• Title/Summary/Keyword: 효율성 향상

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Supervisor System Development for Improving Quality of RFID Cold Storage Management Systems (RFID 냉동창고 관리시스템의 품질향상을 위한 슈퍼바이저 시스템 개발)

  • Moon, Mi-Kyeong
    • Journal of the Korea Society of Computer and Information
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    • v.19 no.6
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    • pp.109-117
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    • 2014
  • A cold storage is a warehouse of a insulated building with cooling installations. It has many different types of cold rooms with temperatures below 0 degrees Celsius, and the sequential workflow such as receiving, picking and packing runs in that rooms. Recently, the cold storages have adopted RFID technology, and consequently, warehouse product management in them are becoming intelligent and network. However, information inconsistency in warehouses caused by physical and logical errors reduces reliability in the RFID cold storage management system and worsens their work efficiency. Therefore, it is necessary to develop an early detection system to identify errors. In this paper, we suggest a supervisory system detecting logical errors on business processes of the RFID cold storage. It is composed of a master supervisor and mobile supervisor. In the master supervisor, the manager can set the constraints conditions and get alerts, and in the mobile supervisor, the workers confirm and deal with these faults directly. The supervisory system improve reliability of the RFID cold storage management system by recognizing a failure to identify physically and logically using these constraint conditions. This paper shows that the supervisory system can reduce the average recovery time to improve reliability by decreasing the time for detecting and analyzing errors in the RFID cold storage management system.

Characteristics and Methods of Bandwidth Allocation According to Flow Features for QoS Control on Flow-Aware Network (Flow-Aware Network에서 QoS제어를 위해 Flow 특성에 따른 대역할당 방법과 특성)

  • Kim, Jae-Hong;Han, Chi-Moon
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics Engineers of Korea TC
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    • v.45 no.9
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    • pp.39-48
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    • 2008
  • Recently, many multimedia services have emerged in Internet such as real-time and non- real time services. However, in this Internet environment, we have some limitations to satisfy each service feature. To guarantee the service features in Measurement-Based Admission Control(MBAC) based system on the flow-aware network, there is the method applying Dynamic Priority Scheduling(DPS) algorithm that gives a higher priority to an earlier incoming flow in all of the link bandwidth. This paper classifies all flows under several groups according to flow characteristics on per-flow MBAC algorithm based system. In each flow group, DPS algorithm is applied. This paper proposes two methods that are a DPS based bandwidth borrowing method and a bandwidth dynamic allocation method. The former is that if low priority class has available bandwidths, the flow of high priority class borrows the bandwidth of low priority class when high priority flow has insufficient bandwidth to connect a flow call. The later is that the each group has a minimum bandwidth and is allocated the bandwidth dynamically according to the excess rate for available bandwidth. We compare and analyze the characteristics of the two proposed methods through the simulation experiments. As the results of the experiment, the proposed methods are more effective than existing DPS based method on the packet loss and delay characteristics. Consequently the proposed two methods are very useful in various multimedia network environments.

Concurrent Software Development Process Model (동시개발 소프트웨어 프로세스 모델)

  • Choi, Myeong-Bok;Lee, Sang-Un
    • The Journal of the Institute of Internet, Broadcasting and Communication
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    • v.11 no.4
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    • pp.147-156
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    • 2011
  • Though a dozen of different software life cycle models are suggested, there is no universal model which can satisfy all the characteristics of software. Organizations mix and match different life cycle models to develop a model more tailored for their systems and capabilities. We suggest overlapped-concurrent development life cycle model that is more suitable in various software development environment. Firstly, we divided the development process into abstract and implementation stage. Abstract stage is from software concept phase to detailed design starting time, and implementation stage is from detailed design phase to system testing phase. Next, the abstract stage introduced the overlapped phase concept that begins the next phase when the step is completed 20% by applying pareto's law. In the implementation stage, we introduced the concurrent development which the several phases are performed some time as when one use-case (UC) is completed the next development phase is started immediately. The proposed model has an advantage that it can reduce the inefficiency of development resource greatly. This model can increase the customer satisfaction with a great product at a low cost and on a short schedule. Also, this model can contribute to increase the software development success rate.

The Effect of STS Modules Reflected Ansan's Local Characteristics for Chemistry I (안산 지역 특성이 반영된 STS 모듈의 효과: 화학 I 단원을 중심으로)

  • Gil, Hye-Jeong;Kim, Hyun-Kyung;Choi, Byung-Soon
    • Journal of the Korean Chemical Society
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    • v.55 no.4
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    • pp.703-714
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    • 2011
  • The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of STS modules reflecting Ansan's geological characteristics in Chemistry I on high school students' science related attitudes and preference for STS lessons. The subjects were 10th grade students from K High School in Ansan and comprised 71 students in the experiment group and 78 students in the control group from 2 classes each. Pretest-posttest control group design was employed for the purpose of research. Four STS modules with lesson plans and teaching materials with themes of water, air, and energy, all of which are closely related to high school Chemistry I were developed and applied to the experiment group. The science related attitudes and preference for STS lessons were then examined in pre- and post-tests. The science related attitudes of the experiment group were significantly high in three out of five domains compared to the control group who was taught traditionally. The preference for STS lessons of the experiment group were highly positive in all five areas and were particularly high in the area of 'relation to society'. Such results imply that in order to make effective high school Chemistry I curriculum units related to STS, emphasized by both the 7th National Curriculum and the Revised 7th National Curriculum, it is necessary to use episodes reflecting local characteristics in which students show greater interest and active participation.

The Analysis of Spatial Distribution of Gifted Education Units in Seoul (서울시 영재교육기관의 공간적 분포특성 분석)

  • Kim, Sungyeun;Lee, Seon-Young
    • Journal of Gifted/Talented Education
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    • v.25 no.5
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    • pp.711-729
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    • 2015
  • The purposes of this study are to derive the regions in Seoul that lack gifted education units by analyzing the spatial distribution of the units and to investigate the factors related to the unit locations. The gifted education units are divided into the three following types: the first type is a gifted class at a school, the second type is a gifted education center at a provincial office of education, and the third type is a gifted education center at a university. The results of using a GIS-based spatial analysis were as follows. First, a buffering analysis showed that even though there were gifted educational blind spots in Jongno-gu and in parts of the outskirts of Seoul, the spatial distribution of gifted education units in Seoul seemed homogeneous because they were too small. Second, a special quotient analysis showed that there was a hub unit of gifted education in Guro-gu. Third, an analysis of local Moran's Index showed that Jung-gu was a cold spot and Songa-gu was a hot spot. Fourth, a correlation analysis investigated that the number of gifted education units had generally no statistically significant relationship with economic factors. These results will help to improve the efficiency and equity of the management of the gifted education units in Seoul that will be established or expanded in the future.

Nonlinear Time Series Prediction Modeling by Weighted Average Defuzzification Based on NEWFM (NEWFM 기반 가중평균 역퍼지화에 의한 비선형 시계열 예측 모델링)

  • Chai, Soo-Han;Lim, Joon-Shik
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Intelligent Systems
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    • v.17 no.4
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    • pp.563-568
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    • 2007
  • This paper presents a methodology for predicting nonlinear time series based on the neural network with weighted fuzzy membership functions (NEWFM). The degree of classification intensity is obtained by bounded sum of weighted fuzzy membership functions extracted by NEWFM, then weighted average defuzzification is used for predicting nonlinear time series. The experimental results demonstrate that NEWFM has the classification capability of 92.22% against the target class of GDP. The time series created by NEWFM model has a relatively close approximation to the GDP which is a typical business cycle indicator, and has been proved to be a useful indicator which has the turning point forecasting capability of average 12 months in the peak point and average 6 months in the trough point during 5th to 8th cyclical period. In addition, NEWFM measures the efficiency of the economic indexes by the feature selection and enables the users to forecast with reduced numbers of 7 among 10 leading indexes while improving the classification rate from 90% to 92.22%.

Development of block-type sidewalk pavement system using snow-melting system (융설시스템을 이용한 조립식 보도포장 기술 개발)

  • Park, Kyungmo;Lee, Jeonguk;Kim, Changduk
    • Korean Journal of Construction Engineering and Management
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    • v.16 no.6
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    • pp.136-143
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    • 2015
  • Snow-melting system has been applied not only to roads for car traffic but also to pavement for the pedestrians safety reason in some of the developed countries such as USA and Canada based on countermeasures against Natural Disasters Act revised in 2000. Even though this system was introduced in korea in 2006 and has been partly applied to car traffic roads, there is few places that the system has been applied. Therefore, in this research a snow-melting system with a block-type to cover a pavement that efficiently transfers heat form heat rays to the top of a pavement and protects the heat rays. A quality check showed that compression and bending strength was improved approximately 5 times stronger and 7 to 10 times more absorption rate than the KS(Korea Industrial Standard) requirement. Moreover, only 10 minute was required to increase temperature above zero with a block-type snow-melting system whereas approximately 180 minute was spent with the existing system. This research is expected to contribute to environmental issues and reduce accidents on a slippery road.

Performance of active PNC Handover and PNC Heart Beat based Beacon Alignment Schemes for Wireless PAN Systems (WPAN에서의 신속한 망 복구를 위한 능동적인 PNC 핸드오버방법 및 PNC Heart Beat 의 비컨 프레임 정렬 방식의 성능분석)

  • Nam Hye-Jin;Kim Jae-Young;Jeon Young-Ae;Lee Hyung-Soo;Kim Se-Han;Yoon Chong-Ho
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences
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    • v.31 no.2B
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    • pp.117-128
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    • 2006
  • For the legacy IEEE 802.15.3 WPAN protocol, an unpredictable piconet coordinator(PNC) leaving from a piconet without a proper handoff procedure causes an absence of PNC, and thus the piconet gets collapsed. In addition, several beacons from PNCs in adjacent piconets may be collided on a device(DEV) located between those piconets. This beacon collision eventually makes the DEV leave from the piconet. To remedy these two problems, we here propose an Active Seamless Coordinator Switching(ASCS) scheme and a PNC HB based Beacon Alignment(PHBA) one. In the ASCS scheme, a PNC assigns a number of DEVs as next possible PNCs in sequence for provisioning against the abrupt breakdown of the current active PNC. Each nominated DEV proactively sends a probe frame to confirm the operation status of the active PNC. For the case of no response from the PNC, the nominated DEV tries to become a new PNC immediately. In the second PHBA scheme, each PNC is allow to broadcast a special Heart Beat(HB) frame randomly during a superframe period. When a DEV receives a HB frame from other PNC, it promptly sends the related PNCs a special Hiccup Beat(HCB) frame with the superframe information of its associated PNC. As a result, the HCB frame makes both PNCs align their superframe beginning time in order to yield no more beacon collisions. For these two proposed schemes, we show the performance by simulations. We can confirm the enhancement of throughput for each superframe and average frame transfer delay, since each scheme can reduce the duration of piconet collapse. Finally, it is worth while to note that the proposed schemes can be operated with frames those are permitted in the legacy WPAN standard.

A Distributed Real-Time Concurrency Control Scheme using Transaction the Rise of Priority (트랜잭션 우선 순위 상승을 이용한 분산 실시간 병행수행제어 기법)

  • Lee, Jong-Sul;Shin, Jae-Ryong;Cho, Ki-Hyung;Yoo, Jae-Soo
    • Journal of KIISE:Databases
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    • v.28 no.3
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    • pp.484-493
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    • 2001
  • As real-time database systems are extended to the distributed computing environment, the need to apply the existing real-time concurrency control schemes to the distributed computing environment has been made. In this paper we propose an efficient concurrency control scheme for distributed real-time database system. Our proposed scheme guarantees a transaction to commit at its maximum, reduces the restart of a transaction that is on the prepared commit phase, and minimizes the time of the lock holding. This is because it raises the priority of the transaction that is on the prepared commit phase in the distributed real-time computing environment. In addition, it reduces the waiting time of a transaction that owns borrowed data and improves the performance of the system, as a result of lending the data that the transaction with the raised priority holds. We compare the proposed scheme with DO2PL_PA(Distributed Optimistic Two-Phase Locking) and MIRROR(Managing Isolation in Replicated Real-time Object Repositories) protocol in terms of the arrival rate of transactions, the size of transactions, the write probability of transactions, and the replication degree of data in a firm-deadline real-time database system based on two-phase commit protocol. It is shown through the performance evaluation that our scheme outperforms the existing schemes.

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Modeling Core Competencies in the Competency-based Nursing Curriculum (역량기반 간호교육과정을 위한 핵심역량 모델링)

  • Kim, Jeong Ah;Ko, Ja-Kyung
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.16 no.11
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    • pp.7635-7647
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    • 2015
  • The purpose of this study is modeling nursing competencies and reasoning out the core competencies, the ability for 20% of important actions for nursing jobs which can manage the rest 80% so that the competency-based nursing curriculum can be developed. A literature review of the vast studies regarding competencies was done to understand the concepts of competency-based curriculum, competency, and nursing competencies, identifying the relationships among each nursing competency categorized in accordance with those concepts. An exemplified concept map of core competencies for the competency-based nursing curriculum is suggested based on a thorough review of various competency modeling methodologies. The core competencies consist of base competency (theoretical/practical nursing knowledge and skills), practical competency (clinical judgment, patient education, communication, etc.), and personality competency (leadership, sense of responsibility, cooperation, etc.). The circular relationship among them can remain consistent through self-directed learning and critical thinking. Therefore, a nurse who have those core competencies is a knowledge worker, a self-directed learner, and also an effective, professional communicator. Further studies which solidify the concept of nursing competencies should be done, as well as the feedback procedures which evaluate the program outcomes and then reflect the evaluation results in the curriculum should be followed continuously.