• Title/Summary/Keyword: 활용도

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Bioenergy and Material Production Potential by Life Cycle Assessment in Swine Waste Biomass (전과정 평가에 의한 양돈 바이오매스의 물질 및 에너지 자원화 잠재량 연구)

  • Kim, Seung-Hwan;Kim, Chang-Hyun;Yoon, Young-Man
    • Korean Journal of Soil Science and Fertilizer
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    • v.44 no.6
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    • pp.1245-1251
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    • 2011
  • As a result of the growing livestock industry, varieties of organic solid and waste biomass are be generated in swine breeding and slaughtering stages. Anaerobic digestion is a promising alternative for the treatment of livestock waste biomass, as well as for the material recovery and energy production. Objectives of this study were to analyze the biochemical methane potential of swine waste biomasses that were generated from swine pen and slaughterhouse and to investigate the material recovery and methane yield per head. As pig waste biomass, swine slurry, blood, intestine residue, and digestive tract content were collected for investigation from pig farmhouse and slaughterhouse. The BthBth (Theoretical methane potential) and B0B0 (Biochemical methane potential) of swine slurry generating in swine breeding stage were 0.525 and 0.360Nm3kg1VSadded0.360Nm3kg1VSadded, the ratio of degradation (B0/BthB0/Bth) was 68.6%. BthBth of blood, intestine residue, and digestive tract content were 0.539, 0.664, and 0.517Nm3kg1VSadded0.517Nm3kg1VSadded, and B0B0 were 0.405, 0.213, and 0.240Nm3kg1VSadded0.240Nm3kg1VSadded, respectively. And the ratio of degradation showed 75.1, 32.1, and 46.4% in blood, intestine residue, and digestive tract content. Material yield of swine waste biomass was calculated as TS 73.79, VS 46.75, TN 5.58, P2O5P2O5 1.94, and K2OK2O 2.91kghead12.91kghead1. And methane yield was 16.58Nm3head116.58Nm3head1. In the aspect that slaughterhouse is a large point source of waste biomass, while swine farmhouse is non-point source, the feasibility of an anaerobic digestion using the slaughtering waste biomass need to be assessed in the economical aspect between the waste treatment cost and the profitable effect by methane production.

An Investigation of Treatment Effects of Limestone and Steel Refining Slag for Stabilization of Arsenic and Heavy Metal in the Farmland Soils nearby Abandoned Metal Mine (폐금속 광산 주변 비소 및 중금속 오염농경지의 안정화 처리를 위한 석회석과 제강슬래그의 처리효과 검토)

  • Yun, Sung-Wook;Kang, Sin-Il;Jin, Hae-Geun;Kim, Ha-Jin;Lim, Young-Cheol;Yi, Ji-Min;Yu, Chan
    • Korean Journal of Soil Science and Fertilizer
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    • v.44 no.5
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    • pp.734-744
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    • 2011
  • A soil stabilization method is an effective and practical remediation alternative for arsenic (As) and heavy metal contaminated farmland soils nearby abandoned metal mine in Korea. This method is a technique whereby amendments are incorporated and mixed with a contaminated soil. Toxic metal bind to the amendments, which reduce their mobility in soil, so the successful stabilization of multi-element contaminated soil depends on the combination of critical elements in the soil and the type of amendments. The objective of this study is to investigate the treatment effects and applicability of limestone (LS) and steel refining slag (SRS) as the amendment for farmland soil contaminated with As and heavy metals, and a lab-column test was conducted for achieving this purpose. The result showed that soil treated with LS and SRS maintained pH buffer capacity and, as a result, the heavy metal leaching concentration was quite low below the water quality standard compared to untreated soil which leachate exceeding the water quality standard was observed, however, the arsenic concentration rather increased with increasing mixture ratio of SRS. This was believed to be related to phosphorus (P) contained in SRS, and dominancy in the competitive adsorption relation between As and P binding strongly to iron might be different according to soil characteristic. We suggested that LS is a effective amendment for reducing heavy metals in soil, and SRS should be used after investigating its applicability based on the adsorption selectivity of arsenic and phosphorus in selected soil.

Application of Reduce Tillage with a Strip Tiller and its Effect on Soil Erosion Reduction in Chinese Cabbage Cultivation (배추 재배에 있어 경운방법에 따른 작업효율성 및 토양유실 특성 평가)

  • Lee, Jeong-Tae;Lee, Gye-Jun;Ryu, Jong-Soo;Hwang, Seon-Woong;Park, Suk-Hoo;Zhang, Yong-Seon;Jeong, Yeong-Sang
    • Korean Journal of Soil Science and Fertilizer
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    • v.44 no.6
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    • pp.970-976
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    • 2011
  • Strip tiller equipment was developed to reduce soil erosion in the slope land for highland agricultural area. The equipment consisted of 4 rows strip tillage device and fertilizer applicator. The field was tilled in 10 cm width and in 10 cm depth by the equipment, of which tilled surface was 16.7% of full-width tillage. The working time and fuel consumption of the equipment were 3.8hoursha13.8hoursha1 and 24.4Lha124.4Lha1 respectively, which were 59% and 74% less than those of the conventional tillage. Fertilizer efficiency of the equipment in cultivation of Chinese cabbage was 1.7, 1.6 and 1.5 times higher in nitrate, phosphorous and potassium respectively, than conventional tillage. When the equipment was used after covering of rye residue, the quantity of runoff was 49~67% lower than the conventional tillage. And the quantity of soil loss were 1.3 and 0.2Mgha10.2Mgha1 at right after and 30 days after planting of Chinese cabbage respectively, while 11.5 and 4.1Mgha14.1Mgha1 in conventional tillage. In conclusion, the strip tillage equipment developed in this study can be applicable to slope land, so that soil loss of 90% can be reduced.

Evaluation of Biomass and Nitrogen Status in Paddy Rice Using Ground-Based Remote Sensors (지상원격측정 센서를 이용한 벼의 생체량 및 질소 영양 평가)

  • Kang, Seong-Soo;Gong, Hyo-Young;Jung, Hyun-Cheol;Kim, Yi-Hyun;Hong, Suk-Young;Hong, Soon-Dal
    • Korean Journal of Soil Science and Fertilizer
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    • v.43 no.6
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    • pp.954-961
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    • 2010
  • Ground-based remote sensing can be used as one of the non-destructive, fast, and real-time diagnostic tools for quantifying yield, biomass, and nitrogen (N) stress during growing season. This study was conducted to assess biomass and nitrogen (N) status of paddy rice (Oryza sativa L.) plants under N stress using passive and active ground-based remote sensors. Nitrogen application rates were 0, 70, 100, and 130 kg N ha1ha1. At each growth stage, reflectance indices measured with active sensor showed higher correlation with DW, N uptake and N concentration than those with the passive sensor. NIR/Red and NIR/Amber indices measured with Crop Circle active sensors generally had a better correlation with dry weight (DW), N uptake and N content than vegetation indices from Crop Circle passive sensor and NDVIs from active sensors. Especially NIR/Red and NIR/amber ratios at the panicle initiation stage were most closely correlated with DW, N content, and N uptake. Rice grain yield, DW, N content and N uptake at harvest were highly positively correlated with canopy reflectance indices measured with active sensors at all sampling dates. N application rate explains about 91~92% of the variability in the SI calculated from NIR/Red or NIR/Amber indices measured with Crop Circle active sensors on 12 July. Therefore, the in-season sufficiency index (SI) by NIR/Red or NIR/Amber index from Crop Circle active sensors can be used for determination of N application rate.

Effect of Swine Liquid Manure on Soil Chemical Properties and Growth of Rice (Oryza sativa L.) (양돈분뇨 발효액비 시용이 토양 화학성과 벼 (Oryza sativa L.) 생육에 미치는 영향)

  • Lee, Kyu-Hoi;Yoo, Jae-Hong;Park, Eun-Ju;Jung, Yeong-In;Tipayno, S.C.;Shagol, C.C.;Sa, Tong-Min
    • Korean Journal of Soil Science and Fertilizer
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    • v.43 no.6
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    • pp.945-953
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    • 2010
  • This study was conducted to evaluate the effect of swine liquid manure (SLM) on rice grown in Yeonggwang-gun in 2008. The treatments consisted of SLM and chemical fertilizer (CF) based on the recommended amount of nitrogen (11 kg N 10a110a1). The Total N content of the SLM used was 2,881 mg L1L1. Plant height at the early stage of growth and tiller number were not significantly different between plots applied with swine liquid manure and those with chemical fertilizer in all areas. Plant height at the later stage of growth, lodging and yield were not significantly different between plots applied with swine liquid manure and those with chemical fertilizer in three areas (Baeksu, Gunnam, Beopseong). Plant height at the later stage of growth, as well as lodging were higher in SLM plots than in chemically fertilized plots in Yeonggwang and Yeomsan. However, grain yield was lower in SLM plots than in chemically fertilized plots in these areas. Soil organic matter content and exchangeable cations increased in the swine liquid manure applied plots. Moreover, heavy metal content did not increase in the plots treated with swine liquid manure. Further research to determine the suitable rate of swine liquid manure is needed to reduce lodging damage and to increase the yield and quality of rice.

Assessment of Green House Gases Emissions using Global Warming Potential in Upland Soil during Pepper Cultivation (고추재배에서 지구온난화잠재력 (Global Warming Potential)을 고려한 토성별 온실가스 발생량 종합평가)

  • Kim, Gun-Yeob;So, Kyu-Ho;Jeong, Hyun-Cheol;Shim, Kyo-Moon;Lee, Seul-Bi;Lee, Deog-Bae
    • Korean Journal of Soil Science and Fertilizer
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    • v.43 no.6
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    • pp.886-891
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    • 2010
  • Importance of climate change and its impact on agriculture and environment have increased with a rise of greenhouse gases (GHGs) concentration in Earth's atmosphere, which caus an increase of temperature in Earth. Greenhouse gas emissions such as carbon dioxide (CO2CO2), methane (CH4CH4) and nitrous oxide (N2ON2O) in the Upland field need to be assessed. GHGs fluxes using chamber systems in two upland fields having different soil textures during pepper cultivation (2005) were monitored under different soil textures at the experimental plots of National Academy of Agricultural Science (NAAS), Rural Development Administration (RDA) located in Suwon city, Korea. CO2CO2 emissions were 12.9 tonne CO2ha1CO2ha1 in clay loam soil and 7.6 tonne CO2ha1CO2ha1 in sandy loam soil. N2ON2O emissions were 35.7 kg N2Oha1N2Oha1 in clay loam soil and 9.2 kg N2Oha1N2Oha1 in sandy loam soil. CH4CH4 emissions were 0.054 kg CH4ha1CH4ha1 in clay loam soil and 0.013 kg CH4ha1CH4ha1 in sandy loam soil. Total emission of GHGs (CO2CO2, N2ON2O, and CH4CH4) during pepper cultivation was converted by Global Warming Potential (GWP). GWP in clay loam soil was higher with 24.0 tonne CO2CO2-eq. ha1ha1 than that in sandy loam soil (10.5 tonne CO2CO2-eq. ha1ha1), which implied more GHGs were emitted in clay loam soil.

Study on Vegetation Analysis for Indicators Development of Agro-ecosystem Habitat Quality (농업생태계의 서식지 질 지표 개발을 위한 식생분석)

  • Park, Kwang-Lai;Kang, Bang-Hun;Choi, Jae-Woong;Kim, Chang-Hwan
    • Korean Journal of Soil Science and Fertilizer
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    • v.43 no.6
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    • pp.1040-1046
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    • 2010
  • This research is composed of a series of survey of existing plants species by classifying biotope type of agro-ecosystem of Guksoo village area of Yangpyeong County, to collect and analyze basic data of vegetation analysis for indicators development of agro-ecosystem habitat quality. From the observation area, we found total 141 kinds of tracheophytes (53 Family 114 Genus 124 Species 16 Variety 1 Breed) and they are 3.36% of total Korean tracheophytes (4,191 kinds). Among those 141 tracheophytes, there are 23 kinds of naturalized plants (11 Family 20 Genus 20 Species 2 Variety) and they are 8.61% of total Korean naturalized plants (267 kinds). Among those 141 tracheophytes, they include 0.71% of pteridophyte, 0.71% of gymnosperm, 98.58% of angiosperm. So, most of them are angiosperm. When we classify them according to plant life form characteristics, dormant/diapause type plants include 45 species (31.91%) of annual plant (Th), 19 species (13.48%) of Th (w), 17species (12.06%) of hemicryptophyte (H). Regarding propagation type, as for the Radicoid form, there are 99 species (70.21%) of crumb structure plant, 13 species (9.22%) of R4R4, 12 species (8.51%) of R2.3R2.3 are the crumb structure does not make any connection on the ground or under ground. As for the Disseminule form of propagation type, there are 62 species (43.97%) of Gravity dispersal type D4D4), 23 species (16.31%) of Wind dispersal type (D1D1), 21 species (14.89%) of D1.4D1.4. According to this survey of plant distribution rate by plant life form characteristics, we may acquire many knowledge about species composition of sociability, cluster's reaction against environmental elements, space usage and possible species competition in community. It may be very useful basic data for habitat preservation to keep and promote biological diversity.

Estimation and Mapping of Soil Organic Matter using Visible-Near Infrared Spectroscopy (분광학을 이용한 토양 유기물 추정 및 분포도 작성)

  • Choe, Eun-Young;Hong, Suk-Young;Kim, Yi-Hyun;Zhang, Yong-Seon
    • Korean Journal of Soil Science and Fertilizer
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    • v.43 no.6
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    • pp.968-974
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    • 2010
  • We assessed the feasibility of discrete wavelet transform (DWT) applied for the spectral processing to enhance the estimation performance quality of soil organic matters using visible-near infrared spectra and mapped their distribution via block Kriging model. Continuum-removal and 1st1st derivative transform as well as Haar and Daubechies DWT were used to enhance spectral variation in terms of soil organic matter contents and those spectra were put into the PLSR (Partial Least Squares Regression) model. Estimation results using raw reflectance and transformed spectra showed similar quality with R2R2 > 0.6 and RPD> 1.5. These values mean the approximation prediction on soil organic matter contents. The poor performance of estimation using DWT spectra might be caused by coarser approximation of DWT which not enough to express spectral variation based on soil organic matter contents. The distribution maps of soil organic matter were drawn via a spatial information model, Kriging. Organic contents of soil samples made Gaussian distribution centered at around 20 g kg1kg1 and the values in the map were distributed with similar patterns. The estimated organic matter contents had similar distribution to the measured values even though some parts of estimated value map showed slightly higher. If the estimation quality is improved more, estimation model and mapping using spectroscopy may be applied in global soil mapping, soil classification, and remote sensing data analysis as a rapid and cost-effective method.

Effect of antioxidation and antibacterial activity on crude extract and Characterization of American Cockroaches (Periplaneta americana L.) in Korea (국내 서식 미국바퀴(Periplaneta americana L.)의 특성 및 추출물의 항산화·항균 효과)

  • Kim, Jung-Eun;Kim, Seon-Gon;Kang, Sung-Ju;Kim, Chun-Sung;Choi, Yong-Soo
    • Journal of Sericultural and Entomological Science
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    • v.53 no.2
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    • pp.135-142
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    • 2015
  • The American cockroaches, Periplaneta americana L. was the most important worldwide pest species. It has been an public health problems. We were determinated life cycle and extraction of crude extracts by chemical reagents from cockraches (P. americana L.). The extracted crude solution has been antibacterial activity to gram negative bacteria (Pseudomonas aeruginosa, 6.44±1.03mm6.44±1.03mm), gram positive bacteria (Bacillus subtilis, 1.88±0.40mm1.88±0.40mm), and fungus (Candida albicans, 5.61±0.57mm5.61±0.57mm) using radial diffusion assay. We were analysed of up-regulation of Glutathione-S-transferases (GSTs) stimulation, indicating that antioxidantial protein from various classes are simultaneously expressed in a single insect upon infection or injury. The gene from Periplaneta americana L. were cloned, analysed sequence, and measured protein expression by Real Time PCR (Polymerase Chain Reaction).

Environmental Impacts of Food Waste Compost Application on Paddy Soil (음식물쓰레기 퇴비 시용이 논토양에 미치는 영향)

  • So, Kyu-Ho;Seong, Ki-Seog;Seo, Myung-Chul;Hong, Seung-Gil
    • Korean Journal of Soil Science and Fertilizer
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    • v.40 no.1
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    • pp.85-94
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    • 2007
  • To determine the influence of food waste compost (FWC) application on paddy soil, FWC was applied to the paddy soil and then compared with farmer's practice as to the effects on rice and soil environment. Initially, pig manure compost (PMC) had high content of phosphorus (15gkg115gkg1) and potassium (23gkg123gkg1), while FWC had high content of total nitrogen (13gkg113gkg1) and salinity (18.5gkg118.5gkg1). Comparison was also made between chemical fertilizer and FWC use as a trial in the paddy field under the clay loam and sandy loam soil. In the panicle formation stage, chemical fertilizer application was proper in clay loam while PMC application was proper in sandy loam. However, chemical fertilizer produced higher yield compared to compost treatment, both on clay loam and sandy loam with 20~25% and 17~19%, respectively. The lower yield in sandy loam maybe due to slow mineralization of compost such that the crop did not effectively use it. Organic matter content in paddy soil after experiment was higher in FWC and PMC plots compared to that in chemical fertilizer plots. But the other soil properties were comparable. Therefore, the FWC compost had little effect on soil when it use as a trial in paddy field. Likewise, after the application of FWC as a trial, analysis of nitrate nitrogen and ammonium nitrogen in the surface water and 60 cm depth of paddy soil water nine days after planting was done. Results revealed that concentration of ammonium nitrogen was similar to irrigation water while nitrate nitrogen concentration was not detected, and hence did not contribute to water pollution. It is concluded that the application of FWC in the paddy field had not affected on environmental pollution in the paddy field. But its use as compost during rice culture reduced yield quantity. Such study should include selection of compost material, amount and method of compost application.