이 직장인의 스트레스 및 의사소통에 미치는 영향)

  • Chun, Kyung-Ju;Lee, Sang-Ok;Kim, Yoo-Ri;Kim, Sung-Soo
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.18 no.12
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    • pp.394-404
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    • 2018
  • The purpose of this study is to examine the effects of watching TV on employees' stress and communication levels. We developed a 30 minutes-long TV watching program for this study. Participating employees were asked to watch the 30 minutes-long TV programs during their lunch hours for 20 weeks. The stress and communication levels were measured before and after the experiment. The results show that in general, both the average stress level and communication level were statically significantly improved for all the participated employees except those in the 20s. The biggest improvement in stress and communication levels was made in those in the 30s. In sum, the 'Watching TV programs' had a positive impact on the reduction of stress and the increase of communication abilities for the employees. This is believed to be the first employer initiated attempt in Korea to tackle employees' stress and communication problems with the implementation of the TV watching program concept.

Improved Performance of Image Semantic Segmentation using NASNet (NASNet을 이용한 이미지 시맨틱 분할 성능 개선)

  • Kim, Hyoung Seok;Yoo, Kee-Youn;Kim, Lae Hyun
    • Korean Chemical Engineering Research
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    • v.57 no.2
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    • pp.274-282
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    • 2019
  • In recent years, big data analysis has been expanded to include automatic control through reinforcement learning as well as prediction through modeling. Research on the utilization of image data is actively carried out in various industrial fields such as chemical, manufacturing, agriculture, and bio-industry. In this paper, we applied NASNet, which is an AutoML reinforced learning algorithm, to DeepU-Net neural network that modified U-Net to improve image semantic segmentation performance. We used BRATS2015 MRI data for performance verification. Simulation results show that DeepU-Net has more performance than the U-Net neural network. In order to improve the image segmentation performance, remove dropouts that are typically applied to neural networks, when the number of kernels and filters obtained through reinforcement learning in DeepU-Net was selected as a hyperparameter of neural network. The results show that the training accuracy is 0.5% and the verification accuracy is 0.3% better than DeepU-Net. The results of this study can be applied to various fields such as MRI brain imaging diagnosis, thermal imaging camera abnormality diagnosis, Nondestructive inspection diagnosis, chemical leakage monitoring, and monitoring forest fire through CCTV.

A Study on the Emergency Response Empowerment for Captain Based on the Analysis of Maritime Accidents (사고분석을 통한 선장 비상대응 역량강화 연구)

  • Chae, Chong Ju;Park, Young Sun;Jo, So Hyun;Kang, Suk Young;Lee, Ho;Kim, Hong Beom
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Marine Environment & Safety
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    • v.25 no.4
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    • pp.413-422
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    • 2019
  • Maritime accidents are always accompanied by human/property damages. If management level ship's of icers properly respond to emergency situation in a correct manner based on knowledge required by international conventions, when maritime accidents occur, it will be possible to minimize such human/property damages. To improve the ability to deal with maritime accidents, this study analyze maritime accident cases to identify which competencies ships' officers' were lacking, compared the emergency response competencies required by international conventions, analyzed various emergency management manuals of shipping companies and carried out questionnaire surveys to suggest improvements of emergency response capability for ship's master. Through the analysis of maritime accidents, it was identified that management level ship's officers lacked competencies regarding damage stability and intact stability, and that the training for emergency response required by international conventions had been insuf iciently carried out. In addition, even though emergency management manuals of ships were generally adequate, it has been identified that there were limitations in terms of practical use of emergency response manual. Therefore, based on the questionnaire, this study proposed the expansion of emergency response training required by international conventions based on use of simulators, and the development of guidelines or manuals for effective and efficient response in emergency situations.

Numerical Study on the Effects of Air Decking in Half Charge Blasting Using AUTODYN (AUTODYN을 이용한 하프장전 발파공법의 에어데크 효과에 대한 수치해석적 연구)

  • Baluch, Khaqan;Kim, Jung-Kyu;Kim, Seung-Jun;Jin, Guochen;Jung, Seung-Won;Yang, Hyung-Sik;Kim, Nam-Soo;Kim, Jong-Gwan
    • Explosives and Blasting
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    • v.36 no.4
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    • pp.1-8
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    • 2018
  • This numerical study was intended to evaluate the applicability of the half charge blasting to mining and tunnelling. The half charge blasting is a method that two separate rounds are sequentially blasted for the rock burdens in which long blast holes have already been drilled at one operation. The aim of the method is to decrease the construction cost and period in mining and tunnelling projects as well as to increase the blasting efficiency. Several numerical analyses were conducted by using the Euler-Lagrange solver on ANSYS AUTODYN to identify the effects of the suggested method on the blasting results in underground excavations. The overall performance of the suggested method was also compared to an ordinary blasting method. The analysis model was comprised of the Eulerian parts (explosive, air, and stemming materials) and the Lagrangian parts (rock material). As a result, it was found that, owing to the air decks formed in the bottom parts of the long blast holes, the first round of the suggested method presented a higher shock pressure and particle velocities in the vicinity of the blast holes compared to the ordinary blasting method.

A Study on the Functional Analysis of Parking Lot Expansion Technology using Technology-Tree (기술트리를 이용한 주차장 확대 기술의 기능분석에 관한 연구)

  • Youn, Bohyung;Choi, Jaewook;Park, Sungpyo;Kim, Taewan;Lee, Chansik
    • Korean Journal of Construction Engineering and Management
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    • v.20 no.3
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    • pp.64-76
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    • 2019
  • Aged apartments lack parking space and are suffering from severe parking difficulties due to the increase in the supply of private cars due to the economic improvement. Efficient remodeling technology is required as a way to solve the problem of a shortage of parking spaces, but there is a lack of establishing a technology for remodeling plans that can reflect the characteristics of various parks. This study was conducted to analyze the functions of the parking lot expansion technology using the technology tree and to derive the final technology through the function deployment. As a result of functional deployment of the plan to expand the parking lot, the fifth function was deployed and a total of 22 technologies were derived. Four types of technologies are categorized, four technologies for underground expansion, 12 technologies for underground and ground expansion, two technologies for ground expansion, and four technologies for ground-based expansion. As a result of the functional deployment of the main entrance plan, the fifth function was deployed and derived with 22 technologies. The total technologies were grouped into four categories, four technologies for direct underground entry, 11 technologies for indirect underground entry, three technologies for direct access to ground, and four technologies for indirect entry to ground. Through case verification, the detailed technologies applied to the semi-industrial complex of remodeling were identified and expert surveys and interviews were conducted to verify the adequacy of the technology tree.

A Study on the Improvement Repeatability and Accuracy of the Analysis Method for SF6 of Trace Level (극미량 수준의 SF6 측정법에 따른 재현성 및 정확도 향상에 관한 연구)

  • Yoo, Heejung;Choe, Hongwoo;Lee, Sepyo;Kim, Jongho;Han, Sangok;Ryoo, Sangboom
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Urban Environment
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    • v.18 no.4
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    • pp.523-530
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    • 2018
  • Kyoto Protocol, adopted in 1997, set the obligation to reduce $CO_2$, $CH_4$, $N_2O$, HFCs, PFCs, and $SF_6$ in developed countries during 1st promised period. $SF_6$ has been drawing a lot of attention since the Kyoto Protocol because once it is released into the atmosphere, it not only stays in the atmosphere for more than 3,200 years but also emits 22,800 times stronger global warming potential at the same concentrations as $CO_2$ if remains in the atmosphere for 100 years. This study introduces 12 methods for $SF_6$ of measuring trace. $SF_6$ of trace level in the atmosphere correctly, the measurement method was changed and as a result, when the back flush method was applied to the pre-concentration system that used low-temperature concentration and high-temperature desorption system, which used Carboxen-1000 adsorption trap, the effect was the best.

AutoML and Artificial Neural Network Modeling of Process Dynamics of LNG Regasification Using Seawater (해수 이용 LNG 재기화 공정의 딥러닝과 AutoML을 이용한 동적모델링)

  • Shin, Yongbeom;Yoo, Sangwoo;Kwak, Dongho;Lee, Nagyeong;Shin, Dongil
    • Korean Chemical Engineering Research
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    • v.59 no.2
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    • pp.209-218
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    • 2021
  • First principle-based modeling studies have been performed to improve the heat exchange efficiency of ORV and optimize operation, but the heat transfer coefficient of ORV is an irregular system according to time and location, and it undergoes a complex modeling process. In this study, FNN, LSTM, and AutoML-based modeling were performed to confirm the effectiveness of data-based modeling for complex systems. The prediction accuracy indicated high performance in the order of LSTM > AutoML > FNN in MSE. The performance of AutoML, an automatic design method for machine learning models, was superior to developed FNN, and the total time required for model development was 1/15 compared to LSTM, showing the possibility of using AutoML. The prediction of NG and seawater discharged temperatures using LSTM and AutoML showed an error of less than 0.5K. Using the predictive model, real-time optimization of the amount of LNG vaporized that can be processed using ORV in winter is performed, confirming that up to 23.5% of LNG can be additionally processed, and an ORV optimal operation guideline based on the developed dynamic prediction model was presented.

Evaluation of the Optimal Grouser Shape Ratio of Dozer Considering the Ground Conditions (지반 특성을 고려한 도저의 최적 그라우저 형상비 평가)

  • Baek, Sung-Ha;Kwak, Tae-Young;Choi, Changho;Lee, Seong-Hwan
    • Journal of the Korean Geotechnical Society
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    • v.37 no.3
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    • pp.31-41
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    • 2021
  • A dozer is a construction machinery used to move soil mass along large open tracts of land. Soil thrust generated on the soil-track interface determines the performance of the dozer; to improve the tractive performance of the dozer, the outer surface of the continuous-track is designed to protrude with grousers. In this study, we calculated soil thrust of the dozer equipped with grousers with various shape ratios, and evaluated the optimal grouser shape ratio considering ground conditions. Grouser generated additional soil thrust on the side of the continuous-track (e.g., side soil thrust) and converted the shearing surface (e.g., from soil-track interface to soil-soil interface), increasing the soil thrust of dozer by about 1.3 to 1.6 times. The effect of grouser's shape ratio on the soil thrust of dozer differed with the relative density of the ground. As the shape ratios of grouser increased, soil thrust of dozer decreased at the relative density of 40% and increased at the relative density of 80%. Based on these results, it can be concluded that the shape ratio of grouser severely affects the dozer's performance; thus, careful consideration of the optimal shape ratio of grouser is of great importance in the mechanical design, evaluation, and optimization of the undercarriage of dozers.