• Title/Summary/Keyword: 활용도

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Media Scholars and Power: The politicized intellectuals hanging on the dangerous rope (언론학자와 권력: 정치화된 지성의 위험한 줄타기)

  • Choi, Nakjin;Kim, Sunghae
    • Korean Journal of Legislative Studies
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    • v.22 no.2
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    • pp.113-156
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    • 2016
  • Media scholars take a lion stake in power circle. Not only do they take a part in media policies but seize prestigious positions like board members in Korea Communication Commission(KCC). Unfortunately, though, little has been known about who they are, what qualifications they have, and whether they meet public interests. This paper attempts to unveil the mechanism of those politicized intellectuals who are specialized on the media. Two categories divided into 'representative' and 'expertise' are employed for this purpose. On the one hand, the representative means the degree of committment into such public services as participation in conferences or non-profit organizations. On the other hand, the number of research articles, books and projects belong to the expertise. Evaluation levels consist of 'excellence, good and average' were allocated to those scholars who are(were) in 'Power Hole,' where decision makings come into being. Some interesting observations were made though this study. First of all, such criteria as representative and expertise vaguely suggested by the laws were hardly fit into those intellectuals, Rarely did they commit into public service let alone showing vigilance in academic activities. Secondly, both ideological loyalty and political activities in line with the government had much to do with taking such positions. Thirdly, not surprisingly, it showed that to graduate from Seoul National University and have Ph.D. degree from U.S.A. was one of the most essential factors. In final, most of them were very good at taking advantage of the press in way of boosting their publicity. To attend at policy making processes either in form of board members or advisers is inevitable for media experts. However, as shown in this study, such qualification of public service and academic eagerness shouldn't be underestimated. Academic integrity not selling intelligence solely for private interests needs to be protected as well. The authors hope this study to provide a valuable opportunity to establish a kind of ethical standards in participating into politics.

A study on the level of codependency among social work related professionals and its effect on their burnout: Focusing on moderating effects of Sex-role attitude (사회복지종사자의 공동의존성과 소진에 관한 연구 : 성역할태도의 조절효과를 중심으로)

  • Jang, Gyeongho;Yoon, Kyeonga;Shim, Woochan
    • Korean Journal of Social Welfare Studies
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    • v.47 no.1
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    • pp.29-56
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    • 2016
  • The purpose of this study is first, to explore the level of codependency among social work related professionals since codependency of professionals in the field has not been explored much in Korea. Second purpose is to examine whether codependency affects the level of burnout. Last purpose is to examine moderating effects of the Sex-role attitude on the relationship between codependency and burnout. Data were collected from the 11th of December in 2014 until the 28th of February in the following year. Self-administered questionnaires were distributed to care professionals practicing in social work institutions in Daejeon City and Choongcheong province, via email and mail. In addition, surveys were administered at several continuing education training venues. Instruments used for this study include CODAT(Codependency Assessment Tool) developed by Hughes-Hammer and colleagues in 1998, MBI(Maslach Burnout Inventory) developed by Maslach and Jackson in 1981, and SRA(Sex Role Attitude) developed by Osmond and Maryin in 1975. In total, 368 surveys were used for final analysis. The results include that gender did not have statistically significant relationship with the overall codependency, however, male showed statistically higher score than female in one of subscales of codependency called hiding oneself. Workers in the residential settings showed higher level of codependency than those in non-residential settings, especially in the subscale of Other focus or Self-neglect. Codependency showed a strong relationship with Burnout. Among the five-factor structure of the CODAT, Medical problem, Low Self-worth and Family of Origin showed strong relationship with the Burnout score. And the moderating effects of Sex-role Attitude showed a statistically significant relationship between codependency and burnout. Conservative sex-role attitude amplified the level of burnout on the relationship between codependency and burnout. Based on the result, educational and policy implications were made in order to prevent burnout among social work related professionals.

Meditating effect of Planned Happenstance Skills between the Belief in Good luck and Entrepreneurial Opportunity (행운에 대한 신념과 창업 기회 역량과의 관계에서 우연기술의 매개효과에 관한 연구)

  • Hwangbo, Yun;Kim, YoungJun;Kim, Hong-Tae
    • Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Venturing and Entrepreneurship
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    • v.14 no.5
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    • pp.79-92
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    • 2019
  • When asked about the success factors of successful entrepreneurs and celebrities, he says he was lucky. The remarkable fact is that the attitude about luck is different. However, despite the fact that the belief that we believe is lucky is actually a dominant concept, there has not been much scientific verification of luck. In this study, we saw good luck not being determined randomly by the external environment, but by being able to control luck through the internal attributes of individuals. This study is significant that we have empirically elucidated what kind of efforts have gained good luck, whereas previous research has largely ended in vague logic where luck ends up with an internal locus of control among internal entrepreneurial qualities and efforts can make a successful entrepreneur. We introduced the concept of good luck belief to avoid confirmation bias, which is, to interpret my experience in a direction that matches what I want to believe, and used a good luck belief questionnaire in previous studies and tried to verify that those who have a good belief can increase entrepreneurial opportunity capability through planned happenstance skills. The reason for choosing the entrepreneurial opportunity capacity as a dependent variable was based on the conventional research, that is, the process of recognizing and exploiting the entrepreneurial opportunity is an important part of the entrepreneurship research For empirical research, we conducted a questionnaire survey of a total of 332 people, and the results of the analysis turned out that the belief of good luck has all the positive impacts of planned happenstance skills' sub-factors: curiosity, patience, flexibility, optimism and risk tolerance. Second, we have shown that only the perseverance, optimism, and risk tolerance of planned happenstance skills' sub-factors have a positive impact on this opportunity capability. Thirdly, it was possible to judge that the sub-factors of planned happenstance skills, patience, optimism, and risk tolerance, had a meditating effect between belief in luck and entrepreneurial opportunity capability. This study is highly significant in logically elucidating that people in charge of business incubation and education can get the specific direction when planning a training program for successful entrepreneur to further enhance the entrepreneurial opportunity ability, which is an important ability for the entrepreneur's success.

Analysis of weighted usable area and estimation of optimum environmental flow based on growth stages of target species for improving fish habitat in regulated and non-regulated rivers (조절 및 비조절 하천의 어류 서식처 개선을 위한 성장 단계별 가중가용면적 분석 및 최적 환경생태유량 산정)

  • Jung, Sanghwa;Ji, Un;Kim, Kyu-ho;Jang, Eun-kyung
    • Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
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    • v.52 no.spc2
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    • pp.811-822
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    • 2019
  • Environmental flows in the downstream sections of Yongdam Dam, Wonju Stream Dam, and Hongcheon River were estimated with selected target fish species such as Nigra for the site of Yongdam Dam, Splendidus for the site of Wonju Stream Dam, and Signifer for the site of Hongcheon River by considering endangered and domestic species. Physical habitat analysis was performed to estimate environmental flows for the study sites by applying the Physical Habitat Simulation (PHABSIM) and RIVER2D which combined hydraulic and habitat models. Based on the monitored data for ecological environment, the Habitat Suitability Index (HSI) for the target species was estimated by applying the Instream Flow and Aquatic Systems Group (IFASG). In particular, based on the result of fish monitoring, the HSI for each stage of the growth for target species was analyzed. As a result, the Weighted Usable Area (WUA) was maximized at 4.9m3/s of flow discharge during spawning, 5.8m3/s during the period of juvenile, and 8.9m3/s during the adult fish season at the downstream section of Yongdam Dam. The result of the Wonju Stream Dam showed an optimal environmental flow of 0.4m3/s, 1.0m3/s, and 1.5m3/s during the period of spawning, juvenile, and adult. The habitat analysis for the site of Hongcheon River, which is a non-regulated stream, produced an optimum environmental flow of 5m3/s in the spawning period, 4m3/s in the juvenile stage and 6m3/s in the adult stage.

Effects of streambed geomorphology on nitrous oxide flux are influenced by carbon availability (하상 미지형에 따른 N2O 발생량 변화 효과에 대한 탄소 가용성의 영향)

  • Ko, Jongmin;Kim, Youngsun;Ji, Un;Kang, Hojeong
    • Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
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    • v.52 no.11
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    • pp.917-929
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    • 2019
  • Denitrification in streams is of great importance because it is essential for amelioration of water quality and accurate estimation of N2O budgets. Denitrification is a major biological source or sink of N2O, an important greenhouse gas, which is a multi-step respiratory process that converts nitrate (NO3) to gaseous forms of nitrogen (N2 or N2O). In aquatic ecosystems, the complex interactions of water flooding condition, substrate supply, hydrodynamic and biogeochemical properties modulate the extent of multi-step reactions required for N2O flux. Although water flow in streambed and residence time affect reaction output, effects of a complex interaction of hydrodynamic, geomorphology and biogeochemical controls on the magnitude of denitrification in streams are still illusive. In this work, we built a two-dimensional water flow channel and measured N2O flux from channel sediment with different bed geomorphology by using static closed chambers. Two independent experiments were conducted with identical flume and geomorphology but sediment with differences in dissolved organic carbon (DOC). The experiment flume was a circulation channel through which the effluent flows back, and the size of it was 37m×1.2m×1m. Five days before the experiment began, urea fertilizer (46% N) was added to sediment with the rate of 0.5kgN/m2. A sand dune (1 m length and 0.15 m height) was made at the middle of channel to simulate variations in microtopography. In high- DOC experiment, N2O flux increases in the direction of flow, while the highest flux (14.6±8.40μgN2ON/m2hr) was measured in the slope on the back side of the sand dune. followed by decreases afterward. In contrast, low DOC sediment did not show the geomorphological variations. We found that even though topographic variation influenced N2O flux and chemical properties, this effect is highly constrained by carbon availability.

The Communication Repair Strategy Characteristics According to Communication Breakdown of Elderly Man With Alzheimer's Dementia (알츠하이머 치매 노인의 의사소통 단절에 따른 의사소통 회복전략 특성)

  • Kim, Sun-Young;Park, Hee-June
    • Therapeutic Science for Rehabilitation
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    • v.8 no.4
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    • pp.53-63
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    • 2019
  • Objective : Many communication recovery strategies should be used when communication breakdowns occur for successful communication, however, communication problems increase due to inadequate use of such strategies in older people with dementia. The purpose of this study was to investigate the difference of recovery strategy between dementia and the elderly in conversational discourse. Method : The subjects were eight of Alzheimer's dementia and 10 general elderly. Conversation discourse tasks were conducted face-to-face with the subjects. Communication breakdown and communication recovery strategies were analyzed based on 200 utterances collected in the conversation discourse. Result : First, the AD group had more communication breakdown than the control group, but the recovery rate did not differ between the groups. Second, in the AD group, the nonspecific recovery strategy and the clarification demand strategy were used as the expression strategy. The recovery rate after using expressive strategy was more than 90% in explanation strategy, combined strategy, nonspecific repair strategy, and repetition confirmation strategy. The response strategy used a lot of paraphrase strategy and combined strategies, and the recovery rate after using the response strategy was 100% for the simplification strategy, repeat strategy and gesture strategy. Conclusion : The AD group showed more breakdown of research subjects and breakdown of researchers than control group, and it showed ability to use various expression strategy and response strategy though there was difference in repair rate between communication repair strategy. AD group used nonspecific repair strategy in expression strategy the most and paraphrase strategy in response strategy the most. This shows different characteristic from ordinary elderly people. Therefore, it is necessary to utilize this repair strategy for rehabilitation of AD elderly.

A Study on Heavy Metal Contamination and Risk Assessment of Seaweed and Seaweed Products (해조류와 해조류가공품의 중금속 오염실태 및 위해성평가)

  • Lee, Ji-Yeon;Lee, Myung-Jin;Jeong, Il-Hyung;Cho, Young-Sun;Sung, Jin-Hee;Baek, Eun-Jin;Lee, Eun-Bin;Kim, Hye-Jin;Yoon, Mi-Hye
    • Journal of Food Hygiene and Safety
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    • v.34 no.5
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    • pp.447-453
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    • 2019
  • In this study, the contamination of 4 types of heavy metals (lead, cadmium, arsenic, and mercury) was monitored in 80 seaweeds and their processed products, and a food safety assessment was also carried out for these heavy metals. Lead, cadmium and arsenic were analyzed by ICP-OES and mercury was analyzed by mercury analyzer. The detection ranges of heavy metals were found as follows: Pb (N.D-0.802 mg/kg), Cd (N.D-0.759 mg/kg), As (0.134-17.296 mg/kg), and Hg (0.0005-0.0331 mg/kg). Pb and Hg showed no significant differences among seaweeds whereas Cd and As were significantly higher in the species hizikia fusiforme (P<0.05). Food safety assessment from seaweed intake was measured by PTWI (Provisional Tolerable Weekly Intake), PTMI (Provisional Tolerable Monthly Intake), and MADL (Maximum Allowable Daily Body Load) as set by JECFA (Joint FAO/WHO Expert Committee on Food Additives). Pb and Hg were 0.197%, 0.036% of PTWI respectively, while Cd was 1.877% of PTMI and As was 0.619% of MADL. Therefore, it was found that heavy metal levels of seaweed were low and was considered to be safe for consumption.

Analysis of Antioxidant Activity and Serotonin Derivatives in Safflower (Carthamus tinctorius L.) Germplasm Collected from Five Countries (국외 수집 홍화 유전자원의 항산화 활성 및 세로토닌 유도체 함량 분석)

  • Jung, Yi Jin;Assefa, Awraris Derbie;Lee, Jae Eun;Lee, Ho Sun;Rhee, Ju Hee;Sung, Jung Sook
    • Korean Journal of Plant Resources
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    • v.32 no.5
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    • pp.423-432
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    • 2019
  • In order to select potential plant resources as functional materials and natural antioxidants, we evaluated antioxidant activity and serotonin derivatives of safflower germplasm collected from five countries. N-(p-Coumaroyl) serotonin (CS) and N-feruloylserotonin (FS) were analyzed by using Ultra Performance Liquid Chromatography (UPLC). Total polyphenol content (TPC) was determined by Folin-Ciocalteu method and antioxidant activities were estimated by 2,2-diphenyl-1-picryl-hydrazil (DPPH), 2,2'-azino-bis(3-ethylbenzothiazoline-6-sulphonic acid) diammonium salt (ABTS), Ferric reducing antioxidant power (FRAP) and Reducing power (RP) assays. The TPC showed a range of 28.25 to 90.53μg gallic acid equivalent (GAE)/mg dried extract (DE). DPPH, ABTS, FRAP and RP assay were in the range of 18.76 to 93.98, 48.91 to 163.73, 3.80 to 132.29 and 26.32 to 80.08μg ascorbic acid equivalent (ASCE)/mg DE, respectively. Among the five countries, safflower seed collected from Iran had the highest levels of serotonin derivatives and antioxidant activities than other countries (p<0.05). CS showed high correlation with TPC, ABTS and DPPH (r=0.673,0.727,0.820), and FS showed high correlation with DPPH (r=0.740). Accessions IT321214 and IT321215 could be useful for development of new functional materials and could be used as a source of valuable natural antioxidant materials.

Effect of Supplying Volume and Frequency of Nutrient Solution on Growth and Fruit Quality of Blueberry (블루베리 양액재배시 공급량 및 공급횟수가 수체생육 및 과실품질에 미치는 영향)

  • Cheon, Mi Geon;Lee, Young Suk;Chung, Yong Mo;Kim, Hee Dae;Hong, Kwang Pyo;Kumarihami, H.M. Prathibhani C.;Kim, Jin Gook
    • Journal of Bio-Environment Control
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    • v.28 no.4
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    • pp.447-453
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    • 2019
  • In this study, the effect of supplying volume and frequency of a nutrient solution consisted with NO3N 4.6, NH4N 3.4, PO4P 3, K 3, Ca 4.6 and Mg 2.2mmolL1 on growth and fruit quality of 'Duke' blueberry was investigated. Three years old 'Duke' blueberry bushes cultivated in containers (60×80×40cm) filled with 130L peat moss and 40L pearlite (v/v) were selected for the experiment. The growth containers were mulched with sawdust. Two different volumes (4L and 8L) of nutrient solution was tested at three different supplying frequencies (one time, two times, and three times) per week and the drainage quality of nutrient solution and fruit quality of 'Duke' blueberry was evaluated. The optimal drainage rate for the vegetable cultivation is known to be 20-30%. The results revealed that the average drainage rates of 27% and 29% for the nutrient solution supplied in 'Duke' blueberry growth medium at 4L, 2 times/7 days and 4L, 3 times/7days, respectively. The highest shoot diameter (4.2mm) and shoot length (31cm) of 'Duke' blueberry was recorded with the 8L of nutrient solution supplied at 3 times per 7 days. According to the analysis of inorganic components in the drainage of nutrient solution, there was a tendency of absorbing nitrogen at the early stage of growth. The supplying volume and frequency of nutrient solution was not significantly affected on 'Duke' blueberry fruit weight, soluble solids content, and titratable acidity. The highest yield per bush (2.7kg) was recorded for the nutrient solution supplied with 4L at three times per 7 days, while the 4L nutrient solution supplied at one time per 7 days resulted the lowest yield of 1.4kg per bush. Consequently, the tested nutrient solution can be applied for the 'Duke' blueberry bushes with the volume of 4L at three times per week for the better crop growth.

Application of Chlorophyll Fluorescence Parameters for the Detection of Water Stress Ranges in Grafted Watermelon Seedlings (수박접목묘의 건조스트레스 범위 탐지를 위한 엽록소형광 지수의 적용)

  • Shin, Yu Kyeong;Kim, Yong Hyeon;Lee, Jun Gu
    • Journal of Bio-Environment Control
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    • v.28 no.4
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    • pp.461-470
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    • 2019
  • This study was carried out to quantify the drought stress in grafted watermelon seedlings non-destructively by using chlorophyll fluorescence (CF) imaging technique rather than the visual judgment. Six-day old watermelon seedlings were grown under uniform irrigation for 3 days, and then given drought stress. Afterward, the sensor for the measurement of water content in plug tray cell unit was used to classify the drought-stress level into nine groups from D1 (53.0%, sufficient moisture state) to D9 (15.7%, extremely dry stress), and the 16 CF parameters were measured. In addition, re-irrigation was performed on the drought stressed seedlings(D5 - D9) to determine the growth and photosynthesis recovery level, which was not confirmed by visual judgment. The kinetic curve patterns of CF in three different drought stressed seedling groups were found to be different for the early detection of drought stress. All the 16 CF parameters decreased continuously with exposure to drought stress and drastically decreased from D5 (32.1%) where the visual judgment was possible. The fluorescence decline ratio (Rfd_Lss) started to decrease from the initial drought stress level (D5 - D6), and the Maximum PSII quantum yield (Fv/Fm) was significantly decreased in the later extreme drought stress range (D7 - D9) by re-irrigation recovery test. Thus, Rfd_Lss and Fv/Fm parameters were finally selected as potent indicators of growth and photosynthesis recovery in the initial and later stages of drought stress. Also, to the differences in the numerical values of the individual chlorophyll fluorescence parameters, the drought stress level was intuitively confirmed through the image. These results indicate that Rfd and Fv/Fm can be considered as potential CF parameters for the detection of low and extremely high drought stress, respectively. Furthermore, Fv/Fm can be considered as the best CF parameters for recovery at re-irrigation.